Dawn of the Third Age/OOC Logs/Session 16

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Fri Jan 07 10:29:38 2011 -0700
[10:29] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:29] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is: Next session: 7th of January? | <Anshu> There's a sudden roar. The great white-furred beastman stands atop a nearby building looking down at you. "So," he says in a bell-toned voice, "we have visitors." <Brazen_Sand> "CAN YOU COME BACK LATER?" Brazen responded. "WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A DISCUSSION HERE!"
[10:29] *** Topic set by dakkareth (5 hours ago at 5:35 AM)
[10:29] <Brazen_Sand> Yaaaay
[10:29] <Anshu> ... since when is Dakk the owner?
[10:30] <Brazen_Sand> Well he got here first >_>
[10:30] <Anshu> yeah but the channel should be registered to me
[10:30] <Brazen_Sand> Then I dunno
[10:30] <~dakkareth> the registering lapsed during the hiatus
[10:30] <Anshu> ahhh
[10:30] <~dakkareth> if you don't visit the channel in two weeks it does that
[10:30] <Anshu> I missed that detail
[10:31] <Anshu> may I have Op then?
[10:31] <~dakkareth> I can transfer ownership back to you after the game (have to figure out how first)
[10:31] <Anshu> that works
[10:31] *** dakkareth sets mode +o Anshu
[10:31] <Brazen_Sand> Dicebot?
[10:32] <~dakkareth> can summon it once needed
[10:33] <Brazen_Sand> might as wel summon it now, right?
[10:33] <~dakkareth> (working on copying the log chunk by tiny little chunk, right now)
[10:33] <Brazen_Sand> D'oh. Right
[10:33] <Brazen_Sand> Excited, Taurus? : D
[10:34] <@Anshu> a bit yes
[10:34] <Brazen_Sand> Fuck yeah
[10:34] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, did you hear that a new Homestuck album came out?
[10:35] <@Anshu> vageuly
[10:40] <Blinks> i return, cleaner than when i left. no good mothers and eve getting in my way of cleanliness
[10:40] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[10:40] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, your mom gets in the way of your cleanliness?
[10:41] <Blinks> yeah, she wanted to wash her hair first
[10:43] <Brazen_Sand> tch, how inconsiderate
[10:43] <~dakkareth> k. It was a struggle but last session's log is up now.
[10:45] <Blinks> wahey
[10:45] *** Blinks is now known as Rain
[10:45] <Brazen_Sand> good work
[10:46] *** Pattern_Spider has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> So...everyone had a good christmas?
[10:57] <@Anshu> I did, yes
[10:57] <Rain> Ohhh, not so bad. had to work but..ehh.. was mostly quiet on my shifts
[10:58] <~dakkareth> lots of family events, but otherwise relaxing :)
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> *nods* All good, all good
[10:58] <@Anshu> I enjoy family events >.>
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> Why wouldn't you?
[10:59] <Brazen_Sand> I do as well, except when we drive each other crazy. But thankfully that doesn't happen so often.
[11:00] <~dakkareth> Absolutely, but full week of them, non-stop is a little tiring ;)
[11:00] <Brazen_Sand> oh of course
[11:00] <@Anshu> fair enough
[11:01] <~dakkareth> mmh, still missing Lost
[11:01] <@Anshu> and Danakir
[11:01] <~dakkareth> ah, yes
[11:02] <@Anshu> btw, did anyone else get a suspicious email from hir?
[11:02] <~dakkareth> no. But then there'd be no way without knowing my address ;)
[11:02] <@Anshu> true
[11:03] <Rain> nope. suspicious?
[11:03] *** Virgil has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:04] * ~dakkareth waves
[11:04] <Virgil> Stupid network
[11:04] <Brazen_Sand> Danakir?
[11:05] <@Anshu> yeah. no message, an attached zip labeled happynewyear, and copied to what looked like several dozen different emails
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> Suspicious?
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> oh shi-
[11:05] <@Anshu> I assumed it was a virus and didn't download the file
[11:05] <Virgil> Nope
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> I think that Ziyad is always an hour late
[11:05] <Virgil> Just a shitty shitty wireless adaptor
[11:05] <Virgil> And yeah. I finish work at 5
[11:06] <Virgil> Spent the last half hour trying to get my wireless to connect
[11:06] <@Anshu> well, starting next week that won't be a problem
[11:06] <Virgil> Or even see the network
[11:06] <Brazen_Sand> Ah, I had forgotten your IRC name
[11:06] <Brazen_Sand> We're switching to 3 PM next week, then?
[11:06] * Rain uses wires, doesn't trust this wireless thing
[11:06] *** Virgil is now known as Ziyad
[11:06] <~dakkareth> It's from a sadly now defunct nMage game :s
[11:06] <~dakkareth> I still hope the ST may reappear some day ...
[11:06] <Ziyad> I'm very very tempted to go back to using an Ethernet cable
[11:06] <Ziyad> Yep me too dakk
[11:07] <Rain> i tried wireless. gave it a go. eventually went back to using a cable
[11:07] <@Anshu> yes, starting next week the game will start 2 hours later
[11:07] <Rain> ...ah
[11:07] <Rain> i can't play then.
[11:07] <@Anshu> =(
[11:07] <@Anshu> I'm sorry
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> That ultra-sucks
[11:08] <Rain> Ahhh, tis okay. happens.
[11:08] <~dakkareth> :(
[11:08] <~dakkareth> only next week? Or in general?
[11:08] <Rain> i've work at 10pm. gmt so...yeah.. 2 hours kinda is a little short
[11:10] <@Anshu> *looks at class schedule again*
[11:10] <@Anshu> oh wait
[11:10] <@Anshu> I'm jumping the gun
[11:10] <@Anshu> my Friday class doesn't begin until February
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> yaay
[11:12] <Brazen_Sand> um, should we start?
[11:13] <Brazen_Sand> I've IM'd Danakir, but she's not answering
[11:14] <@Anshu> hmm, yeah
[11:14] <@Anshu> and all the other timeslots for that class are already full
[11:14] <~dakkareth> where and when do we begin today?
[11:15] <~dakkareth> Lost, last session's log is now finally up
[11:15] <~dakkareth> sorry it took so long
[11:15] <Ziyad> Excellent
[11:15] <Ziyad> No worries I've net problems all week
[11:18] <Brazen_Sand> You're all invited to a party in Gem! : D
[11:18] <Brazen_Sand> A festival of friendship between the Deliberative and the Greenfire King!
[11:18] *** Ziyad has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[11:18] *** Virgil has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:18] <Brazen_Sand> There will be Ferarri Cake and everything!
[11:18] <Virgil> Better
[11:19] <Virgil> So much better
[11:19] <Brazen_Sand> FERRARI CAKE : D
[11:19] <Virgil> My laptop is ten years old and everything is so slow
[11:19] <Virgil> While my desktop is quick
[11:19] <Brazen_Sand> Not one of those terrible Honda Accord Cakes
[11:20] <~dakkareth> must be some Infernal custom ...
