Blacksky Company
The Blacksky Company is a World of Warcraft guild founded for, and run by, members of the forums, founded by a character of the member, IceShadow, named Blackbraid. Its intent is to give the members of the forum, who have often discussed the game, given advice, and generally helped each other as much as possible through the medium of an internet message board, a place to play with each other on one server, and in one guild.
It is a horde-side guild, based on the North-American Kirin-Tor Roleplaying server. The RPGnet channel (joined by typing /join RPGnet) is a good place for people to meet who haven't yet been introduced into the guild. At this point, the only guild officer with invitational powers is Blackbraid.
Members are expected to assist each other, and to be civil to each other out of character. Normal speech is to be used (no leet-speak!), and all efforts to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization will be appreciated.
News and discussion about the guild will take place in the Other Games Open forum on Relevant topics will begin with the [Blacksky Company] tag.
Player Name | Character Name | Race | Class | Professions |
Bim | Bimmeh | Undead | Mage | |
Bogie | Bogatuus | Troll | Mage | |
cbeilby | Krithasan | Tauren | Druid | Mining/Smith |
cbeilby | Mairenia | Undead | Warlock | Herbalism/Alchemy |
Champion Blue | Neerax | Troll | Priest | Mining/Engineering |
Craptastic | Windshear | Orc | Shaman | Herbalism/Alchemy |
Digital Archon | Khaalizha | Troll | Rogue | Mining/Engineering |
Digital Archon | Shaaresh | Troll | Mage | Mining/Engineering |
Dionysos | Voidseeker | Undead | Warlock | Herbalism/Enchanting |
Doc Bosch | Yakigyu | Tauren | Druid | Leather/Skinning |
Dorchadas | Nakar | Orc | Warlock | Tailoring/Enchanting |
eskatonic | Ootah | Orc | Shaman | Mining/Skinning |
eskatonic | Urzael | Undead | Warlock | Tailoring/Skinning |
Ferret | Razylia | Undead | Rogue | Leather/Skinning |
Final Excalibur | Salrene | Undead | Priest | Tailoring/Skinning |
Iceberg3k | Gorahkar | Orc | Hunter | Leather/Skinning |
IceShadow | Blackbraid | Tauren | Warrior | Mining/Smith |
IceShadow | Xaan | N/A | N/A | Quartermaster |
J Arcane | Lokroth | Orc | Hunter | Herbalism/Skinning |
J'Dai | Ednae | Tauren | Shaman | Herbalism/Alchemy |
Jeb Boyt | Merojin | Troll | Shaman | Herbalism/Alchemy |
kumar | Venilin | Troll | Warrior | Mining/Skinning |
Murglor | Murglor | Orc | Rogue | Herbalism/Alchemy |
old hat | Rothela | Undead | Priest | Tailoring/Skinning |
Pasha | Bowyet | Tauren | Warrior | Mining/Skinning |
Professor Phobos | Rickon | Undead | Priest | |
Psicorp | Windtotem | Tauren | Druid | Leather/Skinning |
Rosencrantz | Jhest | Undead | Rogue | Skinning/Herbalism |
Scott Leaton | Oxxorz | Tauren | Hunter | Skinning/Herbalism |
Scott Leaton | Starblight | Undead | Mage | Skinning/Herbalism |
The Ghost of Bink Pulling | Mordenkar | Undead | Warrior | Mining/Smith |
TombThaneGregg | Maniketh | Undead | Priest | Herbalism/Tailoring |
woodsmoke | Asurac | Tauren | Druid | Leather/Skinning |
Orcs | Tauren | Trolls | Undead |
6 | 8 | 6 | 12 |
Druid | Hunter | Mage | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior |
4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Alchemy | Engineering | Enchanting | Herbalism | Leather | Mining | Skinning | Smith | Tailoring |
5 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 13 | 3 | 5 |
People showing interest:
E. Deidre Brooks
The guild quartermaster is Xaan, a grizzled old veteran who has helped the guild since its creation shortly after the Orcs' arrival in Kalimdor. He now permanently resides in Orgrimmar, the better to tend to the stores of the guild and, when work is to be had, distribute guild wages.
Xaan is a character owned by IceShadow, and acts as the guild bank. A listing of all items in his posession may be found here; anything in his inventory is free for any player in the guild. Simply contact IceShadow on the message boards via PM, and he will mail it out or otherwise arrange delivery.