Dawn of the Third Age/OOC Logs/Session 13

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Nov 28 10:43:33 2010 -0700
[10:43] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:43] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[10:43] *** Topic set by ChanServ (0 minutes ago at 10:54 AM)
[10:43] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[10:43] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[10:43] <dakkareth> But yeah, I'd probably say "and on the seventh day I'll rest and fuck studying" ;)
[10:44] <~Anshu> brb
[10:44] <dakkareth> but then I'm not very responsible about that
[10:44] <Brazen_Sand> Indeed
[10:44] * dakkareth waves
[10:44] <Brazen_Sand> Same here.
[10:44] <Brazen_Sand> I just had a 10 page Medieval Warfare paper that I had to hand in on Thursday
[10:44] <Brazen_Sand> I did it in time, of course, but it was a pain
[10:44] <dakkareth> The Physikum, first part of the state examination for medicine
[10:44] <Brazen_Sand> Cause it was on how Feudal society would effect how militaries are formed
[10:45] <Brazen_Sand> Wow, neat name
[10:46] <Brazen_Sand> So anyway, there weren't many direct sources
[10:46] <Brazen_Sand> We had articles and books on Feudalism, and books on the English military in the middle ages, but not both -_-
[10:48] <Brazen_Sand> So, you can imagine how difficult that was
[10:48] <dakkareth> Probably not, except on an abstract level.
[10:50] <Brazen_Sand> Well I don't have many sources I can really point at and say "this and this shows that my argument is correct", right?
[10:50] <dakkareth> yeah
[10:50] <Brazen_Sand> I have to look at Property laws and vassalage and then look at how the militaries are formed as well and then sort of deduce how they would work together myself.
[10:52] * dakkareth sighs. Sometimes I wish I had to do stuff like that. Rather than just memorizing books full of stuff.
[10:52] <Brazen_Sand> It's sort of the same, lots and lots of citations
[10:53] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmm, could Nomoe join the fight if Snow was injured?
[10:54] <dakkareth> Depending on severity ... sure, that's one of the conditions that would make him re-evaluate the situation.
[10:54] <Brazen_Sand> Excellent...
[10:55] <dakkareth> Basically anything that makes not joining in more costly (in whatever currency) than the potential fallout from the Deliberative.
[10:56] <Brazen_Sand> I think the both of us can take these guys
[10:56] <Brazen_Sand> It'll be funny for us to fight side by side
[10:56] <dakkareth> If I was ST I'd avoid puppeting an absent player's PC to that degree, though.
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> I think that Ziyad would be fine with it
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> Just like her being knocked out
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> I'd be okay with it, it wouldn't effect her outside this session adn he's not playing anyway.
[10:57] <dakkareth> Still. That's a pretty dramatic intervention.
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> It's fiiiiiine, gawd
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> If that's such a big deal, I'll have Brazen ask for help or something
[10:58] <dakkareth> I don't know if it would be a big deal, I can neither speak for Lost nor for Taurus.
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84NM-RldOF8)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84NM-RldOF8
[10:58] <dakkareth> Just saying that if I was the ST or player involved, I wouldn't.
[10:59] <Brazen_Sand> Mmmm...Impervious Primacy Mantle *throws things on the ground*
[10:59] <Brazen_Sand> I know I've posted it before, but it's hilarious
[11:01] <Brazen_Sand> I just imagine Malfeas doing this whenever anyone tries to be even remotely commandin to him, like within a ridiculous degree.
[11:01] <Brazen_Sand> "Here, it's your dad."
[11:09] *** Disconnected.
[11:10] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:10] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[11:10] *** Topic set by ChanServ (16 minutes ago at 10:54 AM)
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> welcome back
[11:10] <Anshu> not for long
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> ...what happened now?
[11:11] <Anshu> I'm finishing my brakfast and then going back outside to help seal up windows against the wind
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> Is that an all-day thing?
[11:11] <Anshu> no
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> I think me and Nomoe can take the army, btw
[11:12] <dakkareth> back
[11:12] <Brazen_Sand> So...regroup at 2?
[11:12] <Anshu> yeah
[11:12] <Anshu> sounds best
[11:12] <Brazen_Sand> Okay.
[11:13] <dakkareth> and then waht?
[11:13] * Anshu feels annoyed
[11:13] <Brazen_Sand> We play.
[11:13] <Anshu> I don't know yet. Grr.
[11:13] <Brazen_Sand> don't know what yet?
[11:14] <dakkareth> Mmh. *puts aside the gaming caffeine dose* Probably should do without anyway.
[11:14] <Brazen_Sand> ...Oh ffs
[11:14] <Anshu> ?
[11:14] <Brazen_Sand> We just dump another gaming session?
[11:15] <dakkareth> Need to get up early tomorrow, too much caffeine and I'll be awake for hours after the session yet.
[11:15] <Anshu> you think I'm any more thrilled about the idea, CE?
[11:16] <Brazen_Sand> Then just play it with two people. We were doing fine last weekend until I had to leave to pick up a bed
[11:16] <Brazen_Sand> Hell, it's even easier with 2 people.
[11:17] <Anshu> well, perhaps
[11:17] <Anshu> anyway
[11:17] <Brazen_Sand> No, not perhaps. Co-ordinating the actions of a bunch of PCs takes up a lot of time
[11:17] <Anshu> time for me to get back out
[11:17] <Brazen_Sand> If you have such a tough time with it, then I'll do it.
[11:18] <Anshu> bbs
[11:45] *** Disconnected. Session Close (#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Nov 28 11:46:10 2010 -0700

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Nov 28 11:48:50 2010 -0700
[11:48] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:48] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[11:48] *** Topic set by ChanServ (54 minutes ago at 10:54 AM)
[11:48] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[11:48] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[11:48] <~Anshu> *sigh*
[11:50] <Brazen_Sand> hrm?
[11:50] <~Anshu> nothing
[11:50] <~Anshu> just in a general bad mood
[11:50] <~Anshu> okay
[11:50] <~Anshu> to clear the air a bit
[11:50] <~Anshu> the reason Hattori is not here is because we talked last night, and decided that it was probably best if he bowed out for a couple of reasons
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> Clear what air?
[11:51] <dakkareth> the virtual air we are not breathing
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> OH GOD THE MATRIX D:
[11:52] <~Anshu> one being that he couldn't guarantee his schedule wouldn't fuck up his ability to attend games in the future
[11:52] <~Anshu> and the other being that Cowboy kept getting pissy about Noldarr.
