Dawn of the Third age/IC Logs/Session 21
~Anshu: The sun dawns bright on another day in the Jade Plum Citadel, and the general attitude in the town is cheerful. Brazen Sand has returned from crushing the Lion's fortress in the Shore Lands, and even now, a detachment of the Deliberative's legion is making its way to the High Lands to check the agression of the Dominion of the Silver-Crowned.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen stood on the highest building in the city and laughed indulgently at the villager's cheering his exploits
~Anshu: Brazen has been made comfortable in one of the palace's empty halls as a guest of honor, and Prince Josei has decreed a small celebration to take place later that day.
Wandering: Wandering keeps her head down after her brief talk with Brazen and spends much of her time with Snow getting to know her fellow Lunar as much as possible
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe has been spending most of the past few days - what is not taken up by official business, that is - incognito, studying the city and its people. Trying to see it with the eyes of one seeking insight into what ties its society together, what makes up the foundations of its culture.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen personally hoped that this celebration would go a lot better then the last one he'd participated in
Nomoe_Hideaki: Not without secondary objects, of course. But then who would question him?
~Anshu: Nomoe is of course humbly invited to attend the celebration later.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Certainly his essence sight is merely a reasonable precaution while going about his business, right?
Nomoe_Hideaki: As Deliberator - Wandering Drunken Scholar apparently keeping her presence secret - it is only natural that Nomoe Hideaki is invited. The date and time is penciled into his schedule with a sigh. He can hardly avoid gracing them with his presence, considering his station.
Wandering: Wandering sighs and rubs her nose, deciding that she should go and have a proper talk to Nomoe since he left so suddenly last time they had met. Besides she wanted to see if Snow was right about him. It should be an easy matter for her to gain entry to the celebration.
~Anshu: Snow and Wandering hear the news as well, of course, and though neither of them are offered official invitations, the celebration is open for all to attend/
Nomoe_Hideaki: Fashionable late for the celebration Nomoe arrives at the palace. Wearing robes of deepest shimmering blue and his customary shining white haori with the Nomoe Mon, his long hair artfully arranged with silver jewelry he would be a most impressive figure even without the Charms and artifacts lending him an incandescent, captivating presence.
Wandering: "Well Snow I don't know about you but I could do with a party, how about we drop in and see whats happening?" Wandering asked her fellow Lunar
Bright_Snow: She scoffs, "Another party? That I have been to one this year was plenty..." She pauses and considers, "But I supose I should see how these Tengese celebrate should I not?" She says with a sigh gesturing for Wandering to lead ther way.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Accompanied by female Air Aspect also wearing the Nomoe Mon (the family resemblance is visible to anyone seeing beyond the Charms of unearthly presence) he acknowledges the respectful greetings and kowtows from the mortal guests with gracious, infinitesimal nods.
Bright_Snow: "And of course if Brazen has dragged you into his medling at least I shall prevent you from getting killed in the process." She mutters under her breath. "It isn't like I can afforf to loose anymore friends."
Wandering: "Excellent, then we should be on our way" said Wandering leading Snow up towards the palace and the party within
Brazen_Sand: Brazen sat at the head of a massive table with a huge pile of blackened and burnt meat in front of him, enough to account for a half-dozen cows, at least.
Brazen_Sand: Which he was digging into with gusto
~Anshu: Nomoe is seated at Prince Josei's right hand at another table, Brazen being sufficiently large to require a table (or rooftop) all to himself.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked up from his meal and saw Nomoe entering at the Prince's right hand, while he idly picked a steak-sized scrap of beef from between his teeth.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe is also attended by two white-haired servants in Nomoe livery carrying ornate seneshal's staves and making sure no mortals get into their master's way or otherwise show disrespect - more for their own benefit than his.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen snorted imperceptibly and turned away from him, still upset about their last conversation.
Wandering: "Seems this is the place" Wandering said point to the lighted area and the towering form of Brazen "Shall we mingle?"
Brazen_Sand: He did, however, eagerly participate in any conversations or questions that any of the party-goers presented to him.
Nomoe_Hideaki: While Nomoe Hideaki himself remains aloof, polite but distant, Nomoe Ailin Desalla soon after the first round of introductions set out on her own to speak to certain guests. Though naturally Hideaki's watchful eye is on his cousin, making sure no harm comes to Nomoe interests through inexperience.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe of course greets Brazen Sand as well. As the only Celestial Exalt - so far - apart from himself he gets an actual bow, too, marking him as an (almost) equal.
