Dawn of the Third Age/OOC Logs/Session 09

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Oct 24 10:57:16 2010 -0600
[10:57] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:57] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[10:57] *** Topic set by ChanServ (7 hours ago at 4:19 AM)
[10:57] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[10:57] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[10:57] * dakkareth waves
[10:57] <~Anshu> hello
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> You still have to spend a WP to suppress one
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> I actually asked about that on RPGnet
[10:57] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> hi hi ^^
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> Hi
[10:57] <dakkareth> Naturally, barring house rules which do not currently exist in this game.
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> So what's the game-plan?
[10:59] <~Anshu> right now, waiting for me to wake up
[10:59] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[10:59] * ~Anshu was up late working on NPCs
[10:59] <Brazen_Sand> Awww
[10:59] * Nomoe_Hideaki would offer some of his sugar water with caffeine, but I'm all out of teleports
[11:00] <~Anshu> thanks for the offer
[11:01] <~Anshu> I have some of my own that I'll be getting in a minute
[11:02] <Brazen_Sand> Can we start with refilled WP and mote pools?
[11:02] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[11:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Why?
[11:02] <Brazen_Sand> Why not?
[11:02] <RandBrittain> Because we forgot how much we spent.
[11:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Depends on whether we start right now
[11:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> or whether we actually rest a bit
[11:02] <Brazen_Sand> I know
[11:02] <Brazen_Sand> That will indirectly answer all those questions
[11:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> because Hideaki is all out of essence, 4/9 wp and used 3/5 conviction channels
[11:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (which means, I wouldn't mind a breather, but we can't be sure we'll get one)
[11:03] <Brazen_Sand> I'm pretty sure that Brazen is actually full-up on his mote pool from a lot of stunts and he has 7/10 wp
[11:03] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wb
[11:04] <Brazen_Sand> wb
[11:04] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Well this is a bad sign. ><
[11:04] <~Anshu> =(
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> We can just hope for the best.
[11:07] <~Anshu> well, you guys are presumably waiting for the SidKuma to be ghosted and then summoned, which will take 3 days. And you have somebody claiming that they know where the Empress will be in 2 days, who reads as honest under truth Charms.
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> Better check up on this SE thing
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> The summoned ghost can be bound and forced to wait for awhile, after all
[11:08] *** RandBrittain is now known as Inkwell
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> That's just my opinion, of course
[11:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yup, that's the more pressing matter
[11:09] <Inkwell> I will just tag along and try not to lose my temper today.
[11:09] <Inkwell> I seem to keep doing that and trying to murder people.
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> you or Inkwell?
[11:10] <Inkwell> I meant Inkwell.
[11:10] <Inkwell> Although honestly they all deserved it.
[11:10] * Nomoe_Hideaki counts it as another point in the SidKuma's win column that he did that to the Compassion 5 guy ;)
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[11:10] <Inkwell> We kind of got punked.
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> He just barely got out of eating Limit
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> Inkwell, I mean
[11:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Well, where's the fun in always winning? ;)
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, I think all the characters would be in agreement that this has to be done.
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> So where is it?
[11:11] <~Anshu> hang on
[11:12] <~Anshu> she hasn't actually given the information IC yet
[11:12] <Brazen_Sand> Shall we re-convene in the meeting room?
[11:12] <~Anshu> that sounds like a good idea to me
[11:14] <Brazen_Sand> Concensus?
[11:14] <~Anshu> I'll let Nomoe call you back in.
[11:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> that's what I was assuming was the obvious course, I just wasn't sure whether Anshu wanted to set the scene or not
[11:15] <Brazen_Sand> Rand? Sound good?
[11:20] <Inkwell> Don't I get a rider?
[11:20] <Inkwell> I tried to murder prisoners, too!
[11:20] <Brazen_Sand> Rider plinks off of Invulnerable Mantle of Primacy
[11:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It's not a command
[11:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And no, Inkwell.
[11:21] <Brazen_Sand> Hrmph. Temperance my ass
[11:22] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[11:22] <~Anshu> ... that's not a good sign
[11:23] <Brazen_Sand> indeed it is not
[11:23] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:23] <Brazen_Sand> oh dear
[11:24] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> did my last short little post get through in the IC room? (As if it matters with this happening >>)
[11:24] <Brazen_Sand> No, sorry : (
[11:24] <Brazen_Sand> Can you C&P it?
[11:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no, it didn't
[11:31] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, we should activate the dicebot
[11:31] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[11:31] *** Pattern_Spider has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:32] <Brazen_Sand> Thanks
[11:33] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wb
[11:34] <Brazen_Sand> wwbb
[11:37] *** Disconnected.
[11:37] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:37] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[11:37] *** Topic set by ChanServ (7 hours ago at 4:19 AM)
[11:38] <Anshu> blah.
[11:41] <Brazen_Sand> (He's agreeing that he's wrong)
[11:42] <Anshu> I know.
[11:42] <Brazen_Sand> k. Wasn't sure I used the right word
[11:43] <Brazen_Sand> Bleh, I just don't like Nightwish.
[11:43] <Brazen_Sand> Wish they stuck with instrumentals
[11:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, Veata is continuing, right?
[11:43] <Anshu> yes
[11:45] <Anshu> done
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> Can I roll to see if I remember anything about what her infernal accomodations would likely be?
[11:52] <Anshu> infernal accomodations?
[11:52] <Anshu> oh, the Empress's?
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> Yes
[11:52] <Inkwell> Honor guards and so forth.
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> Indeed.
[11:53] <Brazen_Sand> I know that, but Brazen might not.
[11:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Is Veata being evasive?
[11:53] <Anshu> no, she is not
[11:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Or just not as good at giving reports as she is at receiving them? :p
[11:54] <Brazen_Sand> I suspect the latter
[11:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> brb
[11:54] <Brazen_Sand> Anyone else have anything to say?
[11:57] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe Inkwell would know of the honour guards?
[11:57] <Inkwell> That's not exactly my field, but maybe.
[11:58] <Anshu> hang on a moment
[11:59] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby hangs?
[11:59] <Anshu> okay
[12:00] <Anshu> Inkwell, roll Intelligence + Backing or Influence (Reclamation).
[12:00] <Brazen_Sand> btw, in case someone is thinking that Brazen is acting too smart, he's basically running off of Perception and Wits at this point.
[12:00] <Inkwell> .ex 6
[12:00] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 2 successes against TN 7: [5, 10, 1, 6, 1, 1]
[12:01] <Brazen_Sand> Thank god that OWoD botch rule isn't in effect
[12:01] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> yikes. XD
[12:01] <Inkwell> "I just remembered that //I'm// the Empress!"
[12:01] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[12:01] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> lol
[12:01] <Anshu> sorry, no go. Obviously the Empress would have an honor guard, but you don't know the specifics of it.
[12:01] <Brazen_Sand> I'M A PRETTY LADY
[12:01] <Brazen_Sand> Still not too hard to put 2 and 2 together
[12:02] <Inkwell> And we can assume the guard will include Green Sun Princes if any are available.
[12:02] <Anshu> that seems a reasonable assumption.
[12:02] <Brazen_Sand> Obviously they aren't going to be using Sidereals or Dragon Kings : P
[12:04] <Inkwell> Although Inkwell secretly believes that all the GSPs will eventually jump ship to go play tiddlywinks just like he and Brazen did.
[12:04] <Brazen_Sand> Inkwell is prolly going to have to make a choice soon, I suspect
[12:05] * Nomoe_Hideaki returns
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> And Brazen thinks that some of them might, but that there will definitely be others who'll stay on. Satisfied with HOOKERS AND COKE
[12:05] <Inkwell> I choose subverting the Green Sun Princes and rebuilding the Yozis to my own specifications!
[12:05] <Inkwell> It's not like we don't have just as many hookers.
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> I mean that the Yozis are going to cut you off like Brazen : P
[12:06] <Inkwell> Nah, man, they love me in that demon city.
[12:06] <Brazen_Sand> ...
[12:06] <Inkwell> I'm so pretty!
