Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Nomoe Hideaki and Brazen Sand2

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Dawn of the Third Age

Nomoe_Hideaki: ((So, we'll assume that we are returning to the city with the fallen Sid, and this is *before* we have started discussing what to do with him)) Brazen_Sand: (Hrm, okay then I'll be in human form)

Brazen_Sand: "So...Nomoe...You uh, didn't do too badly out there."

Nomoe_Hideaki uses Sagacious Reading of Intent.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I am curious, Infernal, do you actually know the difference between a compliment and an insult?" By his tone he can't be very curious, if he actually is at all. "Because while you attempt one you accomplish the other with all the subtlety of an avalanche."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugs. "That's part of my nature as invoking part of the make-up of Malfeas."

Nomoe_Hideaki doesn't look at Brazen Sand as he says this, keeping his eyes forward. "If I expected anything resembling respect or courtesy from you I would likely be quite offended."

Brazen_Sand: "Malfeas is his charms. So when I use these charms, I am using Malfeas himself."

Nomoe_Hideaki: 'Quite offended' would seem to rhyme with a number of unpleasant fates, the way Nomoe pronounces it.

Brazen_Sand doesn't get intimidated very easily, if at all, by his very nature.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Though Brazen Sand might take it as such it is not Nomoe's intent to intimidate, it's more a note of amused self-knowledge.

Brazen_Sand: "So no, I'm not subtle. I consider it a virtue."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "To make enemies rather than allies wherever you go, to fail where you could have succeeded otherwise? It is not hard to see why Malfeas ended the way he did."

Brazen_Sand: "I think of it as a sort of coarse...honesty."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "That is your choice, of course," Nomoe says lightly, apparently caring little for justifications.

Brazen_Sand: "You asked. It's worked quite well for me. It's not my fault that people prefer to go through a huge song-and-dance routine before they get anything done."

Nomoe_Hideaki waves that away with a careless gesture. "As I have said, since you are not someone from whom I expect any respect or civility, and who in turn can expect little of the same from me, I am less offended than I would be otherwise."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Consequently I am only concerned with the impact your failings have on the success or failure of the venture, the Deliberative in their grand wisdom saw fit to involve you in."

Brazen_Sand: "Do you have any friends?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "While your coarse methods at the very least do no more harm than they do good, however accidental, I can accept that and swallow my distaste. Where they begin to do more harm to my cause than they profit it ... I will stop you."

Nomoe_Hideaki shrugs. "If there is any damage left to prevent, that is. If there isn't we will have to be content with preventing it in the future."

Nomoe_Hideaki: At Brazen Sand's question Nomoe laughs briefly and humorlessly. "Many, among those who are not Infernals and share not your incapability for civilized interaction."

Brazen_Sand: "hrm"

Brazen_Sand: "Surprising"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Does anyone exist who considers you a friend and is neither a demon nor a worshipper nor someone whose mind has been emptied by your Charms?"

Brazen_Sand: "I've never emptied anyone's minds with my charms. I've done a lot less then you Solars have, I'd bet."

Nomoe_Hideaki: Since Brazen Sand has not answered the question Nomoe doesn't reply.

Brazen_Sand: "...not really. I spend most of my time in Gem, after all."

Brazen_Sand: "By your standards, I guess."

Nomoe_Hideaki nods as if to say 'Well, there you have it.'

Brazen_Sand: "Considering that Gem was surrounded by the Wyld until recently, and I didn't have much of a way to travel out of there, it's somewhat understandable. So don't get all snobby."

Nomoe_Hideaki could point out that this does not refute his point, but doesn't. He doesn't consider winning an argument against Brazen Sand an accomplishment of much worth.

Brazen_Sand: "Nevertheless, you did pretty well catching that guy."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "He sought to employ speed of movement alone to escape, a deeply flawed plan against such as Deliberator Noldar, my mate, or myself."

Brazen_Sand: "Yes, you do all move pretty quickly. Unfortunately I didn't see the need for it until recently"

Nomoe_Hideaki nods, acknowledging the truth of what Brazen Sand says. "Even so you managed a small contribution to this group's effort, so in this instance the balance is in your favor."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen smiles indulgently. "Wow, that's high praise from you."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "It's not."

Brazen_Sand: "Suuuure it isn't."

Nomoe_Hideaki makes a throwing away gesture. "I don't care to involve mathematics to be more precise. Think what you wish."