~Anshu: There is more food on other tables for the common people, and there is much minling and conversation as people revel in the knowledge that they will be safe from the Silver-Crowned for a while longer.
~Anshu: Sadly, none of the common people seem willing to approach Brazen Sand, not being accustomed to him as the people of Gem were.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen inclined his head in a civil nod to Nomoe
Brazen_Sand: If no one would talk to him, Brazen would still enjoy the knowledge that everyone was safe and happy BECAUSE of him, even if they didn't realize it.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Seeing Brazen Sands less than subtle reaction to his presence when he yet deems himself unobserved by Nomoe cold anger flows through Nomoe's veins. Disrespect him in public, will he? No matter whether any of the blind mortals around will notice of make the connection, this is unacceptable.
Nomoe_Hideaki: None of that he so crass as to outwardly show, of course, though the bond will register his suppressed anger. He is no less polite in his greeting for it either.
Wandering: "Hmmm, it seems Nomoe has brought a few friends with him" Wandering commented "Why don't we have a word with that young lady?" she suggested as she moved to engage the Dragon-blooded in conversation.
Bright_Snow: "Why ever not." Snow adds distractedly, her attention drifting between various groups at the party.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen also saw Wandering and waved at her, while holding an entire cooked ribcage in another hand.
Nomoe_Hideaki: His sight filtered through his hearthstone Nomoe observes the celebration in spectra beyond the normally visible as he has for days. It's tiring and distracting to keep up the technique for so long, but hardship has never been a reason for him to abandon a course he has decided on.
Wandering: "Ahh..greetings" Wandering said bowing low to the Dragon-blooded "Excuse milday, but are you one of the Dragon-blooded?" she inquired politely "And from an important family?"
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe Ailin Desalla is a young woman with no obvious Aspect markings, though two hairpins of blue jade would appear to be artifacts to the expert. Wearing an elaborate - and probably terribly expensive - dress and a lesser version of Hideaki's diplomatic poker face she seems to be here to make nice while Hideaki is impressive and unapproachable to mortals.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Desalla bows, though not as low, thinking she is speaking to a mortal. "I have been blessed by Mela," she answers proudly. "Nomoe Ailin Desalla," she introduces herself, obviously expecting Wandering to recognize the family name, then waits expectantly to hear the other woman's name.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Across the room Nomoe Hideaki's eyes narrow as his sorcerer's sight reveals a Lunar now speaking to his cousin. And by the Tell ... none other than Deliberator Wandering Drunken Scholar. Perhaps the Lunar knows where Bright Snow might be found? He'll have to talk to her later, though of course he can't actually ask such a question.
Wandering: "I am Leali Kouri, Daughter of Jal Kouri of house Kouri" Wandering replied easily using her new founded knowledge of the local culture to build her identity "You are related Lord Nomoe? It is a great honor to meet you." she smiled "What do you think of our land blessed of Mela?"
Nomoe_Hideaki: "It is good to meet you, Leali Kouri. Yes, Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki-sama is Princeps of my House." Desalla gestures to indicate the celebration. "It is truly a pleasant change from the harsh climate of Gem. I now understand why An-Teng is famous across Creation as a place to visit to relax and recover from the year's work."
Nomoe_Hideaki: She smiles brightly and without need to fake it.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked at the Prince, who was talking to another dignatary and promptly interrupted him. "HEY PRINCE, TELL ME AGAIN ABOUT HOW AWESOME THE THING I DID WAS!"
Bright_Snow: Wanderings companion looks bored with Wandering's conversation, her eyes observing various people about the room, eventually settling on Hideaki for a few moments with a frown.
Wandering: "That is true we are famous for that" said Wandering "And you are luckly to have such a illustrious family member as Lord Nomoe, his actions surely add to your familes great name" she smiled "It is rare in these times for a persons actions to be equal to their station" she winces at Brazens outburst, but manges to not react to it.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Desalla conceals a smile at inquisitively worded statement. "Indeed," she nods. "It is a great blessing for us to have the Deliberator as our Princeps." Her expression becomes serious. "Despite our relentless efforts the war against the Wyld may well have been lost had he not been with us."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "But now ... Sanken is safe and part of a great new alliance, greater even than the old Realm. Our people prosper and we will one day win our war."
