Character:Imperative Harmony of Order

Imperative Harmony of Order | |
Biographical information | |
Birthplace |
Katraya del Zexay |
Birth |
RY 741, 7th day of Ascending Air. |
Occupation(s) |
Senior Magistrate of the Deliberative, justicar of the Ministry of Justice and member of the Celestial Deliberative |
Gender |
Female |
Hair color |
Green, short and elegant |
Eye color |
Green |
Height |
5'5" |
Statistics | |
Type |
Solar |
Caste |
Zenight |
Affiliation |
Katraya del Zexay, the Celestial Deliberative, the Ministry of Justice |
Imperative Harmony of Order
Ambitious Judge Supreme of the Deliberative
Real Name: Smiling Harmony
Periphrasis: "This court finds you guilty, may you find respite in the cleansing waters of Lethe."
Theme Song: Yama of Xanadu
Bring all of Creation under my jurisdiction.
- Order (Ideal)
- Due Process (Strong Importance)
- Law (Respect)
- Honesty (Admiration)
- Criminals (Contempt)
- Creatures of Darkness (Patronizing Disregard)
- The Fair Folk (Cruelty/Hatred)
- Blood-Soaked Rain (Love/Loyalty)
- Impartiality (Inviolate Principle)
(Intimacies in italic are protected by Charm effects)
At first it's only a tiny flicker floating where her heart should be over her breast. As it rise in intensity it grows to consume more and more until the light it shines is almost impossible to ignore even with the rest of her anima already flaring bright, the color shifting from gold to bright white with every moment.
And then it happens as it explodes with the crackling roar of heaven's hammer falling on the anvil of fate and she is consumed with holy white fire rising in a pillar toward the heaven, as she disappears within the warm glow bleaching out everything that comes even close to her so that it is discolored as if it had been left for years in the sun.
Then something appears from it, a blazing golden indistinguishable form flickering to life amidst the great bonfire of swirling pure white essence and then it leaps outward as it spreads wings upon which burning are etched glorious laws eternal in the golden tongue unbroken which has long been lost. It is a wise owl with eyes as black coals and feathers as so many silvery swords and beak of orichalcum ignited by constant flames licking outward almost as if with a will of their own, this phoenix fowl in who's silent gaze there is eternity and unspoken words every sin and injustice ever wrought by your hands.
It judges and it condemns even as it stand guardian of an order beyond even that of Heaven, one which was when there was yet to be a time to be and will be when there is no more a time that will be.
Instinctively it has no name, yet if it could have one it would be "Axiom".
It descends back in a spiral to this dying fire from which it is wrought that still yet burns nevertheless in a pillar illuminating the sky itself such that it would compete with the sun travelling through the sky of Creation, landing behind Harmony and holding its mighty wings aloft over her as bladed feathers of beautiful yet delicate argent shed and fall around the magistrate as a result, clanking with a melodious ring and shattering into sand as if from an hourglass.
- Burn the bodies of the fallen for one mote of essence per body, sending the smoke (and soul) to Heaven and preventing the body from rising after death as a zombie or hungry ghost. There is no cost for this at the 11+ motes of display.
- For 10 motes, shine as bright as noon for (Essence x 10) yards, (Essence x 2) additional bashing, lethal and aggravated soak and add Essence to minimum damage vs Creatures of Darkness for one scene. Automatically comes into play at 11+ motes of display.