[12:06] <Brazen_Sand> You attacked one of their Akuma
[12:06] <Brazen_Sand> Although it was Adorjan's, so she might not give a shit
[12:06] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> heh XD
[12:06] <Inkwell> Eh, killing your own subjects is just Tuesday for a Yozi.
[12:06] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, killing YOUR OWN
[12:07] <Inkwell> All toys are Malfeas's to break!
[12:07] <Brazen_Sand> You really aren't getting it -_-
[12:07] <Inkwell> That's exactly what I said to Cecelyne the other day.
[12:08] <Inkwell> Then she tried to scour my face off. But it was a love scour.
[12:08] <Brazen_Sand> *sigh* nvm
[12:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Of course, Lost Arts can't make it on the session where infiltration comes up :s
[12:22] <Brazen_Sand> naturally. But we've got Ruby
[12:22] <Brazen_Sand> Who has Optical Shroud
[12:22] <Brazen_Sand> What if she got that charm that lets her shroud a group of people?
[12:23] <Inkwell> We need to pick up some of that good old Ebon Dragon disguise magic.
[12:23] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I don't have that particular charm... Yet
[12:24] <Brazen_Sand> Except that he can turn it off when he wants to
[12:24] <Brazen_Sand> If you're talking about Loom-Snarling whatever
[12:24] <Brazen_Sand> Hrm...well, have you spent any XP, Ruby?
[12:24] <Inkwell> Only if you're an akuma.
[12:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, this does rest on Hattori appearing in time.
[12:37] <Anshu> heh
[12:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If his projection is correct, he should turn up soon.
[12:37] <Brazen_Sand> If not, we'll just tear shit up like usual, I guess
[12:37] <Anshu> if he doesn't show, I wouldn't object to having more time to stat NPCs and such.
[12:37] <Brazen_Sand> You don't need to stat them all up. Just give them dice pools, man.
[12:39] <Brazen_Sand> It's not that hard : P
[12:39] <Anshu> :P
[12:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if they have any they do need Charms, though
[12:40] <Anshu> I'm not talking about mooks
[12:40] <Brazen_Sand> No, don't just ignore what I said with that emoticon.
[12:40] <Brazen_Sand> I know
[12:40] <Brazen_Sand> All any NPC needs is dice-pools and charms
[12:40] <Brazen_Sand> Other then that, you can mostly handwave it
[12:44] <Brazen_Sand> btw, Brazen has War 4
[12:44] <Brazen_Sand> So we don't totally need Hattori
[12:47] <Brazen_Sand> But personally, I'd rather skip the Mass Combat. it's a huge clusterfuck
[12:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I wasn't thinking we'd do mass combat. But to mobilize sufficient forces and bring them in without detection we do need his Backing and, if he has them, the War-based stealth charms.
[12:48] <Brazen_Sand> True
[12:48] <Brazen_Sand> But really, if it's an army of Mortals, Brazen could cut through them like tissue paper with Blazing Avatar of Destruction
[12:48] <Brazen_Sand> *mostly mortals
[12:50] <Anshu> brb
[12:50] <Brazen_Sand> I mean, a mortal charging Brazen with a knife while that's activated is going to end up as ash.
[12:51] <Brazen_Sand> Plus there's his awesome soak and DTAS
[12:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mortals concern us only insofar as after knocking them out they'll need to be processed. interrogated, etc
[12:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Which is nice to hand off to an army we have hanging around
[12:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> because with them there isn't really the danger of escape ;)
[12:51] <Brazen_Sand> *sigh* I'm tired of interrogations.
[12:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Precisely.
[12:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And I doubt the mortals would have anything to say that would interest us directly.
[12:52] <Inkwell> And we haven't even learned anything much.
[12:52] <Brazen_Sand> How about Brazen tears out the army while the rest get in through the back. Brazen can distract them.
[12:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But it will have to be done
[12:52] <Brazen_Sand> You'll prolly have to face the Honor Guard, though >_>
[12:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So, let NPCs do it.
[12:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Infernals?
[12:53] <Brazen_Sand> Or Akuma, likely
[12:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> As long as they aren't all Ess 7 SMArtists we can deal with Akuma, I think.
[12:54] <Brazen_Sand> So are we in agreement, then?
[12:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Infernals will make the whole thing annoyingly even.
[12:54] <Brazen_Sand> Ruby, this is probably your moment to shine ; )
[12:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I was thinking Veata goes in to check if our main target is there. Ruby is being invisible to scout and communicate that information out to the rest of us.
[12:55] <Inkwell> I suppose I could always just walk in and ask what's going on.
[12:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And check for the Empress if Veata is taken out of the picture before she can.
[12:55] <Brazen_Sand> Why not have Ruby do it herself, though. Her stealth capabilities are vastly superior
[12:55] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Right... someone will get all glowy and then ruin the entire thing making it a head on attack XD
[12:55] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> lol Inkwell. I could just see that too. XD
[12:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Veata has the advantage of being supposed to be there.
[12:55] <Brazen_Sand> Inkwell would just get pissed again and wreck the whole thing -_-
[12:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So she'll just have to keep her motives to herself.
[12:55] <Brazen_Sand> DYNASTY CHARMS
[12:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> There are any to discern stuff like that?
[12:56] <Brazen_Sand> Don't need them when she can just tell her to say why she's there.
[12:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> In any case, the rest of us lay in wait at a distance and jump in to take out everyone when the time comes.
[12:57] <Brazen_Sand> So you guys deal with the tough guys and I'll take out the mooks?
[12:57] <Brazen_Sand> Sounds like fun...
[12:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Depends on whether the mooks make trouble.
[12:57] <Brazen_Sand> We need Echo Stones or something
[12:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If they don't we leave them to the army we might or might not have to deal with.
[12:58] <Brazen_Sand> We don't NEED an army
[12:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Are those hearthstones or artifacts?
[12:58] <Brazen_Sand> Artifacts
[12:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmhh, when Anshu returns, we'll ahve to ask how we can get some. Noldarr's backing or Nomoe's Influence should make it possible.
[12:59] <Inkwell> I am supposed to be a crafter... cries...
[12:59] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> *pat pat*
[12:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Can you build a few in the time we have?
[12:59] <Inkwell> .....no.
[12:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But some solution for the communication problem would be a good thing to have, the next time we have downtime.
[12:59] <Brazen_Sand> Two days should be more then enough to grab soem
[12:59] <Inkwell> But ask again in two weeks!
[12:59] <Brazen_Sand> we're in Denandsor after all
[13:00] <Brazen_Sand> So as I see it we go
[13:00] <Brazen_Sand> 1. Ruby and Veah sneak into the manse and see what's going on
[13:01] <Brazen_Sand> 2. Assuming that the targets are in there, then they give the signal and we attack. Brazen goes from the front, the others from the back, trapping them in there.
[13:01] <Brazen_Sand> 3. Profit
[13:01] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. We can leave out Veata if the risk is too great.
[13:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Since Ruby does have those neat stealth charms.
[13:02] <Brazen_Sand> yeah
[13:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmh.
[13:02] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Perhaps that would be best.
[13:02] * Nomoe_Hideaki waves
[13:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yay
[13:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we have the General
[13:02] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, I guess we do get an army.
[13:02] <Noldarr> Sup
[13:02] <Brazen_Sand> Can we just skip all the mechanics for Mass Combat, though?
[13:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Don't see why we would need them unless they try it
[13:03] <Brazen_Sand> shit be wack
[13:03] <Brazen_Sand> Noldarr, how long can you keep an army hidden?
[13:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and even then we can all go "Initiate Duel" and fuck them up on the personal scale until there's no one to lead whatever army they may have
[13:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but I don't think they'll have any, since that would make them easier to spot and they are trying to remain beneath the Deliberative radar
[13:04] <Noldarr> An army? If we're using Mass Combat rules then our circle should be strong enough
[13:04] <Noldarr> What's going on?
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> We're trying to ambush the Empress (probably)
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> Off of intelligence from a member of House Iselsi
[13:04] <Inkwell> It's probably only a knock-off, though. A Blush Empress.