[11:20] <~dakkareth> Nomoe has no idea what that is :p
[11:21] <Brazen_Sand> It's what we call a "joke"
[11:21] <Brazen_Sand> I guess I'm the only South Park fan here >_>
[11:21] <~dakkareth> Nomoe doesn't not know of any 'joke' ... :p
[11:22] <~dakkareth> (minus one negation)
[11:22] <Brazen_Sand> (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfv8PtiEoP4)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfv8PtiEoP4
[11:23] <Brazen_Sand> that's the source of the Ferarri Cake
[11:25] <@Anshu> I posted in the IC channel
[11:25] <Virgil> I should probably join that
[11:25] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, I thought you were still typing
[11:25] <Brazen_Sand> Sorry
[11:25] *** Virgil is now known as Bright_Snow
[11:25] <@Anshu> I'll let you handle the description of the festival
[11:26] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[11:26] <Brazen_Sand> Yaaaay : D
[11:26] <@Anshu> *reposts for Lost's benefit*
[11:27] <Brazen_Sand> I just realized that Gem looks like Hell from Dante's Inferno
[11:27] <Brazen_Sand> I mean shape-wise
[11:29] <Bright_Snow> With Brazen frozen naked in Ice at the centre raging against an unfair creator
[11:29] <Bright_Snow> ?
[11:29] <Brazen_Sand> No no
[11:29] <Brazen_Sand> in that it's like an inverted mountain, you know?
[11:29] <Bright_Snow> Also can I ask we don't post in white. It makes it ever so difficult to read
[11:29] <Brazen_Sand> Like a giant deepening pit
[11:30] <@Anshu> sorry. Trillian was acting up with the copy-paste
[11:31] <Bright_Snow> Aha OK
[11:32] <Rain> For gods sake. I've gotta run. works calling me in early. apprently one of the bar staff is ill and they need an extra hand. go go 14 hour shift
[11:32] <@Anshu> ew that sucks
[11:32] <Brazen_Sand> Awwwww, good luck
[11:32] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> :(
[11:33] <Rain> well.. need the money at least. damn steam sales. anyway. i'll pour over the logs in work i suppose
[11:33] * ~Nomoe_Hideaki waves
[11:33] *** Rain has left #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:33] <@Anshu> is anyone else seeing my text as white?
[11:34] <Brazen_Sand> Not me
[11:34] <Bright_Snow> :(
[11:34] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, Brazen lives on the top, seeing as heat stroke isn't an issue for him
[11:37] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, is that enough background detail for an entrance?
[11:40] <Brazen_Sand> ?
[11:42] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe can go out and re-enter the city if Brazne would like that ;)
[11:42] <Brazen_Sand> No no, this is good
[11:43] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> or is the airfield outside the city?
[11:43] <Brazen_Sand> I would assume it was outside
[11:43] <Brazen_Sand> But this works
[11:46] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> did Bright Snow actually mention her name yet?
[11:46] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> to the others, I mean?
[11:47] <Brazen_Sand> I'm not sure, but it was easier to remember then whichever name she was under currently
[11:47] <Brazen_Sand> *alias
[11:47] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> I seem to recall it was sort of a big deal to her, that's why I ask.
[11:47] <Brazen_Sand> Did Ziyad wonder away again?
[11:48] <Brazen_Sand> *wander
[11:49] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmm, I thought Hideaki-San was the polite term
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> ?
[11:51] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> It's polite enough if they are on a first name basis
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> D'oh! >_<
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> I thought it was a formal term
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> Can you just pretend that he used the correct name?
[11:51] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> it's in character enough for Brazen to just assume ;)
[11:52] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> should I?
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, but I'd think he'd have learned enough to know that he gets...uptight about that stuff
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[11:52] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> k
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> Cause they've been working together for months
[11:52] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> disregard that part of my line then
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> No prob ^_^
[11:54] <Bright_Snow> No I'm here
[11:54] <Brazen_Sand> Oh okay. Well, feel free to do stuff, talk to anyone, Launjilla would ahve a lot of info on the culture of Gem
[11:54] <Brazen_Sand> The agatae is Brazen's Prime Minister
[11:55] <Brazen_Sand> Aka "The guy who has to worry abotu the paperwork"
[11:55] <Bright_Snow> I'd say she has probably allowed its use between herself, Brazen and Hidieki
[11:56] <Brazen_Sand> Aww
[11:56] <Bright_Snow> Possible the other two players as well depending on how much time we have spent together
[11:56] <Brazen_Sand> *nod*
[11:56] <Bright_Snow> She will be very angry for you at bellowing it out though
[11:56] <Brazen_Sand> Mom voice incoming D:
[11:56] <Bright_Snow> Sh has never been fond of advertising her presence
[11:57] <Brazen_Sand> Well, they probably won't know who he's referring to, at least.
[11:57] <Brazen_Sand> brb
[12:00] <Bright_Snow> Spies everywhere
[12:00] <Brazen_Sand> Oh shi-
[12:01] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> *facepalm*
[12:01] <Brazen_Sand> Huh?
[12:01] <Brazen_Sand> What can I say, read his excellency
[12:02] <Bright_Snow> Nods it is amusing
[12:02] <Brazen_Sand> That's why he's like "does not compute"
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> I'll be back in a second. I need to shovel the sidewalk beside our house or we might be liable in someone trips
[12:11] <@Anshu> Is Nomoe looking for anything in particular?
[12:13] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> apart from general curiosity about the society in Gem, for Bright Snow, naturally ;)
[12:13] <@Anshu> ah I see
[12:14] <Brazen_Sand> back
[12:16] <Brazen_Sand> Bright Snow can come with them too, btw
[12:17] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Bright_Snow in her true shape or any other Nomoe knows?
[12:21] <Bright_Snow> Yeah
[12:22] <Bright_Snow> Courier self
[12:22] <Bright_Snow> It is the one she uses most frequently
[12:26] <Brazen_Sand> What's that one's name?
[12:26] <Bright_Snow> Young nd Maiden Bright
[12:26] <Brazen_Sand> okay
[12:28] <Brazen_Sand> That's the room, then.
[12:28] <Brazen_Sand> The reason for the lack of courtesans should be obvious, i think ; )
[12:28] <@Anshu> brb, phone call
[12:31] <@Anshu> and back
[12:31] <Brazen_Sand> Does Brazen know that Snow and Nomoe are bonded?
[12:32] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe did introduce her as his mate when she first joined
[12:32] <Brazen_Sand> derp, sorry, memory like a seive
[13:10] <Brazen_Sand> hm, bad wireless, I guess.
[13:10] <Bright_Snow> Nope knocked the wrong key when changing position
[13:10] <Brazen_Sand> haha
[13:11] * ~Nomoe_Hideaki always has to deactivate the track pad on his laptop or he'll accidentally touch it while typing, messing up the cursor position
[13:13] <Brazen_Sand> anyone ever accidentally put two fingers on a trackpad, so you can't really move your mouse right?
[13:13] <Brazen_Sand> I mean the cursor
[13:16] *** Bright_Snow has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:18] *** Virgil has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:20] <Brazen_Sand> did you miss anything?