[11:53] <Brazen_Sand> I'm playing the world's smallest violin
[11:54] <Brazen_Sand> What do you want me to say?
[11:57] <~Anshu> I have to say I'm a little upset with you as well. This is the second game I've seen you disrupt by feuding with another pleyer. The first was Andrensath, and I was sympathetic because honestly, he was kind of a douche. But Hattori was a nice guy. I'll give you another pass, because we just started the plot arc with your quest for the Sun, but be aware that I'm watching your behavior. If the pattern continues...
[11:57] <Brazen_Sand> I didn't even have a problem with Hattori
[11:57] <Brazen_Sand> I said that numerous times
[11:58] <Brazen_Sand> And I didn't really disrupt OMWF, tbh. It was a pain the ass, yes, but the game continued on regardless despite the "feud"
[11:59] <~Anshu> Secondly, do you honestly think I /like/ having these sessions be disrupted by lack of attendance and RL stuff? None of us do. If we did, we wouldn't have joined or started the game in the first place.
[12:00] <Brazen_Sand> Nobody "likes" having them be disrupted. It's the ease of giving up on them that irks me.
[12:03] <Brazen_Sand> So no, of course I don't think you /like/ having that stuff happen.
[12:03] <~Anshu> ok
[12:04] <Brazen_Sand> But it takes all this time to get all together, and then we spend an hour getting ready and "oop we're just not gonna play this session"
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> Also, I think it might be best if we did this discussion via private messaging.
[12:08] <Brazen_Sand> Also, it seems like you're set on not playing this weekend. That's really disappointing, but if I can't change it, then just say so and, frankly, stop wasting my time.
[12:09] <~Anshu> I'm not set on not playing
[12:09] <Brazen_Sand> That's good to hear.
[12:09] <~Anshu> I was just anjnoyed and frustrated by things and had to vent
[12:09] <Brazen_Sand> Well I'm annoyed and frustrated by a lot of things too, I just try to change them
[12:09] <Brazen_Sand> And I don't like being told that I was "feuding" with Hattori. Feuding implies 2 people
[12:10] <Brazen_Sand> hattori didn't even give me the dignity of speaking to him directly.
[12:10] <Brazen_Sand> *privilege
[12:10] <~Anshu> I was paraphrasing
[12:10] <Brazen_Sand> At least I interacted with people and tried to talk about the game and how best to go about it, rather then just sitting back and then taking all the glory
[12:10] <Brazen_Sand> Am I a self-absorbed prick sometimes? Yes. But at least I put effort in.
[12:11] <~Anshu> I may have represented him as being more harsh than he was in his conversation with me
[12:11] <Brazen_Sand> It doesn't really matter to me anyway. I don't care what he thinks, I care what my friends think, you and Dakk.
[12:14] <dakkareth> So ...
[12:15] <~Anshu> all right.
[12:15] <Brazen_Sand> mm
[12:15] <~Anshu> to segue back to less confrontational topics
[12:17] <~Anshu> I'm thinking of commissioning Mel Uran to do a picture of some of the characters from this game/OMWF
[12:18] <Brazen_Sand> Are we going to actually play this session? Cause I'm not made of time. I mean, that's a cool idea and all, but...you know.
[12:18] <~Anshu> yes
[12:18] <Brazen_Sand> If I was made of time, shit would be pretty crazy.
[12:19] <dakkareth> heh
[12:19] <~Anshu> you'd probably be a Raksha.
[12:19] <~Anshu> or a shinma.
[12:19] <Brazen_Sand> A Shinma, actually, prolly.
[12:19] <dakkareth> yeah, but then you'd have to be made of non-time
[12:19] <dakkareth> or define a world that has no time
[12:19] <Brazen_Sand> Can we be fighting beastmen now?
[12:20] <~Anshu> he could be a Shinma made of time that defines timelessness and immortality
[12:20] <~Anshu> but yeah, okay.
[12:20] <~Anshu> oh, Brazen
[12:20] <~Anshu> didn't your friend want to observe?
[12:20] <Brazen_Sand> My friend isn't here right now -_-
[12:21] <~Anshu> oh ok
[12:21] <Brazen_Sand> And he was the guy who couldn't do Friday, so I suspect it's a moot point now anyway
[12:21] <Brazen_Sand> Sorry
[12:21] <dakkareth> is that set, then?
[12:21] <dakkareth> I thought we were still discussing it?
[12:21] <~Anshu> I haven't made a final decision yet, no
[12:21] <Brazen_Sand> We're the only ones left, dude
[12:21] <Brazen_Sand> Who else are we going to discuss it *with*?
[12:21] <Brazen_Sand> besides Lost, admittedly
[12:22] <dakkareth> Neither Myllinnia nor Rand have definitely said they'd bow out, though. Right?
[12:22] <~Anshu> right
[12:23] <~Anshu> I have to admit I'm thinking of kicking Rand out regardless
[12:23] <Brazen_Sand> Myll has said that it doesn't matter which one we choose
[12:23] <dakkareth> Anshu, why?
[12:24] <~Anshu> he consistently fails to show up, is late, or pays no attention when he is here
[12:25] * dakkareth nods
[12:25] <dakkareth> (afk briefly)
[12:25] <~Anshu> *debates whether or not to have Snow get injured to bring Nomoe into the fight*
[12:29] <Brazen_Sand> You're hte ST, it's your choice.
[12:31] <Brazen_Sand> You know, we might as well start from where we left off last week.
[12:31] <dakkareth> sry about that
[12:32] <dakkareth> that would only work if for some reason Nomoe's Defend Other didn't work out, though
[12:32] <~Anshu> true....
[12:32] <Brazen_Sand> Then he's involved regardless
[12:33] <Brazen_Sand> He just interfered with the battle. In for a penny, in for a pound
[12:33] <Brazen_Sand> Or you could have Noldarr request his assistance. He's an NPC now anyway
[12:33] <~Anshu> hmmm, point there. Snow got attacked, his Defend Other kicked in, and now he's made himself a target whether he wanted to be or not
[12:34] <dakkareth> basically for Nomoe it's a simple calculation - what will cost him more, defying the deliberative's mandate or not acting
[12:34] <dakkareth> you are free to define how pissed off the Deliberative would be in his estimation
[12:34] <~Anshu> Not very.
