Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 14

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberative): Fri Dec 10 10:52:40 2010 -0700
[10:52] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative
[10:52] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberative is:
[10:52] *** Topic set by ChanServ (1 hours ago at 9:41 AM)
[10:52] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[10:52] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[10:58] *** Ziyad has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:00] *** Ziyad is now known as Bright_Snow
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> "HI BRIGHT SNOW!" Brazen shouted
[11:15] *** Danakir has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:17] *** Blinks has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:19] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen stomped towards this "Ma-Ha-Suchi" Lunar, intent on crushing the sadistic barbarian beneath his talons
[11:26] <~Anshu> The white-furred beastman glares down at the infernal from his perch atop a building, his claws lengthening and silvering to match the moonsilver bracers on his forearms.
[11:28] <Brazen_Sand> "GET DOWN HERE YOU COWARDLY PIECE OF SHIT!" Brazen snarled, charging into the building with all his massive might, shattering it like crockery
[11:43] <~Anshu> The building shakes and shudders under Brazen's assault, and starts to come down, and Ma-Ha-Suchi leaps to the roof of another building.
[11:45] <~Anshu> "I THINK NOT!" his voice peals back, as an orb of silver energy grows in his half-open claws, and he fires it as a beam of light at Brazen.
[12:02] <Brazen_Sand> "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT?" Brazen snarled standing firm before the apocalyptic blast of the savage so-called Steward
[12:04] <Brazen_Sand> it smashed through buildings like they were pieces of dry cracked paper, smashing them to flinders, but when it struck Brazen, there was only a raging green bonfire where the Infernal once stood, somehow EATING the attack.
[12:04] <Brazen_Sand> Then it withdrew and Brazen stood there unharmed
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> "YOU LITTLE ANT. YOU ARE SO FUCKED RIGHT NOW AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!" He snapped in contempt and leapt with such power that the structures around him shuddered, as if in fear of his strength. With his great wings unfolded high above the skyline, he chased after Ma-Ha-Suchi with his fire-spear ahead of him.
[12:09] <Bright_Snow> In the flickering shadows cast by the orb of silvery light the pale form of Bright Snow leaps out expressionless, her colourless hair streaming behind her, the lance in her hand going straight for 'Ma-Ha-Suchi's flank. "Steward sir, you are not." She manages in a cold angry tone.
[12:11] *** dakkareth has joined #celestialdeliberative
[12:15] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[12:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe Hideaki is an elegant figure in fighting robes a tone of violet so deep they are close to black, with a headband in the same color trailing two long streamers and obscuring the Eclipse Castemark.
[12:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> In place of his trademark white haori with the Nomoe Mon proudly displayed is a pure black haori now showing no Mon at all. Only a magnificent white crane in flight, crowned with sun and moon, is embroidered instead.
[12:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> This is Hideaki acting not in the name of his House or his position in the Deliberative, but as a private person only. Standing still with his hands folded in a mudra of patience he has merely watched the exchange so far.
[12:42] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen exploded forward into battle, seeing that Bright Snow had recovered enough to attack their opponent, he immediately rushed into their engagement zone, his wings beating hard enough to topple broken rooftops and pillars.
[12:43] <Brazen_Sand> The Sun that hovered atop his monstrous head like a crown cast warped shadows even with the Daystar at it's pinnacle above.
[12:51] <Bright_Snow> Darting backward away from the other Lunar, Snow looks displeased before jumping into action one again a flickering sweep of refracted sunlight being all that remains as she charges into battle
[13:01] *** Blinks is now known as Blood_Soaked_Rain
[13:02] *** Danakir is now known as Imperative_Harmony_of_Order
[13:05] <~Anshu> Harmony and Rain fight their way into the city, drawn by the towering anima of Malfean fire and the flashes of Lunar essence around it, reaching the confrontation just as the tall white-furred Lunar slip away from a backstabbing blow and turn to face a hulking winged monstrosity, the center of the infernal anima that led them here.
