SPOILER: Survivor Ideas

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Percy Blake joined the Navy right out of high school, but ended up nearly dying of (random sickness, rheumatic fever, aplastic anemia, whatever) and being medically discharged, a frail and broken man of 23.

He had spent so many years in and out of hospitals, that he was drawn to the medical community, but lacked the training, or financial ability to get an education, and so drifted into social work, where he ended up doing a lot of volunteer work with people even worse off than himself. He learned at an early age that mental scars lasted longer than physical ones, and as his body slowly recovered, he found himself dealing more and more with people whose bodies where whole, but had minds and hearts damaged by abusive childhoods or traumatic events.

After the events of (whatever happened to make superpowers happen), he awoke from an intense nightmare that left him breathless and soaked in a cold sweat, with his heart seemingly about to burst from his chest. The rest of the day, he kept seeing images, as if at the corner of his vision, but they were gone when he turned, and he was jumpy and irritable at work all day. As the sun set, the images grew sharper, and more surreal, until he grew so bewildered that he could no longer see to navigate around his apartment, or even find the phone to call for help, collapsed in his bathroom, clutching his head trying to make some sense of the disorienting whirl of images and sounds. Closing his eyes only made them more intense, and he spent the rest of the night sobbing on the linoleum, trying to get away from the relentless barrage, which grew ever more intense, and ever more disturbing, a welter of images, some horrific, some mundane and some overtly sexual.

By the morning, he had found some focus, learning, almost by instinct, how to focus on *just one* set of images, and found that he could even modify them somewhat, like lucid dreams, to make the more frightening or disturbing images less so.

Weeks passed, and every night the images grew overwhelming, forcing him to control them in this fashion. In that time, casual conversation with co-workers and neighbors confirmed his suspicions that he was somehow experiencing the dreams of those who sleep around him, and with practice he learned to surrender to the sensation and travel from dream to dream, changing whatever he wished, or remaining unseen, a silent observer to the hidden fears and hopes of all, while his consciousness walked the night.

During the day, Percy only gets random flashes of strong emotion, or particularly creative expression from those he passes, but at night, when the world sleeps, his dream-self moves like a ghost from sleeper to sleeper, and he can peer in on the dreams of someone across the city, or even across the world, if he is familiar with that person and the texture of their dreams (which he learned when his neighbor, whose dreams he'd visited often, went home to Greece for a weekend, and he could still peer into his dreams despite the physical distance). He uses his gifts to help at the clinic, reaching out to his clients at night and transforming their dreams of trauma to visions of confidence, hoping to give them the strength to transform their waking lives as well.


Reflects all attacks as a reaction, and can fly by 'reflecting' gravity!


TK & Disintegration, sucks in surrounding inanimate matter which disintegrates when it strikes his/her body.


Shrinking and Duplication linked - can make ever smaller dupes, because total mass stays the same - at max levels he/she would be alt form semi-solid or better yet, fluid (ugh). Microscopic senses a must! If he/she makes a single duplicate, both the original and the duplicate have 1/2 the original mass. As more duplicates are made, the original mass gets divided up further and further, and the dupes get smaller and smaller. At the most extreme this mass of microscopic dupes can act as a semisolid or fluid. Take the appropriate alt form as a power stunt. Unlike regular dupes, these all posses one consciousness, so take the Mind Link and Identical Duplicates extras (or is one of those a stunt?) to simulate this.


Growth and lots of it! Tied to a huge energy drain field because he/she draws in electricity from surrounding sources (electrical grid, power plants, storm clouds, tectonic activity, carpets, whatever) to create the additional mass. m=E/c2, or mass = energy divided by the speed of light squared. It takes a lot of energy to create extra mass...


Cold Energy Controller who unconsciously creates tiny wormholes that suck heat energy out into space. These wormholes are submicroscopic - just the right size to pass infrared radiation. Without special equipment they can't be detected. With IR goggles, you would see them as a black (super cold) cloud. Physicists studying this person would have detectors like they use in particle accelerators that would tell them what they were dealing with.