PHYSICAL: Strength •••, Dexterity •••••, Stamina ••
SOCIAL: Charisma •••••, Manipulation ••, Appearance •••••
MENTAL: Perception •••••, Intelligence •••••, Wits ••••
Caste Abilities
Integrity ••••• (Impartiality +2), Performance ••••• (Oration +2), Presence ••••• (Condemnation +2), Resistance -, Survival -
Favored Abilities
Bureaucracy ••••• (The Legal System +3), Investigation ••••• (Conducting Interviews +2), Occult •••••, Awareness •••••, Lore ••••• (The Law +1), Athletics •••••, Socialize •••
Unfavored Abilities
Dodge •••••, Melee •••••, Linguistics ••• (Native: Forest-tongue, Old Realm, High Realm, Riverspeak)
- Artifact: •
- Backing: •••• (The Ministry of Justice)
- Influence: •••• (The Ministry of Justice)
- Backing: •• (Celestial Deliberative)
- Manse: •••••
- Resources: ••••
Merits and Flaws
- Intolerance 2pts (The Fair Folk)
- Code of Honor 2pts
- Obligation 2pts (Shining Lord of Gold and Ivory)
- Greater Curse 1pts
1st (Ability) Excellency (1m/die, add up to Attribute+Ability dice to one action)
2nd (Ability) Excellency (2m/sux, add up to (Attribute+Ability)/2 successes to one action)
3rd (Ability) Excellency (4m, reroll in Step 3/4 and take the better result, incompatible with 1st and 2nd)
Infinite (Ability) Mastery (2m/1m reduction, commit Essence to reduce the cost of the three Excellencies)
Infinite Well of (Ability) (--, duration of Infinite Mastery becomes Indefinite)
(Ability) Essence Flow (--, use Excellencies as innate ability not counting as Charm use, incompatible with Infinite Mastery)
Supreme Perfection of (Ability) (--, while using Essence Flow the cost of the 1st and 2nd Excellency is halved, that of the 3rd reduced to 3m)
Epic (Ability) Supremacy (1wp, 10s count as 3 successes, +1 sux per 5 automatic sux, +1 static rating per ten dice in originating pool)
Transcendent (Ability) Understanding (--, increases the limit to which an Ability may be raised with XP by one)
Heart-Compelling Method
Infatuation-Gathering Idol Methodology
Integrity-Protecting Prana
Temptation-Resisting Stance
Elusive Dream Defense
Judge's Ear Technique
Evidence-Discerning Method
Oracular Magistrate Understanding
Immanent Solar Glory x3
Graceful Crane Stance
Lightning Speed
Divine Flash Step
Spirit-Detecting Glance
All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight
Sorcerer's Burning Chakra Charm
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Celestial Circle Sorcery
Solar Circle Sorcery
Incorruptible Judge Attitude (See Extra Details)
Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement
Terrible Sun King Condemnation
Keen Sight Technique
Unsurpassed Sight Discipline
Eye of the Unconquered Sun
Shadow Over Water
Seven Shadow Evasion
Refinement of Flowing Shadows
Reflex Sidestep Technique
Summon Elemental
Emerald Countermagic
Sapphire Countermagic
Demon of the Second Circle
Adamant Countermagic
Curse of Unyielding Mist
Essence & Health
Essence: •••••
Personal: 25
Peripheral: 66 (88)
Committed to Charms: 20m peripheral (Infinite Well of Melee 20m),
Commited to Artifacts: 5m peripheral (Moment of Verdict)
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
(wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)
••••• •••••
Static Values
Dodge DV: 8
Parry DV: 11
Dodge MDV: 10 (11 vs Impartiality)
Parry MDV: 6
Soak: 1L/2B
Hardness: 0L/0B
Compassion •••
Conviction •••
Temperance •••••
Valor ••
(Virtue Channels used: None)
Limit Break
Justice is Blind
The character loses perspective on the nature of truth and justice in this world and feels compelled to bring swift and unquestionable retribution on those who violate the edicts of the law. As her Temperance is swallowed within the growing tides of madness and hardened for what will soon come she loses both patience and tolerance for criminals. Feeling nothing but contempt for the scum she pursues even the slightest infraction relentlessly and to the full extent of the law, punishing it harshly within the confines of the legal system to which she believes herself bound. She makes no distinction between friend and foe in this and all may be the victim of her callous judgement. The character must immediately prosecute any violation of the law which is wrought or brought before her or if there is none she must immediately go forth to catch and bring to justice any unfortunate 'criminal' which she previously witnessed yet chose to ignore no matter how petty or insignificant the 'crime'.
