Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 18.5

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberative): Thu Feb 03 21:12:14 2011 -0700
[21:12] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative
[21:12] *** ChanServ sets mode +ntr
[21:12] *** services.magicstar.net changed the channel topic
[21:12] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[21:16] *** Brazen_Sand has joined #celestialdeliberative
[21:22] <~Anshu> The Abyssals, save their recently decapitated Day, stand around their small campfire, looking at the newcomers. Even the flames seem pale and ghostly, their light failing not more than a few yards away. Still, the moon and stars are bright overhead, casting silver light over the tiny oasis.
[21:23] <~Anshu> The Dusk is a tall, powerfully muscled woman in soulsteel armor with a hammer on her back.
[21:24] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen towered over the woman and snarled at her, ready to test out his new-found power on this vicious bitch.
[21:25] <Brazen_Sand> "You haven't got a chance, you piece of shit. You should've stayed behind with the Lion!"
[21:26] <Brazen_Sand> He hissed at the hammer-wielding woman, the sound carrying sand away with it
[21:38] <~Anshu> In the blink of an eye, the woman's hammer is in her hands. "The Lion has more power than you realize. With his new - !"
[21:39] <~Anshu> The Moonshadow cuts her off with a chop of his hand.
[21:39] <Brazen_Sand> "His new WHAT?!" Brazen purred mockingly. "Look at me! I'm a goddamned Titan!"
[21:39] <Brazen_Sand> "The Lion is a GHOST"
[21:40] <Brazen_Sand> "And soon you'll join him."
[21:41] <Brazen_Sand> The moonlight mixed with his colour-shifting skin, making him appear as if he was made out of lava the colour of bone.
[21:53] <~Anshu> She takes a step back out of relfex as the hulking monster berates her, but she says nothing more.
[21:54] <~Anshu> "I suppose there's no point in trying to persuade you that we're innocent bystanders....?" The Moonshadow says softly
[21:55] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen's body erupted for a moment at the impertinence she showed them. "I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, ABYSSALS!"
[22:00] <~Anshu> The Moonshadow sighs. "Very well. I see this is going to end in violence. Havoc, if you would get us started?"
[22:00] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen merely crouched slightly, his claws flexing and unflexing with the potential to commit all sorts of violence
[22:07] <~Anshu> The Dusk nods and leaps forward toward Brazen, her hammer raised. "Oh, and do try not to show off any of our new toys unless you must," calls the Mooonshadow. before she turns to one of the two men present. "Plagues, we need to get back home as soon as possible. You know what to do."
[22:12] <Brazen_Sand> As the Dusk leapt downwards to strike Brazen with her hammer, a sizzling lance of green flame materialized in Brazen's claws, just in time to bat her aside, catching her on the torso and sending her tumbling onto the sand
[22:12] <Brazen_Sand> Rolling along the sand dunes in full view of her comrades.
[22:13] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen didn't even need to step towards her, sending his tail stabbing downwards at her with a stinger big enough to impale a grown man.
[22:15] <Brazen_Sand> A blast of green hissing essence burst out of the ground as the tail swept along the sand.
[22:16] <Brazen_Sand> "You think that you ever had a chance against me? the GREENFIRE KING?! The second Wyld Crusade couldn't contain me, what makes you think you could?!"
[22:23] <~Anshu> Her hammer whistles through the night, smashing the stinger aside, sending its venom-laden point into the sand beside her, as she vaults back to her feet.
[22:25] <Brazen_Sand> "What are you even fighting for?" He hissed
[22:26] <~Anshu> "No King or realm can stand against the Void! The Void takes all and relinquishes nothing!" Her hammer scythes through the air once more, aimed at one of Brazen's oversized knees.
[22:28] <~Anshu> As she begins her swing, a great piston shoots out from her elbow, and as the blow is about to connect, it slams home with an ear-splitting sonic boom and a venting of steaming death essence.
[22:31] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen's eyes widened in surprise as he saw something mixed in with the death essence...orderly and metallic like Ruby's, but rusted and worn
[22:32] <Brazen_Sand> Before it could quite hit home, the part of Brazen that it struck quickly hissed into sand, regenerating harmlessly. Brazen used that time to do a super-fast roundhouse kick, swinging a leg the size of a Redwood into the side of the Deathknight's head.
[22:32] <Brazen_Sand> As she flew into the water, Brazen roared in demand. "WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT?!"
[22:33] <~Anshu> The Moonshadow sighs under her breath.
[22:38] <~Anshu> The Dusk lands on her feet with a nimbleness belying the weight of her armor, essence still venting from her arm. A small smile twists her lips, but she doesn't answer.
[22:40] <~Anshu> From her crouched position, she leaps forward again, charging at him over the sand with her hammer poised to strike.
[22:44] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen easily sidestepped the blow and then sent a bolt of sizzling green energy into her hammer, causing it to burn red-hot.
[22:52] <~Anshu> She cries out and throws it into the sand a few yards away, then glares up at Brazen and draws back a fist - and the piston draws back as well. It slams home as she launches a powerful punch at him.
[22:57] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen leapt into the air and released his powerful wings, each strong stroke of them released a massive cloud of sand below him, and through that sand came the point of a sharp burning spear, trailing green sparks and bolts of lightning along it's course.
[23:03] <~Anshu> Havoc dodges this new assault easily, and aims another punch at the flying infernal.
[23:13] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen let the momentum of her attack carry his chin upwards, which he then brought crashing down upon her with a fearsome headbutt, sending her flying back to the ground. He dove down after her, gripping a spear big enough for a warstrider so that it would impale her where she lay
[23:15] <Brazen_Sand> He streaked downwards with his spear gaining a corona of heat around it like a meteor entering the atmosphere
[23:16] <Brazen_Sand> His caste mark flaring to life upon his reptilian head.
[23:21] <~Anshu> Her hand grabs his jaw, forcing it to stay up as he tries to brign he head down to headbutt her. "Not this time..." she growls, twisting aside as he tries to stab her.
[23:22] <~Anshu> She pulls back her other hand , piston deploying from her elbow, and aims a punch at his solar plexus, the piston slamming home with a crack and a hiss of superheated essence.
[23:25] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen swung his head and shook her off before she could hit his chest. letting her fall down to the ground. "So what're you going to do after this? Not that you'll be able to win, of course! Do you think anything's gonna change?!"
[23:28] <~Anshu> "The Void will swallow all! Thrash all you want while you still can, but we will be victorious!"
[23:28] <Brazen_Sand> "Doesn't seem that way from my side!" Brazen taunted with a cocky grin.
[23:29] <~Anshu> She twists in mid-air as she nears the ground, and lands fist-first with a thunderous crash, throwing up an impressive cloud of sand. Session Close (#celestialdeliberative): Thu Feb 03 23:32:22 2011 -0700