The Wyzard Runs OD&D: The Slayers
this is the character section for The Wyzard Runs OD&D, a PBP campaign run on the fora.
Ivan the Sage
Class: Magic-User
Alignment: Neutral
- Strength: 8
- Intelligence: 14 (5% XP bonus) (Upgraded last level-up)
- Wisdom: 9
- Constitution: 8
- Dexterity: 12
- Charisma: 11
AC: 9 HP: 2/6
Level: 2 XP Total: 3184 XP Needed: 5000
Languages: Common, Draconic, Reptilian, Old Amaranthian, Thracian
Equpiment: Encumbrance Total: (100+50+145)+200+83=578 coins
- Gear Carried (in Leather backpack): 50' Rope, 10' Pole, 2 Waterskins, bedroll, 11 days iron rations, 3 Torches, Steel mirror, Bunch of wolfsbane, Garlic bud, 1 copy of the Guild Vault map, Spellbook, in a laquered ironwood case with brass fittings and leather seal, 5 flasks of oil, 4 vials of holy water
- Weapons: 5 daggers, 40 darts
- Armor: None
- Treasure & Coinage: 70 GP, 13 gems worth 100 gp each
Background & Description:
Once a sage and storyteller in a minor lord's court, Ivan narrowly escaped execution after upsetting the lord with some embarrassing historical fact about his heritage. Now he travels the world, teaching useful lore to whoever cares to listen. Recently, he's joined with the group after being chased into the Tomb of Renf the Red-Handed along with Paulus Landom.
Ivan is a thin, middle-aged man of otherwise average proportions. He sports a neatly trimmed beard and an unending supply of grumblings.
Known spells:
- Read Magic, Read Languages, Protection from Evil, Shield, Magic Missile. (2 slots, max. 8 spells known.)
Professor Randall
Class: Fighting Man
Alignment: Neutral
- Strength: 17 (+10% XP)
- Intelligence: 14
- Wisdom: 6 (raised from 5)
- Constitution: 18 (+1 HP)
- Dexterity: 13 (+1 missile adjustment)
- Charisma: 8
Major NPCs
Carts, Baggage, & Retainers
Unassigned Treasure
Blank Character Sheet Template
Name the Title
- Strength:
- Intelligence:
- Wisdom:
- Constitution:
- Dexterity:
- Charisma:
Level: XP Total: XP Needed:
Equpiment: Encumbrance Total:
- Gear Carried
- Weapons
- Armor
- Treasure & Coinage:
Background & Description:
Fighting Style: