Dyson St. James

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Dyson St. James

High Concept: Human Hurricane.

  • Can be Invoked: When quick action and brute force can solve a problem neatly.
  • Can be Compelled: When rash actions can mess things up or a more artful solution exists with a bit of thinking.

Trouble: Lost Cause of a Dead People

  • Can be invoked: When dealing with the old gods of the island or preaching about those same gods.
  • Can be compelled: When faiths with greater power and influence can use it to mess up his plans.

Background Aspect: White Rhino

  • Can be invoked: When his size and skin color can serve to make a positive impression on those around him.
  • Can be compelled: When his size and skin color make him stand out as weird/freakish/etc.

Conflict Aspect: Zemis Everywhere

  • Can be invoked: When seeking assistance from benevolent or easily bribed Zemi on the island.
  • Can be compelled: When the groups of hostile Zemi who dislike Dyson can act against him.

Aspect: Take No Prisoners

Aspect: Storm in a Teacup

  • Can be Invoked: When his reputation can be used to intimidate or cajole from others what he wants.
  • Can be Compelled: When his reputation as a "big" man gets him in over his head with things he can't handle.


  • Superb: Fists, Might
  • Great: Endurance, Survival
  • Good: Intimidation, Athletics
  • Fair: Discipline, Alertness
  • Average: Presence, Conviction

Supernatural Powers:

  • Marked By Power -1
  • Hulking Size -2
  • Inhuman Strength -2
  • Inhuman Toughness -2
  • Inhuman Recovery -2
The Catch = religious items bypasses toughness