Wandering: "Truely? I had not heard that" Wandering said truthfully "To roll back the Wyld is a truely noble goal to have and one that would take many life times to acomplish I fear. Even for one as powerful as Lord Nomoe appears to be. Through I am sure he has many powerful close allies to aid him in his endevours, for such a man would treat them well"
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe Hideaki, without appearing to intent such, has drifted a bit closer to where the Lunar and the Dragonblooded are speaking.
Bright_Snow: control of the bond slips, the first time it has in awhile. As it fills with apprehension. She quickly averts her gaze as she notices Hideaki coming closer, turning instead to Desalla.
Bright_Snow: "You are related to the Priceps, yes? How closely?" Composing her features with more interest in the conversation than she actually feels.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "All of House Nomoe stands behind him of course," Desalla says matter of factly. "Oh, and the other Houses of Sanken stand with Nomoe in our country's defense. "And of course there is the Celestial Deliberative with its unfathomable power. It is merely a matter of time, and we Exalted will not soon run out of that."
Nomoe_Hideaki: The young Dragonblooded gives the other woman, who has not introduced herself, a sharp look. "I am one of several third cousins to the Princeps, Lady ...?"
~Anshu: "Just a moment, Exalted One." Prince Josei quickly finishes his conversation, then turns to Brazen. "I suppose now is as good a time as any for me to address the gathering." He stands, and slowly silence falls over the gathering.
Bright_Snow: "Avara Kouri," Snow manages to interject just as the Prince starts speaking.
~Anshu: "My people, we are gathered here in honor of our guest, Brazen Sand. Though not of the High Lands, or any of the lands of An-Teng, he nevertheless took it upon himself to venture into the City of Dead Flowers and vanquish the forces of the First and Forsaken Lion!"
~Anshu: "Thanks to his heroic action, the legion can send troops to protect us from the Silver-Crowned, and the security of all the lands of An-Teng has been secured!"
Brazen_Sand: Brazen Sand grinned widely, he was eating all of this attention up.
~Anshu: The people cheer, and Prince Josei holds up his hands to continue. "And he is not the only Exalted guest with us today! Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki, Brazen Sand's friend and ally, is also with us, to guarantee our safety until the legion's troops arrive."
Nomoe_Hideaki: gives Brazen Sand a polite nod of acknowledgment. Despite all his faults he does good work on occasion.
Wandering: Wandering joins in the cheers and claps politely gauging the peoples reactions and happy for her mate *joy* over the link
Brazen_Sand: Brazen Sand stood up and bellowed out a cheer along with everyone. Finally, he felt that he was acknowledged as the hero he had always been capable of being.
Nomoe_Hideaki: receives his own thanks with a gracious gesture of dismissal.
Brazen_Sand: *vindication-joy-smugness* came through over the bond.
Bright_Snow: claps providing exactly the appropriate level of clapping for the situation.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Feeling apprehension in the bond Nomoe frowns slightly and opens himself further, listening if there is anything intended to be communicated.
Wandering: "A true hero of our country it would seem" Wandering murmerd to Desalla "And a Freind of Lord Nomoe, so many exalted in our fair city"
Nomoe_Hideaki: Desalla frowns. "A friend? I wouldn't know for certain of course, but I doubt it. But it is true that Princeps Nomoe is one of the very few who can exert some influence over the so-called Greenfire King."
Wandering: "I would not gainstay my Prince by speaking out of turn, Milady but you are of course in a better postion to know such things than I" Wandering replied softly "So Lord Nomoe is a man of cunning then? as well as of great power"
Bright_Snow: "Does your lord possess friends?" She glances up at Hideaki once more, "He doesn't strike me as the type."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I thank you for your kind words, High Prince." Nomoe's voice is far quieter than Brazen Sand's but by the burning flame of his presence it is audible to all nonetheless. "It would be a suicidal enemy of the Deliberative that dared show their face here now."
Nomoe_Hideaki: Desalla grins slightly. "He is diplomat and warlord, statesman and scholar, shield and spear to Nomoe both metaphorical and actual. What do you think, Leali Kouri?"
Wandering: "It would seem that he thinks he is possed of all that he needs, yet he seems lonely to me. He stands alone but for servants" Wandering replied
Nomoe_Hideaki: Her expression turns cool and guarded with Bright Snow's question. "I would not dare speak as to personal matters of the Princeps. And neither should you."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Who here could call themselves his equal in truth?" Desalla asks rhethorically and unaware of the irony.