[13:07] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen grinned in anticipation, showing a literally infinite number of razor-sharp teeth fractically shifting in his jaws
[13:09] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Harmony felt the warm breeze against her face bringing the smell of smoking fires and blood running down the streets in the city overwhelmed by the invading army who would defy the Deliberative in spit in the face of Creation's masters. She adjusts her hat slightly even as she heft Moment of Verdict as if it were but the feather of an
[13:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> owl uplifted by auspicious gusts as she steps forward while deftly sidestepping the clumsy and impotent attacks of the raging beasts. Most of them are distracted by the impressive 'duel' taking place before them even as they break ranks to try and interfere. She quirks an eyebrow on her stern yet beautiful face, taking a deep breath as she screams with the authority to shake every world from the depths of the
[13:14] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> depths of the Demon City to the palaces of Yu-Shan.
[13:15] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "HALT!" she then shoves one hand forward as she continues without hesitation the weight of her sudden presence on the battlefield unwavering "Under the authority of the Deliberative's magistrature, I demand you all identify yourselves. Failure to comply will be dealt severely."
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen rolled his eyes. Great, another interruption. "KIND OF BUSY RIGHT NOW. COME BACK WHEN THIS GUY'S DEAD."
[13:22] * Nomoe_Hideaki on the other hand turns, his eyes narrowing as he recognizes the woman who has just now intervened. He smiles then, and bows formally and respectfully. "Justicar Imperative Harmony of Order," - he slightly emphasizes the name she did not give herself - "how pleasant to meet you here. I am, as you might know already - though I would not presume so - Nomoe Hideaki."
[13:29] <~Anshu> The bell of Ma-Ha-Suchi's voice rings out, rebounding off the broken buildings: "I am Ma-Ha-Suchi, and this city is mine! You will leave, or you will die!"
[13:30] <Brazen_Sand> "WRONG!" Brazen laughed contemptuously. "YOUR NAME IS 'CROW-FOOD!"
[13:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Now, now," Nomoe admonishes. "Even if you do manage to kill him, 'crow food' would be inaccurate."
[13:32] <~Anshu> The elder lunar fires another silver energy blast at Brazen.
[13:32] <Brazen_Sand> With a wave of his claws, a massive arc of green energy sliced vertically across the centre of the teh Lunar's mass
[13:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ma-Ha-Suchi has declared himself an enemy of the Deliberative and committed many crimes here and elsewhere. But he is a Celestial Exalt nonetheless and deserves a modicum of respect still."
[13:37] <Brazen_Sand> As the bolt hit Brazen's head, it blasted into a burst of sand, which quickly reincorporated in Brazen's body
[13:37] <Brazen_Sand> "NOT ENOUGH GUN." He quipped back
[13:38] <Brazen_Sand> With a wave of his claws, a massive arc of green energy sliced vertically across the centre of the teh Lunar's mass, slashing the entire building in half like it was butter
[13:38] <Bright_Snow> Harmony gets only a growl in response as Snow continues to move, darting here and their probing Ma-Ha-Suchi, if this is truly the elder, for any weakness in his defence
[13:44] <~Anshu> The Infernal's assault is no match for the centuries-old Lunar, who sidesteps easily, almost lazily, his ringing peals of laughter filling the square.
[13:47] * Nomoe_Hideaki sighs. How ironic that it is now Brazen ignoring him instead of the other way around. Not the good kind of irony, though.
[13:50] <Blood_Soaked_Rain> "That's all I needed to know" is the quiet response from the green haired young looking lady to the Justicars left, though it's likely lost in the howls of the beastmen. Lacking her companions sheer presence she makes up for it in massive lethality it seems. The blade in her hand almost too large to truly be called a sword, sheathed in a golden glow that runs along the ladies
[13:50] <Blood_Soaked_Rain> arm it's effect upon the beastmen surrounding the two is as vicious as the blade is beautiful. A shower of blood and visceral flying up into the air, spreading like petals while the lady herself disappears from the centre, streaking across the battle field towards the insane silver exalt a steam of golden motes left in her wake.