[13:20] <Virgil> Nope Dakk filled me in
[13:20] <Virgil> Assume what I just said followed my last statement
[13:20] <Virgil> Immediately followed
[13:20] <Brazen_Sand> Okay
[13:21] *** Virgil is now known as Bright_Snow
[13:22] <Brazen_Sand> Awwww, I ended up having perfect background music for this coming on by chance :3
[13:22] <Brazen_Sand> for this scene
[13:23] <Brazen_Sand> (Link: http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/light)http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/light
[13:24] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> 'Hideaki' it's spelled, btw ;)
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> The single tear wasn't a joke, btw >_>
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> just cause it does seem like the kind of thing I would make a joke about, if I were me, which I AM! : O
[13:26] <Bright_Snow> Sorry
[13:26] <Bright_Snow> laziness on my part
[13:29] <@Anshu> Launjilla is a hanar?
[13:29] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[13:29] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[13:29] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> there should be a hanar first circle demon :D
[13:29] <Brazen_Sand> Launjilla has no time for your solid waste excretions!
[13:30] <@Anshu> they'd probably be descended from Adorjan
[13:30] <Brazen_Sand> Really?
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> I would think they'd descend from a 2nd Circle of Ligier
[13:31] <@Anshu> well, they're oceany
[13:31] <@Anshu> and she's an ocean
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> No that's Kimbery
[13:31] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Kimberry you mean, then?
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> Adorjan is a wind
[13:31] <Brazen_Sand> And she's definitely not restrained like the Hanar are.
[13:31] <@Anshu> D'oh
[13:31] <@Anshu> yes
[13:32] <@Anshu> Kimberry
[13:32] <Brazen_Sand> Kimbery
[13:32] <@Anshu> yes
[13:32] <Brazen_Sand> Kimberry is a Kool-Aid flavor : P
[13:34] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, Launjilla was just being polite to Snow. It's much better at it then Brazen
[13:34] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, are we reacting to each other, or are Nomoe and Snow sort of mooning over each other right now? (pardon the pun), I mean that's okay.
[13:35] <Bright_Snow> I'd noticed
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> That's why it handles the intricate governing stuff
[13:35] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> I'd figured it was deliberately ambiguous.
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> ?
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> what do you mean?
[13:39] <Brazen_Sand> hm, I think Nomoe's head exploded XD
[13:39] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> I just BLEW HIS MIND!
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> But yeah, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HO! : D
[13:40] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Wits 4 alone may not be adequate
[13:40] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah. Well, talking to Ignis Divine can really change your worldview ; )
[13:42] *** Danakir has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:42] <Brazen_Sand> Ah hey Dani! : D
[13:42] <Danakir> Sorry about that.
[13:42] <Brazen_Sand> You're just in time for Brazen's big character change turn.
[13:42] <Danakir> Hahaha is that so?
[13:43] <Brazen_Sand> Yes.
[13:43] <Brazen_Sand> He's leaving Gem.
[13:43] <Bright_Snow> :D
[13:43] <Danakir> Well what's I miss though?
[13:43] <Danakir> And whoa.
[13:44] <@Anshu> welcome, Danakir!
[13:44] <Bright_Snow> Hey
[13:44] <Danakir> Thanks
[13:44] <@Anshu> your hotmail account has been virused, by the way
[13:44] <Danakir> Has it now? How annoying.
[13:44] <@Anshu> yeah
[13:44] <@Anshu> I got an email with a suspicious .zip file attached
[13:44] <@Anshu> copied to several dozen other people
[13:44] <Danakir> Duly noted.
[13:45] <Danakir> Mmmm, how do I change my name again? It's been weeks so I forgot again. >_>
[13:46] <Bright_Snow> `type /nick
[13:46] *** Danakir is now known as Imperative_Harmony_of_Order
[13:46] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Thankies
[13:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Still if I could just get a few lines to situate myself in the scene. Otherwise I'll have to just watch lol
[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> Show up in a taxi like Zoidberg in that Wizard of Oz sketch thing
[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> "Hey why did I have to take a cab here?!" >: (
[13:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I refuse!
[13:47] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Brazen is having a grand party in Gem
[13:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I don't want to be the team's Zoidberg! Screw you! :P
[13:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Right.
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[13:48] <Bright_Snow> No one wants to be Zoidberg
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> besides, isn't Zoidberg one of the most popular characters?
[13:48] <Bright_Snow> Not even Zoidberg
[13:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> And what's happening right now, I mean yeah he's leaving Gem but what is he talking about?
[13:48] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> we are in the despot's palace, having a quieter and more private party just among us exalts
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> He literally just told the circle about it.
[13:49] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That he wants to leave Gem behind?
[13:49] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah.
[13:49] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Mmmm alright then. Well I'll try, if I write something that's wrong well... it ain't on purpose.
[13:50] <Brazen_Sand> No problem ^^
[13:52] <@Anshu> we're having a semi-beach episode today. I do have a plot in mind but there needs to be normalcy and lead-up and stuff
[13:52] <Brazen_Sand> yeah
[13:53] <@Anshu> and you guys seem to be enjoying the opportunity to just roleplay without be hit over the head with crises =)
[13:53] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Well you know Exalted
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> Then suddenly SUCKER-PUNCH
[13:54] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> It's got this tendency to go AND THEN SUDDENLY GIANT BADGER WITH LASERBEAMS FROM THE SKY
[13:54] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> :P
[13:54] <@Anshu> hey that gives me an idea for Brazen's Lunar Mate!
[13:54] <@Anshu> ;)
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> Holy shit, that is AWESOME
[13:54] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> lol
[13:54] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Nice.
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> YES. YES. Y E S.
[13:55] <Bright_Snow> Hey you call it a beach episode I call it character development
[13:55] <Brazen_Sand> Indeed, lots of cool stuff, like bright finally showing her sexy true form ; P
[13:55] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah.
[13:55] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> not fair, doing two difficult scenes in paralle
[13:55] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> l
[13:55] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> I can't concentrate on both :p
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[13:56] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Wait, who showed her sexy true form now?
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> Bright Snow
[13:56] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Sagacious Reading of INtent and Judge's Ear on that, CE
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> And she's not stripperific, don't get the wrong idea.
[13:57] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Judge's Ear Technique is SO on now.
[13:57] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> (I know it's true, but it needs to be done)
[13:57] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Same here
[13:57] <Brazen_Sand> It's true.
[13:57] <Brazen_Sand> (I understand)
[13:58] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> What does Bright Snow's true form look like though? I'm curious now
[13:58] <Brazen_Sand> Is Nomoe-San correct?
[13:58] <Brazen_Sand> The pic on her profile in the Wiki
[13:59] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Oh so she'd never taken that form before? Noted.
[13:59] <Brazen_Sand> Nah, she's all about infiltration, so she usually uses an alternate human form
[14:00] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[14:01] <Bright_Snow> Its just more she is exceedingly screwed up
[14:01] <Brazen_Sand> Oh that too
[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, and I'm nominating Nomoe for a 3-die stunt
[14:03] <Brazen_Sand> just because that bit was a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming
[14:03] <@Anshu> Noted.