[12:35] <dakkareth> and for the other side, he has no Intimacy to the deliberative but HAS intimacies to Snow, to his family. to his country, and his honor
[12:36] <dakkareth> he doesn't yet have an intimacy to the circle (such as it is), though the fight might well count as another scene spent building it
[12:36] <~Anshu> all right
[12:37] <dakkareth> And yeah, if Noldarr requested it and backed it up with his own substantially better Backing, that would reduce the cost of going against the mandate to (nearly) zero
[12:37] <dakkareth> lots of buttons for you to push :)
[12:38] <Brazen_Sand> *rampages*
[12:38] <~Anshu> I'm typing IC
[12:38] <~Anshu> *gets Snow yto use the Mom Voice on Brazen*
[12:40] <Brazen_Sand> : \
[12:40] <dakkareth> heh
[12:40] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, I purchased an Isidoros Charm
[12:41] <Brazen_Sand> Unlimbered Tusks of Adamant
[12:41] <Brazen_Sand> Gotta get something to allow me to create a Shintai, after all ; )
[12:42] <dakkareth> good call
[12:42] <dakkareth> and not just for that
[12:42] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, it's good for damaging buildings
[12:42] <dakkareth> Lunar are notoriously soak-monstery
[12:42] * dakkareth is once more amused by how similar Nomoe and Brazen are
[12:43] <Brazen_Sand> *spends 4m 1WP to summon Warstrider-sized lightsaber spear
[12:43] * dakkareth has a mass wrecking combo planned
[12:43] <Brazen_Sand> SHOW-TIME
[12:43] <dakkareth> that is, mapped out, but not ready to go
[12:43] <Brazen_Sand> We need to end up back-to-back with each other at least once.
[12:43] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe get surrounded by mooks or something
[12:43] <dakkareth> and it's not really useful anyway unless you want to demolish a city wall or something
[12:44] <Brazen_Sand> Problem is that htere are still villagers in there.
[12:44] <Brazen_Sand> Otherwise I would've activated BAoD and just rushed through the beastmen like a hot knife through butter
[12:44] <dakkareth> right now I have no moves of mass destruction anyway
[12:44] <dakkareth> I need to get social stuff, remember
[12:45] <Brazen_Sand> Do you think that basically causing this big invisible burst of "gravity" around you would work for an Isidoros Shintai?
[12:45] <dakkareth> Nomoe is after all an Eclipse - talking with your fists is for after you have failed to out-maneuver the other guy at the negotiating table
[12:45] <Brazen_Sand> Like for a second things shoot towards you and then *RELEASE* and everything is rubble
[12:45] <dakkareth> mmhh, like Pain in Naruto
[12:46] <Brazen_Sand> ?
[12:46] <Brazen_Sand> Not familiar with that part of Naruto. I know who Pain is, but not much else
[12:46] <dakkareth> are you ok with spoilers?
[12:47] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[12:47] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[12:48] <Brazen_Sand> (losing one health level as I grip the spear)
[12:48] <Brazen_Sand> I think I have like 9 HLs (considering mutations and such)
[12:49] <Brazen_Sand> H.mmm...it's up to you
[12:49] <Brazen_Sand> Vitriolic Corona Endowment is a Simple Action
[12:51] * Nomoe_Hideaki blatantly reposts stuff from the session that wasn't, since it's basically the same situation :p
[12:52] <Brazen_Sand> ...Nomoe help Snow D:
[12:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe makes his move once Snow either fails to use a perfect, is surprised, or something else gets past step 2 defenses
[12:54] <Brazen_Sand> Aw man, more book-keeping for Anshu D:
[12:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It would be impolite to just butt in earlier
[12:54] <Brazen_Sand> You do know what they'll do to her if they catch her, right?
[12:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> You mean between Step 3 and Step 10 of attack resolution?
[12:55] <Brazen_Sand> (Have to wait for Nomoe's action)
[12:56] <~Anshu> okay, I've set stuff up
[12:56] <Brazen_Sand> Nicely done.
[12:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Should I forget that Snow has an anti-surprise Charm?
[12:57] <~Anshu> yes :P
[12:58] <Brazen_Sand> So is Brazen's path to Snow blocked by this rape-gang?
[12:58] <Brazen_Sand> Or are they on different sides of wherever they are?
[13:00] <~Anshu> Snow is basically following Brazen's swath of destruction
[13:01] <Brazen_Sand> hrmph, not much more destruction he could cause : P
[13:01] <~Anshu> the rape-gang is in front of Brazen, preventing him from going further into the city
[13:02] <Brazen_Sand> Fuck, Disobey and Die is based off of Magnanimous Warning Glyph, which i dropped
[13:03] <Brazen_Sand> Grumble grumble, stupid slight inconvenience : \
[13:03] <Brazen_Sand> I guess I'll choose a different charm to replace it > :D
[13:03] <Brazen_Sand> >: D
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> : O A wild kitty appears
[13:05] <Brazen_Sand> ...and leaves. Hrm, she's been weird lately
[13:06] <~Anshu> Dakk, are you typing or waiting?
[13:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[13:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sorry to take so long
[13:07] <Brazen_Sand> *gets second purchase of Unlimbered Tusks of Adamant*
[13:08] <Brazen_Sand> Man, lots of monologuing
[13:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> may I narrate that beastman's spear kaput?
[13:09] <~Anshu> sure
[13:09] <~Anshu> you know you love the monologuing, CE
[13:10] <Brazen_Sand> I'm too impatient for long ones, myself. But yeah, it's interesting
[13:11] <Brazen_Sand> Is that it?
[13:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> basically Divine Flash Step to get there and Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm
[13:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> Oh nuts, forgot JB
[13:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> huh, took a while to write that up. sorry.
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 15
[13:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> do we use last time's JB?
[13:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> pattern spider is coming
[13:15] *** Pattern_Spider has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .load cmd_games
[13:15] <Pattern_Spider> Loading cmd_games successful
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 15
[13:15] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [3, 10, 8, 6, 5, 1, 4, 8, 9, 5, 1, 1, 7, 5, 2]
[13:16] <Brazen_Sand> hm, not too shabby
[13:16] <~Anshu> nobody minds if I just put Snow in the background now?
[13:16] <Brazen_Sand> It's okay with me
[13:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 8
[13:16] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 5 successes against TN 7: [5, 8, 9, 8, 3, 4, 2, 10]
[13:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no real alternative to that
[13:16] <~Anshu> .ex 8
[13:16] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 3 successes against TN 7: [2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 5, 8, 10]
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> Looks like it's my turn
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 10 sux for Nomoe
[13:17] <~Anshu> mhm gimme a sec
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> due to HAX :p
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> ...wait, how?