[13:55] * Nomoe_Hideaki moves more fluidly than water, avoiding the falling drops of blood. "Deliberator Blood Soaked Rain," he greets her, bowing, "I see you do honor to that name."
[13:56] <~Anshu> The beastmen around Rain fall like wheat before a reaper's scythe as she streaks across the field to Ma-Ha-Suchi.
[13:59] <Brazen_Sand> Did MHS move to another building or something?
[13:59] <Blood_Soaked_Rain> "I do take after it" is her odd response, glowing blade cutting a trench in the ground as she uses it to slow her sudden velocity. Brown eyes staring carefully up towards the beclawed Lunar. "Though.. how did you come to be here?"
[14:03] <Bright_Snow> With a startling graceful leap into the air, Snow flips up to pursue the Lunar eldar with the high ground. Not quite reaching him, she begins to fall. Glancing down with a look of startlment, she lets out a yelp before spoting Brazen. "Would you give me a boost Brazen", she manages her composure returning as she lands feet first on his shoulders.
[14:03] * Nomoe_Hideaki looks thoughtful, ignoring the tumult of battle all around. "Obligations I have chosen, that have been laid on me, that have been decreed by the Most High."
[14:04] <Brazen_Sand> A massive clawed hand big enough to Snow in it's palm shot out and caught Snow. "GOT YOU!"
[14:04] <Brazen_Sand> He threw his arm back and then threw the Lunar at Ma-Ha-Suchi with all his considerable might.
[14:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He falls silent watching Bright Snow fall and use Brazen for a boost.
[14:05] <Bright_Snow> With a snarl from her and a yell from him, she is then thrown at her fellow Lunar snarling, "You'be failed your purpose Steward. I guess it's time to die." And as she accelerates towards him she bursts into a shower of blurred images in a rainbow of silver light, each striking from a different direction.
[14:13] <~Anshu> Ma-Ha-Suchi's flesh flows around the many-colored blows as they pass harmlessly through him.
[14:32] <~Anshu> An unearthly howl sounds from his throat, the wierdly musical screech of a bell being cleaved in two, and when he moves, silver light trails from his limbs. He whirls on Snow, his shining claws darting in and out as he slashes at her, then leaps up, spinning around to kick her once which each hard hoof.
[14:40] <Bright_Snow> As the first claw strikes it draws back only tendrils of shadow as the woman fair and pale mockingly laughs before slipping down through the cracks in the roof top. "You should try harder next time. But then those who fail our pact, fail due to taking to active a hand." Is heard as she disappears comletely.
[14:41] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods to Blood Soaked Rain, a hint of emotion showing in his expression. "If you will excuse me for a moment, Deliberator." The black-feathered wings seemingly sprouting from his back beat once with enormous strength and propel him forward with incredible speed.
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Weaving and twisting he shoots in between the blurred prismatic images Bright Snow evoked, blindsiding the Lunar who is still busy fending off manifold attacks of questionable reality.
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Snaking through the older Exalt's defenses with a single straight finger Nomoe strikes four times in counterpoint rhythm and color to Snow's afterimages, making it impossible to escape both.
[14:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He does not speak, or show anger, but he attacks with all his skill.
[14:49] <~Anshu> Ma-Ha-Suchi's keen eyes catch the glint of gold just before Nomoe arrives, giving him precious instants to react. When the Solar is upon him, his fingerstrikes find no purchase in the elder's quicksilver flesh as the light of their combat strikes stark, flickering shadows on the buildings around them.