Partial Control: The character must be as unto the coldest flame of justice there ever was but she may yet temper her thirst for retribution upon the wicked with the wisdom of her intellect. She does not waste her time pursuing those who are only culpable of minor and unimportant crimes such as jaywalking, instead leaving her attentions only for such major violations as grand theft, arson or murder. In this she may also distinguish between friends or foe but her mercy is indeed meager for all that friends will get from her is a stern warning and should they fail to heed it retribution will follow almost immediately for the character is no more herself. She does not feel the need to prosecute past crimes if there is none present at the moment either, instead defering her righteous indignation for a later scene where she will witness a crime worthy of her attentions. If such is the case her Limit Break will last as long as it takes for such an event to take place, though she may still go after past crimes if she is compelled to either by her personality or social interactions.
Duration: One Scene
Limit Break Condition: The character is witness to any major crime and is unable or unwilling to do anything about it.
Limit: ----- ----
Moment of Verdict (Artifact ••)
Specifically forged at the request of the Ministry of Justice for one of its foremost senior magistrates, Moment of Verdict is an hefty if compact orichalcum goremaul which gently hums with barely audible laws constantly, countless sutras to the glory of Celestial Order and the Creation-Ruling Mandate etched in Old Realm upon the slightly warm metal. Almost alive, the potent weapon flares to life whenever it is used in battle as it easily harmonizes with the anima banner of one whom it was forged for, the words burning with golden essence as a result and heavy light casting away the shadows of deceit and doubt beyond her regard. Harmony also uses Moment of Verdict when she holds court as she finds the intimidating sight easily maintains order in her tribunal but in the direst circumstances.
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +16B/4, Defense +2, Rate 3, Minimums Str ooo, Attune 5, Cost ••, Tags O,P
The Azure Court of Spider Lillies (Manse •••••)
The current administrative headquarters of the Ministry of Justice of the Deliberative, the Azure Court of Spider Lillies is perhaps one of the most aesthetically complex and geomantically refined masterpieces of occult architecture built since the foundation of the new Celestial Deliberative. Sitting in the political heart of the Imperial City itself, the sanctum of justice still nevertheless finds a way to be surrounded by high walls which hide most of its splendor from the sight of those who have no business standing within its hallowed halls. Behind the walls one would find nothing but a simple quay of stone with an elegant if not particularly massive boat waiting beside it for any passengers. The real eye-catcher however would be the widespread artificial lake which extends almost as far as mortal sight can go in all directions defying space and logic in an astonishing display of mystical engineering. Thousands of vivid crimson spider lillies grow from this pond of water nearly fifty years deep all the way to the manse proper itself, giving it the name for which it is most well known. As one would traverse the still waters forward they would feel the ominous watching presence of an invisible creature all around them which they cannot explain even as their instincts draw their sights toward the countless flowers floating wordlessly on the water. Could this be it? None know for sure, but the somewhat disturbing sight has been known to silence even the boldest fool into contemplative silence of what they are soon to witness.
The Azure Court of Spider Lillies itself is a tall yet elegant structure which spreads wings of stone and alabaster painted azure and decorated with orichalcum and green jade over what might be an otherwise lush island but is almost completely occupied by the court, leaving barely enough space for another wharf for the boatman to leave their charges. Evidently eyes would be drawn toward the tall doors of raw orichalcum with scenes of justice and the holy nature of virtue carved upon the imperishable material for all to witness. As the heavy doors would part to give way within the manse itself, one would be swamped into the bustling and noisesome life of the Ministry of Justice. Lesser bureaucrats and serving elementals running around in the service of the legal system of the entire Deliberative from even past the reception of the place where a polite but incorruptible Ifrit by the name of Rakal greets and guides all those who come to their proper place within this microcosm of perfect order. Past this reception rows upon rows of desk built into large stairs which go higher and higher into the depth of the manse are cut in half by the immense and long corridor leading past them. In this place the most urgent and important affairs of the Ministry of Justice are cared for by the greatest legal specialists and their wise and helpful fiery advisors.