[14:03] <Brazen_Sand> I think this whole session is a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming
[14:03] <Brazen_Sand> I teared up a bit when Snow said that we were all friends, tbh >_>
[14:04] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> D'awwww, I'd agree only she certainly didn't mean miss newcomer with a stick up her ass haha
[14:05] <Brazen_Sand> Quiet now, we're a Nakama whether you like it or not! : P
[14:05] <Brazen_Sand> And now brazen is going to encourage the SHIT out of you! >: O
[14:07] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I won't write down what she's implying since it's probably way over Brazen's head and socialize score lol
[14:07] <Brazen_Sand> Can you tell me?
[14:08] <Brazen_Sand> Since maybe it's not over Jordan's ; )
[14:10] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> She's implying that she would be perfectly willing to take action against him if he should ever become a potential threat to the Deliberative. When you go Heretical, she will start to really worry so it's foreshadowing ^^
[14:10] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> (You WILL after all start becoming something new that no one has any goddamn clue where it'll stop)
[14:11] <Brazen_Sand> Well screw you, I'll make my own universe, one with hookers and blackjack! In fact, forget the universe!
[14:11] <Brazen_Sand> *buys Spirit Worlds Within*
[14:12] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Is being a Heretic really worse than being a Loyalist Infernal?
[14:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> See, now you guys are looking at this meta
[14:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> IC?
[14:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> He's becoming something weird, alien and new
[14:13] <Brazen_Sand> Right right
[14:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That neither Yozi nor Exalt can even start to imagine what it'll end up as
[14:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That is worrying.
[14:13] <Bright_Snow> In many ways he is already something wierd, alien and new
[14:13] <Bright_Snow> That is why we are keeping such a close eye on him
[14:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Yes. But you get what I'm saying.
[14:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> There is a line that will be walked over.
[14:13] <Brazen_Sand> I suppose he'll just have to gain your confidence afterwards
[14:14] <Bright_Snow> Also Snow doesn't have all that much Occult
[14:15] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Harmony has shitton Occult
[14:19] *** You have been marked as being away
[14:19] *** You are no longer marked as being away
[14:21] <Bright_Snow> brb going to start cooking
[14:21] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Alrighty
[14:22] <Brazen_Sand> You know, Brazen doesn't look that much worse then a DBT
[14:22] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> If that's what you focus on, then you're missing her point :p
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> I know her point. It's just that it always seems to be based on his appearance
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> these and similar arguments
[14:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Not really
[14:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> What she's saying is this
[14:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> "How can you flee hell when you still embrace it in even your flesh?"
[14:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> For her it'S the first step
[14:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> If you don't want to be a monster, then don't turn your flesh into the image of one
[14:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Etc, etc.
[14:24] <Brazen_Sand> Right.
[14:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> You don't have to agree with her :P
[14:24] <Brazen_Sand> But, you know, Brazen isn't that metaphorical, so he's all like "wtf I don't look that bad! DX"
[14:25] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Poor Brazen.
[14:25] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> He thinks Harmony is calling him fugly :P
[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> Something liek that.
[14:26] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> No one's called her that to her face before haha
[14:27] <Brazen_Sand> That's Brazen's job! ^_^
[14:28] <Brazen_Sand> *facepalm*
[14:28] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Keep in mind, she's a polite sort.
[14:28] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Vulgarity won't get acknowledged
[14:28] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> And yes
[14:28] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I leave it as an exercise to the reader whether or not she's just fucking with Brazen
[14:29] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Cause she just might.
[14:29] <Bright_Snow> back for the moment
[14:29] <Brazen_Sand> : o
[14:30] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> The funny thing is that Harmony hates the Fae
[14:30] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> With a flaming passion.
[14:31] <Brazen_Sand> Everyone hates Fae here XD
[14:31] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Fucking fairies.
[14:31] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Think they're special and shit.
[14:31] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> :#
[14:32] <Brazen_Sand> How do they work?
[14:32] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh. I guess I'll just say that Nomoe is just as distracted by his other concerns as I was to explain his uncharacteristic silence
[14:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> :/*
[14:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Ohhhhh boy
[14:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That'd take ages to explain
[14:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Lol
[14:32] <Brazen_Sand> Like magnets
[14:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That's alright
[14:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Nomoe too is allowed to be distracted by the sexy :P
[14:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> xD
[14:34] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, is something wrong, Dakk?
[14:34] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> nah
[14:35] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> just having difficulty doing two scenes of difficult rp in parallel
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> Right
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> Now I'm interesting in what this "difficult" RP is XD
[14:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I like my explaination. It's funny.
[14:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> :(
[14:35] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> stuff I have to think about a lot
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> That's what I figured as well
[14:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Well yes.
[14:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> When you're not playing an IMPULSIVE TYPE like Brazen...
[14:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> You gotta think a bit :P
[14:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> xD
[14:36] * ~Nomoe_Hideaki shrugs. even then.
[14:36] <Brazen_Sand> Well he has to translate it to English in his head, remember?
[14:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Mmm? English isn't his native language either?
[14:36] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> I guess with deeper immersion it would get easier, but I rarely get so deep that these sorts of things are easy to do completely spontaneously
[14:36] <Brazen_Sand> He's German.
[14:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I tend to forget.
[14:36] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> things that aren#t easy to work out IRL either, in particular ;)
[14:37] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Agreed.
[14:37] <Bright_Snow> Must not quote Fawlty Towers
[14:37] <Brazen_Sand> Oh?
[14:38] <Bright_Snow> nm
[14:39] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> MMh. How often has the Deliberative given the Death Penalty to Celestial Exalt who wasn't an Abyssal or Infernal since its inception?
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> ...INCEPTION?
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> : O
[14:40] <@Anshu> good question. Very rarely if at all
[14:40] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That's a good question. But considering his crimes and work for someone who is culpable of High Treason to the Deliberative... he might as well be the first.
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, I think he'd be a healthy precedent
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> I imagine Crow would be all for killing him
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> In fact, Crow would've done the job himself if he had been there.
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> just *BLAM*
[14:41] * ~Nomoe_Hideaki nods. Because it's a dangerous precedent, if it's the first.
[14:41] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'll put this bluntly
[14:41] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> mmhh. scenes seem mostly resolved ... crisis now? ;)
[14:41] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Even in vanilla Exalted, there's been times where Exalts had to be put down for the good of everyone else
[14:41] <Bright_Snow> We tried to sentence his Defiler's Lunar mate to death once already
[14:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Only this time he gets a trial
[14:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> So really, you guys are kind of blowing this out of proportion :p
[14:42] <Bright_Snow> There was a huge lengthly debate
[14:42] <Bright_Snow> It took weeks
[14:42] <Bright_Snow> real time
[14:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'll point out again
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> Urgh, don't remind me
[14:42] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> the celestial deliberative, a mere day old at the time, nearly broke apart over it
[14:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> You guys made it that way.
[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> Of that debate
[14:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That doesn't mean it's how canon would have it. ^_^
[14:42] <@Anshu> >_>
[14:42] <@Anshu> okay
[14:42] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, but the game is canon (mostly) for this one
[14:42] <@Anshu> I'll timeskip to the next day then?
[14:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'm just pointing out.
[14:43] <Brazen_Sand> Sure
[14:43] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> If you never put down crazy Exalts
[14:43] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Then I'm afraid Creation should already have gone boom.