[13:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we have intel that in two days her Redness will be at a manse in the south
[13:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it may be a trap
[13:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it may be an impostor
[13:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but still
[13:04] <Anshu> *returns*
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> It probably IS a trap. But still.
[13:04] <Noldarr> if we used an army it'd be harder to stunt non-Leader Charms and our Might would probably be
[13:05] <Noldarr> 2-3 points lower
[13:05] <Noldarr> it would not be worth it
[13:05] <Brazen_Sand> That's why you'd be wearing teh army and we'd be doing other stuff
[13:05] <Noldarr> 'cause its CCA and RCA would also be pretty crappy
[13:05] <Noldarr> compared to ours
[13:05] <Brazen_Sand> I thought that leading an army is always a buff compared to being a solo unit
[13:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> current plan is to send Ruby in to see if our target is there, then do the same old "hit fast and hard" routine and capture the Empress and whatever Infernals or Akuma don't die
[13:06] <Noldarr> right, but forming a mass combat unit out of Exalts is always better than using an army
[13:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If Noldarr has the Charms to stealth an army in position around the manse, that would be neat, but perhaps not required
[13:06] <Noldarr> and it's not a mobility buff
[13:06] <Anshu>
[13:06] <Noldarr> right, but forming a mass combat unit out of Exalts is always better than using an army
[13:06] <Anshu> except for the Exalts who get stuck as the unit and thus don't get to actually do anything with their characters.
[13:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[20:59:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmhh, when Anshu returns, we'll ahve to ask how we can get some Echo Stones. Noldarr's backing or Nomoe's Influence should make it possible.
[13:07] <Brazen_Sand> Well, me and Noldarr can chew through the front ourselves. Sound good?
[13:07] <Noldarr> I believe the Exalts in the unit have enough hero/special character slots
[13:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I was thinking an army would be mostly for support and in case something unforerseen happens
[13:07] <Noldarr> that everyone gets to do something
[13:07] <Noldarr> but, I don't remember
[13:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> like they have a third circle that can only be opposed in mass combat or something
[13:07] <Brazen_Sand> Meanwhile, Nomoe, Inkwell (who will prolly need a very good explanation why he's there), and Ruby can do the rest.
[13:08] <Noldarr> What, like Ligier?
[13:08] <Brazen_Sand> I mean take the back so they don't just zoom off
[13:08] <Noldarr> hmm
[13:08] <Anshu> we have what, five people? that's magnitude 1. Which means we have a commander and maybe one special unit slot.
[13:08] <Brazen_Sand> If Ligier was around, wouldn't Heaven be screaming bloody murder?
[13:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, everyone gets to do soemthing in Mass Combat even if they aren't the leader
[13:08] <Noldarr> the Behemoth-fighting Charm implies that even beings of that scale
[13:08] <Noldarr> can be targeted outside mass combat
[13:08] <Anshu> ok, 2 special characters.
[13:08] <Inkwell> I really need to get Adamant Circle sorcery for best banishment.
[13:08] <Noldarr> wasn't there some writer comment about how it's not a coincidence that
[13:09] <Inkwell> Come to me, sorcery errata!
[13:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But mass combat is a nasty thing to spring on a ST in any case
[13:09] <Noldarr> a sworn brotherhood
[13:09] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[13:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So, if we don#t need it let's not do it
[13:09] <Noldarr> forms a mass combat unit with one commander and 4 special characters
[13:09] <Brazen_Sand> We shouldn't do mass combat if it wasn't planned.
[13:09] <Noldarr> Also, due to ours HLs I think we could be Mag 2
[13:09] <Noldarr> we're each 2.3 people for purposes of mag
[13:09] <Brazen_Sand> Otherwise Anshu's going to be stuck writing all thsi stuff up and we'll have to wait an extra hour and so forth
[13:10] <Noldarr> If this is like a big deal
[13:10] <Noldarr> shouldn't we get Celestial Exalt reinforcements
[13:10] <Brazen_Sand> We don't need Exalt reinforcements
[13:10] <Noldarr> that would be preferable to an army
[13:10] <Brazen_Sand> And again, that's an assload more work. listen!
[13:10] <Anshu> yes, you can get Echo stones.
[13:11] <Noldarr> What do Echo Stones do?
[13:11] <Brazen_Sand> If we do that, then *once again* Taurus has to spend hours writing them all up. I'd rather actually get stuff done.
[13:11] <Brazen_Sand> They're basically wireless communication.
[13:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> actually we took the liberty of involving Noldarr in the last session, explaining his absence as him being busy guarding the Akuma
[13:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> :p
[13:11] <Noldarr> My Ally's already written
[13:11] <Anshu> and also I am debating calling the session a bit early, or at least a hiatus so I can finish statting up this Infernal coven >.>
[13:12] <Inkwell> Oh god an infernal coven
[13:12] <Brazen_Sand> *facepalm*
[13:12] <Inkwell> Time to subvert, subvert, subvert the pawns of evil with a better offer~
[13:12] <Anshu> but I suppose I can wing it
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> So how much attunement is an echo stone?
[13:14] <Anshu> good question. What's the source?
[13:15] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> 21 ^^
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> O_O
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> Holy shit
[13:15] <Anshu> wait, 21 motes? really?
[13:15] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> nooo XD
[13:15] <Anshu> okay good
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> motes is a hell of a drug
[13:15] <Anshu> because that's more than a fucking warstrider
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> yeah
[13:15] <Noldarr> anyway, Cover-Shrouding movement
[13:16] <Noldarr> only lasts for an action guys
[13:16] <Noldarr> so
[13:16] <Noldarr> if I stunt back willpower every single time
[13:16] <Noldarr> I can do it for maybe
[13:16] <Brazen_Sand> We'd need to rush in there real fast
[13:16] <Noldarr> 120 minutes
[13:16] <Noldarr> ish
[13:16] <Noldarr> using long ticks
[13:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmhh.
[13:16] <Brazen_Sand> Okay...but that could at least get us non-stealthy folks in the area pretty fast
[13:16] <Brazen_Sand> If we all joined together as a special unit, then split up once we got into position
[13:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> How about instead of an army we take an air ship with elite commandoes? ;)
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> That could work...
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> But would be pretty noticable
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> unless you can wrangle up a ship with a cloaking device.
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I meant, the charm would shroud the ship
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and presumably it would be a lot faster than a ground-based army
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> True, then we do STEEL REHN
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> did we have a reply from Cerise, btw?
[13:18] <Anshu> oh right
[13:18] <Noldarr> What's the plan as laid out
[13:18] <Anshu> she did respond and basically said she'd be over as soon as she finished with the thing she was in the middle of
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[21:00:41] <Brazen_Sand> . Ruby and Veah sneak into the manse and see what's going on
[21:01:09] <Brazen_Sand> . Assuming that the targets are in there, then they give the signal and we attack. Brazen goes from the front, the others from the back, trapping them in there.
[21:01:12] <Brazen_Sand> . Profit
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> with possible variations on step 2
[13:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and I think we'll have only Ruby go
[13:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since Veata is easier to find out
[13:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if anyone finds a reason to doubt her story
[13:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so basically, Ruby scout and confirm target, then everyone drop in and gatecrash their party all the way to ... well, not hell, but somewhere they won't like to arrive :p
[13:20] <Anshu> the underworld?
[13:20] <Brazen_Sand> Hopefully that won't be necessary
[13:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if they'll leave ghosts, sure .p
[13:21] <Noldarr> How are they giving the signal?
[13:21] <Brazen_Sand> Echo Stones
[13:21] <Noldarr> Do we know anything about the capabilities of this 'empress'
[13:21] <Noldarr> or her allies?