Bright_Snow: Turning herself back towards Desalla, "You are right, my apologies Lady Dresalla." She says with no real remorse in her voice
Nomoe_Hideaki: "And he does not stand alone, his family stands with him always."
Wandering: "Do you have to be equals to be friends Lady Desalaa?" Wandering asked wondering what the answer would be "Perhaps I misjudged I apologise, it simply seemed he is a man who walks alone in a crowd"
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe Hideaki slowly drifts closer to the group, out of immediate earshot yet approaching.
Bright_Snow: "Yes I'm sure it does." She says sounding bored.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Desalla shrugs. "Perhaps not necessarily, but such huge differences in station make for skewed fundaments. And ..." She falls quiet, seeing Nomoe approach.
Bright_Snow: "And... an eyebrow skews upward." As Snow pretends not to have seen Nomoe approach.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen, meanwhile, regaled anyone within hearing distance (i.e. everyone) with tales of his past adventures and daring actions.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Ah, Lady Desalla," Nomoe Hideaki smiles, gliding closer. "You are enjoying yourself, I hope?" He looks from her to the two other women.
Wandering: Wandering smiles and bows deeply "Ahh, Lord Nomoe. You honor us with your presence. We where just having a delightful discussion with your cousion"
Bright_Snow: */ A moment of panic fills the bond, quickly stifled. /* Snow turns around and follows Wandering's example.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Oh, very much, Hideaki-sama," Desalla answers, bowing slightly and receiving a bow in return. "I was just telling the Ladies Kouri Avara and Kouri Leali of Sanken."
Nomoe_Hideaki: bows in greeting to the two other women as well, giving 'Leali' a bow as to an equal rather than the usual mere nod for a mortal dignitary. "It is a pleasure to meet you both," he says with the air of an accomplished diplomat.
Brazen_Sand: The people gathered around the tables politely applauded Brazen's story
Nomoe_Hideaki: He waits to see what sort of bow they return. A mortal would need to bow rather extremely deep, but an Exalt much less so.
Wandering: Wondering continued to her part although as she bowed she quirked an eyebrow at the depth of Hideaki's bow
Bright_Snow: as Avara bows deeply. The exact depth required in An-Teng for a Mortal bowing to one of the Lawgivers
Nomoe_Hideaki: With a straight face Nomoe bows a second time to Leali, the degree for a mortal this time.
Bright_Snow: looks slightly perturbed by this distinct mistake in ettiquette. Especially by someone who should know better.
Nomoe_Hideaki: *in reaction to the moment of panic, a passive inquisitiveness, then briefly a flash of some positive thought, then the usual quiet*
Bright_Snow: She offers both Leali and Nomoe as strange a look as is polite
Wandering: "We are honoured by your presence prince of the earth" Wandering said averting her eyes as was proper
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I spoke to Kouri Dhairon just the day before yesterday, I believe, a chance meeting ..." A faint smile plays around Nomoe's lips as he mentions one of the elders of that family. "You must be related to him, I'm sure?"
Wandering: Wandering mind tries to quickly think of an answer as she internally shrugs as she realizes that the game was probably up but it would not do to not keep playing till the end "Yes, I am a daughter of the branch family but I can claim kinship with him"
Nomoe_Hideaki: A few motes of essence reconfigure their vibrational state into complex harmony as he invokes a Charm to part truth from misdirection. As miniscule echoes perpetuate through the room he pay particular attention to the way their interact with the essences of the two people before him. There is something there, he suspects, something that prevents him from seeing it.
Bright_Snow: stil looks shocked that Nomoe is talking to her and does not respond, allowing instead 'Leali' to speak for the both of them
Nomoe_Hideaki: A second invocation of Solar might clears that influence out of the way as well, allowing him to finally recognize the second person as Bright Snow herself. *despite his suspicion it is a bit of a shock, quickly concealed* Outwardly he shows no reaction at all, of course, due to his Frozen Sunlight Mask.
Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "A honorable family, it is said everywhere."
Bright_Snow: The shock quickly drops from her face, as she feels thorugh the bond Nomoe's own. */ A feeling of resignation fills the bond and the exhaustion that accompanies it /*
Wandering: "Thank you for your kind words I will pass them onto Dhairon he will be most honoured to hear them" she replied politely
Nomoe_Hideaki: "That is good of you, Lady Kouri Leali." Nomoe's expression briefly turns distant. "There is a matter I did not speak about with Dhairon, that perhaps would be relevant to the estimated ladies. Perhaps we could discuss that business in private," he turns to Avara, seemingly as the older and thus higher-ranked of the two, "Lady Kouri Avara?"