At the end of the hallway there is nothing but a door of solid white jade which is otherwise featureless but for the symbol in Old Realm for the most divine of words that is 'Law'. Within the premise which it protects lies the courtroom of the Judge Supreme of the Deliberative where the most notable and complex legal affairs of the entire Deliberative are presided over by Imperative Harmony of Justice herself. Rows of Ifrits clad in shining armors of priceless jade and wielding lances of raw elemental fire casting intimidating light on the walkway toward the accused's box look over the vast affair that is this tribunal. High above all else sitting on the throne of unquestionable authority and ancient wisdom sits the presiding judge herself to hear the case at hand, banners on either side of her reading in High Realm the words as follow 'In this place, there shines only the light of Truth'. The words of an oracle and the order of a shining God-King indeed for those who can feel the power invested within these banners. Nevertheless the senior magistrate does not preside alone. She is almost at all time assisted by a Second Circle Demon which acts as bailiff in the current affair at her behest along with a pair of dragon-blooded or otherwise exceptional enlightened mortal scribes and lawyers who take note of everything and may help her with any point of law for which her vast and almost infaillible legal sagacity might fail. Furthermore there is a single chair in an high balcony which can only be reached by means unknown to most which is dedicated to any visiting Celestial Exalt guest whom would like to bear witness to the proceedings. Due to the authority invested upon the presiding judge however, only Celestial Exalts are welcome to do so and all others would have to contend with her polite but firm rejection of their request.
The Azure Court of Spider Lillies is easily one of the crowning jewels of the Deliberative in terms of efficiency and utility. Though it does act as the current center of the legal bureaucracy, through rather keen and subtle bureaucratic and legal manoeuvering on the part of Harmony it is currenly also the sole property of herself. She does not make much of it at the moment but should any attempt to seize it away from her she would bring the full weight of the law behind her to keep it from any hands she finds unworthy of the privilege. The five dots manse produces a Stone of Loyalty hearthstone and also is home to many useful miracles of its own. For one, it is entirely indestructible. Nothing short of an attack upon its geomancy could ever pierce the fundamental justice and the principles of law and order which flow unbound within its walls and foundations. It is effectively imperishable and eternal to those who would use physical force against it. Furthermore, the Court also acts as a rainbow tabernacle within the private quarters of Imperative Harmony of Order which allows her to further enhance her already potent sorcery if necessary. Not only that but the premise may sustain a population of up to Magnitude 6 with the help of the Provider trait in complete autarky. This miracle allows the manse to produce enough healthy food, clean water and purified air in absolute isolation for it to sustain such a population in perpetuity. Lastly through extremely complex rituals, deals with distant elemental courts and political manoeuvering within the celestial Bureau of Nature in Heaven, Harmony has managed to acquire for herself a complement of five hundred bound Ifrit to serve as guardians and custodians to her manse. She is particularly proud of that last feature as this has proven to be perhaps her greatest political achievement to date and has greatly helped with the enhancement of efficiency within the central bureaucracy she manages.
However all of this comes at a price. Not only does the manse require weekly attention and maintenance of great complexity from occult experts, which currently reside in the manse itself and work for the Ministry of Justice, but in building this place she found even her great competence challenged and her knowledge strained to its very limits. As such she found herself in need of help and assistance by one who could even surpass her in certain areas of expertise and called upon none other than the Shining Lord of Gold and Ivory for help. Even if she did pay him handsomely in jade for his timely assistance, she still found herself to be in his debt for the tremendous service he granted upon her back then. The favors she owes him are not forgotten and to this day she is still willing to come to his assistance in what matters she can help should he request it until her debt is fully cleared.
Mechanically, this five dots manse possesses the Rainbow Tabernacle, Provider, Bound Servant Force and Indestructible traits and the Maintenance 4 flaw.