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> Ah
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Secrets of Future Strife
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> as long as that one intervention has made Nomoe well and truly a target
[13:18] <Brazen_Sand> Well then you made your move before me and now it's MY TURN :B
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (and I'll forget about his ability to just Flash Step away :p)
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> that was all reflexive. However i'll gladly guard and wait
[13:18] <~Anshu> ok, Nomoe
[13:18] <~Anshu> you can go if you want
[13:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> the customary Defend Other, nothing else
[13:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmhh
[13:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I should do an upgrade Charm to Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm that destroy enemy weapons upon being parried :D
[13:20] <Brazen_Sand> Then they'd just turn them back on.
[13:20] <Brazen_Sand> Although that woudl be a huge pain in the ass X_X
[13:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> see, useful :p
[13:22] <Brazen_Sand> Performance + Charisma + 6 motes of Malfean excellency + 2 die stunt + Specialty
[13:23] <~Anshu> Defend Other is Spd 5 DV -1?
[13:23] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 17
[13:23] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 12 successes against TN 7: [8, 8, 6, 6, 7, 1, 2, 10, 1, 8, 8, 6, 8, 1, 9, 10, 7]
[13:23] <Brazen_Sand> Yow
[13:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Anshu, IIRC yes
[13:24] * Nomoe_Hideaki consults his shiny dead tree Glories
[13:24] <Brazen_Sand> : O NICE
[13:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yup, Spd 5, SV -1
[13:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sad that they didn't do a new cover for Glories and re-used the Scroll of Divinity thing
[13:25] <~Anshu> okay
[13:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> would have been awesome to have a good Incarna cover
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> and no new art, but ce la vie
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, for the purpose of energy beams, does the anima count as part of the body?
[13:25] <~Anshu> so 12 sux on Performance attack, UMI?
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> I think it should, just because it would be awesome for stunts
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> Of course
[13:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> a stunt should suffice
[13:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and of course you'll always do it as part of a stunt ;)
[13:26] <Brazen_Sand> All of his social attacks are UMI automatically
[13:26] <Brazen_Sand> Depending on Valor
[13:27] <~Anshu> okay. Valor 5 makes it?
[13:27] <Brazen_Sand> Anything above Valor 3
[13:27] <Brazen_Sand> But wait, last time he was Valor 3 : O
[13:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> last time didn't happen
[13:27] <Brazen_Sand> And even if that doesn't work, there's still Crowned with Fury if that fails
[13:28] <Brazen_Sand> TIME PARADOX @_@
[13:28] <~Anshu> yes, that was because I guessed rather than look at the actual stats the Ink Monkeys gave for Ma-Ha-Suchi's horde :P
[13:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Bureau of Destiny public works, please move along, nothing to see here ...
[13:28] <Brazen_Sand> Cool
[13:28] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, it's still UMI, except it only takes 1 WP to defend against Crowned with Fury
[13:29] <~Anshu> right
[13:29] <~Anshu> 1 loyalty spent then
[13:30] <Brazen_Sand> k
[13:30] <~Anshu> Brazen is in DTAS, right?
[13:30] <Brazen_Sand> As always
[13:30] <~Anshu> darn
[13:30] <Brazen_Sand> I've basically got WP and motes committed on my sheet
[13:30] <~Anshu> he can't call you hu-mon :P
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> "That's nice. You're a FAG-GOT"
[13:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mon-ster!
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> (Yeah, playground insults)
[13:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (which sets Brazen Sand up for a No, john, you are the demons)
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> "Of course I am the demons!"
[13:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh+
[13:32] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen is beyond human by now anyway :B
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> Are you typing, Taurus?
[13:35] <~Anshu> yeah
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> kk
[13:36] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, that friend of mine is going to watch, if that's okay
[13:36] <~Anshu> ok
[13:36] <Brazen_Sand> he can't really play, but was interested in observing a session anyway
[13:36] <~Anshu> Nomoe you're up again before I do their actual action
[13:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> would getting a victim away from a beastmen be a misc action, an attack, or what?
[13:37] <~Anshu> hmmm
[13:37] <Brazen_Sand> Oh shit, Brazen's angry now
[13:37] <Brazen_Sand> JUSTICE. INFERnAL STYLE TIME
[13:37] <~Anshu> you could do a called shot to his arm to make him drop her, or a disarm attempt to snatch them away
[13:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> under essence sight they are essence channelers but not lunars, right?
[13:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> hence no perfect defenses
[13:38] <~Anshu> be careful, Brazen! they have human shields
[13:38] <Brazen_Sand> He could break their arms, probably
[13:38] <~Anshu> right. Most of them aren't even essence-channelers, but there's a sizable number of half-castes.
[13:39] <Brazen_Sand> I know, I'm talking about Nomoe
[13:39] <Brazen_Sand> That's why I asked Dakk for help
[13:39] <~Anshu> ok
[13:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> how many carrie victims are there?
[13:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (also typing)
[13:41] <~Anshu> umm
[13:41] <Brazen_Sand> Talking is a free action ; )
[13:41] <~Anshu> about a dozen
[13:41] <Brazen_Sand> (when they aren't social attacks)
[13:41] <~Anshu> one for each member of the pack.
[13:42] <Brazen_Sand> : O LOOK OUT
[13:42] <Brazen_Sand> NOMOE'S A CRIP!
[13:43] <Brazen_Sand> He's wearing hsi gang colours!!1!
[13:45] <Brazen_Sand> >_> No? No one gets the joke
[13:46] <~Anshu> I did
[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> Thanks
[13:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Alright, since they won't have perfect defenses I'll try and go for broke. 12 attacks.
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> 3-die stunt
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> This is pretty cool, after all
[13:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'll activate Orichalcum Fists of Battle and channel Compassion (2 dice, but hey, every bit counts)
[13:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> damn, not enough dice :(
[13:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it would be easy if I channelled Conviction, but I can't do that
[13:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> oh well, let's see how it turns out
[13:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> targetting half-castes first
[13:50] <~Anshu> ok
[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, think Valor might be appropriate?
[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Taking the civilians out of the battle is sort of honorable.
