Norrathians: Feats
Many changes were made to feats in the transition from d20 3 to 3.5. In converting EQrpg to 3.5 rules, many of the feats in the EQrpg PHB need to be altered in some way. Below is the master list of the feats now part of this game. Most feats from d20 3.5 are used in EQrpg without any conflict. The feats that grant a +2 bonus to two separate but related skill checks are replaced with the single #Talented feat.
Some of the feats listed below link to the description on this page, and are preceded by a pound sign (#). The feats described on this page are all either reprinted from the EQrpg PHB or are new to this setting. Feats without links are described in the d20 SRD.
Master Feats List
Feat Descriptions
====Arcane Affinity==== (General)
Prerequisites: Int 13
Benefit: Choose any three 1st level spells (excluding pet summoning spells) from the spell lists of the arcane spellcasting classes (enchanter, hexblade, magician, necromancer, shadow knight, and wizard). Of these spells, you may cast any two per hour with no need to spend mana. If you are not already able to cast these spells, your caster level is 1.
====Archer’s Bane==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dodge, Dex 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against all ranged weapons for each range increment the weapon must be shot or thrown to reach you. This dodge bonus is doubled if you are fighting defensively or executing the total defense standard action.
====Armored Stealth==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Sneak 4 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you are wearing light armor that you have personally prepared, you do not apply its armor check penalty (if any) to Sneak checks. To prepare light armor for stealth requires one hour and materials worth 5 pp initially, then ten minutes per day in maintenance time.
====Attractive==== (General)
Prerequisites: Cha 13
Benefit: You are very attractive. You gain a +3 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks when being attractive would be a benefit.
Special: This feat can be gained multiple times. The effects stack.
====Bash==== (General)
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency
Benefit: When you perform a shield bash, you may still apply the shield’s shield bonus to your AC. Also, if you do not have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, then your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with both a weapon and a shield are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your shield attack lessens by 6. This does not stack with the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
If you use the bash attack as an attack of opportunity to interrupt a spellcaster, the caster’s Channeling check against damage taken from a successful bash attack suffers a +2 penalty to its DC.
Normal: Without the Bash feat, a shield may be used as an off-hand weapon as per the rules for two-weapon fighting, though you lose the shield’s shield bonus to AC until your next turn. When fighting this way you suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your shield’s attack. If you are using a light shield, the penalties are reduced by 2 each.
Special: A shield with a magic enhancement bonus is treated as a magic weapon with the same bonus for determining what forms of damage reduction it can overcome; however, the enhancement bonus of the shield is not added to the attack or damage rolls of the bash attack. Magic shields with no enhancement bonus are treated as having a +1 enhancement for this purpose.
====Beastmaster==== (General)
Prerequisites: Handle animal 8 ranks, Knowledge (monster lore [natural]) 8 ranks
Benefit: When dealing with beasts and magical beasts, you gain a +4 bonus to Wild Empathy and Handle Animal checks.
====Brutish==== (General)
Benefit: You may use your Strength rather than Charisma modifier for the Intimidate skill. An ogre or troll character may add both his Charisma and Strength modifiers together for the purpose of Intimidate checks if he wishes.
====Caster’s Bane==== (General)
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +14, or the ability to cast 7th level spells
Benefit: When dealing damage to a spellcaster, their Channeling DC (if any) is +5.
====Cleaving Charge==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 15, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Base Attack Bonus +6
Benefit: When performing a Great Cleave, you may move one 5-foot step before each extra attack. You may not exceed half your base movement during this action.
====Combat Tactician==== (General)
Prerequisites: Int 13, Leadership, Base Attack Bonus +6 Benefit: As a free action during combat you can direct the actions of your allies, giving them a +1 to all rolls for a number of rounds equal to 1d8 + your Charisma bonus. This can be done once per day for every 3 character levels + 1 (so once at level 1, twice at level 3, three times per day at level 6, etc.)
====Crushing Grip==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 17, Improved Grapple, Base Attack Bonus +10
Benefit: If you manage to grapple an opponent and inflict damage on him, you may choose to inflict some or all of the rolled damage as damage to either his Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength, at your choice. He gets a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + your Strength bonus + ½ your Base Attack Bonus) for half damage. Crushing Grip may be continued from round to round, so long as you are grappling your opponent and inflicting damage upon them.
====Defensive Martial Arts==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dodge, bard 8, beastlord 5, hexblade 7, monk 2, ranger 7, rogue 6, paladin 8, shadow knight 8, or warrior 6
Benefit: Your bonus to AC when using the total defense action increases to +6. Furthermore, you gain a +2 bonus to opposed Strength and Dexterity checks any time you make trip, overrun, or grapple checks or avoid these attacks.
Normal: A character using the total defense action without this feat gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC.
====Divine Affinity==== (General)
Prerequisites: Wis 13
Benefit: Choose any three 1st level spells (excluding pet summoning spells) from the spell lists of the divine spellcasting classes (beastlord, cleric, druid, paladin, ranger, and shaman). Of these spells, you may cast any two per hour with no need to spend mana. If you are not already able to cast these spells, your caster level is 1.
====Double Attack==== (General)
Prerequisites: Hexblade 12+, monk 9+, paladin 12+, ranger 12+, rogue 11+, shadow knight 12+, or warrior 9+.
Benefit: You may figure your weapon’s delay as if it were 1 point lower. Thus a character with a +9 base attack bonus using a standard delay weapon (having a delay of 5, normally granting him two attacks at +9/+4) figures his attacks as if it were quick delay (4), granting him three attacks at +9/+5/+1.
Special: Monks gain this feat as a bonus feat at 9th level.
====Dual Wield==== (General)
Prerequisites: Bard 11+, beastkird 8+, monk 1+, ranger 11+, rogue 8+, or warrior 7+
Benefit: When taking an attack or full attack action, you gain one additional attack with your off-hand weapon at your full attack bonus, but with a flat -5 penalty. This attack is made instead of a normal off-hand attack, and is the unique circumstance under which a character may make more than one attack using only an attack action.
Special: Monks receive this feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. Beastlords receive this feat as a bonus feat at 8th level. A character who possesses both the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Dual Wield feats may make two attacks with his off-hand weapon at –5 and –10, respectively. The Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat adds a third off-hand attack at –15.
====Endurance Swimmer==== (General)
Prerequisites: Swim 10 ranks, Con 15
Benefit: While underwater (whether drowning or swimming), you suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to your Swim check for each consecutive minute you have been underwater.
Normal: This penalty normally is applied for every consecutive round spent underwater.
====Enlarge Spell==== (Metamagic)
Benefit: An enlarged spell has its range doubled. Spells whose ranges are not defined by distance are not altered. A spell whose area or effect is determined by its range (such as project lightning) has the dimensions of its area or effect increased proportionally. An enlarged spell uses 50% more mana than the spell normally costs, so an enlarged casting of a spell that normally costs 50 mana will cost 75 mana. Special: A spellcaster must decide whether he will enhance a spell with a metamagic feat when he prepares the spell, not when he casts it.
====Extend Spell==== (Metamagic)
Benefit: An extended spell lasts half again as long as normal (i.e., 150% total duration). Spells with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent are not affected by this feat. An extended spell uses 50% more mana than the spell normally costs, so an enlarged casting of a spell that normally costs 50 mana will cost 75 mana.
Special: A spellcaster must decide whether he will enhance a spell with a metamagic feat when he prepares the spell, not when he casts it.
====Extended Berserking==== (General)
Prerequisites: Berserking class ability
Benefit: Your berserk fury lasts a number of rounds equal to (your warrior level + Con modifier)x2, or 4 rounds after your current hit points once again exceed one quarter of your hit point total (whichever occurs first).
====Fearsome==== (General)
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Intimidate 9 ranks, Base Attack Bonus +5
Benefit: While armed, opponents must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Cha bonus) before making an attack of opportunity against you.
====Feint Mastery==== (General)
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 15, Bluff 20 ranks, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Uncanny Feint, character level 20
Benefit: When making a feint attempt in combat you may take 10 on every attempt
====Finishing Blow==== (General)
Prerequisites: Character level 21+
Benefit: Any melee attack by the character that successfully reduces a target’s current hit points to 25% of its normal total or less has a chance of felling the target instantly. If the 25% current hit point condition is met, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the attacking character’s level) or be reduced instantly to –1 hit points (or be destroyed if it is a creature that is normally destroyed at 0 hit points or below). A finishing blow attack against an opponent with more than 25% of its hit points simply has no effect (other than to do its normal damage).
