Savage Prax
- Iskallors page for his savage prax game
- rules
Do The Funky Gibbon
The Goodies
- Snikka Flikka Funky Gibbon RuneLord Alpha male, his claws can physicaly damage ghosts.Exsisting in both worlds,they flicker constantly with a pale light. Brother of Boo Waa.
- Kash Fakash Npc ally, Foundchild hunter, bachelor.
- Boo Waa Foundbrother Runelady. Mistress of the Sneak and winner of last years Great Hunt. Owner of the 'Shade'.Sister of Snikka.
- Chik Chakka Npc ally, Foundbrother hunter female.
- Zsa Zsa Gaboon Troops newly appointed shamaness Grandfather Baboon/Daka fal and leader. Owner of the Funky Gibbon drums.
- Aye Aye Npc ally, apprentice shaman , female
- 'Ot Po'tato Oakfed male shaman from Singefur troop, custodial troop of the Oakfed temple at monkey shrine. Permanently singed, crackles when he talks and blows smoke rings. Master of all things fire...well almost.
- T'Sssss Npc ally, male apprentice shaman,missing rather a lot of fur.
- Npc allies , Foundbrother young males
- Rakka Dak
- Rikka Snikka
- Boo DakChoo
- Gnash Gnash
- KONG, elder brother to Snikka and Boo Zorak Zoran Runelord
- His gang of bad ass baboons
- VooDoo Bob his Shaman
- And a Cave Troll
Monkey Ruins
Your Gods
- Funky Gibbon. Ancesteral War god and cosmic dancer.
- Grandfather Baboon. Aka Daka Fal
- Oakfed. Wild fire Spirit.
- Foundbrother. Baboon hunting spirit.