[13:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sadly not
[13:22] <Brazen_Sand> Except that it's likely to be Infernals or Akuma hanging around
[13:22] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Sadly just that she is strong likely and that she will have bodyguards ^^
[13:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but, if it's just us doing the assault, we won't need stealth charms and air ships, we'll just need Nomoe and Noldarr with their hyper-movement
[13:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Ruby will be already on the scene, and we can take Inkwell and Brazen along
[13:23] <Brazen_Sand> It's BORING to do stuff without everyone
[13:23] <Brazen_Sand> And if we don't cloak, then they'll probably cheese it
[13:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I admit, the "stealth air ship and drop in from above" DOES sound cooler :D
[13:23] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[13:26] <Brazen_Sand> (Link: http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Artifacts:Echo_Jewel)http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Artifacts:Echo_Jewel
[13:26] <Brazen_Sand> Found it
[13:27] <Noldarr> Does anyone have good Survival or Survival Charms
[13:27] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, actually, Brazen has Transcendant Desert Creature
[13:27] <Brazen_Sand> So that'll help a lot
[13:28] <Brazen_Sand> btw, how would Noldarr know about Cecylene giving GSPs that power if he has no Occult?
[13:28] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> nope no... survival here. Oo
[13:28] <Brazen_Sand> Survival 4!
[13:29] <Inkwell> I don't have that, but I can turn sand into water.
[13:29] <Noldarr> I don't know any specifics about the power, just that
[13:29] <Noldarr> a creature called the Endless Desert
[13:29] <Noldarr> would probably have Desert-related powers
[13:30] <Brazen_Sand> You gotta grapple the sand though XD
[13:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> nope, no survival
[13:30] * Nomoe_Hideaki is a city creature
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> So yeah, Brazen is actually impossible to find in a desert with non-magic tracking
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> unless he allows himself to be
[13:32] <Brazen_Sand> And any attempt to notice him in a place of physical desolation is at -5
[13:33] <Brazen_Sand> Unless he wants them to
[13:35] <Noldarr> Can you track others with a power like that
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> No, sorry.
[13:35] <Noldarr> 'cause if it's in a desert
[13:35] <Noldarr> they might have that power too
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> Most likely
[13:35] <Noldarr> in which case their ability to run away is heightened severely
[13:36] <Noldarr> unless one of us buys Eye of the Unconquered Sun
[13:36] <Brazen_Sand> Problem is that using that will light us all up like Christmas trees
[13:36] <Noldarr> We're only going to use it after we attack
[13:37] <Noldarr> Its function is to make sure we can still see our enemies if they decide to blow the joint
[13:37] <Brazen_Sand> That's wise.
[13:37] <Brazen_Sand> yeah. Hopefully we won't have to chase them into Malfeas
[13:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> does that mean that Brazen will take directions? ;)
[13:37] <Brazen_Sand> *sigh* Nomoe has got to start working around Impervious Primacy Mantle
[13:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> he is
[13:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Have you not actually considered the wording?
[13:38] <Brazen_Sand> If you want to work with this group you'll go where Deliberator Noldarr directs you to go."
[13:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah. Not a command.
[13:38] <Noldarr> In attendance we have Noldarr, Nomoe, Sand, and Ruby
[13:38] <Brazen_Sand> That's a command.
[13:38] <Brazen_Sand> Inkwell
[13:38] <Noldarr> and
[13:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A choice for Brazen Sand to either work with us or not.
[13:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His decision
[13:38] <Noldarr> Inkwell, yeah
[13:38] <Inkwell> Don't forget me!
[13:38] <Noldarr> sorry Rand =P
[13:38] <Noldarr> So that's 5 people
[13:38] <Inkwell> Just you wait until I get my Broken-Winged Crane!
[13:38] <Brazen_Sand> That's totally a command
[13:38] <Inkwell> You'll ignore me for the last time!
[13:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> No, it isn't.
[13:38] <Brazen_Sand> "I'll work with you whether you like it or not!"
[13:39] <Noldarr> We'll ignore you at our own peril, indeed
[13:39] <Brazen_Sand> Is prolly what Malfeas would say.
[13:39] <Noldarr> I look forward to your first activation of
[13:39] <Noldarr> Heuristic Logos Shintai
[13:39] <Noldarr> and Brazen's of
[13:39] <Brazen_Sand> Demon Emperor Shintai!
[13:39] <Noldarr> Demon Emperor Shintai
[13:39] <Anshu> we wouldn't ignore you if you didn't make it so easy for us :P
[13:39] <Inkwell> Last time I did something you all got mad.
[13:39] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, Inkwell. You clearly have better stealth then ruby
[13:39] <Brazen_Sand> That's cause what you did was STUPID
[13:39] <Inkwell> I did the same thing you did!
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> But that's EXPECTED of me
[13:40] <Anshu> you're supposed to be the smart one :P
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> Exactly!
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> I'm supposed to be the volcano that can go off at anytime
[13:40] <Noldarr> hmm
[13:40] <Inkwell> Kejak's got Intelligence 7, and look at all the dumb stuff he does.
[13:40] <Noldarr> So, Inkwell can do
[13:40] <Noldarr> the multiple grappling thing
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, so that doesn't mean we won't get upset
[13:40] <Noldarr> that sounds like it'd be useful against DBs
[13:40] <Noldarr> however, if someone has an area attack
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> and it doesn't mean that you SHOULD do stupid stuff
[13:41] <Noldarr> we can probably just fry the DBs with those and free Inkwell to force PDs along with the rest of us
[13:41] <Brazen_Sand> btw, Noldarr, you'll want to stay at least 5 yards away from me in battle
[13:41] <Inkwell> Fine, I'll do some smarter stupid stuff.
[13:41] <Noldarr> Actually, I think, Brazen, if you have a
[13:41] <Noldarr> area attack
[13:41] <Inkwell> Time to summon up something I can't put down!
[13:41] <Inkwell> That's traditional.
[13:41] <Noldarr> you should deal with the DBs
[13:41] <Noldarr> and associated minions
[13:41] <Brazen_Sand> That's the plan
[13:41] <Brazen_Sand> I was going to attack the front and generally cause chaos
[13:41] <Brazen_Sand> While you guys go in the back
[13:41] <Inkwell> I guess I can do that.
[13:42] <Inkwell> Ascendant Objectivity Stance will keep me sort of safe.
[13:42] <Noldarr> Other Infernals could be a bigger problem than the Empress herself
[13:42] <Noldarr> assuming the Empress is just another infernal
[13:42] <Noldarr> even if she is Big Red she's just a strong infernal-level combatant
[13:42] <Brazen_Sand> *nod*
[13:43] <Noldarr> Malfeas' perfect defense
[13:43] <Noldarr> will not work in the desert
[13:43] <Noldarr> but Cecelyne's will
[13:43] <Noldarr> perfectly
[13:43] <Brazen_Sand> Not raelly
[13:43] <Brazen_Sand> It still bites
[13:44] <Noldarr> hmm
[13:44] <Brazen_Sand> And Malfeas's is likely still going to work in the Manse
[13:44] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, time's a-wasting
[13:44] <Noldarr> I suppose it's too optimistic to expect that our enemies will merely have tons of health levels and no perfects at all
[13:44] <Brazen_Sand> definitely
[13:44] <Brazen_Sand> But they're Infernals, they have wide gaps
[13:45] <Noldarr> I was considering getting Final Sunset stance
[13:45] <Noldarr> but I realized that Noldarr never gets attacked
[13:45] <Noldarr> all our enemies have pretty much just run away from us
[13:46] <Noldarr> I guess that's the natural thing to do when faced with a circle of E5 Celestials kitted for combat
[13:46] <Brazen_Sand> the smart thing, at least.
[13:46] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Heh, some of us are kitted for combat.
[13:47] <Noldarr> if we had some 3CDs on our side this could be pretty hilarious
[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> Why would we do that?
[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> The Yozis might possess them
[13:47] <Noldarr> I thought we didn't know that was even possible
[13:47] <Anshu> oh, that's a good point. Ruby might want to stop by the vats to make sure she has the proper loadout
[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> Mendicant spilled the beans on that
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> and actually it was quite common knowledge in the First Age
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> what they didn't know was that they could ignore Bindings
[13:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and we should make sure that we can get there in time.