Bright_Snow: raises her head, looking Nomoe straight in the eye. There is no compassion in her eyes, no joy at meeting, instead he gets the gaze she rests on everyone, a cold dead emotionless gaze. "Perhaps it should." She says, her previously bored tone gone
Nomoe_Hideaki: nods seriously without breaking eye contact, and makes a small gesture to the side. Desalla excuses herself politely and continues her socializing elsewhere.
Bright_Snow_: "Now, as a time works as well as any others. Do you have somewhere we can go that is suitably private?" Her gaze has become sharper, "Preferably very private." She makes a small gesture to the roomful of people.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "There is my mansion here in Jade Plum Citadel," Nomoe allows. "No place would be more suitable to sensitive business."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Or, if you prefer, one of the High Prince's rooms. I'm sure he would be accomodating." Nomoe remains still as a statue.
Wandering: "Perhaps a neutral setting wold be best for such a discussion?" Wandering suggested carefully
Nomoe_Hideaki: Discreetly and without much ado his servants usher a way a guest that by accident approached too close to the three.
Bright_Snow_: "Let us go with one of the High Prince's rooms I think, they are closer."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Certainly," Nomoe acquiesces. "Lady Kouri Leali, it was a pleasure meeting you."
Nomoe_Hideaki: He finally breaks the eye contact to turn toward the palace, sending his servants ahead with a brief instruction.
Wandering: "Your humble servant" Wandering bows deeply again
Nomoe_Hideaki: With a small gesture asking her to accompany him he slowly makes his way to the palace, allowing his servants time to locate a suitable room.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe, of course, gives the supposedly mortal 'Leali' a polite nod in return as he departs.
Bright_Snow_: Turning round just a moment before accompanying Nomoe, Snow gives Wandering a worried look when she is sure Hideaki cannot see her.
Bright_Snow_: Then she turns schooling her features smooth and emotionless once more and accompanies Nomoe
Wandering: Wandering notices the look and begins to discretly follow the pair, her new friends look concerning her.
Nomoe_Hideaki: The most private room Nomoe's servants were able to find is an old cold storage room. The magical chill still clings to the rough stone walls and the door is solid reinforced wood about ten inches thick.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Not the most dignified place perhaps, but compared to any other room in the palace the odds of spyholes and secret crawlspaces for eavesdropping are almost nil.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe enters first, carrying a lantern given to him by his servants which he puts down on one of the empty shelves. Behind them his servants will close the doors and stand guard.
Nomoe_Hideaki: At a respectful distance from the door, naturally.
Bright_Snow_: Even before entering Snow has veered back to her ture form, bracelet shining in the dim light her features unamused.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I will take that as indication that suitable privacy has been achieved," Nomoe bows deeply. "Bright Snow." *a shiver of emotion, too indistinct to define*
Nomoe_Hideaki: (this after the door has closed)
Bright_Snow_: She twitches at the sound of her own name but remains silent, staring silently, somewhat accusingly.
Wandering: Wandering finds a seculded spot nearby and quickly shifts form into mouse and scuries towards the room close enough that she can hear at least some of what is occuring within.
Nomoe_Hideaki: His diplomat's mask drops away to show the mask of Nomoe Hideaki controlling his outward displays of emotion by mundane means. Apprehension and regret seem to be the dominant ones, as Bright Snow's sharp eyes notice.
Bright_Snow_: Suspicion is the dominant feeling in the bond, now that Snow has let it open. She remains silent waiting for Nomoe to speak, to attempt to explain himself.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe, of the normally unassailable self-confidence, seems to be uncertain how to begin. "I have come to ask your forgiveness," he finally says simply. "I let my temper get the better of me. My failure to control my emotions and thoughts was deeply shameful. My failure to keep unworthy thoughts to myself as well."
Nomoe_Hideaki: He looks pained. "However briefly I allowed the darkness within to speak for me rather than acting only on my own self." *pain, shame, regret* Hideaki breathes in and holds the breath briefly to steady his autonomic reactions."I deeply regret that loss of control. I am well aware that my temper can on occasion be volatile, that wrath brings out the worst in me. I should not have gotten so close to succumbing to it"
Nomoe_Hideaki: *I should not have gotten so close to succumbing to it"
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Not in this instance, not with you. The pain I may have caused you, fear, or hate, I deeply regret."
