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a large, walled fortress in the middle of a sea of space. Thelmessia is regarded as being a modern miracle and work of art. Inside it people will find buildings of many different cultures and each of which bursting to the brim of female warriors.


It was said that Chaos will always try to re-claim the universe that was created in it's centre by the machine god. While chaos is a fickle creature (cause ya know, chaos) there is no doubt much of it is hostile toward creation or it's mere existence can tear creation apart. Because of this, the universe has people that keep the universe in check. Some of these people included Jim, Kyle, Hisao and Ardent (from Azotech) who take up a passive resistance against Chaos. Making sure that the Lovecraft horrors and beings of pure illogical madness don't rend the universe asunder. However, the universe would need people to stand guard against the borders of reality, where chaos is at it's strongest and the threat to an expanding universe becomes more and more apparent. It's answer was in the form of, interestingly enough, the creature Galatea herself. A statue given life by Pygmalion.

Although Galatea was, as Pygmalion had mad her, the perfect woman. The ever-changing social/political concept of "woman" did not help her position. Given that she was immortal. It was merely confounded when not only did her old-time Greek near slave type mentality of being a perfect woman seemed almost dangerously anachronistic and easily taken advantage of. This would've been good. If not for the fact she was a promethian and as such hated by practically every living creature on earth for her mere existence. Things changed when she was given a vision by what she claimed to be fate. Telling her she may win the gift of humanity by taking it upon herself to become a guardian of the edge.

Galatea thus, went to the Wellspring of Life and searched for the souls of warriors she felt could help her. There was a problem however. The souls of TRULY great warriors were often taken up by angels or demons. Who were too busy fighting over the souls of humanity to bother with the incursions of terrifying monsters. As such, she turned her attention to the souls of pure and righteous but not very strong women. Taking them with her to the island and reincarnating them as Valkyries. Training each of them herself in the ways of using Narrative and Fate manipulation. Soon. The island became more and more populated by such souls. Until it evolved into the current island that floats at the universes end.


The people of Thelmessia are... well warrior women. They train regularly. Fight hard. And are generally very good at what they do. And for the most part they're your stereotypical warrior women. Most of the souls they were born from were of women of great purity and valour but little in terms of chest pounding masculine battle prowess. That was saved for their next life's training. The warrior women of Thelmessia are infamous for being as proficient with the sewing needle or the cooking spoon as they are with the sword or spear. Many of them retain their old life's more... feminine touches. However this often comes off as a random habit or impulse. Sometimes when they're just sitting alone they'll begin to cross stitch a pretty flower into their battle garb. Or after killing a board one of them will start to collect spices and try decorating the final dish. They see no use for such skills and often times question why they're there but aside from that? Not much else you wouldn't see on Xena or Wonder Woman.

Queen Veranthi[edit]

When Galatea was finally granted humanity. She took up the name Queen Veranthi and became the sovereign ruler of Thelmessia. She loves her people and while she is not a cruel or uncaring leader. She has let the power go somewhat to her head. From going to a basic slave girl made from marble and hated by everyone to a righteous and powerful ruler of an entire army of warrior women with a sacred quest? That's not a transition just anyone can make and keep a completely calm and level head. Unfortunately: Veranthi does have one small weakness. As Galatea, she was made to please the interests of a man. And thus in the back of her head, she still wishes to subconsciously fulfil that desire. Hopefully no self-righteous douche bags come up to her and start breaking her personal space.

Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers