Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 08

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberative): Sun Oct 17 10:20:34 2010 -0600
[10:20] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative
[10:20] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberative is:
[10:20] *** Topic set by ChanServ (6 hours ago at 4:17 AM)
[10:20] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[10:20] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[10:29] *** Virgil has joined #celestialdeliberative
[10:29] *** Virgil is now known as Lost_Arts
[10:44] *** Brazen_Sand has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:02] *** Lost_Arts is now known as Bright_Snow
[11:02] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[11:15] <~Anshu> After defeating the Sidereal Akuma, you return to the precinct house with his unconscious body; some time later, a Wood Aspect approaches. "We've returned him to consciousness for interrogation, Lords and Ladies."
[11:15] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen smirked a bit. Lords and Ladies, that was more like it.
[11:18] * Nomoe_Hideaki gives a slight nod acknowledging the report and makes his way toward the maximum security cell where the Sidereal has been imprisoned under Deliberator Noldarr's constant watch
[11:18] * Brazen_Sand also left
[11:22] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It was said, that this Sidereal had been subverted by one of the Yozis. By which one, though?"
[11:24] <Brazen_Sand> "The Silent Wind, I've seen Infernals with those same gifts, called Scourges." Brazen replied
[11:26] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods thoughtfully. "Yes, that would fit. So we'll need to expect less mental trickery and more insanity of this one."
[11:27] <Brazen_Sand> "He wouldn't consider it insanity, of course."
[11:28] <Brazen_Sand> "As for why he'd become an Akuma of the Silent Wind...well, that's for you to find out."
[11:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I'm not really interested in the why, unless it helps with the interrogation. And considering that the lore states Akuma are remade entirely according to those who own their souls his original reasons are likely of neglegible importance now.
[11:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "
[11:30] <Brazen_Sand> "Whatever."
[11:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Just so." Nomoe smiles coldly.
[11:32] <~Anshu> You reach the akuma's cell, passing through the pressurized double doors, the first of which locks behind you before the first one opens.
[11:32] <Brazen_Sand> "It's almost like they expected someone like this to be imprisoned here." Brazen muttered
[11:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It's a common security measure to deal with the charms of Air Aspects."
[11:34] <~Anshu> As you enter the cell proper, you see that the akuma has been put in a straitjacked and bound to a wheeled dolly. He looks up as the doors hiss open and watches you in silence.
[11:35] * Bright_Snow shakes her head at the sight of him
[11:36] <Bright_Snow> "Did we have a plan?"
[11:37] * Nomoe_Hideaki enters the room a vision of cold majesty, his expression impenetrable.
[11:37] <Brazen_Sand> "Get what we can out of him and then kill him."
[11:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/We ask ... politely?/ a sense of irony**
[11:38] <Bright_Snow> "Excellent." /** Disgust fills the bond at the sight of the Akuma **/
[11:38] <Bright_Snow> ** He's a Sidereal, asking politely was never going to cut it. **
[11:39] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby is silent as she usually is in these things. Watchful, cautious.
[11:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "No doubt you know my name, Sidereal. What is yours?"
[11:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's tone is neutral and dispassionate with no particular emphasis on any part of his question.
[11:44] <~Anshu> He smiles a little and shakes his head.
[11:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Do you deny being Akuma and an enemy of the Celestial Deliberative?"
[11:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "How long have you been a puppet of the broken ones?"
[11:47] <~Anshu> The Sidereal stays silent.
[11:48] <Bright_Snow> "Answering would be in your best interests. You are going to die, but we can make this quick or this can last a very very long time."
[11:48] <Brazen_Sand> "Move over, Nomoe, I've got this." Brazen said
[11:49] * Nomoe_Hideaki remains standing where he is, but there's enough room for Brazen to address the Sidereal as well.
[11:50] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen took a moment to clear his throat
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> "TELL ME YOUR NAME, NOW, YOU LOWLY MAGGOT!" He shouted in a voice that left scorch marks on the wall, a burst of green flame jetted from his mouth and nose.
[11:53] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 18
[11:54] <Bright_Snow> "Try not to damage the structure we are in Malfean."
[11:55] * Nomoe_Hideaki watches the Sidereal in silence, his eyes becoming icy. Slowly a white-golden radiance builds around him like a corona and his castemark begins to shine brightly, even while his expression remains unchanged.
[11:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His hands hidden in his sleeves he stands still as statue even while the small room shakes at Brazen's shout. After that eruption of noise his own voice sounds like a whisper. "You will answer my questions, Akuma."
[12:02] <~Anshu> The Sidereal looks stoically at the raging Infernal. His eyes dart about the room, casually inspecting the scorch marks left behind, and his smiles grows a bit broader, but still he does not speak.