Bright_Snow_: "And what of the next time Hideaki? Or the time after?" She asks softly no anger or pain in her voice, no sign of anything. "Are you sure you will always be able to hold your temper? Are you sure you will always be able to hold yourself back?" She finds her voice has risen in volume despite her efforts...
Bright_Snow_: "Because I cannot live with that thought always in the back of my mind." She lowers her voice again. "Certainly I saw what you would have done had you not stopped yourself. And what you would have done to anything I cared for, fortunately for you there is precious little of that still in existance."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "That I will be able to control my emotions? Much as it pains me to admit it, I have not achieved such control." Hideaki grimaces.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I am no saint, I am no machine, I am not perfect. And though I know Charms exist to deaden all emotion, I do not want to walk that path." *Hideaki is deeply uncomfortable speaking of his limitations, his flaws, but if there is anyone he can speak of them to it is Bright Snow*
Nomoe_Hideaki: "However." And here his expression and his thoughts gain a suddenly renewed clarity. "You will remember that when first we met I made you a promise, gave you my word." *adamant conviction* "I, Nomoe Hideaki, keep my given word. Always. Until the sun burns out and the stars rain from the sky."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I say to you now once more: I will not do any such thing, not in anger nor any other base reason."
Bright_Snow: "Good" She says, *Relief* "Because if you did not only one of us would be leaving this room." *Absolute conviction*
Nomoe_Hideaki: "You are, by the wisdom and the authority of the Most High, my mate and I will not fail the sacred duty laid upon me."
Nomoe_Hideaki: bows his head. "If you were to try and kill me, I would not hold it against you."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I would not go quietly, but I would not damn or hate you for it."
Bright_Snow: tone softens, some emotion beginning to leak through. "I will not do so for what you thought, only yout actions and they at least have been pure." She lifts a hand to his cheek.
Bright_Snow: "Now let us put this behind us." She says kindly. "The others no doubt are quite anxious about us already."
Nomoe_Hideaki: raises his head again, but remains standing still. *deep relief that after what he thought, what he might have done, Bright Snow does not look upon him with hate and not as much fear as he was afraid she might*
Nomoe_Hideaki: He also lifts one hand to his face, his fingers a light touch on top of hers for no more than a brief moment. *a faint memory echo of the stinging slap she gave him* "You know," he says quietly, "I did deserve that."
Bright_Snow: She shrugs, "Rarely have I been so worried, or so frustrated at the same time."
Nomoe_Hideaki: Hideaki looks Bright Snow in the eyes, his expression frank. "You are my partner, it is your place and your right to correct me where I go wrong, to chastise me where I need it. But I would very much appreciate it if you would not do it in public."
Bright_Snow: "Brazen and Wandering are hardly in public." Snow tuts, "Were I to do it before that plaza of people, THAT would be in public."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "It was, on reflection, a serious mistake even apart from heeding your warning too late." Hideaki shudders at the memory. "I did not come out of it unscathed, I fear."
Bright_Snow: "But I shall aim to refrain... unscathed?" she repeats his last word. "That is the problem with walking in the dreams of those that should not still exist." She says unhappily. "Perhaps over the long term something can be done."
Nomoe_Hideaki: frowns. "Brazen Sand ... is not of my family, nor is he my partner. Deliberator Wandering Drunken Scholar is a fellow member of the Deliberative, whom at this point I know only very little about. She is an almost total stranger to me." *private, to Nomoe means alone with family or almost-family*
Nomoe_Hideaki: bows his head briefly. "Thank you."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Shall we not leave the others to their anxiety any longer, then?"
Bright_Snow: "Well at the moment, other than you of course, Brazen is the closest thing to family I possess." She says not unkindly, "As for Deliberator Wandering,she is not only his mate," *Deep Sympathy* but someone I share many ideals with."
Bright_Snow: She pauses, "So perhaps you will have to get used to it," she says quietly, "I certainly have." She looks over to him for a response before nodding in reponse to his question, letting her hand drop.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I will have to take it into consideration," Hideaki admits. *uncertainty whether he can manage such. How could he just give them such trust when trust is what comes perhaps hardest to him?*
Bright_Snow: "Give it time."
Bright_Snow: And she gestures to the door.