[13:51] <~Anshu> hmmm
[13:52] <~Anshu> and it is a bold, dramatic action
[13:52] <~Anshu> sure
[13:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .exf 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
[13:52] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled
[7, 7, 10, 9, 7, 5, 8, 11, 6, 4, 7, 5] successes against TN7
[13:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> oh, wait
[13:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I forgot the Excellency
[13:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> that's why it's so few dice :p
[13:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .exf 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
[13:53] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled
[17, 17, 19, 10, 10, 12, 12, 10, 12, 13, 11, 11] successes against TN7
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> Yoshude is the friend of mine
[13:54] *** Yoshodejurai has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And, naturally, Divine Flash Step to get enough movement to set them all down somewhere quiet and distant from the hordes
[13:55] * Nomoe_Hideaki waves
[13:55] <Brazen_Sand> Hi Yoshode! : D
[13:55] <~Anshu> hello
[13:55] <Yoshodejurai> hi there
[13:55] <Yoshodejurai> I probably won't be able to join with my schedule but I'd like to observe today
[13:55] <~Anshu> right
[13:56] <Yoshodejurai> I really wish I could, but work and all
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> Right now me and Nomoe are fighting Ma-Ha-Suchi's horde
[13:57] <Yoshodejurai> cool
[13:57] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, they're...being pretty rapey. Which has us all pretty steamed IC, I imagine
[13:58] <~Anshu> speed 5, correct, Nomoe?
[13:59] <~Anshu> I'll assume so
[13:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[13:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sry
[13:59] <Brazen_Sand> What for?
[13:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> for being slow to reply
[13:59] <~Anshu> I wish Half-Castes could go above Essence 3
[14:00] <Brazen_Sand> Hey, Half-Castes are awesome for mooks : P
[14:00] <~Anshu> so I could describe cool Obvious SFX when this guy activates RLF
[14:00] <Brazen_Sand> Nothing stopping you from doing so now
[14:00] <Brazen_Sand> It's your game.
[14:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> you can describe how it looks to Nomoe's essence sight ;)
[14:00] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen has essence sight too
[14:00] <Brazen_Sand> So it all works out!
[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> Heh
[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> Wolf + Goat = Hyena laugh : D
[14:05] <Brazen_Sand> Who is he attacking?
[14:06] <~Anshu> Attacking Brazen.
[14:06] <Brazen_Sand> hmph
[14:06] <Brazen_Sand> Bring it >: )
[14:07] <Brazen_Sand> *turns on Cruel Angel Thesis*
[14:08] <Brazen_Sand> wait, is RLF a Simple charm?
[14:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no, reflexive
[14:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Lunars go from zero to full speed damn quickly
[14:09] <Brazen_Sand> okay, just wondering
[14:09] <~Anshu> RLF includes Shell-Crushing Atemi, Wasp Sting Blur, and Steadfast Yeddim Meditation.
[14:09] <~Anshu> just fyi
[14:09] <Brazen_Sand> Okay
[14:10] <~Anshu> Channeling Valor and applying full Dex Excellency....
[14:11] <~Anshu> .ex 32
[14:11] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 17 successes against TN 7: [10, 4, 10, 7, 4, 9, 2, 6, 9, 3, 8, 3, 2, 8, 3, 7, 7, 8, 1, 2, 2, 6, 6, 1, 7, 3, 4, 4, 9, 4, 10, 7]
[14:11] <Brazen_Sand> Can I use Extras as stunt fodder?
[14:11] <Brazen_Sand> penetrates DV
[14:11] <~Anshu> Shell-Crushing Atemi ignored Hardness. How many successes after DV?
[14:12] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmm...9
[14:12] <~Anshu> (oh, and it's 18 sux thanks to RLF)
[14:12] <Brazen_Sand> Activating Anima
[14:12] <~Anshu> what's the new anima do again?
[14:13] <Brazen_Sand> checking
[14:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, repeated myself. i'll fix that in post-production
[14:15] <Brazen_Sand> Anima Power: opponents suffer -1 external penalty to attack or impede Brazen, can pay 5 WP to ignore this. +2 difficulty to co-ordinate attacks, +2 DV, immune to fear effects, opponents take -2 to Rout Checks while in Mass combat against Brazen.
[14:15] <~Anshu> ok, the external penalty cancels the bonus success
[14:15] <Brazen_Sand> Spent 5 motes to activate it, I believe
[14:16] <Brazen_Sand> So how much damage does it do?
[14:16] <~Anshu> not sure yet
[14:16] <~Anshu> what's Brazen's soak, and would stunt dice apply to the damage roll as well?
[14:17] <Brazen_Sand> Stunt dice does not apply to damage rolls, I believe
[14:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> nah, they go into damage only by way to the attack roll
[14:17] <Brazen_Sand> and his soak is 31B/32L
[14:17] <~Anshu> okay thought so
[14:18] <~Anshu> okay, Brazen takes ping of 5 (Essence 3 half-caste plus damage boost from his mass combat unit)
[14:19] <~Anshu> .ex dmg 5
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> roll?
[14:19] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - number of dice has to be an actual number
[14:19] <~Anshu> .ex 5 dmg
[14:19] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 0 successes for damage: [3, 2, 2, 6, 5]
[14:19] <~Anshu> ...
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> *phew*
[14:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> GAHAHAHAAH PUSSY (Brazen)
[14:19] <~Anshu> *shakes fist*
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> What's this dude wearing?
[14:20] <~Anshu> Nothing but his fur and skin.
[14:20] <Brazen_Sand> hrm, just a dude
[14:20] <Brazen_Sand> Does anyone mind if I punt this guy into a building?
[14:21] <~Anshu> why should we?
[14:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> who would? :p
[14:21] <Brazen_Sand> rhetorical question ; )
[14:21] <~Anshu> So did you guys see the edits I made to the wiki page?
[14:22] <Brazen_Sand> Nay, I will look now
[14:22] <Brazen_Sand> Are they...neat?
[14:22] <~Anshu> I added a bunch of stuff under the custom resources page
[14:22] <~Anshu> and of course the log of your conversation with the Sune
[14:22] <~Anshu> Sun*
[14:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, I saw both
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> That's pretty neat
[14:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and it's a pretty good way to say 'no' :D
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> ?
[14:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> well, 'not anytime soon'
[14:24] <Brazen_Sand> Ah yeah, well, that is reasonable
[14:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So, want to post about how Brazen laughs at the half-caste's puny attack?
