Katherine Elizabeth Meridian Fleming
Katherine Elizabeth Meridian Fleming | ||||||||||||||
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Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth. They had trees in this place. Trees and water and so much glass and so many exhibits and so much to see and technology and people. . . Lost in the remincience, Katherine Fleming was not aware that her father had called her name at least four times.
"Mademoselle? Mademoselle?" There was a tug at her sleeve. She finally closed her mouth to look at whomever was mussing her clothing. There was a tiny man at her elbow, his moustached mouth turned down in a frown. "Your father has been addressing you, mademoselle."
Her father smiled. "Where were you Katherine?"
"O, in the exhibits!" She turned bright, eager eyes to her father. "When can I go back?"
A frown creased his brow. "I lost you for four days there, Katherine. Surely you saw enough?" Mr. Fleming asked.
"Never, sir!" she exclaimed. There was a slight, but insistent clearing of a throat at her side.
"If sir will allow, I would consider it my pleasure to escort the young mademoselle. It can be my first assignment."
"Fair enough, Monseur Beignet. Katherine, Monseur Beignet is your servant and you are to listen to him implicitly. Welcome, sir, and good luck with my daughter." With that, her father marched out of the room.
Katherine finally gave the small man her full attention,willfully ignoring her father's confusing order. Obey a servant? It was very strange. "You're very adorable," she gushed. "And I want to go back to the Fair."
Monseur Beignet carefully removed his hat and gloves, smoothed his vest, and pinned her with a stern stare. "Non."
"You will in time, mademoselle. But not today."
"But---" A stiff forefinger stopped her again.
"Non! You have visitations to attend to, non?"
"Yes, but---"
Again, the precise forefinger. "Non. Follow me! Where is your maid? You will need to change. . ."
Katherine would reflect later that this was to be their relationship forever.
Physical Description
Katherine is a 22 year old, 5"7' Eldren, cursed with auburn hair much to the dismay of the other Eldren. She is happily oblivious to this superstition, and well would not care were she to know. She is attractive as are all Eldren and is pale of skin and has green metallic, cat eyes that can be bright with her usual cheer or snap with anger when she is moved by other's injustices or cruelties.
Psychological Profile
Character Sheet
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