[12:03] * Brazen_Sand seethes with anger, sparks jumping from his eyes when he blinks
[12:06] * Brazen_Sand flexes his fingers into fists, his nails growing into sizzling talons
[12:07] <Brazen_Sand> acid drips from his nails, smoking on the ground.
[12:07] <Bright_Snow> "Oh no you don't" Snow says noting the Malfean preparing to strike.
[12:08] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby rolls her eyes and sighs softly to herself as Brazen gets all 'big and nasty'. An idea occurs to her though.
[12:08] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Perhaps he wants to be hurt?"
[12:09] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Essence and Plasma burns are not very nice to feel. Perhaps we can start by slowly removing body parts?" Ruby's suggestion is all done in innocence.
[12:09] <~Anshu> The Sidereal momentarily seems afraid of Brazen, but then he retreats back into the mad serenity of the Scarlet Wind.
[12:09] <Brazen_Sand> "yyyyyes....maybe" Brazen hisses
[12:09] <Bright_Snow> "He knows he is about to die. He wants us to make a mistake and kill him."
[12:09] <Brazen_Sand> "We can heeeeal him when he faintssss"
[12:10] <Bright_Snow> "Not if you do not restrain yourself. There are more... sensible ways to go about this."
[12:10] <Brazen_Sand> "And start agaaaaaain."
[12:11] * Nomoe_Hideaki says nothing. **/You were right, politeness is wasted on one such as him. Torture though .../ a feeling of distaste /But the threat may serve. Or not./**
[12:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "He will not get his wish, either way."
[12:15] <~Anshu> In response to Nomoe's quiet but forceful command, the Sidereal's smile becomes wider still, and he lets loose with peals of mad laughter.
[12:15] * Bright_Snow tilts her head. /** As a chosen of the Maiden's lying is second nature. /...A wave of hatred directed at the Akuma surfaces briefly.../ This one though, Akuma, the threat will not. We must break him like the Malfean suggests. But we must be precise about it, not as... haphazard... as what he suggests.**/
[12:16] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen roared in fury and punched the Akuma straight in the face, his fist smashing into the man's jaw and leaving burn marks behind
[12:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's eyes narrow almost imperceptibly, observing the Infernal's defense Charm.
[12:17] <Bright_Snow> "Malfean, I told you not to indulge him. Leave before I make you."
[12:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> As Brazen moves forward Nomoe Hideaki takes a single step sideways and catches the Slayer's arm with his left hand.
[12:18] * Bright_Snow her eyes narrow with irritation. "This is a careful process and you have proven he, she nods towards the Akuma is your master in this situation.
[12:18] <Bright_Snow> "
[12:18] <Brazen_Sand> "RELEASE ME NOW, HIDEAKI."
[12:19] <Brazen_Sand> He snarled, the same green fire bursting from his face
[12:20] * Nomoe_Hideaki tilts his head looking at Brazen Sand, still holding his arm at the wrist. "Will you cease and desist from haphazard attempts at violence then?"
[12:22] * Nomoe_Hideaki releases Brazen Sand's wrist, but doesn't change his stance.
[12:22] <~Anshu> The akuma has quieted down now, but he still grins as he watches Nomoe protect him from the Slayer's wrath.
[12:23] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen stands still for a moment, then bashes a crater into the wall beside the Akuma in frustration, green fire pouring out
[12:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And I would ask you also desist from addressing me with unwarranted familiarity. You may address me as Deliberator Nomoe, or Nomoe-san."
[12:24] <Brazen_Sand> "Don't push your luck." Brazen snarled, begrudingly moving away from the prisoner like a volcano about to erupt.
[12:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Turning back toward the Akuma Nomoe's expression shows the smallest hint of a cold smile. "Now, where were we?"
[12:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/What do you suggest?/**
[12:30] <~Anshu> The Akuma meets Nomoe's gaze with a serene smile. "You were trying to make me tell you my name," he says, his tone faintly amused.
[12:31] <Bright_Snow> **/Slow, painful and debilitating poisoning. It should weaken his resolve and be more managable. We would of course need a doctor on hand. / **
[12:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ah yes, preliminaries. Are you feeling more like answering now?"
[12:35] <~Anshu> The Sidereal cocks his head. "It's very entertaining, watching you trip all over yourselves. But since I've had a little bit of fun I suppose I'll tell you at least that much. My name is Arun Vayu."
[12:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Yes, I can imagine. Nothing so pleasurable as to see a former ally, now traitor, embarass himself, isn't it?"
[12:40] * Brazen_Sand stared at the Sidereal, his eyes drilled into his head and the man felt hte power behind his words wilt away
[12:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/I'm not sure we are at the point where this would be a strict necessity, but presumably the officers of the precinct would have a doctor available./**
[12:41] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby merely yawns and closes her eyes as she crosses her arms while leaning against the wall.