[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, I thought Anshu was going to narrate the attack
[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> then I laugh at it and counter-attack
[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> adn then I gotta go walk the dog while you guys do your thing :3
[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> it's only a short walk
[14:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> well, you generally get to describe successful defenses and how your character reacts
[14:26] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, sorry.
[14:27] <Brazen_Sand> So would I attack him individually, or do I need to go into Mass Combat?
[14:28] <~Anshu> you'd need to go into mass combat
[14:28] <~Anshu> welll...
[14:28] <~Anshu> yeah, go into mass combat. Nomoe attacked each of them individually
[14:29] <Brazen_Sand> okay then
[14:29] <Brazen_Sand> Time for a perfect attack aimed at the leader then >: D
[14:31] <Brazen_Sand> Does he have a weapon besides his own claws or whatever?
[14:31] <~Anshu> yeah, the leader is using a moonsilver dire lance
[14:31] <~Anshu> I thought I already said that
[14:31] <Brazen_Sand> Sorry, missed it
[14:34] <Brazen_Sand> GSNF + Unstoppable Searing Might + Lustrous Adamant Tusks
[14:34] <Brazen_Sand> Altogether it's about 12 motes
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, and one Willpower
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> So it ignores pretty much everything short of a Perfect defense
[14:36] <Brazen_Sand> I would've rolled 5 dice to attack
[14:36] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 7
[14:36] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [10, 7, 1, 2, 5, 1, 9]
[14:36] <Brazen_Sand> + 5 damage from GSNF
[14:39] <Brazen_Sand> Result?
[14:40] <~Anshu> sorry
[14:40] <~Anshu> was making a sandwish
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> bbl, gotta walk dog + help with dinner
[14:40] <~Anshu> wich*
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> PLEASE don't all quit while I'm gone this time, k thx
[14:41] <~Anshu> Brazen
[14:41] <~Anshu> before you go
[14:41] <~Anshu> only the 5 from GSNF is unsoakable right?
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> No, it all is now
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it's all unsoakaable due to LAT
[14:42] <~Anshu> okay
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> cause of the Lustrous Adamant Tusks
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> Also Dire Lance.
[14:42] <~Anshu> ah got it
[14:42] <~Anshu> ok
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> I should be back before the game ends.
[14:42] <~Anshu> he's in the first of his -2s
[14:45] <~Anshu> Nomoe, you go
[14:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mass Combat?
[14:46] <~Anshu> oh wait
[14:46] <~Anshu> I knew there was something I forgot
[14:49] <~Anshu> .ex 6
[14:49] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 3 successes against TN 7: [6, 2, 8, 1, 10, 6]
[14:51] <~Anshu> that was for seeing their leader get tossed around like that
[14:51] <~Anshu> you can make a social attack to make them flee if you want
[14:51] <~Anshu> oh, wait
[14:51] <~Anshu> Dawn anima.
[14:51] <~Anshu> eh, fuck it, I already rolled and posted. Make your social attack or whatever, unless you botch they'll run
[14:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Are they not affected by that Lunar charm to make them fearless?
[14:52] <~Anshu> ... that makes more sense.
[14:52] <~Anshu> We'll go with that.
[14:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mass combat is bad for solo units without war
[14:53] <~Anshu> yep.
[14:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> still, making ... four attacks, each supplemented by the first excellency and sledgehammer fist punch
[14:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .exf 25 24 23 21
[14:53] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled
[8, 6, 15, 9] successes against TN7
[14:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> oh man, sucky rolls
[14:55] <~Anshu> they work fine on opponents of this caliber., except for the 6
[14:55] <~Anshu> three hits.
[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> how many sux, what lethal soak against piercing?
[14:56] <~Anshu> oh right
[14:56] <~Anshu> Dodge DV is 7, so 1, 8, 2 sux
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> lethal soak against piercing?
[14:57] <~Anshu> 3
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 116 dice of post soak
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> base damage 38L
[14:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 116 dmg
[14:58] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 45 successes for damage: [1, 8, 7, 10, 9, 6, 3, 5, 8, 1, 6, 1, 3, 6, 2, 1, 6, 10, 10, 6, 4, 5, 2, 7, 1, 7, 7, 4, 8, 4, 1, 5, 8, 8, 7, 9, 10, 8, 7, 2, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4, 8, 10, 8, 5, 1, 10, 7, 2, 5, 1, 9, 7, 6, 1, 9, 2, 1, 4, 10, 1, 9, 8, 8, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 2, 8, 3, 2, 3, 3, 5, 4, 2, 9, 8, 6, 8, 2, 3, 6, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 9, 8, 10, 10, 9, 4, 4, 8, 6, 7, 5, 9, 6,
[14:58] <~Anshu> Splat.
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmh, I had my own solution prepared to get rid of the unsightly bodies, but this works, too :)
[15:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> note that even with the mass combat unit destroyed the leader will remain
[15:01] <~Anshu> well, given the way you describe your attack I wasn't quite sure how to describe their sudden deaths
[15:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki's style is to cause internal damage rather than external, so normally a killed opponent would fall to the ground with internal bleeding and various other sorts of non-obvious nastiness. Then Nomoe was going to carry them all away via judicious overuse of his speed charms.
[15:02] <~Anshu> oh.
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But since this was probably way more than they had disintegration is fine :)
[15:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A PC in my game once brought an enemy about 20 levels past Dying, that was my description as well ;)
[15:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, the leader stays? Or is he smarter than that?
[15:06] * ~Anshu handwaves the roll to deactivate RLF ahead of time
[15:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Speed 5 for Nomoe, leaving the leader to Brazen.
[15:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He can finish what he started.
[15:08] <~Anshu> what's Nomoe doing there?
[15:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> waiting for Brazen to take care of him so he won't need to look upon the beastman again :p
[15:09] <~Anshu> oh
[15:09] <~Anshu> <.<
[15:09] <~Anshu> >.>
[15:10] <~Anshu> *uses magic to make the dog walk faster*
[15:11] <~Anshu> Lunar Training charms to increase its Dex :P
[15:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, I've stunted this little trick twice now, I should probably get the Charm for it
[15:11] <~Anshu> probably
[15:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> although with Nomoe's movement rate at close range the difference between a ranged attack and a stunted close combat attack that only looks like one is negligible.
[15:12] <~Anshu> true
[15:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> as a heads up, I won't be able to stay as long today as I have in previous weeks
[15:14] <~Anshu> ah, right, because of the getting up early thing
[15:14] <~Anshu> how long do you have left?
