The Republic
The Republic was founded by the Americans in the Early 1960s. The Republic colony was opened up by President John F. Kennedy and many Americans entered into two sleeper ships to reach the best worlds. The First, the Mayflower, made it to the system they dubbed Massachusetts. The second, the Santa Maria was forcibly taken over the Black Panthers, and they became the people known as the Corsairs. The Republic occupies some of the Coreward worlds. The Republican Navy has been known to patrol independent worlds near it's own space.
After the defeat of the Valacantha, the Coreward Worlds that were left behind was mainly fought by the American Space Navy. Figuring it was time for the Human Race to leave it's cradle, NASA convinced President John F. Kennedy to construct two sleeper ships headed towards the Coreward Worlds. The Mayflower and the Santa Maria. The Santa Maria however was forcibly hijacked by the Black Panthers who promised the Black People an Interstellar Haven of their own away from the power of the White Man. Many blacks bought into their promises of Black Power and Black Independence and boarded the Santa Maria bound for another part of the Coreward Worlds. When the two sleeper ships where launched the collective population of the sleeper ships equaled about ten thousand people. The Sleeper Ship Mayflower made it to the system they dubbed Massachusetts. Mostly made up of Americans, the fledging Republic soon adopted the old U.S. Constitution as its own, and set up a house of Representatives, a Senate, a President, and a Judicial Branch. When Communication with Sol was lost, the Republic became its own interstellar nation.
Controlled and Contested Space
The Republic controls the following systems in their space: Massachusetts, Virginia, Utah, Louisianna, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Hawaii, and California systems. Only the Massachusetts, Utah, Virginia, Illinois, Hawaii, and California systems are inhabited. The other systems are considered to be border systems used for military purposes.
The Republic has an economy built on truly free trade and free enterprise. It's location between Eldar space and the Aquegon Empire makes it a lucrative trading zone. The Republic is a very capitalistic nation, as it learned the lessons from the past and manages to control it's Shadow Government by prosecuting traitors. The Republic has many freelancers and the Republican Navy protects free trade as one of its objectives.
Major Interstellar Corporations
- Northrop-Gumman Industries
- Interspace Commerce
- Interstellar Shipping
- Planetform, Inc.
- Rothschilde and Row
- Asconde Pharmaceuticals
- Synth Foods, Inc.
Minor Interstellar Corporations