Complete telekinetic control of his/her body's movement. Super Speed and Flight and maybe Space Flight. Needs protective suit and canned air or other breathing arrangements to travel at high speeds...

the Dark[edit]

Darkforce control. Whatever the 'dunkle materie' is, this character can call it up, as much a psychic construct as something physically real, this dark matter is a quantum construct of current belief, not necessarily something that actually exists, so it can manifest strange and unnatural properties. Stepping into shadow, the character doesn't just leave our reality, he enters some sort of psychological space, a world of darkness where he can dimly perceive the dreaming minds of those around him as flashes of color and snatches of sounds. His clouds of darkness aren't just absences of visible light, they are cold and sounds magnify and echo, distorted into frightening things in the night, while psionic forces increase anxiety and cause fatigue to those trapped in this 'darkforce.' The darkness feeds upon the fear of those trapped within it, such that the effect becomes continuous as long as people remain 'feeding' it, growing ever weaker, ever more paralyzed with dread, the effect finally driving some trapped within it into madness, unconsciousness or even death!

Spatial fold[edit]

The character has the equivalent of Elasticity, with the Extras of Deflection and Teleportation. He doesn't 'stretch' but he can reach across great distances by folding space. He uses the same technique to cause attacks that would strike him to 'never reach him' or pass harmlessly through or beside him (represented by his Deflection, which should also have the Extras Rapid x2, Automatic and Reflection). When he is attacked, the attack flies through the living spatial distortion that his body has become to come out elsewhere, directed against a target of his choosing. This is his primary attack, redirecting attacks against himself, although he can also seize someone and teleport them away. He has a ton of Immunities, as his body is interphased into multiple places at once. There might not be air where he *appears* to be, but some part of him is in contact with oxygen...


Telepathic Control. The character is limited to a close range, but his Telepathy includes Extras that allow him to 'teach' others (Super-Skill, affects others, variable) or 'Neutralize' their skills, learned feats and the triggers for their various powers. By spending a Hero Point, he can even make such an effect Continuous, giving someone a permanant skill increase or teaching them a Feat, or, more importantly, shutting down a power and making it unusable, possibly indefinitely! (Although the character could re-learn how to activate the power, at a vastly reduced rate, say 1 pp / rank, or 10 pp or something, as the power is already there, the character is simply re-training his brain to access it another way, as the current neural pathways are all closed off and inaccessible.) In less dramatic uses of power, he could implant memories or commands, like 'never smoke again' or 'never tell anyone my secret' or 'forget your time in the war' or 'remember me saving your life and how much you love and want to please me...'

Fortune 500[edit]

Radio Hearing, Radio Broadcast, Super-Intelligence +10 (Extra: perform mental tasks faster, as the Super-Speed function, but for purely mental actions only), Datalink, Comprehend. This character is constantly monitoring everything going on, watching every channel, listening to every broadcast, surfing every website. He also is usually playing volleyball in the park, or occasionally frisbee, or chess with the old geezers, as he has brainpower and to spare to go out and do physical things. He doesn't need to be jacked in or sitting around on his butt all the time to perform his job, monitoring network security for this Fortune 500 company, filtering cellphone calls for this security agency, analyzing stock movements for this financial institution, spying on a dozen different people for two dozen different clients (none of whom know that they aren't the only ones getting this data)...

Dennis Grater[edit]

Dennis is flying from Boston bound for LA. He's a building contractor that's worked his way up through the ranks - a former tower worker. His wife has just served him with divorce papers, and left for LA with Dennis' former best friend 3 days ago. Imagine a 30-something Nick Nolte (from North Dallas Forty) type guy, probably a little abusive in the relationship. Dennis is mad at the world and the morning of the flight he doesn't feel bad about taking it out on anyone he comes into contact with - brashly bumping into people in his way, arguing at the drop of a hat... He might start a scene over baggage or his seat assignment with a PC. Following the event that gains the passengers powers Dennis has the ability to absorb and channel his (and other's) rage into destructive energy - (Absorption with several extras). After learning his powers Dennis initially goes back to his construction job, being demoted for several reasons - he is angry and in a destructive rage takes down the skeletal iron structure of a new 12 story building. Following these events he goes into hiding and after some thinking decided to sell his "weapons" to the highest bidders, whatever they may be... http://imagecache2.allposters.com/IMAGES/MMPH/C57674.jpg