Special: Shadow knights receive this feat as a bonus feat at 4th level, regardless of the feat’s usual level requirement.
====Fleet of Foot==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Run
Benefit: When running or charging, you may make a single direction change of up to 90 degrees. You may only use this feat while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no more than a light load.
Normal: Charging must be done in a straight line.
====Frightening Countenance==== (General)
Prerequisites: Ability to cast a spell with the [Fear] descriptor
Benefit: When casting a spell with the [Fear] descriptor, you get a +4 bonus to the DC to resist the spell. Also, the duration of these spells is increased by 1 round.
Normal: The DC to resist Mind-Affecting spells is (10 + spell level + the caster’s Cha bonus)
====Greater Critical==== (General)
Prerequisites: Improved Critical, Base Attack Bonus +16
Benefit: When using the weapon you selected, your threat range is tripled. This supersedes the doubling provided by the Improved Critical feat.
Special: This feat can be gained multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon.
====Greater Sunder==== (General)
Prerequisites: Improved Sunder, Base Attack Bonus +6
Benefit: If you completely destroy an opponent’s weapon in melee combat, you immediately get a melee attack against that opponent as if you had not used your attack for the sunder attempt.
====Hair Trigger==== (General)
Prerequisites: Berserking class ability
Benefit: You enter a berserk fury when reduced to less than one half of your maximum current hit points.
====Healing Adept==== (Metamagic)
Prerequisites: Caster level 21+
Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell that heals hit points, the number of hit points restored by the spell is increased by 25%.
Special: The prerequisite for this feat refers to caster level, no class level, so hybrid character classes must be 25th level or higher to receive this feat.
====Heighten Spell==== (Metamagic)
Benefit: A heightened spell has a higher spell level than normal (up to 15th level). Unlike other metamagic feats, Heighten Spell actually increases the effective level of the spell that it modifies. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs) are calculated according to the heightened level. Note that the feat has no effect on spell variables like range that are caster level dependent – it only affects those that are spell level dependent. The heightened spell costs 100% more mana to cast for every additional spell level, so heightening a spell that normally costs 50 mana by two levels will cost 150 mana.
====Heroic Surge==== (General)
Benefit: You can take an extra partial action (move or attack) either before or after your regular actions. You can do this once per day for every 4 levels, but never more than once a round.
====Improved Bash==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Bash, base attack bonus +6 or higher
Benefit: When making a bash attack with a shield, you add your full strength bonus to the attack, and gain a +2 circumstance bonus to damage.
If the shield bash attack does 8 or more points of damage, it also forces the target to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your Str modifier). If the target fails his saving throw, he is dazed for 1 round (until just before his next action). A dazed character can take no actions but can defend himself normally. Spellcasters dazed in the middle of casting a spell automatically fail to cast. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be dazed by a shield bash.
====Improved Dodge==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, base attack bonus +6 or higher
Benefit: During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks from that opponent, or you may designate two opponents and receive a +1 AC bonus against each of them. You can select a new opponent on any action. Because dodge bonuses stack, you may also apply the bonus gained from the Dodge feat independently of the above bonuses. A condition that causes you to lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) also makes you lose all dodge bonuses.
Special: Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.
====Improved Parry==== (General)
Prerequisites: Int 13, Parry
Benefit: When you use the attack action or full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty of as much as –10 on your base attack bonus and add the same number (up to +10) to your Armor Class. In any case, this number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and Armor Class last until your next action. The bonus to Armor Class gained through this feat is a dodge bonus.
====Improved Flanking==== (General)
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +4
Benefit: When flanking an opponent you gain an additional +2 attack bonus versus that opponent.
Special: When flanking an opponent, creatures gain a +2 attack bonus versus that opponent.
====Improved Hand to Hand==== (General)
Prerequisites: Hand to Hand
Benefit: Your base unarmed damage increases by one die increment.
Special: Beastlords receive this feat as a bonus feat at 3rd level, as do monks at 2nd level.