[14:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *his mental voice is somewhat ironic /Well, the philosophers say that any observation changes that which is observed. I guess in this case it's simply one degree more literally true./*
[14:54] *** Blood_Soaked_Rain has quit IRC: Disintegrated:
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> She bows gracefully, dignity flowing from her every gesture infaillibly as she speaks in turn with stern yet immaculately refined demeanor worthy of an Empress "Do forgive my rudeness, this unsettling scene of violence and chaos must have knocked me off my senses." she continues slightly as she straigthen herself back up
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "Your reputation precedes you, Lord Hideaki. Your exploits are known to me as is the prosperity and beauty of your homeland, I've but visited it once I'm afraid however. Nevertheless, let us discuss of its charms and wonders when this shameful affair is behind us." she doesn't smile though were her mastery of herself less than it is it might be different.
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "Would that it please you, I would have the Law kept at the foremost of our concerns. As you've said, it is but necessary that even such a wicked criminal would be brought to justice. Let us not in anger forget our duty." she concerns herself little with the battle for the moment, choosing instead to bide her time.
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Still that most of them would forget themselves as the valorous blaze of war dances within the pit of their stomachs, it speaks of self-control which is sorely inadequate.
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "I cannot help but bear witness that this strange man over there, be it that it may still be called such, must be one in the service of Hell. What I have seen of your Lordship in the Deliberative, if I may humbly bring this to you, would have none of such questionable relations." she asks as no idle curiosity.
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "Do you care to explain yourself?" she is polite but firm in all things.
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Of course he didn't. Intemperate childish things even from noble men, such that in time even sacred things would be tarnished by rash action. She sighs softly, refusing to involve herself in this. She would need to have a word with everyone afterward about due process and restraint.
[14:56] <Bright_Snow> From somewhere below /* Laughter */
[14:56] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "Hilarious." she answers with deadpan timing.
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Distancing himself a little from the Elder Lunar with beating black wings Nomoe hovers in the air for a moment. "My apologies, Justicar, for splitting my attention. Be assured that I nonetheless I quite admire your zeal and honor." He inclines his head slightly towards her. "As to the matter of the Infernal ..." He sighs.
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "He is the one called Brazen Sand, by his own words god-king of Gem. The Deliberative regards him as a neutral power, officially, with potential for a closer alliance."
[15:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Or, in the latter case, at least certain personages of the Grand Circle are of that opinion. Still, he is not formally regarded as an enemy of the Deliberative." Nomoe looks back toward the battle and the shattered and burned house in particular.
[15:07] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "I find myself under the impression that though your prowess is no wive's tale, I cannot say the same for your..." she hesitates for a moment, not seeking to offend but chastise "... restraint." she observes the vicious fight quietly still afterward.
[15:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "My aim here, in addition to my mandate to observe the events of Ma-Ha-Suchi's attack on Deliberative territories, is to prevent unnecessary ... damages."
[15:07] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> (Gack! Sorry!)
[15:11] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head again, conceding the possibility. "There are other reasons that necessitated my intervening. I assure you," and his voice becomes cool, "that in contrast to the Infernal I do not act on unconsidered impulse."
[15:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "That the Deliberative would feel the need to dabble in alliance with forces best held at bay is unfortunate, but if it would be their will that it be so who be you or I to gainsay their authority? " she nods slightly, taking note of this Anathema's unique status.
[15:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "Do you believe that my intervention is necesary, Lord Nomoe?" she then asks plainly, hefting her goremaul slightly as if pondering the decision of fighting carefully. It would do no good if she were to slay him while it proved unnecessary to do so.
[15:14] <Brazen_Sand> Before Ma-Ha-Suchi can try to swipe at Snow again, Brazen is immediately in teh Lunar's face, eyes burning with blinding green whirling lights and revealing teeth in a mouth big enough to eat the Lunar in two quick gulps.
[15:15] <Bright_Snow> As the Elder Lunar's attentions become focused on her Solar Mate, shadows begin to seep up again through the roof round his feet. At the last second they coalese and a flash of silver strikes out hard towards the distracted Lunar.
[15:16] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Harmony flinches slightly at the constant yelling, mumbling something under her breath.