[15:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> an hour and a half from now on, or something like that
[15:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we haven't always played longer than that, but I just thought I'd mention it
[15:15] <~Anshu> *nod*
[15:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'll gladly give up an hour of sleep or two for the game, but I should probably limit it to that ;)
[15:17] <~Anshu> I understand
[15:19] <~Anshu> well, while we're waiting and hoping for Brazen to get back quickly, I don't suppose you've had opportunity to get into Nuwa's head about the question I asked you a couple weeks ago?
[15:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, I'll have to catch Lost during the week. Have Nomoe and Snow talk about that little stunt today.
[15:29] <Brazen_Sand> back
[15:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wb
[15:29] <Brazen_Sand> Oh phew, I thought you'd left again
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> I'll just shoot his Half-Caste
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> Taurus, is that okay?
[15:32] <~Anshu> yep
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 20
[15:34] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [9, 6, 3, 3, 10, 5, 2, 10, 1, 2, 5, 5, 8, 5, 1, 4, 5, 4, 1, 6]
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> FFFFUUUUH
[15:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Will Nomoe have to keep his eyes closed for a while longer yet? ;)
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> why?
[15:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if it was insufficient to take care of the guy (which I don't know if it was)?
[15:38] <~Anshu> hmmm
[15:38] <~Anshu> actually, it hits
[15:38] <~Anshu> DV 7, -3 for Dashing
[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> Awesome!
[15:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> -2 for Dashing, -1 for his attack?
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> Also his back is turned
[15:39] <~Anshu> oh, Dashing's only a-2?
[15:39] <~Anshu> well, it hits regardless
[15:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yes
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> Does it drop him?
[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe now we can start fighting hte big cheese : D
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> *poke poke*
[15:43] <~Anshu> perhaps
[15:43] <~Anshu> and yeah, it drops him
[15:43] <~Anshu> sorry
[15:44] <~Anshu> I think we'll end here today. I know Dakk has to get to bed soon
[15:44] <Brazen_Sand> Oh maaaaan, this seige is never going to end >_<
[15:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we'll talk a bit more and scatter a few extras, prepare for a scene where we meet up again with other PCs?
[15:46] <~Anshu> well, I'm not sure who the other PCs will be at this point
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> I think me and Nomoe could fight Ma-Ha-Suchi, if we could just charge through the extras
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> Well maybe if you would finally make a decision about whether we're playing on Friday or not we could answer that.
[15:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> the beauty of the situation is that anyone likely to be a PC might decide to intervene against Ma-Ha-Suchi
[15:46] <~Anshu> true
[15:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> whether they are in time or too late, either way instant introduction scene :p
[15:47] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[15:48] <Brazen_Sand> We really need to decide whether or not hte game starts on Friday. I'm sorry, but if we don't figure it out, interest will wane.
[15:48] <~Anshu> true.
[15:48] <~Anshu> Friday works better for both you and Dakk, right?
[15:48] <Brazen_Sand> *uses Force Decision*
[15:48] <Brazen_Sand> *shrug* I'll maek it work. It all works as well as any other day
[15:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It should. Usually no reason to get up early the next day ;)
[15:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Though I might at times be a little late.
[15:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Such as next week.
[15:49] <Brazen_Sand> The game always starts late anyway
[15:49] <Brazen_Sand> ...okay, not always
[15:49] <Brazen_Sand> but if it's like an hour late, that's not a big deal
[15:50] <~Anshu> okay
[15:51] <~Anshu> we'll go with Fridays.
[15:51] <Brazen_Sand> Can we meet MHS?
[15:52] <Brazen_Sand> At least get some shots in?
[15:52] <~Anshu> today, you mean?
[15:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> what did Lost say about Fridays again?
[15:52] <Brazen_Sand> Yeeeeeah
[15:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> oh right, "happy enough with it for the moment"
[15:53] <Brazen_Sand> brb
[15:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> best make a post about it in the thread, taurus
[15:57] <~Anshu> oh, I will
[15:57] <~Anshu> and I'm sorry, Brazen, but Ma-Ha-Suchi is in another castle.
[15:57] <~Anshu> ...
[15:57] <~Anshu> eh
[15:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> hey, we did have a small bit of character development, we can talk it out more
[15:58] <~Anshu> *nod*
[16:01] <~Anshu> to be specific, the horde here is being led by a body double
[16:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If Conviction would compel you toward two contrary courses of actions and you chose one, have you acted against your conviction for purposes of the Conviction Flaw?
[16:02] <~Anshu> hmmm
[16:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And perhaps more importantly, once oyu have made the choice will you still count as acting against your conviction in the next scene after that?
[16:03] <~Anshu> I'm going to say yes to the first and no to the second
[16:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> would have been my first thought as well, but better to ask ;)
[16:04] *** Disconnected.
[16:05] *** Anshu_ has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[16:05] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[16:05] *** Topic set by ChanServ (5 hours ago at 10:54 AM)
[16:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki_> damn
[16:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki_> forgot to register hideaki
[16:05] <Anshu_> oops
[16:06] *** LordNibbler has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[16:06] <Brazen_Sand> back for real'
[16:06] <Anshu_> as I was about to say, keep in mind we're using the errata'd surcharge-based Conviction Flaw of Invulnerability
[16:06] <Anshu_> and who is LordNibbler?
[16:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki_> yeah, obviously
[16:06] *** Anshu has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:06] *** Yoshodejurai has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:06] <Brazen_Sand> Yoshude, I think
[16:07] *** Anshu_ is now known as Anshu
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[16:07] *** Pattern_Spider has quit IRC: Gryphon.MagicStar.net Atlantis.MagicStar.net
[16:07] *** Nomoe_Hideaki has quit IRC: Gryphon.MagicStar.net Atlantis.MagicStar.net
[16:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki_> or Nomoe would have ... retreated
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[16:07] <Brazen_Sand> Oh god I'm confused
[16:07] *** Nomoe_Hideaki_ is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[16:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> did you get the IC stuff, CE?
[16:08] <Brazen_Sand> So what happened?
[16:08] <Brazen_Sand> A bit
[16:08] <Brazen_Sand> Did you respond to what Brazen just said?
[16:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sry, I missed that :o
[16:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> have seen it now, though
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> Also MHS being a body double is kind of lame : \
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> We should really get to fight him after all this build-up
[16:10] <Anshu> you'll get to fight him eventually
[16:10] *** Pattern_Spider has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
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[16:10] <Brazen_Sand> But I mean to havehim just be a bodydouble here?