====Improved Healing==== (General)
Prerequisites: Character level 11+
Benefit: Treat your character as 5 levels higher when determining how many hit points you recover through natural healing,
Special: A character with fast healing recovers hit points on a per-hour basis rather than per-day.
====Improved Resistance==== (General)
Prerequisites: Character level 21+, Resistance (for the same attack type)
Benefit: You may select any resistance type for which you have already purchased the Resistance feat and your resistance to that type becomes a bonus of (8). Your saving throw bonus to that type of attack also increases to +4.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new resistance type (for which you must already have the Resistance feat).
====Improved Slam==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Slam feat, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Your slam damage is increased by one dice increment, and there is a chance the slam attack may stun its target.
If the slam does 8 or more points of damage, it forces the target to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your Str modifier). If the target fails his saving throw, he is dazed for 1 round (until just before his next action). A dazed character can take no actions but can defend himself normally. Spellcasters dazed in the middle of casting a spell automatically fail to cast. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be dazed by a slam attack.
Special: The benefits of this feat do not stack with those from the Hand to Hand or Improved Hand to Hand feats. Creatures with natural slam attacks can take this feat.
====Indomitable Will==== (General)
Prerequisites: Base Will save +6, Iron Will
Benefit: You gain an inherent resistance to spells that affect the mind, giving you a +5 bonus versus fear and spells with the [Mind-Affecting] or [Fear] descriptor.
====Instant Stand==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dex 13
Benefit: You can move from a prone to a standing position as a free action instead of as a move action.
====Intensified Rage==== (General)
Prerequisites: Berserking class ability
Benefit: Instead of the normal bonuses, when in a berserk fury you gain a +2 bonus on all melee attack and damage rolls, +4 Strength, a +3 dodge bonus, and a critical threat range increased by 1.
====Intimidating Odds==== (General)
Prerequisites: Intimidate 12 ranks, Power Attack
Benefit: When making an Intimidate check during battle, you may apply a +1 to your roll for every slain ally of the target. If you have slain at least 5 of your target’s allies and your target is alone, you may take 20 on your Intimidate check. In this case a success results in your opponent being panicked instead of shaken.
====Iron Stomach==== (General)
Prerequisites: Con 13, base Fortitude save +5
Benefit: You can derive nourishment from spoiled food and avoid dehydration with seawater with few ill effects. This allows you to double the amount of time you can do without fresh food and water.
====Knock Down==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, weapon proficiency with a two-handed martial weapon type Benefit: Whenever you roll max damage on a damage roll while using a two-handed weapon, your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + total damage dealt) or be knocked down. This results in the opponent being prone and stunned. On the opponent’s turn, they may make a second Fortitude save with the same DC to break out of the stun, and may then act normally that round. If the opponent fails the second save, they remain stunned until your action in the round after being knocked down.
====Knowledgeable==== (General)
Prerequisites: Int 13 Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Knowledge checks in which you are trained, and a +1 to all other Knowledge checks.
====Leadership==== (additional information) Note: As a free action during combat you can direct the actions of your allies, giving them a circumstance bonus to Sense Motive checks made when resisting a Taunt, equal to your Charisma bonus.
====Light-Footed==== (General)
Prerequisites: Sneak Attack class feature, Sneak 2 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you are unarmored and carrying at most 20 pounds of gear in total, you gain an extra 1d6 to your sneak attack damage, +1 dodge bonus, and a +1 circumstance bonus to all Sneak checks.
====Lightning Blows==== (Combat)
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +11
Benefit: If in one round you successfully hit the same target 4 times in a row, you automatically score an additional hit with your primary weapon. This does stack, so that if you manage to hit the same target 8 times in a row, you would gain two additional hits against that target.
====Lightning Initiative==== (General)
Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, base Reflex save +6
Benefit: When rolling initiative, you always roll at least a 10.
====Linguist==== (General)
Prerequisites: You must have spent 12 skill points on Languages that are not native to your race.
Benefit: For every language in which you have at least 1 rank, you are considered to be 1 rank higher.
====Mental Clarity==== (General)
Prerequisites: Meditation 15 ranks
Benefit: Calculate how rapidly you regain mana as if you had 5 more ranks in the Meditation skill.