[12:42] <Bright_Snow> **/ He is only offering up information because he believes he is in control of the situation. Anything he tells us at present is unlikely to be helpful. Unless it helps him or his masters in someway. If we break him, that is less likely to be the case. /**
[12:43] <~Anshu> "It most certainly is," Arun agrees with Nomoe.
[12:46] <Brazen_Sand> "suck my balls." Brazen snapped
[12:48] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. **/Most likely. You suggested it, will you take care of it?/** "Next question then." At Brazen's vulgarity he pauses briefly. **/Seriously. Slayers./** "What is the nature of your commands from your Yozi master?"
[12:50] <~Anshu> The akuma shrugs inside his straightjacket, looking unconcerned. "No. Unless you want to make me, and I think you do. Show your erstwhile allies the brutality of Malfeas's Chosen. They already dislike and distrust you; give them more ample reason."
[12:51] *** RandBrittain has joined #celestialdeliberative
[12:51] *** RandBrittain is now known as Inkwell
[12:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "What other Akuma do you know of? What are the details of the plan as part of which you arranged the attacks on the parade?" Nomoe's voice is as quiet and cutting as before. **/Sooner or later he will become unable to resist these questions. It's not as subtle as I'd prefer, but it will work, I hope. Especially if combined with your approach./**
[12:54] * Inkwell arrives, yawning, wondering if he should invest time in learning Malfean magic to avoid the need for sleep.
[12:57] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Did you sleep well Inkwell," Ruby asked watching the curious Infernal walk inside.
[12:58] <Inkwell> "Is sleep ever well?" wondered Inkwell. "There were so many useful things I could have spent the time doing... that said, it was rather pleasant. I dreamed about a lake of fish soup."
[13:01] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Interesting A fish soup dream," the Alchemical raises an eyebrow.
[13:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Welcome, Ambassador Inkwell," Nomoe says without turning away from the Akuma. "I would greet you properly but regrettable I'm in the middle of a conversation."
[13:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *Ambassador Viridian Inkwell
[13:03] <Inkwell> "I see," says Inkwell, carefully examining the prisoner's Essence signature. "I hope you've found your questioning productive."
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> "Not so much. He seems to be enjoying it. Far too much."
[13:06] * Bright_Snow blinks at the presence of yet another Infernal. /** How many of these accompany you? /surprise flashes through the bond/ At least this one appears calmer. **/
[13:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "We're making progress," Nomoe says lightly.
[13:07] <Inkwell> "Hm," says Inkwell. "Adorjan. He's internalized a few of her more unpleasant koans."
[13:11] <Inkwell> "It, I should say."
[13:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/No more than these two. Which is two too many, naturally, but ... and there we are again at the subject of the Deliberative's grand wisdom./ a mental sigh /In any case, this one has been accorded ambassador status and I have sanctified his oath that he will not act against our interests or betray us, for the duration of his stay at least./**
[13:11] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby blinks chagrined.
[13:12] <~Anshu> In response to Nomoe's earlier sharp questions, the Sidereal starts to laugh again. It starts as a quiet giggling before ascending into a high cackle that bounces off the bare walls of his cell.
[13:12] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "You mean.. he's not... a he anymore?"
[13:12] <Brazen_Sand> "Who knows. Adorjan is crazier then the rest, and that's saying something."
[13:13] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen growled from the other side of the room
[13:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **His explanation carries a note of resigned acceptance of the lesser evil ... for the moment.**
[13:13] <Inkwell> "He sold his will to Adorjan. His personhood. Now this is merely an object that she reshaped to do some task for her."
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> "Who cares. If he's not going to tell us anything, we should kill him. It. Whatever."
[13:14] * Inkwell shudders under the weight of some uncharacteristically Conviction-based impulse.
[13:14] <Inkwell> "The whole process is disgusting... and profane."
[13:16] <~Anshu> Abruptly his laughter stops, and the Sidereal sweeps his eyes around you. "Would you mind if I got out of this straitjacket? It's terribly uncomfortable." Without waiting for an answer, he slithers out of his bonds and takes a position leaning casually on the dolly, the straitjacket that one restrained him lying empty on the floor at his feet.
[13:17] * Inkwell immediately grasps the prisoner with mental force, jerking him upwards into the air like a doll.
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> "Okay, talking time is done!" Brazen snapped, Slamming his fist into the Sidereal's face with the force of comet
[13:17] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby quickly summons her cannon, the long bored weapon materializing and forming, she takes the weapon's handle a finger hovering on the trigger. She doesn't fire anyway.
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Out of nowhere a strong force hits Brazen's hand and hammers it aside. A small glass pearl bounces off his skin and explodes against the ceiling.