Julie Young, Alex Young and Maggie Young[edit]

Julie is a soccermom. Pretty and athletic at 33 with a 4 year old girl and 10 year old boy. They were bound for LA to stay with Julie's parents for a few weeks eventually making their way down to the theme parks. She's married but quickly becoming a "desperate housewife" as she's a little bored... The kids were a little trouble dealing at the airport but Julie's able to smile through it. The kids might have some minor "adventures" with the PCs with their water guns and the like, Julie's very apologetic. When the plane goes down Julie's life passes before her eyes, panicked for all the things she'd never get to finish or begin and frightened for her children. Following the gift of powers Julie learned that her son Alex has the ability to never be hurt (protection/Amazing Save Dmg) and Maggie can read minds! (telepathy/precog)... This causes many problems at home and in school but she's able to deal surprisingly well with her own newfound abilities to "be where she sees". (teleport/portal/dimension travel) Julie and the kids do there best to maintain aninimity but it's difficult... http://www.bigfoto.com/sites/galery/people/girl-face-98z.jpg http://www.inclusive-solutions.com/images/kid.jpg http://www.punchstock.com/image/itstock/6668007/large/itf007025.jpg

Monica Amen-Asia[edit]

Monica is a 30-something ex-airline attendant and did some minor modelling in the early 90s. She is going back to LA to visit her sister who has had a long battle with breast cancer. The PCs might bump into her at the airport concierge with her Starbucks and a few health magazines (one with breast cancer as the lead article). Bothered by the jerk hitting on her sitting beside her on the plane she breaks down crying a little (more about her sister and the stress than anything) but tries not to bother anyone, getting up to go to the restroom. Once coming into her powers Monica finds her sister has passed away and she has also developed breast cancer but this cancer seems to have an outward effect giving her the ability to corrode and disrupt materials at a touch and weaker at a distance. Monica has no idea how to control this ability that's "spreading" and seeks aid from any other of the "godlike" for answers and direction... http://www.vergnano.pl/Vergnano_graphics/Powitanie/business_woman-ok.jpg

Jerry Ball[edit]

Jerry is a great guy - just ask him. He's had too many jobs, the classic used car salesman that thinks more of himself than he should. Jerry really has nothing to lose going to LA, he spent his last dime on the ticket and is hoping to jump right into something - which is why he spends lots of time talking to anyone. He's used to stretching the truth and can "fit in" nearly any industry or job you might mention you're in. He's mostly harmless if not annoying. After Jerry learns of his powers he has no clue what to do - his base personality says to "sell it" and make money but so many around him talk about humanitarian aid. Jerry has unmatched abilities in healing but it's very draining on him... http://www.punchstock.com/image/design_pics/8403409/large/785511.jpg

Fred Graves[edit]

A 25 yr old Insurance Salesman flying to visit his girlfriend and propose. Fred is an amateur martial artist but he's at the peak of his health. She is currently doing fieldwork to become an occupational therapist. Seen practicing his proposal talking to plants on bended knee. POWERS:Physical prowess and weapon master

Eric Masad & Heather Masad[edit]

27 yr old newlyweds flying en route to their honeymoon. Eric is an English teacher and Heather works as a Recreational Director at a Veteran's Nursing Home. Eric is using a cane after aparently twisting his ankle on their wedding day while racing across town to drink tequila at every bar with his wife's wedding party. Eric starts a conversation with anyone who looks interesting and Heather attracts attention by constantly going through her carry on luggage thinking she has forgotten something. POWERS:Eric-Density Control; Heather-Shrinking

Ed Sevarg & Esther Sevarg[edit]

