The Hopewell Foundation

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The Hopewell Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental think-tank founded by Brian Jaffe to be the premiere advocate for Survivor rights and the central network for postive global use of The Survivors' abilities.

The Hopewell Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

Hopewell Office Floorplan

Mission Statement[edit]

     "The group of people referred to collectively as 'the Survivors' find themselves possessed of power unseen in the annals of human history and, through that power, the responsibility to better not just themselves or their own nations, but the entire world. The Hopewell Foundation exists to provide these people with the funding and access they need to make the best, most effective use of that power.
     "For all of that power, though, the Survivors might find themselves at a disadvantage in the everyday world. They may have lost their savings, their jobs, their families; they may find it difficult to get insurance or fair employment. At the simplest level, there may be no one else who understands exactly what they're experiencing. The Hopewell Foundation's other role is to pave the Survivors' way through the world, through legal advocacy, job placement and medical care and as an understanding shoulder to cry on."

Business Model[edit]

Like other think-tanks of its type, the Hopewell Foundation employs a number of scholars who do research and perform consultations for corporations, governments, militaries and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The Hopewell Foundation charges a fee for its consulting work, and this fee is assessed on a sliding scale of financial need; those who are least able to pay for the Foundation's services are charged the least, while those with more readily available funds are charged more.

The Foundation's consulting contracts also stipulate that should consultation with the Hopewell Foundation directly results in the development of a new technology (for example a new drug, metalic alloy or computer chip), the Foundation receives 35% ownership of that technology (and, thus, 35% of profits resulting from it) and a contract to buy the manufacturer's products at 55% of the best market price, after waiving its 35% profit share.

There are some areas where multiple departments in the Foundation are expected to overlap. Notably, this might occur between the Biotechnology Research department and the Advocacy and Support department's health care-related concerns, or between the office of Government Consultation and either science department. In these situations, departments are expected to share information professionally and, after consultation with the Director of Programs, either work together or let one particular program handle the situation.

As an NGO, the Hopewell Foundation also has a strong development (i.e. fundraising) mandate and seeks out donations from corporations and private citizens, as well as applies for government (foreign and domestic) and private grants.

Hopewell Foundation Employees[edit]


Joelle Millar
Executive Director
Jodie Albright
Assistant to the Executive Director
Brian Jaffe
Director of Programs
Vivian Janell
Assistant to the Director of Programs/Human Resources Manager
Charles Kadel
Receptionist/Assistant to the Human Resources Manager

Operations Staff[edit]

Annette Kraft
Director of Development
Casey Park
Development Assistant
Manesh Singh
Director of Finance
Stacey Chase
Finance Assistant
Aviva Hefetz
Director of Public Relations
Jae Chang
Assistant for Public Relations
Harrison Pinney
Senior Counsel
Marc Fitzgerald
Counsel's Assistant
Debbie Harrow
Counsel's Assistant

Programs Staff[edit]

Matthieu Chalfant
Director of Biotechnology Research
Seth Metzer
Assistant for Biotechnology Research
Jan Tillsen
Director of Government Consultation and Charitable Aid
Hope MacLagan
Assistant for Charitable Aid
Kara Frye
Assistant for Government Consultation
Christine Garry
Director of Physical Science Research
Geoff Garrett
Assistant for Physical Science Research
Holly Gordon
Director of Survivor Advocacy and Support
Audra Catleay
Assistant for Survivor Support
Steven Nguyen
Assistant for Suvivor Advocacy
Terry Goldstein
Staff Psychologist

Future Plans and Expansion[edit]

  • Open a medical office.
  • Open a publishing department.