[13:48] <Anshu> since we keep bouncing back and forth between combat and non-combat situations
[13:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Though that's probably not too hard, with an air ship or other mode of conveyance
[13:49] <Noldarr> what happened last session, btw
[13:49] <Noldarr> I had mideterms all week and no time to even read them
[13:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> the log is up
[13:49] <Brazen_Sand> *sigh* Sidkuma played us like a fiddle
[13:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we interrogated the Akuma
[13:49] <Noldarr> *sigh*
[13:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it was like interrogating the Joker
[13:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we lost
[13:49] <Noldarr> It didn't go well
[13:49] <Noldarr> ah
[13:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> he basically straight up beat us
[13:49] <Brazen_Sand> Although we are going to get a rematch soon *evil grin*
[13:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and not by numbers either, strictly by the numbers we were close to winning
[13:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but ... *shrug* no way to actually get there IC
[13:50] <Noldarr> mmhm
[13:50] <Anshu> that was great fun, I must say
[13:51] <Brazen_Sand> Oh yeah, it was great.
[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so now we're going to have him killed and his ghost interrogated
[13:51] <Noldarr> lo
[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but that will take 3-4 days
[13:51] <Noldarr> l
[13:51] <Brazen_Sand> Some good RPing all around.
[13:51] <Noldarr> do we have someone with Onyx Circle
[13:51] <Noldarr> or Iron Circle
[13:51] <Brazen_Sand> We have better. We have Cerise.
[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we brought in another Deliberator
[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> NPC
[13:51] <Noldarr> Cerise?
[13:51] <Anshu> yeah
[13:51] <Inkwell> For ourselves we don't even have Adamant Circle. :(
[13:51] <Brazen_Sand> The only Lunar with Void Circle
[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> member of the Grand Circle, actually mastered Void Circle.
[13:52] <Brazen_Sand> She's creepy, but don't say so in front of Anshu
[13:52] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I have the best circle an Alchie can get. XD I just need more of them.
[13:52] <Brazen_Sand> I wouldn't those spells are messed up
[13:52] <Brazen_Sand> fuckin' Bodhi, man.
[13:54] <Inkwell> You could get proper sorcery! Just try delicious new Gremlin Syndrome!
[13:54] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> hehe
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah man, Techno-organic Cyst is fuckin' PIMP, man.
[13:55] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Sadly Ruby would kill herself if she realized she had it. She really doesn't like the Auto's robocancer XD
[13:55] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, I know.
[13:55] <Brazen_Sand> It is a hard road to walk D:
[13:55] <Inkwell> It's cool, girlbot. I has the cure!
[13:56] * Inkwell displays his Pattern-Reassertion Touch hand.
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> But then she has to lose the charm
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> so it doesn't really matter : (
[13:56] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Then its back to Protocols XD
[13:56] <Inkwell> Just learn it when you need it, and then punch it off.
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> It costs a TON of XP for that.
[13:57] <Noldarr> Well, if we are going to deal with the infernal coven next time so that Anshu can properly stat them up
[13:57] <Noldarr> Let's use this session to get our preparations in order
[13:58] <Noldarr> a combat of that scale would probably take too long to finish today anyway
[13:58] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I realize I have the Protocol for transmitting messages. XD
[13:59] <Brazen_Sand> But it prolly costs a lot
[13:59] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Vision Transmitting Protocol | 10m Clarity 0
[13:59] <Anshu> I agree, Noldarr. And not just because I'm unprepared this week :P
[13:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Wait for next time? I'm not liking that idea :(
[13:59] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[13:59] <Brazen_Sand> Echo Jewels would be best
[13:59] <Brazen_Sand> You had all week.
[14:00] <Noldarr> If we start the combat now it will probably last at least 3-4 hours
[14:00] <Inkwell> Doubtless he was hoping we'd take the subtle approach instead of instantly initiating MORTAL KOMBAT
[14:01] <Noldarr> probably closer to 5-6 with that number of participants
[14:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> With this group? Oh please :p
[14:01] <Noldarr> 6 Celestial-level Exalts on our side alone, plus 2-3 Solar-tier Exalts on their side, plus the DBs, plus the dross
[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> Why not do the beginning of the combat now
[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> and then do the rest next week?
[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> That way we at least get something done and can find otu whether this is a trick or not.
[14:02] <Anshu> we can have Ruby infiltrate this week
[14:02] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Cause splitting combat amongst several sessions is insane?
[14:02] <Noldarr> Also, if we really do need someone to buy
[14:02] <Noldarr> Eye of the Unconquered Sun
[14:02] <Anshu> and then have a dramatic fade to black while Majel Rodenberry says "To be continued..."
[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> They do it in DBZ all the time
[14:02] <Noldarr> and other "makes sure they don't get away" charms
[14:02] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> hehe!
[14:03] <Noldarr> we'll have more XP next week
[14:03] <Noldarr> =P
[14:03] <Brazen_Sand> What? It's true. We can fight through the chaff and then it's like "Oh shit, it's worse then we thought, GSPS!"
[14:03] <Brazen_Sand> *to be continued*
[14:04] <Brazen_Sand> Then the next session can be dedicated to us fighting the GSPs
[14:04] <Brazen_Sand> That gives Anshu time to stat out the coven
[14:04] <Anshu> I was thinking more "It's really her! The Scarlet Empress is here! *to be continued*
[14:04] <Anshu> but that works too
[14:04] <Brazen_Sand> Yaaay
[14:04] <Brazen_Sand> And something cool that everyone can do.
[14:04] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Or would it be. "Its really her! The Scarlet Empress is here! Oh No!" *Static* To be continued XD
[14:05] <Anshu> "libera me" from hell? :P
[14:06] <Anshu> now I have to go listen to that.
[14:06] <Brazen_Sand> Actually, that's "Save Yourself From Hell"
[14:06] <Brazen_Sand> Watch Event Horizon ; )
[14:06] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Mmm no thanks. Once was enough
[14:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, continuing?
[14:09] <Brazen_Sand> not liking Event Horizon is heresy : <
[14:09] <Noldarr> hm
[14:09] <Noldarr> If we are changing tactics in combat
[14:09] <Noldarr> then we will need some means of reflexive communication better than
[14:09] <Noldarr> me yelling out what we should do
[14:09] <Noldarr> because then they'll just hear it
[14:10] <Brazen_Sand> Echo Jewels
[14:10] <Brazen_Sand> As we've mentioned twice
[14:10] <Noldarr> are those reflexive?
[14:10] <Brazen_Sand> They're head-sets
[14:10] <Noldarr> okay
[14:10] <Anshu> Talking is reflexive :P
[14:10] <Anshu> until you engage in social combat, anyway
[14:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Even then it is, as long as you're not making social attacks. I think?
[14:11] <Anshu> possibly.
[14:11] <Noldarr> Well yeah, talking's reflexive, but they can hear me unless I'm very quiet
[14:11] <Noldarr> which is why I asked
[14:12] <Brazen_Sand> How will they hear you on a battlefield unless they're right beside you?
[14:12] <Noldarr> I have to be loud enough for you guys to hear me
[14:13] <Noldarr> I can't issue tactics just upon seeing the disposition of their forces, we have to know which enemies have ticklongs, which are vulnerable to surprise attacks, etc
[14:13] <Brazen_Sand> But we're USING ECHO JEWELS
[14:13] <Brazen_Sand> You just talk into them and it's like you're right beside us
[14:14] <Noldarr> Yes, at the time of my original question, that was what I was asking about -_-
[14:15] <Anshu> only to the other people with echo jewels. It doesn't broadcast what you're saying clear as day to everyone within an area
[14:15] <Brazen_Sand> Yes, that's true. But I thought we weren't using an army.
[14:18] <Inkwell> We always say that, and look what happens?
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> We win?
[14:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, time skip ahead?