28 yr old couple returning from Vegas. Esther is suffering from the flu but Ed is the steretypical friendly fat man. Ed squeezes into a chair next to a PC and they can't help but notice his body heat, Esther get's noticed when she vomits in a trashcan. POWERS:Ed- alt form fire Esther-cure/inflict disease

Derick Dagra[edit]

Flying across country to a sci-fi convention. He's an intelligent man and friendly if you get to know him; but he's had almost 24 hrs of flight delays including a 6 hour stay in an airport with no electricity after a storm that forced his direct flight to land. Derick sticks out in his glow-in-the-dark Green Lantern T-Shirt he needs a shave and snaps at anyone who gets in his way. POWERS:Super Intellect

Adam Derf & Ria Derf[edit]

Flying to the destination city so that Ria can run in the local Marathon. Ria's a fitness buff who runs 6 miles a day and does aerobics. Adam is a supportive husband and while he's an overwieght man he's in reasonable shape and looks like he could handle himself in fight. Both of them work with the developmentally disabled, teaching them work and living skills. Adam is excpetionally well trained in restraint and negotiation techniques after working with some very violent cases. Adam is being hasseled and watched by airport security but he's remaining very calm regardless of being asked to walk throught the metal detector multiple times and being wand searched by multiple security personel. He is not actually setting off the metal detector but security seems convinced he's hiding something. Ria looks much more annoyed at the delay and is willing to seeth to anyone willing to listen about how it infuriates her that Adam doesn't get more upset when this happens. POWERS:Adam-Super STR, Super CON, & Super CHA, Ria-Super speed

Kate McNally[edit]

plant based control. A mob realising that she is one of "them" chases her and she runs in front of a bus and is killed. A few moments later across the country Ben Mitchel is being mugged in some alley. Police find the young man alive but badly beaten. His attackers however are found dead, strangled to death by the limbs of a tree that grew out of not where.

Ben Mitchel[edit]

A mob realising that Kate McNally is one of "them" chases her and she runs in front of a bus and is killed. A few moments later across the country Ben Mitchel is being mugged in some alley. Police find the young man alive but badly beaten. His attackers however are found dead, strangled to death by the limbs of a tree that grew out of not where.

Kristin Dahle[edit]

an unbelieavably gorgeous and vivacious young blonde wearing tight sky-blue pants that end mid-calf, half a white shirt with some sort of yellow and pink floral lacy bit around the edges (yes, I stared, you would too!), exposing her flat and lightly tanned stomach and big clunky platform shoes that she takes off the second she can get away with it, Kristin has studied to be an occupational therapist of some sort, but not yet entered the workforce. She and her college boyfriend Petter have decided to go on a trip to Hollywood, to see the sights. Disneyland, Sea World and Vegas are definitely on the agenda. Kristin speaks excellent english, but since she spends almost all of her trip macking on Petter, it doesn't get much notice. If Petter is ever distracted, talking to Erik or arguing with another passenger about the merits of American 'art,' she will slip away and end up talking to someone else, which will inevitably end when Petter notices and walks over to 'escort' her back to her seat. She seems to have classified Erik as some sort of sexless drone, and will set in Petters lap, kissing him passionately, while Erik sits in the next seat, uncomfortable and increasingly frustrated, assuming that she and Petter haven't pawned him off on someone else by this point. As a result of the heavy bag she is carrying (perhaps including a fair amount of Petters personal stuff, since he doesn't have a carry-on) and her ridiculous shoes, she tends to stumble up the aisle on the way to her seat, inevitably putting her hands all over half a dozen people, to Petter's aggravation. She develops a blinding aura of light that flickers and undulates from her body. It is semi-tangible, and can shield her from harm, or extend out to ensnare or blind someone, almost having a mind of it's own (actually being a product of her own fear and uncertainty, lashing out when she is confused or frustrated). The light actually enhances her appearance, while obscuring her identity, since she looks different enough while aglow that she may not be recognized when it drops. Colors are particularly subject to change in her area, with her skin appearing bone-white and her hair dark.