On a night of black snow as tides of chaos stormed in waves of entropy from the lands of Chaos beyond the long pass in the mountains surrounding the Duchy of Ragarol to the East the sole magistrate and notary of the largest economical powerhouse of that small nation Katraya del Zyxay with his wife saw part to a most auspicious event as the astrologer would predict to them later. Smiling Harmony was born at once with both the sign of Change and the sign of Order, rare destiny of one who would impose order on that which had none. They called her Smiling Harmony for the small babe was indeed all smiles and what ill fate could such a pretty child inflict upon the world? Her order would certainly be harmony for all involved.
Smiling Harmony, the daughter gifted of an intellect to make her father proud.
Smiling Harmony, the young genius who's understanding of law grew too quick.
Smiling Harmony, the lonely girl who everyone could tell grew far too quick.
Poor Smiling Harmony. Fortunate Smiling Harmony.
Who knows what she think now that she smiles no more?
For as she grew she always did as her father wouldst. She did what was fair and just. She did what was humble and right. She did what was upright and righteous. For after all, sin and atonement are for lesser people who could only bear witness to the law. So many expectations weighting heavily on her shoulders, if she could not endure and bear this burden what would have come to pass? But that is only an hypothetical situation for as fate would have it she took to this role inflicted upon her with gusto.
As her father's assistant as she grew older in both his court, office and the mayor's personal retinue her smiles grew vanishingly rare. Until one day they just... disappeared as if they'd never graced her face.
None could tell that Smiling Harmony was smiling no more but one person who could still see her smiles. But that is another story, of a daughter second born with no fate to call her own and no glory to show to her father. Suffice to say that sometimes, when no one could look and only in the privacy and sanctity of her heart she allowed herself to live vicariously through Bright White Rain as she looked at this life beyond the window which she seldom understood let alone partook of.
Time went on ineluctably as it is wont to and both daughters stood before the grave of their father, mourning in garnments of black as carrion lords watched over the ceremony. It is a sad thing to see one beloved go so young. Harmony did not cry.
But after that day she came to secretly loathe that name of hers, mocking what she felt but could never properly express. None knew of this but another who shared her blood and stood under the rain for all to see. She grew closer to her sister through this mundane yet severe adversity that they shared together.
And then four years later they came. In numbers beyond counting they came as one horde and one people and one great tsunami of madness. The Guild which had long since advised the mayor and stationed guards within the small city-state ran with its tail between its legs, thinking this a major incursion and Katraya del Zexay the lamb sacrifice which would appease their raksha partners and their bottomless hunger.
They were wrong but none forgot their cowardice as they were left with only a small militia to their name. They demanded tribute at first, slaughtering both mayor and most of the guards when their 'request' was not met with frightened and slavish compliance. They would have their tribute. Once the dust settled on the now strangely silent settlement in mourning Harmony decided that she would offer herself as the new mayor. None felt as if to deny her and many could appreciate if not her youth then her great wisdom. She soon after that appointed her sister to the post of captain of the militia as she instructed her to recruit whom she could and train them to utmost fitness. One year they had before the next 'tribute'.
And now they came again but they were ready and they fought valiantly. Little is known to Harmony but that in this great fight though she could hold them all back not Bright White Rain still felt the call of Ignis Divine as she felt his hand direct her toward these blasphemous arrogant creatures. What she let through however could indeed be called nothing else than the King amongst Lords within his Court.
At that time Harmony stood watch over the city's gate knowing that if her sister and her men fell then this city would no more have any mercy to fall back onto nor would their prayers be heard. And so she did not pray as she saw this fearsome nightmarish hunter-god of the Wyld upon his steed of blackest despair and blasphemy approaching on the horizon past the woods and the mountains.
She came down past the gate and looked this horror in the eyes as he stopped before her with amusement at her shaking hand but indisputable conviction. Though her body would agree not her voice wouldn't waver as she started to speak.
To shame and condemn such a monster with the fierce righteous glory of the sun itself as the words flowed from her mouth with the weight of fate behind them, her tirade growing feverishly inspired with every syllable even as the mighty aristocrat of the Wyld could do nothing but stare and listen in both rapt awe and terrified confusion.
