Melquiades is a wandering cowboy, played by tutunaku, in Redemption_at_Dusky_Peak
Biographical Info
- Breed Homid
- Auspice Ragabash
- Tribe Silent Striders
- Height
- Weight
- History and Personality
Melquiades was born in the Mexican state of Veracruz in May of 1844, to a Huastec Indian man and an Afro-Mexican woman. Up through his teens, he worked beside his mother on sugarcane plantations up and down the coast, and it was here, at the age of 17, where he had his First Change. The foreman, while drunk, began berating and beating his mother. The stress of witnessing this was enough to allow him to shift into Crinos. He tore the man apart and induced Delirium in the other workers, scattering them. His mother knew what he was, as she was Silent Strider Kinfolk, and advised him to flee.
He spent the next few months in the wilderness at the edge of civilization. His curiosity finally piqued, he entered Veracruz in time to coincide with the arrival of British, French and Spanish fleets intent on enforcing the 1861 Treaty of London. He was there when it became evident the French intended to stay, and he fled back to the wilderness ahead of French troops. For the next two years, he operated as a guerrillero and saboteur, ambushing Imperial mule-trains. He was stopped in 1864, when he was himself ambushed by a squad of Sudanese troops in Imperial service. In Crinos, he managed to run off the soliders, except for their corporal. When he too shifted to his War-Form, Melquiades believed his end was near. However, the Sudanese spoke to him in a language he had never heard, yet immediately understood. Two Silent Striders had found one another. Idriss Crocodile-Killer figured it was a good time to move on, and the two fled south to British Honduras. From there they sailed to Venezuela, where both found work as cowboys in the vast southern savannah. Along the way, Idriss taught Melquiades as much as he could about the tribe and its philosphy. They parted ways at the Brazilian border. Melquiades went south, Idriss west.
Melquiades worked his way south. He briefly considered volunteering with one of the sides involved in the war of Triple Alliance, but thought better of it. He spent a few months each in Uruguay and Argentina, but left in August of 1867, when news arrived that the Empire of Mexico was gone. The was nothing left for him in Mexico, at least for the moment, so he headed north and found himself in Texas, where he found employment on the Goodnight-Loving and Chisolm Trails.
- Description
- Physical
- Strength 2
- Dexterity 2
- Stamina 4
- Social
- Charisma 2
- Manipulation 2
- Appearance 2
- Mental
- Perception 4
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 3
- Talents
- Alertness 3
- Athletics 2
- Brawl 1
- Dodge 2
- Larceny 3
- Primal Urge 2
- Subterfuge 2
- Skills
- Animal Ken 2
- Crafts 2
- Firearms 1
- Melee 2
- Ride 2
- Stealth 2
- Survival 3
- Knowledges
- Culture 2
- Enigmas 1
- Linguistics 3
- Occult 1
- Backgrounds
- Fetish 1
- Contacts 1
- Allies 1
- Totem 2
- Gifts
- Speed of Thought
- Scent of Running Water
- Persuasion
- Renown
- Glory 0
- Honor 2
- Wisdom 1
- Other
- Rage 1
- Gnosis 1
- Willpower 5
Equipment of Note
Note: Difficulties listed are those found in the WW:WW core book
- Bowie Knife
- Difficulty 4
- Damage: 3
- .41 Derringer
- Difficulty 5
- Damage 4
- Range 10
- Rounds 2
- Eternal Waterskin (Level 1 Fetish)
- Gnosis 6
Common Combat Rolls
Note: Difficulties listed are those found in the WW:WW core book
Homid Combat Rolls
- Derringer Shot
- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Firearms = 3
- Bowie Knife Attack
- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Melee = 4
- Rock Throw
- Difficulty: Range in yards/2
- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics = 4
- Damage 1
Crinos Combat Rolls
- Bite
- Difficulty 5
- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl = 4
- Damage 7 Aggravated
- Claw
- Difficulty 6
- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl = 4
- Damage 8 Aggravated
- Rock Throw
- Difficulty: Range in yards/6
- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics = 5
- Damage 5