Petter Bjornstad[edit]

carrying some sort of musical instrument case onto the flight, since he doesn't trust it out of his sight and chose to leave behind his normal carry-on to make room for his 'baby,' Petter is a severely clean-cut and serious looking young man with black hair and microsurgically sculpted beard and mustache. He dresses in 'professional casual' and looks like a young executive. He is fiercely possessive of Kristin, since he can feel her pulling away now that college has ended, and finds himself keeping an arm (or his lips) on her at all times, trying to prevent her from talking to, or looking at, anyone other than himself for the duration of the trip. He is dressed casually, and comes across as somewhat elitist, because of his manners, appearance and occasional haughty comments whenever something relating to Hollywood 'art' comes up. He has a very narrow definition of 'art' and the only thing that will distract him from his death-grip on Kristin is someone getting him onto a conversation about the 'clearly superior' art of old Europe (and Norway in particular), and / or asking to see his violin / whatever the hell it was (I never saw it, I'm gonna guess violin). He begins to shake uncontrollably and sweat as his powers manifest, with Kristin babying him and seeming extremely concerned as he starts to flip out, pushing her away as he begins to sprout curving razor-edged metallic blades from his hands, shoulders, etc at uncontrollable intervals, cutting anything around him as they sprout forth, and anyone who gets to close as he begins to wave about in a panic, as the initial process is excruciatingly painful. He ends up with limited super-speed, and metallic blades / plating over his skin that protects him from harm, and slashes at his foes. He can even hurl a metallic blade at a target at range, but this takes effort (as a Power Stunt, he has another instance of Natural Weapon with the Range - Normal Extra and the Uses (8 /day) Flaw).

Erik Moese[edit]

unlike his best friends Petter and Kristin, Erik doesn't speak a word of English, and thus appears to be dumb as a box of rocks. He is also a hundred times friendlier than both of them put together, and ends up sitting with some other person (since his friends are sitting next to each other, and spend half the trip with their tongues in each others mouths, leaving him absolutely no one on the plane to talk to, since no one speaks any of the three European langauges he speaks). He smiles broadly and genuinely to anyone who makes eye contact with him, and even gets up and shakes hands, but can't get further than that basic friendly and incomprehensible stab at conversation. His 'friends' treat him like a big dumb dog that followed them on vacation. He has the build of Colossus, with the sort of clean wholesome aryan looks, dazzling smile, flawless skin and bright innocent eyes that Paul Walker would kill to have. He also has no clue about social distance, and ends up being 'friendly' (as in casually hands-on touchy-friendly) enough that whatever guy he ends up sitting with is left wondering if he is being hit on... He looks physically powerful, and has that easy confidence that seems to go with people over six foot and 200 lbs, knowing that they have always been stronger and taller than most of their peers. He studied chemical engineering (although his true love is architecture), and is probably smarter than his two friends put together. Bizarre physical quirk; When he smiles, his eyes automatically close. Which means he seems to be blinking constantly, since he is pretty much always smiling, and leaning too close. Paradoxically, his powers have nothing to do with his physical size, and he will end up developing psionic powers, a form of empathy that can be used to simulate telepathy (although it is more empathic and wordless), or to heal, or harm another by directly manipulating their life-energies. If he ever does get mad at someone, they will sicken as he glares at them. When he smiles, the target of his good thoughts is strengthened, either healed or even supercharged slightly by his seemingly endless supply of energy. He's a kind of mood ring, only his mood infects all around him, and the effect isn't really under his control. Thankfully, he is a good-natured fellow, and usually in a good mood. Unfortunately, he can be the center of a reinforcing feedback loop. If everyone around him is screaming and scared, he will pick up on that, become nervous and uncertain, and begin broadcasting and amplifying his own unease to those around him, making them even *more* scared, in a vicious cycle that might require knocking him unconscious to end (although a diplomacy check could also be used to 'talk him down,' with some penalties for not being able to actually 'talk' to him, but having to impress a state of calm confidence upon him non-verbally). Other tactics might startle him out of such a state, such as a pretty girl kissing him.