[13:20] * Nomoe_Hideaki has not moved but his voluminous sleeves did, briefly
[13:21] <Inkwell> The creature that was once an Exalt is dragged upwards into the air, his limbs pulled in four different and somewhat uncomfortable directions.
[13:22] <Brazen_Sand> "Not this time, Hideaki." Brazen snapped, then did the same motion again, slamming the Akuma's face into the wall hard enough to leave cracks throughout the entire side.
[13:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "As the Ambassador so eloquently stated, we do mind."
[13:25] * Nomoe_Hideaki sighs. "You do realized, that you're doing exactly what he wants, right? Will you jump through a hoop as well, if he says jump?"
[13:26] * Bright_Snow nods in agreement as Hideaki pretty much repeats her earlier warning to Brazen Sands
[13:26] <~Anshu> "Hmmm. I think I preferred the straitjacket," the Sidereal says, feeling the power of Inkwell's mind pull at his limbs. "If that's how you all feel, I'll put it back on." He slides free from the grip of Inkwell's Charm and scoops the straitjacket up, beginning to put it back on.
[13:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His tone becomes hard. "And I have told you once already that you are not to address me with unearned and unacceptable familiarity. In the interest of what the Deliberative would call working toward a common goal, do not make me repeat myself a third time."
[13:28] <Inkwell> "For what did you prefer the straitjacket?" asks Inkwell, cutting straight to the point.
[13:30] <Brazen_Sand> "This is useless. He's mocking us! If he wants to die, then kill him. This is getting us nowhere and wasting time."
[13:30] * Bright_Snow looks puzzled at the Sidereals behavouir.
[13:31] <Inkwell> "What is your intention? What are you up to? Tell me." says the ambassador, charging his words with voraciously curious Pyrian Essence.
[13:31] <Bright_Snow> "Malfean if you cannot hold your temper like an adult why don't you wait outside, I'm sure there is a toy you can play with to keep yourself amused."
[13:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/Do you have poison such as you suggested we use? I think it's time for that./**
[13:32] <~Anshu> "Oh, it's rather cramped in the straitjacket, but at least my extremities aren't being yanked about and pulled away from me," the Akuma responds to Inkwell. "I need a bit of help getting it back on properly, though."
[13:32] <Bright_Snow> **/ I do but my method is pointless unless we can keep him immobilized. His ease in slipping the straightjacket it problematic. **/
[13:34] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby lowers her weapon as she notes Inkwells mysterious abilities holding the akuma in place.
[13:36] * Nomoe_Hideaki continues to watch the Akuma with eyes like an empty winter sky. **/He just expended considerable energy. I don't anticipate him repeating this stunt very soon./**
[13:37] <~Anshu> "As well, going back to my straitjacket means your pet Slayer is less likely to keep trying to kill me, which means I'll stay alive a bit longer to inject some more chaos and disunity into your lovely group. It's great fun, you know."
[13:38] <Bright_Snow> Looking to Nomoe, /** Should I then? **/
[13:39] <Inkwell> "Mmmm... this is logical," the ambassador agrees. "Perhaps we should remove its tongue, then use sorcery to extract the knowledge we want from its brain."
[13:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/I think it is time, yes./ Nomoe is beyond concerns of ethics or keeping up appearances now, it's time to get results and stop this circus**
[13:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Do you possess the necessary spells, Ambassador Viridian Inkwell?" Nomoe seems to consider that suggestion favorably.
[13:42] <Bright_Snow> "But very well. Let me assist." Snow says to the Sidereal Akuma. Stepping forward she begins to help him back into the straightjacket. The Silver Bracelet on her wrist strikes once, just grazing the skin as she finishes.
[13:42] <Inkwell> "No, but they are.... presumably... available." Inkwell chokes up a bit as Bright Snow moves forward to make his suggestion a bloody reality.
[13:45] * Bright_Snow shoots Inkwell a wide beautific smile, even as he blanches. "You don't think I'd resort to something so crude Ambassador?"
[13:45] * Inkwell shoots a glance at Brazen Sand, who clearly would have if called upon.
[13:48] <~Anshu> The Sidereal gives Bright Snow a friendly smile. "Thank you..." he trails off and slumps into unconsciousness.
[13:50] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Oh well that was interesting. Guess he's not as hardy as I had thought he was."
[13:50] <~Anshu> (Avoidance Kata :P)
[13:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "He's faking it," Nomoe states drily.
[13:51] <~Anshu> The Sidereal raises his head with an impish grin. "Ah, you saw through me. Still, very handy with the venom there. I barely felt it being applied."
[13:52] <Inkwell> "As you can see," Inkwell says, trying to return to his normal tone of voice, "it's even more annoying than a normal Sidereal."
