Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Nomoe Hideaki and Brazen Sand

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Back to Dawn of the Third Age

(Set between sessions 3 and 4, after the tea house arrest but before the interrogation)

Nomoe_Hideaki: Ten minutes after the others arrive at the holding facilities provided by Luyu, the Steward of the Lap, a black, winged shape lands on the building's roof and makes its way inside. Once through the first door the black cloak shimmers and disappears, giving way to Nomoe Hideaki's customary clothes including the white haori with his family Mon.

Nomoe_Hideaki: His pace is not hasty but certainly aggressive as he walks down several stairs and corridors, approaching the holding cells for the Purists.

Brazen Sand lands soon after on the back of Launjilla. The massive Agatae soon shimmered into invisibility after he lept off it's back.

Brazen_Sand: Brazen follows

Brazen_Sand: "So what did you really do with those people who saw?" He asked, almost casually

Nomoe_Hideaki: ((SRoI - what are his intentions in asking that question?))

Brazen_Sand: (Finding out what you did to them)

Brazen_Sand: (And concern, I suppose)

Nomoe_Hideaki stops, turning toward the Infernal. "What do you think?" His eyes are cold as is his tone, his expression an icy mask.

Brazen_Sand: "You didn't have to do that, and you know it. They were innocent."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Do what?"

Brazen_Sand looks angry'

Brazen_Sand: "Kill them. Do you think I'm blind?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Blind. Yes. Apparently."

Brazen_Sand: "Explain. Now."

Nomoe_Hideaki looks at Brazen Sand with cold aloofness. "I don't need to explain myself to the likes of you."

Nomoe_Hideaki: And he makes to continue his way down the corridor.

Brazen_Sand: "We're working together. If you don't, then how are we supposed to work toget- Don't you turn your back on me!" He snapped, grabbing his shoulder.

Nomoe_Hideaki turns smoothly and swishes his sleeve, the fabric somehow carrying enough force to turn the Infernal's grasping hand aside. His form flickers and suddenly he stands behind Brazen Sand, his hands hidden inside his sleeves.

Brazen_Sand: "Are you trying to scare me now?" Brazen asked contemptuously.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I realize I cannot expect such of you as a courtesy, so take it as a warning. Do not try to touch me."

Brazen_Sand: "And you think that you can just disregard what I say, and then hide behind a *warning*?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: He smiles slightly and not at all friendly. "I am not hiding."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I think I can easily disregard what you say. Even if you were not speaking from a position of such ignorance. You don't even seem to understand that it was your actions that caused these deaths, your irresponsibility and recklessness."

Brazen_Sand: "I wasn't the one who attacked those Purists. I only reacted to what came afterwards. Regardless of my "recklessness", the decision was yours to make. You killed those people, not me."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Choose to blame me rather than yourself if you wish, I care not."

Brazen_Sand: "What do you have against me? Do you really think you're any better then I am?"

Nomoe_Hideaki is silent for a minute.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Then he sighs. "If you will neither leave me alone nor attack me, so that I could be excused for defending myself with extreme prejudice ..."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Very well. I will explain, once, if it means you'll bother me no more. You are *Infernal*. Chosen of the Yozis. Bearing an Exaltation that has been perverted beyond measure from something that was once pure and beautiful. Fused with a demon, inhuman, and only growing worse as you become stronger. Do I need to go on? And that is not counting you personally being reckless, irresponsible, incapable of impulse control, uncivilized, and disrespectful."

Brazen_Sand: "Disrespectful to who? And what makes your Exaltation better then mine? The fact that the guy who made it is currently on top? Say what you want, but I didn't get anything handed to me. I made do with what I had to survive, and I've done well for those under me."

Brazen_Sand: "I'm sure you couldn't understand that, you were probably born into some rich family and never had to worry about going hungry or anything."

Nomoe_Hideaki looks at Brazen Sand, his expression a cold mask as before. "Have I answered your question?"

Brazen_Sand: "I'm responding. You aren't better then me, no matter what you may think. You don't know my life, and what I've had to go through to get here, so don't think that you can just judge me without knowing me."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "The Yozis have judged you someone who would serve their purpose given their perversion of an Exaltation, is that not enough?"

Brazen_Sand: "I don't work for the Yozis, not anymore. I found my power myself, and I decided how to use it. That's real power."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "But even disregarding that your behaviour and your actions so far as I have been witness to them do little, if anything, to change my opinion of you."

Brazen_Sand: "Again, I wasn't the one who started the battle. I simply acted to finish it. If you're upset about that, bring it up with your so-called 'diplomat', Inkwell."

Nomoe_Hideaki sighs. "You still do not understand. No matter. I am required to respect the ambassador's position, bestowed as it is by the Deliberative. You are accorded no more respect than you earn personally, and that account is still in the red."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen just snorts amusedly. "If you want this to work, then all I can suggest is that you stop acting so damn snooty."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I will see to my preparations for the interrogation." Nomoe Hideaki inclines his head an infinitesimal degree in goodbye, turns and continues his way down the corridor.

Brazen_Sand goes the other way without a word.