Ian Harrison[edit]

Ian is 7, and his mother put him on a plane in Boston to visit his father in Los Angeles (they are divorced) for the summer. The stewardresses know that he is flying alone, and for some reason they think he's the cutest thing ever, and are constantly bringing him sodas and the like, as well as sitting next to him and chatting with him, which is really kinda bugging him, since he is a big boy now, and didn't need his mom to come with him, let alone a bunch of strangers to come along and constantly distract him from A) staring wide-eyed out the plane window at the cities, clouds, rocky mountains, sunset/sunrise and / or stormclouds, all of which he finds endlessly fascinating, since he has world-class ADD and is happily in his own little world, daydreaming about flying among those clouds, when the darn stewardresses aren't asking him the same pesky questions over and over and over about if he likes flying and if he's scared and how awfully brave his is... or B) reading the same three comic books that he brought over and over. One has the Vision and the Thing in it, and the other has the Thing and Brother Voodoo, and in the Avengers one Wonder Man and Vision get in a big fight because Vision is jealous of Wonder Man giving Scarlet Witch an arm to lean on after a big battle (which he'll explain wide-eyed to any bored stewardress who makes the mistake of asking). He will end up forgetting the comics in the plane during the confusion of debarking, and will be really sulky about that... Ian will develop the ability to dissipate into a smoky form that can be invisible, incorporeal and can fly through the clouds, as one of them. Alternate Body: Wind / Clouds (Extra: Invisibility). He may end up with a Lightning Bolt extra or Alt Form: Energy (Lightning) Power Stunt, if the weather is stormy and he ends up watching a lot of lightning wide-eyed and smiling like a loon and bouncing in his seat any time turbulence makes the plane pitch and lurch. Unlike most people, the sensation of his body drifting apart and blowing in the wind will elicit a reaction of 'cool!' from him, instead of the more traditional panic response. He's afraid of heights though, so he'll never fly more than 10 feet over the ground, and rarely more than 5 ft. up.

John Herrington[edit]

age 65, Retired electrical engineer who misses the glory days of office romances, impossible deadines, and innovative designing, is going to city to see a specialist about <ahem> prostrate problems, very insecure man. Powers gained: Drain others of a little bit of their life <giving people around him flu like symptoms and lethargy>, and Boost his physical attributes and confidence, also changes his appearance, makes him look like he is in his 40's.<Identity change?> Flaws: 70's mentality

Leslie Fox[edit]

age 36, Social worker for a division of child support enforcement. Going to city to attend a meeting on setting up a database of deadbeat dads that crossreference convicted sexual offenders, this is her pet project, her being sexually assaulted in her youth, is what drives her and makes her distrust men on the whole. Powers gained: When approached by a <in her eyes>hostile man, she Alternate forms into metal, and enters a bezerker rage, screaming a name the entire time she is fighting, very one track mind. Flaws: personal issues, lots of em.

William Sounders[edit]

age 15, Boy who failed the 10th grade due to reading to many comic books, and blowing up the chemistry lab <that was an accident> is going to relatives to attend summer school, and hopefully move on to the 11th grade. He has a awesome imagination, but is woefully lazy when it comes to work. Powers gained: Flight, Super speed, Super Int, gadgets. Flaws: If flirted with by a beautiful woman/girl, he blushes, and starts to lose powers temporarly until person stops, or leaves.