[14:19] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> And so Ruby goes and orders a suffient amount of echo jewels from the Complex while undergoing a short charm refit. XD
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> Yaaaay
[14:19] <Anshu> I thought we were getting the echo jewels via Noldarr's connections as a general
[14:20] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> So did I. I offered twice no one countered XD
[14:20] <Brazen_Sand> Either way works
[14:20] <Brazen_Sand> The Artifacts are Mountain Folk stuff
[14:20] <Brazen_Sand> So Autocthonians are more likely to have them anyway
[14:20] <Anshu> hmmm
[14:20] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I was expecting. No need, we've got that covered Ruby. *Teeth gleaming smile and handsome looks all around*
[14:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[14:21] <Anshu> since Noldarr is worried about being overheard
[14:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Well, we can't very well just volunteer Noldarr ;)
[14:21] <Anshu> perhaps these would be better?
[14:21] <Anshu> (Link: http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Artifacts#Bracelets_of_Communal_Communication_.CA.8A)http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Artifacts#Bracelets_of_Communal_Communication_.CA.8A
[14:21] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Oooh OMWF stuff!
[14:22] <Anshu> *just remembered them*
[14:22] <Brazen_Sand> *Hisses at the Orihalcum tattoos*
[14:22] <Brazen_Sand> THEY BURNSES US
[14:22] <Noldarr> yes, those would be preferable to torcs of unified action
[14:22] <Brazen_Sand> I think the Echo Jewels are more efficient
[14:22] <Noldarr> if only because the torcs are too invasive
[14:22] <Noldarr> We can use echo jewels if it's just us, I'll whisper
[14:22] <Brazen_Sand> Cause these are only two-way. We'd need to each have masters or something
[14:23] <Noldarr> if we are bringing the army
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> And masters are crazy
[14:23] <Noldarr> no, the slaves can talk on the master's network
[14:23] <Anshu> no, Brazen
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> crazy-expensive, I mean.
[14:23] <Anshu> yeah
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> Oh
[14:23] <Anshu> what Noldarr said
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> But we'd still need a Master.
[14:23] <Noldarr> we can just have someone not fighting be the master
[14:23] <Noldarr> like Starc Antonee
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> I guess...
[14:24] <Anshu> or Noldarr's sidereal ally
[14:24] <Anshu> being Mission Control is a pretty sidereal thing to do.
[14:24] <Brazen_Sand> That would probably be best, the Siddie ally
[14:24] <Brazen_Sand> Communicating with the Loom of Fate and stuff
[14:24] <Noldarr> that could work
[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> Time-skip?
[14:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> please
[14:28] <Anshu> yeah
[14:28] <Anshu> just a moment
[14:30] <Anshu> are you leaving the Terrestrial behind?
[14:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Veata, yes, unless the manse is so well hidden that we need her to point it out
[14:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Ruby can do the scouting, since she's less likely to be seen through or commanded to tell the truth with nasty Dynasty Charms
[14:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'm considering taking along my Immaculate ally
[14:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> just to balance out the DBs likely present
[14:32] <Anshu> I'd take Veata.
[14:33] <Noldarr> Okay
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> But we should keep her off the field
[14:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[14:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe really doesn't want her to end up dead
[14:39] <Inkwell> Embarassing!
[14:39] <Brazen_Sand> Oh yes. And it's just better tactical sense all-around. She could point us in the right direction though.
[14:40] <Noldarr> who is Veata?
[14:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> the Dragonblooded who gave us the intel about the Empress being there
[14:41] <Brazen_Sand> Nomoe needs her so he can get hitched and then get SEMI-ULTIMATE POLITICAL POWA!
[14:42] <Noldarr> oh, she's marrying him?
[14:42] <Noldarr> But what about his Lunar mate?
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> It's a Political arrangement
[14:42] * Nomoe_Hideaki will take Ledaal Deris Cayal, Air Immaculate along. It is an opportunity to show those misled others the true path WITH KUNG FU!
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> That sounds pretty fun
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Actually, Brazen is misunderstanding.
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> Entirely possible
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Or he might be understanding Anshu
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> better than I do :p
[14:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I think Anshu might plan something like that :p
[14:43] <Brazen_Sand> I dunno. I'm just assuming from reading the log
[14:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe of course means to stick to his plan, which doesn't involve him giving that much ground in the negotiations.
[14:44] <Anshu> no, I didn't think that Hideaki was going to marry Veata
[14:45] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, I don't think he was going to marry HER. Just that she needs to be alive to go back to her house
[14:46] <Anshu> oh
[14:47] <Brazen_Sand> with his response
[14:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Since this thing was her initiative (before he took it over and made it his own) she is quite vital to that, yeah
[14:50] * Inkwell can't really bring any demons along to this.
[14:50] <Inkwell> They'd only cause trouble.
[14:50] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Demon A: "Inkwell! Demon B is being mean again!" XD
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> Awww
[14:51] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Don't make me stop this airship!
[14:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe Brazen will free the demons from Malfeas
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> 's tyranny
[14:53] <Noldarr> >_>
[14:54] <Brazen_Sand> What?
[14:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, will Inkwell come along?
[14:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ah, time skip time again, sweet
[14:54] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, this is a couple days later, right?
[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no
[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> this is the same day
[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since we only have two days
[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and need to travel about 2000 miles
[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> or something
[14:55] <Brazen_Sand> Ah
[14:56] <Brazen_Sand> So do we have a strike team with us?
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> We have one Sid and one DB in addition to Veata, I think?
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> assuming Noldarr brought his ally?
[14:57] <Brazen_Sand> I thought the Sid was co-ordinating the communication jewels
[14:57] <Brazen_Sand> remotely
[14:57] <Noldarr> She'd probably be safer back at home
[14:57] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, that way we won't be unable to speak to each other because of a lucky shot
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Oh yeah, did we get the communication artifacts?
[14:58] <Anshu> yes
[14:58] <Anshu> the bracelets
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Rock
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> *makes note for attunement cost*
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Yow, 5 motes
[15:00] <Noldarr> lol
[15:01] <Brazen_Sand> np
[15:03] <Anshu> argh, questions about distance.
[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> how close do you want it to be?
[15:06] <Noldarr> lol
[15:06] <Anshu> lol?
[15:07] <Noldarr> hm?
[15:08] <Anshu> why did you say lol again?
[15:09] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> maybe someone tickled him?
[15:10] <Noldarr> oh
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> *hides feather* >_>;
[15:10] <Noldarr> just loling at 'how close d'ya want it to be'
[15:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So this is what you have learned from Malfeas?
[15:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I guess all that 'fighting' talk is just a euphemism?
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> Hm?
[15:10] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> hehe
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> I tickled him.
[15:11] <Brazen_Sand> I guess
[15:11] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> We knew it. Malfy is an ol' Softy
[15:11] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Go forth my might Slayers... and Tickle! You all got your feathers right? Right?
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> yes Malfeas : \
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> This isn't what I exp-SILENCE!
[15:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> When they say that Malfeas "crushes" his layers? He really just tickles everyone in there.
[15:12] * Inkwell manifests twenty thousand mind-feathers.
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> It's not deadly, but it's really annoying
[15:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Oh no, his ultimate technique!
[15:14] <Brazen_Sand> BEHOLD, I TICKLE CREATION
[15:14] <Brazen_Sand> I think we all agree we need to fly
[15:16] <Brazen_Sand> We need big ropes to rappel down! : D
[15:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> that looks like the format Lost Arts and I defined for Solar/Lunar Bond communication. When he returns next week that may become confusing.
[15:18] <Brazen_Sand> *how about like this*?
[15:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> How about double *s?
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> **?**
[15:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **Yes**
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> That could work
[15:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so what are we doing again?
[15:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we need to insert Ruby so she can scout
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> STEEL REHN!
[15:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> the rest of us remains in the air, right?
[15:22] <Anshu> currently you are circling above the desert.
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> I'm gonna surf my Dire Spear down
[15:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[15:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> stealth? What stealth?
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> Hey, it's all I got for surviving a huge fall
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> Unless you want me to activate by Rage Recast or DTAS
[15:23] <Anshu> anybody looking down?