For she shone as the golden light of the Daystar itself now and the eternal eyes of an owl ate away at her soul. Without even thinking he fell to his knees beat not through the edge of a blade but the cutting sword of the truth. She exiled him back where he belonged sentencing him to forever walk these wretched lands as punishment for his crimes.
In his soul, the fallen Lord of the Hunt knew that he would never be able to part his nature from this and so him and his steed returned whence they came never to be seen again.
As she turned around to leave still unaware of what had come to pass she paused feeling an hand weighting upon her shoulder and pleasant warmth and infinite resplendent glories next to her. How she could feel such she knew not but that she certainly did.
This is when Harmony met with her God and Heaven's King, the Unconquered Sun who told her of much and beseeched her bring his Law back upon a world which had fell to anarchy and strife.
And so did the fates laugh softly at this odd day where sisters would both catch the sun's glance and meet again at the gates of a city for now sparred.
Peace is fleeting however and events conspire, for the sisters indeed live in interesting times.
Who could truly be ready for them? How many Wyld Hunts averted through cleverness and timely action all for the sake of their homeland's preservation and future. This far away from the mainland they were afforded a measure of safety. Yet this would prove their undoing.
For they were on the first line when the Fae Lords came with armies stretching to the horizon and behemoths banging upon the sky in numbers incalculable.
For they stood at dawn when they came for Creation with hunger in their empty eyes and no words to speak.
For Katraya del Zexay stood at the brink when the day of the Second Balorian Crusade came.
They fought valiantly for every inch of lost territory, their people running close behind them with the sisters all that stood between their cherished people and reality failing all around them in a cascade of madness and terror.
Their homeland fell to the Wyld as much of Creation did but their people survived until the Grand Circle of Denandsor activated the Sword of Creation, saving Creation from the dire fate which awaited it when its other defenders could no more run.
They rebuilt a new homeland on the edge of Creation's new frontier. The Duchy of Ragarol would be no more but the city of Katraya del Zexay would live on forever.
As the new Deliberative took shape on the Blessed Isle with the Grand Circle of Denandsor as the primary partisans of this movement Harmony felt that this opportunity could not be ignored and joined the new ruling body of Creation as a Celestial Deliberator almost immediately.
Quickly she learned that in this place she could find people to match her political acumen. The rest is rather bluntly history but suffice to say that over the last decade she has gone through a meteoric rise which allowed her to be declared after years of politicking and service as the Judge Supreme of the Deliberative who would take the head of the Ministry of Justice. Satisfied with this position she has since then served with both devotion and zeal such that it is admirable.
Nowadays few remember Smiling Harmony, for she's long ago given away her name. Perhaps she did so out of hubris. Perhaps out of desire to let go of the past. Perhaps as necessary casualty to her destiny. Or perhaps even as one of many sacrifices on the path to sorcerous enlightenment.
Whatever the real reason, she is now known as Imperative Harmony of Order.
She who presides over the laws of Creation and Heaven alike.
Extra Material!
Incorruptible Judge Attitude
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Socialize 3, Ess 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Any Socialize Excellency
They who would preside over all Law under Heaven must be incorruptible by all those who would blackmail, influence or compromise them. To such scoundrels the Judges of the Sun are as unreadable and ephemeral as whisps of light at dawn and no matter where they look they see nothing but calm impartiality. This Charm protects the Solar from any effect that would discern his Motivations, Virtues, or Intimacies, reveal his goals or motives, or read his mind, preventing such attempts from revealing any information about the Solar. If another Charm’s effects contest this Charm’s effect, Incorruptible Judge Attitude adds the Solar’s Essence in automatic successes to the opposed roll to maintain the effects of this Charm.
A second purchase at Essence 4 changes the duration of the Charm to Indefinite, and at Essence 6 automatically to Permanent.
(Refluffed version of Frozen Sunlight Mask)
14 BP Abilities 4 BP Specialty 10 BP Background 5 BP Willpower 14 BP Essence 2 BP Virtues -7 BP Flaws
Total 42/42 BP
15 Caste/Favored Charms (120 XP) Socialize 3 (4XP)
Total 124/124 XP