[14:43] <Bright_Snow> Yeah it has to be done
[14:43] <Brazen_Sand> I agree it has to be done
[14:43] <Bright_Snow> Especially when their guilt is unrefutable
[14:43] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> That sounds like a Sidereal arguing ... what does bright snow think about that? :p
[14:43] <Brazen_Sand> he's not even denying it
[14:43] <Bright_Snow> The problem with the previous time was there was room for doubt
[14:44] <Bright_Snow> This time there isn't
[14:44] <Brazen_Sand> He didn't deny it at all. He jsut said that we should get on with it and kill him already.
[14:44] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Yes. One of the Justicar of the Deliberative is a SECRET SIDEREAL WHO GLOWS GOLDEN :P
[14:44] <Bright_Snow> Unless he has a really good defence lawyer
[14:44] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> no one would ever expect the *choke*
[14:44] <Brazen_Sand> Chewbacca defense?
[14:44] <Bright_Snow> Kills the Sidereal
[14:44] <Bright_Snow> With Fire
[14:45] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> more like a quote mangled both by words and in-built Monty Python filter
[14:45] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Pause for a second there
[14:45] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> A defense laywer that's a better lawyer than Harmony is a prosecutor?
[14:45] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Good fricking luck finding one for a insane mass murdering bastard
[14:45] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> :p
[14:45] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> XD
[14:45] <Bright_Snow> Akuma Solar?
[14:46] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Why would Hell help him?
[14:46] <Brazen_Sand> Chewbacca Defense would just...I dunno, it's an ED charm
[14:46] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Would need some sort of diplomatic immunity
[14:46] <Brazen_Sand> It just fucking mangles stuff
[14:46] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Hahahaha well either way.
[14:46] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> I mean, it's not like there aren't dozens of Exalts who can smell an Akuma at X distance
[14:46] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Please have SOME confidence in Harmony's capacity to murder deception with a seventy foot tall knife to the groin. ^_^
[14:47] <Brazen_Sand> Chewbacca Defense isn't deception. That's the trick
[14:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Then it's a social attack, Elusive Dream Defense and we can keep going.Whatever xD
[14:47] <Brazen_Sand> (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddT8xBhBXys&feature=related)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddT8xBhBXys&feature=related
[14:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I know what it is
[14:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> It's silly.
[14:47] <Bright_Snow> Depends on the type of Diplomatic Immunity
[14:47] <Bright_Snow> Real immunity or movie immunity
[14:47] <Brazen_Sand> Silly but awesome
[14:47] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Let's get back on track though.
[14:48] <Bright_Snow> I always think of Lethal Weapon 2 for the most ridiculous example of movie immunity
[14:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> The point is that if Harmony gets her way, he's fucked.
[14:48] <Brazen_Sand> I know I know
[14:48] <Brazen_Sand> And seriously, I don't think Runnign Thunder will even argue with you
[14:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That would make her life easier, yes.
[14:50] <@Anshu> oh wait. The festival is being held at night.
[14:50] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[14:50] <@Anshu> next evening then I guess?
[14:50] <Brazen_Sand> Sure!
[14:51] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> As ye wish, mein lord.
[14:51] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> multi day festival!
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> OF COURSE!
[14:51] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Please don't force her to bonk you with the HAMMER OF JUSTICE AND QUIET
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> Do you really think that Brazen's going away festival would only last ONE DAY?
[14:51] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Mostly quiet
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> HAH!
[14:51] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Oh god.
[14:52] <Brazen_Sand> Don't worry, they'll sleep during the day
[14:52] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen is the only one who sleeps at the top of Gem, btw
[14:52] <Brazen_Sand> Transcendent desert Creature protects against sunstroke and stuff.
[14:52] <Brazen_Sand> Looking like a tiny 2-winged Oramus Xe3
[14:52] <Brazen_Sand> *X3
[14:52] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> As long as he provides everyone with suitable accomodations xD
[14:53] <Brazen_Sand> Oh sure
[14:53] <Brazen_Sand> The bottom is free to everyone.
[14:53] <Brazen_Sand> Since the rich had massive rooms down there, you could probably fit the population of gem down there.
[14:54] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, what did we do with the night? Suggestions?
[14:54] <Brazen_Sand> We just talked, man.
[14:54] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Depends. Did you get Harmony drunk?
[14:54] <Brazen_Sand> Maaaaybe
[14:55] <Brazen_Sand> Not intentionally
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Then she probably didn't talk to anyone and just brooded angrily in her own corner, starring at the bottom of her glass hard enough that it was a surprise it didn't melt on the spot.
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> XD
[14:55] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Would Brazen have offered Bright Morning?
[14:55] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> If she's drunk.
[14:55] <Brazen_Sand> and maybe instead we had an orgy and Launjilla filmed it XD
[14:55] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Because Nomoe would have had some of that.
[14:56] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe, if he suggested it
[14:56] <Brazen_Sand> I don't really think Brazen can get drunk
[14:56] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> If he's off-duty he's allowed to ...
[14:56] <Brazen_Sand> after you've tried the liquer in Malfeas, mortal alcohol doesn't measure up
[14:57] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> (done typing, Taurus?)
[14:57] <Bright_Snow> No orgy for Bright Snow
[14:57] <Bright_Snow> Though she totally would have filmed it
[14:57] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh.
[14:58] <Bright_Snow> Then again she films everything
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Noooo that's what the Agatae is for D:
[14:58] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> If Bright Snow filmed then Nomoe would by necessity be all proper (as usual)
[14:58] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Can't leave a bad image behind for posterity, after all
[14:58] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Harmony is an angry drunk.
[14:58] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> So no orgy I'm afraid.
[14:59] <Brazen_Sand> Punch Brazen all you want, he'll just find it novel
[14:59] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Not violent. Angry.
[14:59] <Brazen_Sand> I know
[14:59] <Bright_Snow> He might think your hitting on him
[14:59] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> The well of bitterness and disappointment reveal itself somewhat.
[14:59] <Brazen_Sand> NAUGHTY PUN! NAUGHTY! *newspaper*
[15:00] <Brazen_Sand> That's when the yelling therapy begins : D
[15:00] <Bright_Snow> Time to finish cooking brb
[15:01] <Brazen_Sand> Oh yeah, the illusions were done by Raksha >_>
[15:02] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Gee.
[15:02] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Thanks for hiding that detail
[15:02] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Not like Harmony in her angry drunk mode would have tortured any Raksha
[15:02] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Y'know
[15:02] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> THAT you should have mentioned
[15:02] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> really
[15:02] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Not like she has a Flaw specifically for being cruel and sadistic to Raksha :p
[15:03] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Can we just retcon that away since obviously if no one saw them doing anything they weren't there? ;)
[15:03] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Apparently haha.
[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, my bad
[15:03] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> S'okay
[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe that's why Brazen DIDN'T tell her, actually XD
[15:04] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Why would Brazen know that?
[15:04] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Are any of Nomoe's people sick?
[15:04] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> She hasn't shared her backstory or hatred yet.
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> Cause he seems to meet a lot of peopel who hate Raksha
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> Cause of, you know, that whole Second Crusade thing >_>
[15:04] <@Anshu> None of Nomoe's people are showing signs of sickness yet
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, I meant that he instructed the savants to help Harmony
[15:04] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> He should know that Sanken has been fighting a continuous war for ten years against the FF ...