[16:11] <Brazen_Sand> At least let us fight the body-double then.
[16:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'll have to leave in half an hour, though. Sorry, CE.
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> Awwww :\
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> Well, I hope I'm not so rudely interrupted next time
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> And if we didn't start so late
[16:13] <Anshu> me too
[16:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> As I said, on Friday the 10th I'll be late.
[16:13] <Anshu> and you will definitely fight the body double
[16:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Probably between one hour and one hour and a half.
[16:13] <Brazen_Sand> You should tell them it'll be on Friday on WW too, ask for sheets, etc.
[16:13] <Anshu> who will be an experienced Lunar in his own right
[16:13] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, that's still fucking lame.
[16:14] <Brazen_Sand> But okay.
[16:14] <Brazen_Sand> I guess.
[16:14] <Anshu> hey, it says that he uses body doubles as his field commanders
[16:14] * Nomoe_Hideaki shrugs. It's consistent.
[16:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I like setting consistency.
[16:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The cahracters in my game are suffering under it, but that's ok.
[16:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Their fault if they think they can just waltz into Denandsor and do whatever they wnat :p
[16:15] <Anshu> you mean like we did in OMWF? :P
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, but after being told for 3 weeks that it's MA HA SUCHI
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> It's a real let-down
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> *raises hand* I got beaten up by like 30 giant robots
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> again
[16:16] <Anshu> ... I don't remember that
[16:16] <Anshu> at all.
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> When we first entered the centralmanse thing
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> and there were a whole ton of those robots and Crow started walking in and they activated?
[16:16] <Anshu> ooh yeah, now I kinda remember
[16:16] <Anshu> I mostly remember fighting the Infernals
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, I think that the storyline is kind of confused now
[16:17] <Anshu> yeah
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> We were going to fight Abyssals after this, I figured, but now wehave this thing with MHS
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> And there's the Reclamation, and then there's this whole rescue the Exaltations thing
[16:17] <Anshu> *juggles plot threads*
[16:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> which I still don't understand
[16:17] <Anshu> what do you mean?
[16:18] <Brazen_Sand> How cna you not understand it? I literally told you it in detail >_<
[16:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> to do what Sol said you have to make every single Infernal go Heretic
[16:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and full Heretic
[16:18] <Brazen_Sand> Or you could STEAL LILLUN
[16:18] <Brazen_Sand> Like I said repeatedly to you. Jesus Dakk, you're just doing thsi on purpose.
[16:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, I accepted that it might be one IC way to try it, sure
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> Then your first assertation is wrong
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sure, I am
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> in that you don't need to make every Infernal go Heretic
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> because now I can get Taurus' input on the matter ;)
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no contradiction there
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> In fact, Infernal Shards are quite easy to purify, relatively.
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> statement 1: To *succeed* you need to do A.
[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> statement 2: To *try* you can do B.
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> stupid logic >_<
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> *hisses and hides in cave*
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> Also, did you see Brazen's response?
[16:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> writing
[16:22] <Brazen_Sand> Well Taurus, can we atleast the see the Lunar
[16:22] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe he could approach us to see what the fuss is about?
[16:22] <Anshu> sure
[16:22] <Brazen_Sand> I mean now
[16:22] <Anshu> I know
[16:23] <Anshu> I just went to start typing
[16:23] <Brazen_Sand> Okay
[16:23] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, XP?
[16:23] <Anshu> yeah, XP for you two.
[16:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> well, if he interrupts us we'll just murder him and then continue talking ;)
[16:23] <Brazen_Sand> Man, I need to buy an Int specialty for Brazen
[16:23] <Brazen_Sand> XD like in DBZ:Abridged
[16:23] <Brazen_Sand> *mountain explodes*
[16:24] <Brazen_Sand> Hey, that was very rude! I was TALKING TO VEGETA!"
[16:27] <Anshu> how's that,?
[16:27] <Brazen_Sand> NO BELL VOICE! IT'S AN IMPOSTER : O
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> Oh there it is
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> Weird
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> Keep in mind that Brazen likely has no idea who MHS actually is or what he looks like.
[16:28] <Anshu> should I have added some "ding-dongs" to the dialogue to make it more obvious? :P
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> XFD
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> Well, is he wearing clothes?
[16:29] * Nomoe_Hideaki is slow
[16:29] <Brazen_Sand> Considering how rapey everything is, I suspect we've seen enough ding-dongs today
[16:29] <Anshu> XD
[16:29] <Brazen_Sand> HI-YOOOOOOOO! :D
[16:30] <Brazen_Sand> I'mhaving great fun imagining how insulted and baffled MHS-alike is right now
[16:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh
[16:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> what essence is he?
[16:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> to essence sight?
[16:33] <Anshu> ummm
[16:33] <Anshu> can Essence sight detect Essence ratings?
[16:34] <Brazen_Sand> I'm not sure
[16:34] <Brazen_Sand> I don't really think it can
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it can
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> though you need an occult roll
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 5
[16:34] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 2 successes against TN 7: [6, 1, 5, 8, 9]
[16:35] <Anshu> success, barely.
[16:35] <Anshu> hmmmm
[16:37] <Anshu> Essence 6
[16:37] <Brazen_Sand> ...so is the guy not wearing anything?
[16:37] <Brazen_Sand> I guess he could have tattoo armour
[16:38] <Anshu> he's wearing a loincloth
[16:39] <Brazen_Sand> Oh good. We don't have to hear that ding-dong then ; P
[16:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> CE, can I finish Nomoe's answers before you continue?
[16:42] <Brazen_Sand> Sure
[16:43] <Anshu> do you think you can continue your conversation another time?
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> Yes
[16:44] <Brazen_Sand> We should continue the discussion while fighting next week! : D
[16:44] <Brazen_Sand> That would be great stunt material
[16:45] <Anshu> okay
[16:45] <Anshu> I'll post the logs
[16:45] <Anshu> and see you next week
[16:46] <Brazen_Sand> Ta-tah
[16:46] * Nomoe_Hideaki waves
[16:47] *** Nomoe_Hideaki is now known as dakkareth
[16:47] <Brazen_Sand> Sleep well, Dakk
[16:48] *** dakkareth has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ~ Trillian Astra - (Link: http://www.trillian.im)www.trillian.im ~
[16:48] *** Brazen_Sand has left #celestialdeliberativeOOC