Rosalie Brown[edit]

a kind african-american grandmotherly sort, flying back home to LA after attending the wedding of her daughter. Her only son died young, and her husband ran away while the children were still young, so her daughter is the only family she has left, and unlike your average doting parent, she will spend the trip talking to whomever she is seated next to, about them and their story. She already *knows* her story, she's much more interested in hearing about other people's lives. She tends to get a touch confused in conversation, and will occasionally refer to the person she is speaking to by her son's name (if male) or her daughters (if female). She is heavy-set, but not in the 'must purchase two seats' sort of way, and her hair is shot through with gray and kept in a bun. She has glasses, a wide smile and everything about her seems larger than life, her nose is wide, her lips are full, her cheeks are plump, she just seems a little wider, and somehow bigger, although when she stands, that illusion will end, since she's only a few inches over five foot tall. 'Rosy' will become one of the more powerful metahumans as a result of the incident, and also one of the most severely affected. As a combination of health factors, fitness and circumstance (sit on a long plane ride, sit in the airport for extended times, sit at her daughters wedding in a binding chair, sit again at the airport, sit again at the plane) she will develop a blood clot in one of her legs that causes her to suffer a stroke when her blood starts rushing later in the scene. Everyone else will start screaming. She'll kibbie, froth at the mouth and pitch into the aisle. She will survive this stroke, losing the use of one of her arms, one of her legs, control of some of her facial features and, most tragically, some of her memory. She will awaken in a surreal state, where her husband never left and her son never died. She will 'see them' at her bedside, and they will be there to help her from that point on, even though she will see them in a state that never occured in her waking life, with her son (Ben) fully grown into the man his father never saw, and her husband (Jimmy) in the prime of his life, long before the responsibilities of being a father scared him away. She will have the Weaknesses: Disabled (move 10, cannot run or sprint, only half Strength applies to lifting and carrying) and Fatigues Easily (anything that would render her Fatigued (such as Extra Effort) instead renders her Exhausted, and the use of a Hero Point only removes one of these levels, meaning that she would need two Hero Points, one to go from Exhausted to Fatigued and a second to go from Fatigued to normal). She develops Astral Projection +5, with the extras of Telekinesis (Force Field, Ghost Touch / reduced range touch), Possession (Ghost Touch / reduced range - touch), Telepathy (Ghost Touch / reduced range - normal instead of Sight), all of her Extras only being usable in her Astral state for a further Flaw). She is powerless when awake, but spends most of her time 'away' these days anyway. Note that having a Force Field while Astral means that even something that can affect her incorporeal form will find her well-defended... She has the See Invisibility and True Sight Feats (usable even when awake), which is ironic considering how much of her life she now sees under a guise of self-delusion. More uniquely, she has a pair of Sidekicks of psionic force. Each is treated as a Construct, with powers of Incorporeal (Continuous / Permanent), Telekinesis (Ghost Touch, Deflection (Deflect Others, Rapid) / Range - Touch), Flight (PS: Super-Flight) and Invisibility. They also have the Disturbing Flaw, but only get half value for this, as they are typically invisible to anyone other than Rosy, who sees them as her beloved son and attentive husband. As they are sentient constructs of psionic force, they are capable of feats that one would normally not consider, such as scouting out an area and returning to Rosy to tell her about it. To those who see them, they do not appear as typical pale white ghostly outlines, they retain full color and lack instead definition, looking like an impressionistic swirl of color as they move about, and seeming to swell out of the background like a bulge in reality, moving like some *thing* under the surface of whatever lies behind them. With this prodigous set of powers, she spends her days now dreaming in front of her burnt-out television, as her astral form and her 'menfolk' patrol the neighborhoods around the home that houses her body, cleaning up the streets. On saturdays, she and 'Jimmy' go dancing at the old club on the corner where they met. The club burned down years ago, and a coin-op laundromat now sits there, and anyone doing laundry at that time is treated to the Disturbing sight of her husband and herself dancing through the machines. The owner, a elderly Portugeuse man, has had his sister-in-law come in with blessed cornmeal and other Santeria accoutrements and attempt to lay these ghosts to rest, but to no avail. (He never thought much of his sister-in-law anyway, so he just thinks that she botched it...) Rosy carries an inhaler to help with her attacks of short-breathedness. Treat it as Hero's Luck (Flaw: 1 extra Hero Point, only to recover Fatigue, Device) costing a minimum of 1 pp. Naturally this device is useless when she is projecting, since she can't bring it with her. She would have to return to her body, wake up and use the inhaler.