[15:05] <Brazen_Sand> But...but...THE AWESOME ILLUSIONS! : O
[15:06] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Anyway, Anshu?
[15:06] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Can I roll some epic Bureaucracy stuff to impose order on their efforts and make sure nothing goes to waste in trying to purge the disease and quarantine the sick?
[15:07] <@Anshu> yes
[15:07] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Intelligence + Bureaucracy?
[15:07] <@Anshu> yes
[15:08] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Give me a minute to get the right numbers
[15:08] <Brazen_Sand> Harmony might wanna keep Launjilla around, actually. XD
[15:09] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> What dice roller do we use again?
[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 24
[15:09] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 11 successes against TN 7: [5, 1, 10, 6, 8, 5, 6, 10, 9, 6, 4, 4, 4, 8, 2, 9, 5, 2, 9, 2, 7, 8, 1, 2]
[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> ; )
[15:10] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> .ex 22
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> How powerful is this plague, btw?
[15:10] <Pattern_Spider> Imperative_Harmony_of_Order rolled 9 successes against TN 7: [5, 8, 7, 6, 7, 4, 6, 5, 6, 8, 7, 1, 6, 9, 7, 7, 5, 7, 4, 2, 1, 1]
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> Is this great contagion level?
[15:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> If the symptoms are starting to show, then it's already too late.
[15:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> This is damage control.
[15:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Hence Harmony focusing on quarantine.
[15:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> You do what you can.
[15:11] <Brazen_Sand> Not necessarily, thaumaturgy can still cure some, I think.
[15:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Well yes, obviously.
[15:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> But you get what I'm saying.
[15:11] <Brazen_Sand> I mean, we got by the Black Death these days, and we're just mostly extras
[15:11] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[15:11] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> There's no ideal solution here.
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> Triage time.
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> God, this is a tragedy ;_;
[15:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Anyway I absolutely hav to go for now :(
[15:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> have*
[15:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'm sorry
[15:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> It appears that the world decided today I should be busy
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> It's okay, we can work from your bureacracy
[15:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'M really sorry
[15:12] <Brazen_Sand> I mean, you could leave instructions and stuff for us to follow
[15:12] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Try and not leave me too far behind! *flees away with tears in my eyes and shit*
[15:13] <Brazen_Sand> I MISS YOOOOOOU XO
[15:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> More or less, focus on quarantine and then try to see what you can do to purge the city of disease. Burn everything that's been in contact with the sick.
[15:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Then put stuff into healing the sick
[15:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Cruel yes
[15:13] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[15:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> But we must first make sure not EVERYONE DIES.
[15:13] <Brazen_Sand> And we'll all just nod blankly
[15:13] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Anyway *poofs*
[15:13] <@Anshu> this is the plague from the end of the Antagonists chapter in core
[15:14] <Brazen_Sand> so mundane black death
[15:14] <Brazen_Sand> (Well, mundane for something that killed 1/3 of Europe)
[15:14] <@Anshu> mhm
[15:15] <Bright_Snow> Back
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> wb
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> We've all got the plague : D
[15:15] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> well, the Gemites
[15:15] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> not us Exalts, obviously
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> yeah, it's mundane Black Death
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> But scary as hell for Brazen
[15:16] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> PS: Mundane black death without magic to cure it is fucking terrifying
[15:16] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> *poofs again after reminding you of that*
[15:16] <Brazen_Sand> I bet
[15:16] <Brazen_Sand> *waves*
[15:17] * ~Nomoe_Hideaki waves
[15:17] <Brazen_Sand> So...Anshu, what can we do with Harmony's instructions?
[15:17] <@Anshu> You can maintain quarantines and organize distribution of medicines and other supplies
[15:18] <@Anshu> as well as access to magical healing if and when it becomes available
[15:18] <Brazen_Sand> Yes
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmm, Bright, do you know any medicine stuff?
[15:19] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'm back for now, have to go again in like an hour but eh
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> Wait a second, can we contact some Deliberative Aid?
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> Like even just some Thaumaturges or something nearby?
[15:19] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Anyway, once things are under control, think I should use some EPIC INVESTIGATION to find out what's really going on?
[15:20] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, I'd say that's a good idea!
[15:20] <Brazen_Sand> :B
[15:20] <Bright_Snow> 1 dot. But she is unlikely to help
[15:20] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I could use Bureaucracy to request and seize any Deliberative resources nearby to help with the emergency.
[15:20] <Brazen_Sand> Good thinking!
[15:20] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> You're welcome
[15:21] <@Anshu> Gem's pretty remote, but there's probably a small-to-medium escort for the latest trade caravan to arrive
[15:21] <Brazen_Sand> Launjilla can help you
[15:21] <Brazen_Sand> Harmony
[15:21] <Brazen_Sand> He knows the land better then anyone else
[15:21] <Brazen_Sand> I mean Gem
[15:21] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Alright, give me a second
[15:22] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Would it help if Nomoe did Bureaucracy along with Harmony?
[15:22] <Bright_Snow> Ultimately Snow helping runs contray to her view on how this situation should resolve itself. She will however help if it becomes apparent another Exalt has taken a hand is spreading this disease.
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> How else could the plague have spread this fast, though?
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> Could Snow investigate?
[15:23] <Bright_Snow> She may well do that.
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> She can infiltrate better then any of us, maybe she could see things that we'll miss
[15:23] <@Anshu> *decides to hold off on adding complications right now*
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> This is surprisingly thrilling
[15:23] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> ex. 22
[15:24] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen can...I dunno, he can follow Harmony's instructions and relay the orders
[15:24] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 4
[15:24] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 0 successes against TN 7: [1, 6, 6, 6], BOTCH!
[15:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Oh thanks
[15:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> .ex 22
[15:24] <Pattern_Spider> Imperative_Harmony_of_Order rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [4, 7, 4, 7, 4, 9, 2, 4, 6, 1, 1, 4, 7, 1, 8, 9, 6, 9, 2, 1, 5, 7]
[15:24] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That should be good enough.
[15:24] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe takes no limit from Harmony being rude (or overly busy)
[15:25] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> mh
[15:25] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> How close to the Wyld are we?
[15:25] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'll let you guys do anything you want to do. As soon as she's done with her letter though she'll attempt some Investigation
[15:26] <Bright_Snow> She is not really an infiltrator
[15:26] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> If they shaped a sea here, the bordermarches should be very, very close
[15:26] <Bright_Snow> It is just it kinda comes with being a Lunar
[15:26] <Brazen_Sand> It's one of the Southmost settlements in Creation, even BEFORE teh 2nd Crusade
[15:26] <Brazen_Sand> Gem, I mean
[15:26] <Brazen_Sand> So yeah, we're close
[15:26] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Heh
[15:26] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Did I ever mention that it's possible to create invisible ninja Behemoths that give people the black plague?
[15:26] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I did it once with a Fair Folk of mine
[15:26] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> àà
[15:26] <Brazen_Sand> No, no you did not
[15:27] <Brazen_Sand> You are an evil person
[15:27] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Well now you know.