[13:52] <Bright_Snow> "Faking it poorly I might add. I would have thought your sort a better actor. I thought some controllable with a little pain to sharpen your ocus. "
[13:52] <Bright_Snow> (*Focus)
[13:53] <~Anshu> "Oh, I'm much better with a bit more prep time."
[13:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Well, that is only to be expected. It's not like anyone would waste training on a mere finger puppet. Or explain the subtle reasoning behind a plan. Most likely he couldn't answer our questions even if he wanted to."
[14:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His breath-taking presence turns the off-hand remark to Inkwell and Bright Snow into a blade cutting deeply into the Sidereals pride, self-worth, and remaining shadow of identity. If he wants to maintain any of those he needs to prove that he is more than just a tool, prove it by explaining his plans with detail that only their originator could possess.
[14:01] <~Anshu> "Hee hee. Trying to appeal to my pride? The Scarlet Wind has no use for pride!" He giggles and cackles loud and long, tears of mirth streaming down his cheeks.
[14:08] * Nomoe_Hideaki watches the spectacle icily unimpressed. **Confusion, pity, revulsion. /No pride? How can anyone live like that?/**
[14:08] <~Anshu> "Adorjan has given me freedom! Absolute freedom!" The Sidereal laughs. "From love, from hate, from pride! From everything!"
[14:09] <Brazen_Sand> "from everything that makes life worth living."
[14:09] <Inkwell> "From the burdens of being a person," says Inkwell. He trembles with rage. "You are a betrayal of everything your Exaltation stands for and should stand for."
[14:10] <Inkwell> "There's no such thing as freedom while we still exist. As long as the world contains beings other than ourselves, we have an obligation to truth to consider their perspectives and wishes alongside our own, and to make our own choices."
[14:11] <Inkwell> "So many people never have the chance to make choices for themselves. But you did. You did, and you //threw it away.// And for what?"
[14:11] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "You aren't free from Life." She almost dislikes those words, so close to the void they were.
[14:11] <Inkwell> "For what?"
[14:12] *** Bright_Snow_ has joined #celestialdeliberative
[14:12] *** Bright_Snow has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[14:13] *** Bright_Snow_ is now known as Bright_Snow
[14:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Thinking back on all the interaction between the Akuma and the various Exalted of the group Nomoe tries to wrap his mind around the thing's alien psychology. What he said himself, what Nomoe could read in the nuances of his expressions, how he acted, how he treated and looked at each Exalt differently. What sort of thing has this pitiful soul been twisted into?
[14:17] <Bright_Snow> After quietly watching the Akuma while this exchange takes place, Snow chooses to comment "What a hollow little man. Is there anything you do care for?" /** Noticing anything odd about him? His motives are bizaare. **/
[14:20] <Bright_Snow> "If he can be called a man any longer."
[14:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **disgust and revulsion, a total lack of understanding how anyone could live like this, or even desire this /He ... he has no motives. Only the command burned into him. Nothing else he wants. Nothing he cares about. He is ... empty./**
[14:24] * Nomoe_Hideaki is silent. If getting the information out of this repulsive shell of a once living soul wasn't a strict necessity he'd kill the thing now, even if it wasn't an Akuma.
[14:28] *** Bright_Snow_ has joined #celestialdeliberative
[14:28] *** Bright_Snow_ is now known as Virgil
[14:29] <~Anshu> The Sidereal finally calms down enough to answer, and when he speaks, his voice is rapturous: "The speed... I was born to travel and wander... with Adorjan's gifts I can wander freely, never needing to sleep or eat so long as I run and kill and do her will, always seeing new things and new faces... it's wondrous..."
[14:29] *** Bright_Snow has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[14:29] *** Virgil is now known as Bright_Snow
[14:30] * Inkwell boggles.
[14:30] <Inkwell> "You sold your will... for so little? Tricks of speed and stamina?"
[14:30] <Inkwell> "...."
[14:30] * Inkwell has had his run-up.
[14:30] <Brazen_Sand> "Travel time is over. You've been living on borrowed time since."
[14:31] * Inkwell frosts over, his face abruptly losing all expression as icy self-control takes over.
[14:31] <~Anshu> The sidereal smiles a little. "Or perhaps that was a lie. I remember little of my old life. Of that too, I am free."
[14:32] <Brazen_Sand> "If your mistress is listening to this, tell her that she's NEVER getting out." Brazen spat.
[14:32] <Inkwell> Images of the five Maidens appear in a pentagram around the fallen Sidereal, each bearing a gleaming starmetal spear of their favored color. They frown sadly at their lost Chosen one, and strike.
[14:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ambassador Viridian Inkwell, wait."
