Between the Darkness/Session 02

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Tylorva: After you've all been left sitting around and chatting for a while, the door finally swings open. Interrogator Reinhardt sweeps in clutching a wad of parchments. He gives everyone a bit of a grimace, then sits himself down at the head of the table. "I trust you've had to time acquaint yourselves with one another?" he asks.

Atella: quickly gets out of the way of the opening door, then goes back to the table and sits down

Atella: "oh yes"

~Clavis_Morden: nods. "Yes, Interrogator," she says meekly.

Atella: looks at Clavis

Atella: ...

Atella: adds a belated 'interrogator' too

Tylorva: Mercution just nods sullenly.

Tylorva: Reinhardt nods. "Good. Now, you have two assignments to complete. Do them well and my mistress MAY notice. Do them badly, and my mistress WILL notice."

Atella: "So... we don't get to meet the boss lady?"

~Clavis_Morden: says nothing but her expressions speaks for itself. Interrogators are scary enough, how terrifying must an Inquisitor be?

Tylorva: "That's Inquisitor Vika Shaeye to you, and no, she'll meet you when she chooses to, not the other way round."

~Clavis_Morden: And there are no more than one or two things in the entire universe that Clavis might fear more than the terrible Inquisition

Atella: "so... what are these assignments?"

Tylorva: "First - to locate the heretic responsible for the murder of Interrogator Yiddis Alcoth and who also has Alcoth's seal. You have both met this individual. That makes you best placed to find him.

Tylorva: "Second - to find the wanted witch Kirian, who has been hiding with Mercution's gang, and last told where to go and hide by Mercution here."

~Clavis_Morden: nods. It was her failure, she needs to be the one to fix it if at all possible.

Atella: "find him? Sure... I've still got to 'thank' him"

Atella: strokes her maul... or would

Atella: makes a face

Atella: "when do we get our uniforms and weapons back?"

Tylorva: Mercution is best placed to lead you to Kirian. Whether he chooses to or not is up to him, although I would warn him of the consequences of not complying with the Inquisition. As for the wanted murderer. Mamzel Morden was the last to see him, so following his movements from there might be possible. I will also give you the address of Alcoth's murder. Perhaps that might shed some clues."

~Clavis_Morden: Clavis' fingers twitch, a reflex from her Scholastica days the need to write down these things.

Atella: "more facts are always good in an investigation"

Indistinguishable has joined #BetweenTheDarkness

Tylorva: "Very well. Alcoth was found dead in a mid-hive hab residence. 2843Q Gravis Street. The crime scene is currently under guard by local enforcers."