[15:27] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> :p
[15:27] <Brazen_Sand> And knowing is half the *dies from plague*
[15:27] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 16
[15:27] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 5 successes against TN 7: [8, 5, 5, 5, 2, 1, 2, 8, 10, 2, 1, 7, 5, 3, 2, 2]
[15:28] <@Anshu> what's the roll for?
[15:29] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> see IC
[15:29] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe want to know what we need the most in terms of medicine and stuff
[15:29] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Good thinking.
[15:29] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Harmony does tend to write down everything. It's an habit as a lawyer.
[15:29] <Brazen_Sand> Should I roll to try to keep the populace from panicking?
[15:30] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That might be good.
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> You know, making people confident with his presence
[15:30] <@Anshu> Manip + Performance
[15:30] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Inspire them to file in a single line in a calm and orderly manner for the disposal si- I mean curing center. :D
[15:30] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> xD
[15:30] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Just teasing.
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> Can I use charisma?
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> By him going like "DON'T BE SCARED, We WILL KEEP YOU SAFE," Etc.
[15:31] <@Anshu> Brazn seems pretty shaken up himself, so no.
[15:31] <Brazen_Sand> Okay
[15:31] <@Anshu> Nomoe figures out what items should be on the list
[15:32] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'll now consider that enough time has elapsed.
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 14
[15:32] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [8, 3, 6, 3, 1, 8, 4, 3, 10, 8, 7, 4, 7, 8]
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> Oh sweet
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> That's his social roll
[15:33] <@Anshu> ok
[15:34] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Now for my investigation roll...
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, if you can make ninja-behemoths that spread the plague
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> could you make ninja behemoths that CURE the plague?
[15:34] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Nope.
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> : (
[15:34] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> It's a one way trick unfortunately.
[15:34] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> And trust me
[15:34] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> It's a VERY obscure trick
[15:34] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> When I showed it to fellow Raksha enthusiast they loved it
[15:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> ex. 24
[15:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> .ex 24
[15:35] <Pattern_Spider> Imperative_Harmony_of_Order rolled 13 successes against TN 7: [3, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6, 10, 8, 7, 3, 2, 3, 10, 7, 7, 7, 2, 8, 6, 3, 4, 3, 4, 7]
[15:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Not bad.
[15:35] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Damn, I should have taken Wyld-Cauldron. then I could make *healers*, too ;)
[15:35] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Let me know what I do find :p
[15:35] <Brazen_Sand> Whew, Anshu must be feeling like an octopus right now
[15:36] <@Anshu> that's what, Harm?
[15:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Her investigating to find the source of the plague while making her rounds.
[15:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> She's multitasking this baby.
[15:36] <@Anshu> *d'awwwws at the kitties curled up with each other on the bed*
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> Awwwwwww Kitties :3
[15:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> She's like Sherlock Holmes on crack ^^
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> Snow gets a 3-die stunt
[15:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> So of course she might be able to actually get something out of this
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> NOMINATION
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> Agreement?
[15:36] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> lol XD
[15:37] <Brazen_Sand> What? it was really cool?
[15:37] <Brazen_Sand> When she was looking around everywhere in those different forms
[15:38] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Yes it's good. ^^
[15:38] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I just don't know what the kitties are about
[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, that's irl
[15:38] <@Anshu> yeah sorry
[15:38] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Alrighty
[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> but anyway, everyone is rping at their full potential right now, it seems ^_^
[15:38] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'll admit
[15:39] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> The quality of my RP is dropping a bit due to having to post frantically haha but I guess that's okay
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> The posting frantically is a good effect
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> it's like what Harmony is doing right now
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> frantically doing everything
[15:39] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> full excellency, conviction channel - hey, I get to use that Intimacy to Brazen :D - into Wyld Shaping Technique. Also using all saved up successes from his Hand of the Great Maker.
[15:39] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I've said it and I'll say it again
[15:40] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Every Exalt wants the Host of Spirit charm lol
[15:40] <Bright_Snow> Conviction channel. 3 dice stunt
[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU
[15:40] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 18
[15:40] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [1, 7, 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 9, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 6, 8, 4, 2, 2]
[15:40] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> oh fuck
[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> Yes...yes...his going away party >_>
[15:40] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That's all I find out with 13 successes?
[15:41] <Bright_Snow> Silver Spirit thingy
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> That kinda tells you something right there, Harmony
[15:41] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> oh well, hideous roll. That's only 23 successes on Wyld Shaping then.
[15:41] <Bright_Snow> Whatever attribute is associated with the roll
[15:41] <Bright_Snow> Perception?
[15:41] <Bright_Snow> Wits?
[15:41] <Bright_Snow> Doesn't really matter
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> If someone gives you only that much info on a 13 success roll...well, you knwo you're dealing with someone hella powerful
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> and sneaky
[15:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Mmmmm
[15:42] <@Anshu> I'm still thinking
[15:42] <Bright_Snow> So 5+3+5+5(we'll assume perception so I can get my small details spec)+3
[15:42] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Alright then, I'll wait.
[15:43] <Bright_Snow> Buying another 10 (ISS allows up to Attribute+Ess)
[15:43] <@Anshu> well, ookay, what else would you like to know?
[15:43] <Bright_Snow> 31 dice
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> O_O
[15:43] <Bright_Snow> and 1 auto success
[15:43] <Bright_Snow> .ex 31
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> Bright Snow is going to see GOD
[15:43] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 17 successes against TN 7: [5, 3, 10, 8, 10, 5, 6, 5, 10, 1, 1, 5, 5, 8, 7, 7, 6, 8, 7, 3, 2, 1, 8, 1, 8, 4, 6, 10, 8, 6, 2]
[15:43] <Bright_Snow> Mostly as Pattern Spider hates me
[15:43] <Bright_Snow> Though it rolled well there
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> I dunno, that's more then a 50% success rate
[15:43] <Bright_Snow> So 18 Successes
[15:44] <Brazen_Sand> brazen just does what he can. I'm having a good time watching everyone else. :3
[15:44] <Bright_Snow> I'm actually looking into if anyone seeded it and who did so
[15:44] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmh. Shaping difficulty is 10 in the Bordermarches, so 14 threshold successes for Nomoe. That's probably about 1x Legendary Resources worth of medicine and stuff (2x Res 5 + 1x Res 4)
[15:44] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> What else I would like to know? Everything I can know of course! There's no useless information in such a case. Plus I'd certainly like to at least get a lead where I could investigate further to find out who's behind this.
[15:44] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Right now 13 successes doesn't even get me a lead to keep looking. Which kinda sucks.
[15:44] <Bright_Snow> It is really the only thing Snow cares about other than generally examining how this culture deals with grief and loss
[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> THE LAKE D:
[15:45] <Bright_Snow> Also what dent it puts in their confidence in their current leadership
[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> The lake has sources throughout the city, remember?
[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> I mean, the water is piped throughout the city so people can drink
[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> But it's all from one source!
[15:45] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Probably yes.
[15:45] <Bright_Snow> "Someone poisoned the watering hole!"
[15:45] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> classic
[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> NOT NOW, WOODY! XO
[15:46] <Brazen_Sand> I'd think that a smart cookie like Harmony would know to check that out ; )
[15:46] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Even if I the player is silly and incompetent, if I put points into it then my character isn't :p
[15:46] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> XD
[15:47] <Brazen_Sand> I didn't mean it like that D:
[15:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> So Nomoe made a shitton of Seven Bounty Paste and such?