[14:34] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed and shoved Inkwell to the side
[14:34] <Brazen_Sand> "Wait a second, let Nomoe have one last try."
[14:35] <Bright_Snow> "There is almost certainly something of worth this abomination knows that he does not want us to. Best we find out what it is before we send him on to Lethe."
[14:35] <Inkwell> "Ouch."
[14:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's form flickers and he appears between the images of the Maidens and the Sidereal as they strike only moments apart, catching each spear between his hands.
[14:37] <Inkwell> Fate having once again been defeated, the images of the Maidens are torn into wisps and disperse.
[14:38] * Nomoe_Hideaki bows his head slightly to Inkwell. "My apologies, Ambassador Viridian Inkwell, but we are not quite done yet."
[14:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He raises his voice then. "If I might talk to everyone but General Noldarr outside for a moment?"
[14:39] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen shrugged. "Yeah, fine. You better have a good reason. I wanted this bastard dead too."
[14:39] * Nomoe_Hideaki smiles coldly. "You will approve of my plan then, I think."
[14:39] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby nods and heads outside with a pensive look on her face.
[14:41] <Bright_Snow> "We all want him dead, Brazan Sand. We just need to make sure we have all we can get out of him."
[14:42] * Inkwell follows Hideaki outside.
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed. "Have you ever seen an Akuma? There ISN'T anything in him. That's what the Yozis do. They hollow the person out and then send them into the world to do whatever their purpose is. That's it."
[14:43] <Brazen_Sand> "Memories, likes, dislikes, whatever. I've had the damn thing explained to me at the Thing."
[14:43] <Inkwell> "The purpose Adorjan carved into him is the only will he has," Inkwell confirms.
[14:43] <Brazen_Sand> "And Adorjan is completely insane, even for a Yozis."
[14:43] <Inkwell> "I've- I've..." he stops for a moment. "I've seen it done once before. It's a blasphemy."
[14:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Once outside ... "This is going nowhere," Nomoe states. "He is no man who can be made to talk, he is an empty shell with only words of command where free will and a living soul used to reside. So, we will kill him." He raises one hand to forestall comments. "We will kill him in such a way that he will answer our questions after his death."
[14:44] <Inkwell> "You'll need a very clever plan to get any information out of him that Adorjan wouldn't have wanted us to know."
[14:44] <Inkwell> "You mean, use necromancy?"
[14:45] <Brazen_Sand> "Beyond me." Brazen said, shrugging. He knew about Necromancy, but the intricacies eluded him.
[14:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Yes. Cerise of the Grand Circle is currently in Denandsor."
[14:45] * Inkwell normally considers necromancy to be a horrible blasphemy in its own right, but right now his mind are on akuma, which are even worse.
[14:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "This is not an admittance of failure, this is merely the most efficient and fast plan there is."
[14:45] <Inkwell> "I suppose there are sorceries that could bind a ghost as well..."
[14:46] <Inkwell> "Though disgusting, their Essence patterns are fairly simple."
[14:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "With her necromancy he can be made to rise as a ghost and be bound. Then there will be nothing he knows that he can avoid speaking of."
[14:46] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "If its efficient then I agree to it. As long as the power that exalted him in the first place is allowed to be cleans and sent about to do so again."
[14:47] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "Precisely. This way his Exaltation will reincarnate, and the threat he poses now be eradicated, right now. Even if the interrogation will take weeks."
[14:48] <Inkwell> "In that case, I approve. The longer we allow it to live, the greater the risk it will escape."
[14:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "If you are in agreement, then I will submit a note to Cerise of the Rose's Thorn, of the Grand Circle, asking her assistance in expediting this matter."
[14:50] <Bright_Snow> "Irritatingly I believe you are correct. So which of us does the deed."
[14:51] *** Disconnected.
[14:52] *** Anshu_ has joined #celestialdeliberative
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[14:53] *** Brazen_Sand has joined #celestialdeliberative
[14:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/What is it that irritates you? That we are resorting to calling in outside assistance, or the resorting to Necromancy?/ Something occurs to him. /You need not be here, or in this form, if you do not want to meet Deliberator Cerise./**
[14:53] *** Anshu has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[14:53] *** Anshu_ is now known as Anshu
[14:53] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "Indeed, the spells have to come first."
[14:54] <Brazen_Sand> "It's all Forest-Tongue to me." Brazen muttered
[14:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Since there seems to be general, if reluctant, agreement Nomoe proceeds. Summoning an officer with brush and paper he quickly composes a friendly letter to Deliberator Cerise, inquiring after her health and speaking about the Reclamation Festival and other small talk. It all seems quite innocuous.