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> Which is a big no
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> I would assume ALL OF US : P
[15:24] <Brazen_Sand> Are looking down
[15:24] <Noldarr> I'm looking down
[15:24] <Noldarr> yes
[15:24] <Brazen_Sand> Except Inkwell, who I guess saw a really cool looking cloud
[15:25] <Brazen_Sand> *pokes him* Come on, man, get in the game.
[15:27] <Anshu> :o
[15:27] <Brazen_Sand> ; )
[15:28] <Brazen_Sand> Oh hey, I inadvertantly quoted Star Wars
[15:28] <Brazen_Sand> albeit gender-switched >_>
[15:28] <Anshu> Brazen Sand, robosexual :P
[15:28] <Noldarr> Did they get together when I was gone?
[15:28] <Brazen_Sand> Yup. You missed a LOT : P
[15:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> everyone missed that
[15:29] <Anshu> not in the game itself.
[15:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since it was off screen
[15:29] <Anshu> Apparently it happened in a private chat at some point.
[15:30] <Noldarr> I see
[15:30] <Noldarr> Cool
[15:30] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I'd post the log.. But.. I cannot find it. Likely I don't have loging ennabled on AIM.
[15:31] <Noldarr> lol
[15:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> CE said he didn't want to post the log, so ...
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> I'm all chaste and innocent O_O
[15:33] <Anshu> lmao
[15:33] <Anshu> you remind me of somebody else I know
[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> If you say Andy I will fill your life with misery and woe
[15:33] <Anshu> no.
[15:33] <Anshu> somebody else.
[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> Damn straight
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, I didn't think of it as like making out. More like that scene from Star Wars or Mass Effect: Lair of the Shadow Broker
[15:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no spoilers for the latter, please
[15:35] <Brazen_Sand> np
[15:35] <Brazen_Sand> I mean, I won't spoil it.
[15:35] <Brazen_Sand> Other then saying that it's AWESOME
[15:36] <Noldarr> I have to go in about 45 minutes
[15:36] <Noldarr> have another midterm tomorrow and my study group is meetig
[15:36] <Noldarr> meeting*
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> Don't worry, man. Brazen has your army well in hand!
[15:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Will you be able to make it on time next time?
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> *wheels in keg*
[15:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Since by then it may make a rather big difference? :p
[15:37] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah man, or let Brazen handle the army. *grabs beer bong*
[15:37] <Noldarr> next time should present no problem
[15:37] <Noldarr> s
[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> We're far away from Ruby, right?
[15:40] <Anshu> not too far, I didn't think.
[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> Don't want to blow her cover.
[15:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> she's invisible, though
[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, then I'll just walk through the sand and stick my eyes out when I get close
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> .ex10
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> ...that's strange.
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> ex10
[15:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> one space between the command and the number of dice
[15:43] <Anshu> .ex 10
[15:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 10
[15:43] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [6, 9, 6, 8, 10, 4, 3, 5, 10, 2]
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> Ahhhh
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> Oh nice, thanks
[15:43] <Anshu> wait
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> : D
[15:43] <Anshu> .ex 10
[15:44] <Brazen_Sand> Perception + Awareness
[15:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> huh
[15:44] <Anshu> it must not recognize me without the tilde
[15:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if you weren't recognized it would say so
[15:44] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 10
[15:44] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 7 successes against TN 7: [7, 10, 7, 8, 4, 3, 3, 7, 6, 9]
[15:44] <Anshu> okay, let's test something
[15:44] <Brazen_Sand> Oh sweet! Well, there we go Session Close (#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Oct 24 15:44:49 2010 -0600

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Oct 24 15:45:00 2010 -0600
[15:45] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[15:45] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[15:45] *** Topic set by ChanServ (11 hours ago at 4:19 AM)
[15:45] <Anshu> ... huh.
[15:45] *** -to nickserv-: identify PC-01MS
[15:45] *** -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized. Session Close (#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Oct 24 15:45:29 2010 -0600

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Oct 24 15:45:39 2010 -0600
[15:45] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[15:45] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[15:45] *** Topic set by ChanServ (11 hours ago at 4:19 AM)
[15:45] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[15:45] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[15:45] <~Anshu> .ex 10
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> Man, that sucks D:
[15:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, it just doesn't recognize that as command syntax
[15:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> try doing one space before the .
[15:46] <~Anshu> .ex 10
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> . ex10
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> .ex10
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> .ex10
[15:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, must be something with your client
[15:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> changed anything there?
[15:46] <~Anshu> no
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 10
[15:46] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 5 successes against TN 7: [4, 7, 1, 5, 4, 1, 3, 10, 10, 4]
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> Grah, okay, I got 7 successes
[15:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> try PMing the bot
[15:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> see if it makes a difference
[15:47] <Brazen_Sand> Go like "hey bot, stop breaking my balls!"
[15:47] <~Anshu> PMing it with dice commands?
[15:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[15:47] <Brazen_Sand> That might be a good idea, then you can make hidden rolls
[15:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> you can do all commands in pm, but it will reply in the same way
[15:48] <~Anshu> nope.
[15:48] *** Anshu is now known as Taurus
[15:48] *** Taurus is now known as Taurus_II
[15:48] *** -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
[15:48] *** -NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
[15:48] *** -NickServ- please choose a different nick.
[15:48] *** -to nickserv-: identify PC-01MS
[15:48] *** -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
[15:48] <~Taurus_II> .ex 10
[15:48] <Brazen_Sand> gotta have a space first.
[15:48] <~Taurus_II> .ex 10
[15:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wtf
[15:49] <Brazen_Sand> that burns my ass! >: (
[15:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> do you need to roll stuff right now?
[15:49] <Noldarr> ......
[15:49] <~Taurus_II> no, not really
[15:49] *** Taurus_II is now known as Anshu
[15:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I have no idea what's wrong. As a work-around I can just repeat your commands to make them stick. And I'll try to figure out what's going wrong.
[15:50] <~Anshu> ok
[15:50] <~Anshu> Ruby
[15:50] <~Anshu> there's an upgrade to let you move faster while under the cloak right?
[15:51] <Brazen_Sand> Submodule, yeah.
[15:51] <Brazen_Sand> 1xp per yard. You get it enough and you can move anyway you want.
[15:51] <~Anshu> do you have it?
[15:54] *** Pattern_Spider has quit IRC: Broken pipe
[15:54] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Yes
[15:54] *** Pattern_Spider has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[15:54] <~Anshu> excellent! so you can move faster now
[15:56] <Noldarr> lol
[15:56] <Brazen_Sand> what this time?
[15:57] <~Anshu> .ex 10
[15:57] <Brazen_Sand> ...
[15:57] <Brazen_Sand> Anshu, have you been using those Greater Astrological Charms again./
[15:57] <Brazen_Sand> *?
[15:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> found the problem, but it's on Anshu's side
[15:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> something with his client
[15:58] <Brazen_Sand> One of us could roll for him
[15:58] <~Anshu> Inkwell, you still with us?
[16:00] <~Anshu> .ex 15
[16:00] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [9, 5, 8, 3, 2, 4, 5, 5, 7, 6, 3, 8, 9, 9, 1]
[16:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yup, now seeing your lines without leading weird symbols
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> Yaaaay
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> Noldarr, what were you laughing about?
[16:01] <~Anshu> I guess Ink's gone.
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> As usual
[16:01] <Noldarr> just laughing at your
[16:01] <Noldarr> going down and coming back up again
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, it is pretty funny
[16:07] <Brazen_Sand> Ruby, can you communicate without breaking Optical Shroud?
[16:08] <~Anshu> as long as she has the bracelet on she ought to be able to.
[16:08] <~Anshu> and it's a perfect stealth effect, as I recall
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> So even if she talks to them, she can't be heard?
[16:09] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Even so I have perfect stealth so no can hear, smell, see, or even supernaturally find me. (Likely there is some cavet to this but I've not found it yet XD)
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe you should tell us what's going on from your end, then?
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> So we aren't so bored and know what to expect, right? : P
[16:09] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> mmm Good point.