[15:48] <@Anshu> is that better?
[15:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Yes, that does help.
[15:48] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Unfortunately I have to go again now D:
[15:49] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Whatever's most needed and efficient to create by shaping.
[15:49] <@Anshu> ok
[15:49] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> I'll presumably keep investigating on auto-mode or some such x__X
[15:49] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Anyway, I'll be back later.
[15:49] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> ~
[15:49] <Brazen_Sand> bi bi
[15:49] <@Anshu> I'm thinking of ending the session shortly, tbh
[15:49] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> Sorry again
[15:50] <Brazen_Sand> it's okay.
[15:50] <@Anshu> no problem
[15:50] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> That would be a good cliffhanger.
[15:50] <Imperative_Harmony_of_Order> *swoops away*
[15:50] <@Anshu> *debates what to tell Snow*
[15:50] <Bright_Snow> Bye
[15:51] <@Anshu> bye Danakir
[15:52] <@Anshu> Snow got 18 successes, right?
[15:52] <Brazen_Sand> yus
[15:53] <Bright_Snow> Yep
[16:02] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> In finding the one who (probably) has an interest in preventing things from getting better we might have found the one to blame :D
[16:02] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> That or a Sidereal.
[16:02] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Equally likely to die, now :p
[16:02] <Brazen_Sand> ?
[16:02] <Brazen_Sand> huh?
[16:03] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Miracle cure? Likely to be BS.
[16:03] <Brazen_Sand> ahhh
[16:03] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Or a Sid, and they can't be trusted, precious.
[16:04] <Bright_Snow> Shall I tell you what I plan to do so you can just send me a write up between sessions? As I imagine you want to wrap things up.
[16:04] <@Anshu> yeah
[16:04] <Bright_Snow> Snow will attempt to follow the shadowy figure
[16:05] <Bright_Snow> And use the bond to send an impression of the Thaumature so Hideaki can examine whatever it is he was just given and interrogate him for clues
[16:05] <Bright_Snow> And if you require a roll for stealth
[16:06] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> Add a location to the impression of the thaumaturge, and Hideaki will be on it ;)
[16:06] <Bright_Snow> 5+5+3+4+10+2
[16:06] <Bright_Snow> so 29 dice for stealth
[16:06] <Bright_Snow> .ex 29
[16:06] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 13 successes against TN 7: [8, 10, 1, 3, 7, 1, 9, 5, 4, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5, 9, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 10, 6, 7, 6]
[16:06] <Brazen_Sand> If Brazen fidns out about it, he will literally throw buildings
[16:07] <Bright_Snow> And an auto success
[16:07] <Bright_Snow> 14 successes on stealth to shadow the guy
[16:07] <Bright_Snow> YEah location too
[16:08] <Brazen_Sand> like seriously, brazen will do TERRIBLE TERRIBLE things to whoever has caused it
[16:08] <Brazen_Sand> EVIL STUFF
[16:08] <Brazen_Sand> BUTT STUFF! >XO
[16:08] <@Anshu> okay I'll keep that in mind for next time
[16:09] <@Anshu> Dakk, we going to try ownership transfer today?
[16:11] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> we closing the scene here now, then?
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> If so, gg everybody
[16:12] <~Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, today was awesome :)
[16:13] <Brazen_Sand> Totally worth the wait
[16:14] <@Anshu> yeah, we're closing it here
[16:14] *** Nomoe_Hideaki is now known as dakkareth
[16:14] <@Anshu> I'm glad everyone enjoyed it
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> See you all next week ^_^
[16:15] <@Anshu> Brazen said he was blown away by how good it was
[16:15] <Bright_Snow> yeah it was fun
[16:15] <@Anshu> and I was like, "Thanks, considering I didn't really do anything for like the first half of the session"
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> Sometimes I'm just shocked by own talent : D
[16:15] <Bright_Snow> The best way to run a game
[16:15] *** dakkareth sets mode -q dakkareth
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> *my own talent
[16:15] <Bright_Snow> Watch the players do the work for you
[16:16] *** Bright_Snow is now known as Virgil
[16:16] <@dakkareth> Anshu, you should be owner now
[16:16] *** dakkareth sets mode -o dakkareth
[16:17] * dakkareth nods
[16:17] <@Anshu> okay
[16:17] <@Anshu> let's test that out
[16:17] <Virgil> xp
[16:17] <@Anshu> ah yes
[16:17] <@Anshu> 8 xp Session Close (#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Fri Jan 07 16:18:03 2011 -0700

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Fri Jan 07 16:18:13 2011 -0700
[16:18] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[16:18] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is: Next session: 7th of January? | <Anshu> There's a sudden roar. The great white-furred beastman stands atop a nearby building looking down at you. "So," he says in a bell-toned voice, "we have visitors." <Brazen_Sand> "CAN YOU COME BACK LATER?" Brazen responded. "WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A DISCUSSION HERE!"
[16:18] *** Topic set by dakkareth (11 hours ago at 5:35 AM)
[16:18] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[16:18] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[16:18] <dakkareth> mmh, did we start a new story arc? And if so, is there any chapter end bonus in it?
[16:18] <~Anshu> hmm yeah
[16:18] <~Anshu> 10 story XP
[16:18] <~Anshu> oh
[16:18] <~Anshu> plus 1 extra to Dakk and Lost
[16:18] <~Anshu> for stunts
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> OH SHIT. E6 TIME SOON X D
[16:19] <dakkareth> Mwahahahahah. I can buy my combo now. All Shall Love Me And Despair!
[16:19] <dakkareth> (that's the name of the combo)
[16:19] <Virgil> Cool
[16:19] <~Anshu> *updates XP tally on wiki*
[16:19] <Virgil> I should buy a combo
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> There's a thread called "How would one insult an Exalt?"
[16:19] <~Anshu> ok, Galadriel :P
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> and my first thought was "from a safe distance"
[16:20] <Virgil> But what I really want is for the Ink Monkeys to write overdrive charms for Lunar's
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, Faustus has expressed interest in joining
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> 3PM on Friday is good for him
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> and he wanted to play a Lunar
[16:20] <dakkareth> yeah, Lunar overdrives would be nice
[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> He's another of our old OMWF crew, remember?
[16:21] <~Anshu> I do
[16:21] <Virgil> I hope they release either some more errata or new stuff soon
[16:21] <Virgil> And yeah I do
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> Yo mama's so fat, she's got a soul heirarchy!
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> Yo mama's so fat, her belt size is Gardullis!
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> Yo mama's so ugly, people think she's an Abyssal!
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> Yo mama's so poor, she can't even pay Willpower to resist NMI!
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> Yo mama's so stupid, she thought the Loom of Fate was where you buy underwear!
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> Yo mama's so fat, she's got her own Incarna
[16:21] <Virgil> He was the other brit
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> Hm, that's weird. I C&P'd it in one chunk
[16:21] <Brazen_Sand> WP one is my fave, btw >_>
[16:22] <Brazen_Sand> But Brazen will probably use the Soul hierarchy one