[14:58] * Bright_Snow glances at Hideaki /** The irritation was more in proving Brazen correct. / Amusement ripples through the bond, quashing some of the more bitter responses. / As to Necromancy, I am indifferent. Cerise is an odd sort but not someone likely to betray me to my enemies within the Deliberative. **/
[14:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The Deliberator alone however will understand the true message in his words and the arrangement of the characters, a message that shouldn't be trusted to mere messengers or communication technology, not after an attack right at the center of the Grand Circle's power.
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> That message contains the explanation of the group's prisoner and how Deliberator Cerise's abilities could expedite the interrogation that would otherwise be likely to proceed much slower.
[15:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **/Ah. Yes, that is irritating. Fortunately it is a rare occurence./**
[15:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Naturally the message is extraordinarily polite, and beautiful calligraphed. And sent through channels generally considered secure.
[15:06] <Anshu> The message is taken to be delivered; and before you can reenter the cell, one of the precinct officers approaches you. "Excuse me, Lords and Ladies. There is a Terrestrial here from the Saraban trading house who wishes to speak with you when you have the time."
[15:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe Hideaki, still surrounded by a blazing corona of light, turns to the officer. "What is the reason given for that?"
[15:10] <Anshu> "She says she came to deliver an apology for harboring such a criminal, and also to provide information on his past activities in the house, should you wish to know of them."
[15:10] * Nomoe_Hideaki waves with one hand. "Certainly."
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> Sounds good.
[15:13] <Anshu> The officer nods and leaves, returning a moment later with an Air-Aspected woman of high Breeding before retreating once more.
[15:13] *** Bright_Snow has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ~ Trillian Astra - (Link: http://www.trillian.im)www.trillian.im ~
[15:13] <Brazen_Sand> "We should talk somewhere more private." Brazen pointed out
[15:15] <Anshu> The Terrestrial woman bows. "That would be suitable for me also. I am Saraban Veata, Lords and Ladies."
[15:16] * Nomoe_Hideaki bows slightly, the precisely correct degree for a Deliberator and Solar to a Terrestrial of her station, his hands hidden in his sleeves. "Nomoe Hideaki." He then fixes the officer with a look before he retreats. "A conference room, officer?"
[15:17] <Anshu> "This way." The officer leads you to a private conference room and opens the door for you.
[15:18] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby follows with a curious look on her face.
[15:19] * Nomoe_Hideaki enters the room first and chooses the seat at the head of the table.
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen enters and sits wherever, leaning the chair back and putting his feet up on the table, wearing boots made out of hard old leather.
[15:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He nods once to the officer after everyone else is inside, then motions for everyone to sit - strategically before Brazen can sit down.
[15:20] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby doesn't sit and leans against a wall near the door, being silent and observant-y.
[15:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "You have requested an audience, Saraban Veata. You have it."
[15:22] <Anshu> The officer bows to Nomoe and closes the door; Veata does not sit unless specifically invited.
[15:22] * Nomoe_Hideaki will repeat the gesture for Veata's benefit, if she doesn't feel as if the first was meant for her.
[15:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> With Nomoe sitting before the big windows and his anima still flaring high it looks as if the sun is in the sky behind him.
[15:24] <Anshu> She then sits, nodding deeply in a not-quite bow as she does so. "Thank you, My Lord. Please permit me to reintroduce myself; I am Iselsi Saraban Veata."
[15:28] <Brazen_Sand> "We know. Now what did you want to tell us?"
[15:29] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head fractionally deeper than before.
[15:30] * Inkwell is uncomfortable; he isn't anybody's Lord.
[15:34] <Anshu> If Brazen's obliviousness bothers Veata, she does not show it. "That is not an admission I make lightly," she says. "I really did come here to deliver the official apologies of the Saraban line, and to assist however we may. But I also had a more personal reason."
[15:34] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods, his attention now very focused
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> "And that is?"
[15:37] <Anshu> "You may know that before our highly visible fall from grace, House Iselsi was very involved in the All-Seeing Eye and the Immaculate Order. What you may not know is that the extent of our fall was greatly exaggerated, and that our involvement never truly ended. Or that our House had been - has been - waiting for the Scarlet Empress to return and elevate us to our proper standing once more."
[15:38] * Brazen_Sand really doesn't know or care.
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> But is polite enough not to say so
[15:39] * Nomoe_Hideaki gives no indication either way.
[15:42] <Brazen_Sand> "Soooooo?"
[15:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And waits for her to continue.
[15:43] <Anshu> "Now, she has returned, but the Realm is no longer hers, and she has called upon the scattered lines of House Iselsi to aid her in her goal of reclamation. I am a prodigy of the Saraban line, trained secretly and extensively in the arts of espionage, and assassination. More recently, I have received training in propaganda. That is what the Empress requires of me, and so that is what I prepared to do."