[16:11] <Brazen_Sand> Regains WP from fulfilling Vice: Smugness
[16:14] <Brazen_Sand> btw, the caveat to your stealth is using Obvious charms
[16:15] <Noldarr> heading out
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> Bye Noldarr
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> *wave-wave*
[16:16] <Noldarr> Bye every1
[16:16] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86
[Firefox 3.6.9/20100824144458]
[16:16] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Oooh right. The first flashy thing poof
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> Well, you can reactivate it next action though
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> Oh shit
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> does Ruby know what the Empress looks like?
[16:18] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> She she does! She's a fat dude wearing girls clothing and laughing like Jabba the Hutt.
[16:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[16:18] <Brazen_Sand> Ohhhh right
[16:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A picture should have been easy to come by, though.
[16:18] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Nod nod
[16:18] <Brazen_Sand> hota nuka wheechee Chewbacca ho ho ho
[16:19] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> lol
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Maybe you should come out of the sun ...
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> oh wait, you did already. Well, damage already done, I guess.
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> :p
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> Good thing Brazen doesn't get sun-stroke
[16:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Transcendent Desert Creature, eh?
[16:22] <Brazen_Sand> Yup-yup
[16:29] <Brazen_Sand> *sits and watches* Shit is tense, man : O
[16:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, so how long since we started out from Denandsor?
[16:30] <~Anshu> a day and a half, say? plenty of time to recover motes and so forth.
[16:30] <~Anshu> or maybe just a day
[16:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> well motes, yes, but wp not necessarily
[16:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and not many virtue channels, if any
[16:31] <~Anshu> *nod*
[16:33] <Brazen_Sand> I guess I'd better roll
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and those additional 5m for the bracers :s
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Looks like I won't be committing anything to Infinite Well of Athletics after all
[16:35] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 2
[16:35] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 3 successes against TN 7: [10, 9]
[16:35] <Brazen_Sand> HAH!
[16:35] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I've 8 personal motes, 35 Periphrial, and 4 WP.
[16:35] <~Anshu> sorry. Was looking at the White Treaties.
[16:35] <~Anshu> Treatise*
[16:37] <Brazen_Sand> DID YOU SEE THAT?
[16:37] <Brazen_Sand> THREE SUCCESSES ON A 2-DIE POOL! XD
[16:37] <~Anshu> yes, I saw that
[16:38] <Brazen_Sand> That was awesome!
[16:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> What was roll for?
[16:39] <Brazen_Sand> Willpower
[16:39] <Brazen_Sand> rolling conviction
[16:39] <Brazen_Sand> I'm at 10 again : D
[16:40] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Willpower... roll. Tskers.
[16:40] <Brazen_Sand> To get it back
[16:40] <Brazen_Sand> Oh wait, I have Conviction 2. I need to roll 1 dice : (
[16:40] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> That's what a Conviction roll?
[16:40] <~Anshu> wait, huh?
[16:40] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Hmmm why do I not know how to do Willpower regains?
[16:40] <Brazen_Sand> You roll Conviction everytime you wake up to regain Willpower
[16:40] <Brazen_Sand> You can also do so with stunts
[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> so we can assume that Brazen was doing backflips all the way there XD
[16:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Inside the small air ship?
[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> Sure, why not
[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> *gasp* it's starting...
[16:42] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 1
[16:42] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [8]
[16:42] <Brazen_Sand> yay
[16:42] <~Anshu> what was that for?
[16:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> That won't have been very appreciated by everyone else sharing that space ...
[16:42] <Brazen_Sand> I made a mistake with my conviction roll
[16:42] <Brazen_Sand> it was actually 1 die because I have a -1 penalty due to Nightmare Fugue Vigilance
[16:43] <~Anshu> ohh
[16:46] <Brazen_Sand> *edge of seat*
[16:47] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby needs to get those eye enhancement charms XD
[16:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmhh, do the alchemical protocols have countermagic equivalents?
[16:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and what do they work against?
[16:48] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Yes I have one for First and Second circle sorceries
[16:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> more specifically, if they try to flee via sorcery, can Ruby counter them?
[16:48] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Anything higher is a no no. XD
[16:48] <Brazen_Sand> They're weirdly powered though. Apparently Man-Machine is somewhere between Terrestrial and Celestial Circle magic
[16:49] <Brazen_Sand> and God-Machine is somewhere between Celestial and Solar Circle
[16:49] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Ya the half steps. But still I cannot affect Adamant Circle. (SCS)
[16:49] <Brazen_Sand> Can you post the stats of some of the NPCs on the Wiki, Anshu?
[16:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah. Luckily they are unlikely to have Solar Circle stuff.
[16:49] <Brazen_Sand> Empress does...
[16:50] <~Anshu> I'll think about it, Brazen
[16:50] <Brazen_Sand> At least the Allies
[16:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Bah. She's not a Solar. Nor an Infernal. So she can't have Adamant CIrcle sorcery!
[16:50] <Brazen_Sand> Scarlet Wedding Band
[16:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *coughs*
[16:51] <Brazen_Sand> Ahhh
[16:53] <~Anshu> *finishes describing*
[16:53] <Brazen_Sand> What do we do? Just charge in?
[16:54] <~Anshu> hang on a second
[16:55] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmmm...could Ruby just stab her now and end it?
[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Unlikely.
[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmhh
[16:55] <Brazen_Sand> The attack would be unexpected
[16:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but we could start out with a coordinated attack
[16:56] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Capture Empresses Alive. ^^ Assassination would be uncool. Even if she didn't go... O little alchie I alone can see you. smite!
[16:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Against the Empress :D
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> It would be pretty badass though
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> Ruby could pull off a Trollface too
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> To everyone
[16:56] <Inkwell> Dear me, I'd thought we were almost done at six, and here you all still are.
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> *facepalm*
[16:56] <Inkwell> Clearly an Empress is serious business.
[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> But Ruby...it'll be alright, just put on your COOOOOOLFACE
[16:57] <~Anshu> okay
[16:57] <~Anshu> now we're done for the day.
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, can she say something?
[16:58] <~Anshu> can who?
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> You gotta do that before things fade out
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> The Empress, of course
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> Then it can be all like "It's good to be back" or something badass like that.
[16:58] <~Anshu> heh
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> Then that music where there's violin going higher and higher and it ends on a sting
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> and then *black*
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Yeah, final line: Scarlet Empress :D
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> With her looking AT THE AUDIENCE
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> Although Ruby had a great last line too
[16:59] <Inkwell> She doesn't want to speak because then you'll realize she's just Mirror Flag in a wig.
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Also true.
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh.
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> Or Green Lady
[16:59] <Inkwell> Or Kejak in a padded dress.
[16:59] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ack!
[16:59] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> :p
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> I'm a pretty girl
[17:00] <Inkwell> At last, I have infiltrated the Reclamation... just as planned!
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Ahhhhh, very nicely done, Anshu
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> *clap*
[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nice.
[17:00] <~Anshu> all right
[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> You know, I'm tempted to get Shockwave technique just for the hilarity of using it in a target right environment like this :D
[17:00] <Inkwell> But it's not a violin, it's the Number Six music.
[17:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But I guess, Brazen can incinerate all the distractions.
[17:01] <Brazen_Sand> Oh?
[17:01] <Inkwell> Man, it's all about Winds of Confusion in this circumstance.
[17:01] <Brazen_Sand> How many people are in there?
[17:01] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, btw, if a guy in a hellstrider shows up, they're mine. Calling it now
[17:01] <Inkwell> I toss that baby out and the Empress goes down for the count. No Dragon-Blooded anti-shaping, and the Ebon Dragon's good Shaping defense is E10.
[17:02] <Inkwell> Admittedly you guys will all be brainwiped, too, but you'll recover with treatment.
[17:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh.
[17:02] <Brazen_Sand> Or we could just use shaping defenses
[17:02] <Inkwell> I veto Brazen using Purity of Madness Defense against an effect that strikes again every turn.
[17:03] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has no shaping defenses?
[17:03] <Brazen_Sand> Oh dear
[17:03] * Nomoe_Hideaki neither :eek:
[17:03] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, don't cast that.