[15:19] <Bright_Snow> The Shadow rises, the riot of colour fading. Unfortunately noticed by Ma-Ha-Suchi and dashing towards him in a blur of silver colour and ruined rubble strikes.
[15:21] <Brazen_Sand> A gout of impure green flame, hot enough to scorch anything touching it, blasted out of the Slayer's eyes, mouth, and nostrils
[15:22] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods as Harmony names the Deliberative policy on certain Infernals 'unfortunate'. "I have often felt that way. Yet as you say, where would we be if we disregarded the law and order we establish by ourselves?" He watches the fight continue for a second or two.
[15:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It is my considered opinion that the Deliberative response to this invasion and the atrocities committed by its avowed enemy, the Lunar Ma-Ha-Suchi, necessitate a swift and decisive response from both a strategic and an ethical perspective," he then says quietly.
[15:25] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "Is that so." she responds rhetorically, as she nods slightly while gazing upon the works of the fake Ma-Ha-Suchi and the countless horrors attributed to the cruel monster. She finds herself putting aside her objections for now.
[15:27] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "The death penalty would certainly be no injustice in this case." she states as she flows as water in a stream along the dusty ground, her body's motions almost artful and delicate yet nevertheless deadly.
[15:28] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> As if mist she coordinates with her sister with natural and practiced ease, when she threatens she reaches to strike and when his gaze meets hers then so dow her daiklave try to find his flesh.
[15:29] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> And then suddenly such that none could see it coming, in a flash as a striking king python she bluntly strike at the mad beast's chest, hoping to send him reeling into the ground with the massive trauma.
[15:31] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> does her daiklave*
[15:35] <Brazen_Sand> "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Brazen says in surprise in the split-second that Harmony appeared
[15:41] <~Anshu> At the last moment, Ma-Ha-Suchi drops into a low crouch, the hammer-blow of the Zenith passing less than an inch over his horned head. He twists and explodes upward at his new assailant, trying to head-butt her in the stomach.
[15:42] * Nomoe_Hideaki looks on dispassionately as the Justicar flashes toward Ma-Ha-Suchi to attack herself. *His mental voice is amused, though. /There is are others who would like a piece of the invader, it seems. I'm inclined to let them./ there is the equivalent of a small smile /At the very least it's more distractions to make use of./*
[15:46] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "Indoor voice, young man." she sternly lectures him even as the lack of solidity to the impact of her golden hammer gives her foresight into what is to come through the subtle composure and stance of the angry beast.
[15:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Gaze burning with unnatural wrath it is no surprise that it would then strike almost as an avalanche, if this should hit her skull would not survive the experience. Yet her form takes the subtle glow of light at dawn breaking through the clouds.
[15:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> With impossible timing as if Ma-Ha-Suchi tried to grasp beams of light with the clumsy hooves of a goat, she trailed just beyond the reach of his blow, his face so close to her that she can smell the stench of raw meat.
[15:49] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> The look she gives him lets him know she is not intimidated. Poor foolish mad Steward, to destroy what ought be protected. Death might be no punishment but release, she poetically muses even in such tense moments.
[15:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The wind carries a voice to the beastman Lunar, a voice like cutting razor blades of ice. A shadow falls on him as without a sound a black winged figure is in the sky above him. "You realize, that this crusade is doomed to failure, don't you?" The air shivers with the subtle force of the words. "Even if you do not yet admit it to yourself, you know it to be true."
[15:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "What use this invasion if your enemy possesses strength you will never have? What use this attack but to *strengthen* us, steel our forces, prepare our cities against your next doomed attempt? But deep, deep down you know all that, don't you? You don't even *want* to succeed and so you sabotage yourself. How else could you fail, you, the great Ma-Ha-Suchi?" The black-winged figure grins coldly. "Thin
[16:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Under the headband the symbol of the Eclipse begins to shine. Session Close (#celestialdeliberative): Fri Dec 10 16:22:51 2010 -0700