[15:44] <Brazen_Sand> "You aren't making a very good case for forgiveness here, lady."
[15:44] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods, noting her use of the word 'reclamation'.
[15:46] <Anshu> "But earlier today, I watched you chase down a man I had thought an ally, and as devoted to the reclamation of the Scarlet Throne as I and the rest of our House, who revealed himself not only as Anathema - " she colors slightly, remembering her audience. "Celestial Exalted, I mean - but as Akuma, as well."
[15:47] <Brazen_Sand> "Yeah. Why're you so surprised. You didn't know, I guess?"
[15:47] * Nomoe_Hideaki makes a sweeping gesture, magnanimously forgiving the slip of the tongue.
[15:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (wait, scratch that - see the ooc)
[15:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ((ok, the previous line stands))
[15:52] *** Inkwell has quit IRC: Disintegrated: Leaving
[15:52] <Anshu> "No, I did not know. That revelation has led me here, to you. If he was Akuma, then whose interests am I serving? There are others besides the Empress who would benefit from destabilizing the Deliberative's rule, and there are others besides the Empress who can make House Iselsi great again."
[15:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Or at least that's how it appears. Bright Snow can feel his deep annoyance at the disrespectful title, though.
[15:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "You are - were, I hope - serving the interests of the Reclamation, which is the name given to Yozi's attempt to subvert Creation in present time."
[15:55] <Brazen_Sand> "And the Empress."
[15:55] <Brazen_Sand> "Who is probably working with the Reclamation." Brazen added while casually picking his teeth.
[15:56] <Anshu> "So I offer a deal. In exchange for my assistance, for the information I can give you that will help you defeat the Empress's ambitions, I want you to restore House Iselsi to its former stature."
[15:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Destabilizing Creation by destabilizing its defenders, the Celestial Deliberative, is the task many if not most of them are tasked with, among them the Akuma you knew as Sabaratan Tarun and who was in truth Arun Vayu, Chosen of Journey, and Akuma of Adorjan."
[16:04] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods slowly. "Are you speaking for House Iselsi in its entirety then? Authorized to make binding agreements?"
[16:10] <Anshu> Sadly, she shakes her head. "No... this is my personal desire. But all know of the ability of the Eclipse Castes to sanctify oaths. House Iselsi could be bound just as the others were at the Deliberative's founding. And," she adds reluctantly, "allowing us into the open like that would make it easier for you to ferret out the remaining traitors."
[16:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "How much influence do you have in Iselsi then, how far do your personal desires carry?"
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And for what is a prize of extraordinary value, how can you be certain that what you offer is of commensurate value?"
[16:22] <Anshu> "Because I can offer you the Empress. I don't know where she is right now, but I know where she'll be in two days' time."
[16:28] <Anshu> "I am moderately influential in the Saraban line. I am something of their prize prodigy; many will not be happy abandoning the cause we have cleaved to for so long, but our ascent should make up for it. I cannot speak for the other lines; by design, we do not have much contact with them."
[16:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "But you could contact them if it was necessary?"
[16:33] <Anshu> Veata nods.
[16:34] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby cracks open an eye and glances to Iselsi woman and Nomoe.
[16:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "You have no doubts, naturally, that we could gain this information by other means, do you?" Nomoe's tone is not threatening, nor is that even his intention. He merely wants to establish an advantageous starting position for negotiations.
[16:39] <Anshu> "I'm sure you could find her without my help eventually. But how long would that take?"
[16:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Still, it's worth discussing." He looks at Brazen Sand and Shadow Phoenix Ruby who have been quiet and seemed less interested in the details of how this important information is acquired. "It might take an hour or two to establish the details, the means, and the proper procedures, though. If you'll let me take take of the bureaucratic aspects?"
[16:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He smiles. "That is after all what we of the Eclipse Caste are made to do efficiently."
[16:51] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen just sat there for a moment barely listening
[16:51] <Brazen_Sand> then Nomoe's words sank in
[16:52] <Brazen_Sand> "oh...ooooooh, okay."
[16:52] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen got up
[16:52] <Brazen_Sand> "Yeah, I've got to go...uh, I've got to listen to some Prayers from my worshipers. You going to be alright here, Nomoe?" Brazen asked.
[16:53] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods, smiling. "I will be, thanks for asking."
[16:54] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby blinks and looks to the two. Something was said that she wasn't getting. Well if Brazen was heading perhaps she should. "Hmmm. You are sure? If so then I shall go and visit the Complex. I may need a tune up."
[16:54] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nodded at Veata and then left for Inkwell's embassy
[16:55] * Nomoe_Hideaki rises as Ruby makes to leave. "See you later then, Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby."
[16:55] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby bows to those still present and heads off. "Be safe and well."