Dawn of the Third Age/Rules/Other
- Traits may be of any value, with a maximum of 5 or Permanent Essence, whichever is higher; without requiring the spending of bonus points.
- Free Reflexive Charms for all Exalts, as per the rules for Terrestrial Exalts. Reflexive Charms do not count as a charm-action, and do not interfere with using other charms or sorceries or combos. Terrestrials gain the ability to use Supplemental Charms without them counting as a charm-action. New: Surprise-negator charms require a +2m surcharge to activate.
- Social Combat operates on the same time-scale as Regular Combat; Join Battle does not interrupt Social Combat. For every three (3) successes on your social combat action over and above your opponents MDV, another 'scene' worth of effort is applied towards the consequences of a successful action.
- Sorcery operates within the normal combat tick system. The Sorcery Charms gain the Combo-Basic keyword. Putting Sorcery Charms in combo with reflexive charms allows the combo'd reflexive charms to be activated on ticks while the character is casting sorcery.
- Merits and Flaws from either edition are allowed subject to ST approval. Alternate Backgrounds are allowed, subject to ST approval.
- Essence-channelers do not die when taken below Incapacitated. They are merely disabled. Killing a supernatural character, to explicitly include exalts and select heroic mortals, requires an additional attack action after disabling them to "finish the job". Ending an Exalt is considered bad form, as reoccurring opponents are nice to have. Bonus XP will be rewarded for not killing important characters at the Storyteller's discretion.
- Craft (X) is considered and treated like a specialty and priced accordingly. There is no non-specialty Craft, and so Craft Specialties have a limit of 5 dots (or Essence, whichever is higher) per specialty.
- Experience is awarded on a weekly basis at the end of each session; it is expected that the players will track their earned experience total, their spent experience total and what was purchased with said spent experience.
- Training times are ignored for Favored and Caste attributes, abilities, charms and spells. Essence Training Times are ignored up to Essence 5. Essence 6 and above are attainable via completing your motivation or the normal training times.
- 1-die stunts are assumed on every post/message that contains more description than "I attack" or the like. Involving the environment makes it a 2-die stunt. 3-die stunts are awarded by having another player nominate one of your messages as being just that awesome. Stunts return motes and willpower regardless of the success of the stunted action. Multiple actions may be enhanced by a single stunt, but motes/willpower are only awarded once for each type of action.
- Example: I describe Anshu getting a 2-die stunt where he flurries a Presence-based social attack and 4 Martial Arts-based physical attacks. Anshu would regain 4m or 1wp for stunting his Presence attack and 4m or 1wp for his flurry of Martial Arts attacks.