====Mystic Capacity==== (General)
Prerequisites: Spellcasting class ability
Benefit: You gain one additional spell or song preparation slot, allowing you to have one more prepared at a time. This feat may be taken a maximum of eight times.
====Non-Threatening==== (General)
Benefit: +2 on Bluff and Diplomacy when dealing with creatures two size categories larger than you. In addition, if you have no weapon and have made no hostile moves, you will be ignored in combat while there are other targets.
====Pain Tolerance==== (General)
Prerequisites: Con 15, Toughness, character level 8
Benefit: You can ignore subdual damage equal to (Con + 3). This applies to each attack in which you would take subdual damage.
====Performer==== (General)
Prerequisites: Cha 13
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Perform checks.
====Power Charge==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 15, Power Attack
Benefit: You deal +2 damage and receive a +4 attack bonus when charging (instead of the +2 attack bonus). You still suffer the -2 penalty to AC.
====Quest Spell==== (Metamagic)
Benefit: When preparing a spell with the Quest Spell metamagic feat, you may designate up to five other creatures as being part of your questing party. Any creatures may be part of a questing party, and it takes 1 full-round action to change the current members of the party for the purpose of this feat. You are always considered to be part of your own questing party, and you do not count toward the total number of party members.
Quest spells never harm, affect, or hamper members of your questing party, even if they are the targets of the spell or caught within its area or effect. A quest spell requires 50% more mana than the spell normally costs.
You may apply this feat multiple times to the same casting, selecting 6 additional creatures for the questing party and paying 50% additional mana per use of the feat.
====Quicken Spell==== (Metamagic)
Benefit: The Quicken Spell metamagic feat reduces the casting time of spells: Spells that normally require 1 action to cast may be cast as a free action when quickened. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round during which you cast a quickened (free action) spell. You may only cast one quickened spell per round.
Spells with a casting time of 1 full round may be quickened to a standard action-cast time. A spell whose normal casting time is more than 1 full round cannot be quickened.
A quickened spell uses up 300% more mana than the spell normally costs.
====Resilient==== (General)
Prerequisites: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves.
====Resistance==== (General)
Prerequisites: Character level 11+
Benefit: You gain a bonus of resistance (4) to one particular attack type, which is chosen when this feat is acquired. The attack types are acid, cold, disease, electricity, fire, magic, poison, or sonic. You also receive a +2 bonus to saving throws against the chosen attack type.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new resistance type.
====Riposte==== (General)
Prerequisites: Bard 29+, beastlord 20+, hexblade 16+, monk 18+, paladin 16+, ranger 18+, rogue 16+, shadow knight 16+, or warrior 14+
Benefit: You may take an attack of opportunity against any opponent who attacks and misses you in melee combat. You must be threatening the space the opponent occupies, and the riposte attack counts against the total number of attacks of opportunity you may make each round. As per standard attack of opportunity rules, only one attack of opportunity can be made against any single opponent in a round, whether the attack of opportunity is due to Riposte or as a result of some other provocation.
====School Specialization==== (General)
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells, must know at least one spell from the school to be specialized in
Benefit: Pick one school of magic (abjuration, alteration, conjuration, divination, or evocation). You get a +2 bonus to all Channeling and Spellcraft checks made involving spells or effects from that school.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once, applying to a different school of magic each time it is taken.
====Shadow==== (General)
Benefit: +2 on Sneak, +2 on Perception, and +2 on Sense Motive while attempting to follow an enemy or opponent within 300 feet.
====Silent Spell==== (Metamagic)
Benefit: A silent spell can be cast with no verbal components. A silent spell uses up 50% more mana than the spell normally costs.
====Slam==== (General)
Prerequisites: Size Large or larger
Benefit: A slam attack is an unarmed attack made with any part of the body other than the hands or feet. With the Slam feat, your slam attacks are considered armed attacks – that is, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from armed opponents when making a slam attack – and your slam attacks deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage (1d4 for barbarians), plus your Strength modifier.
The Slam feat allows you to make a slam attack as part of a full attack action, though with all attacks in the round suffering a -2 penalty.
Normal: Without the Slam feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed attack, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack, dealing only 1d4 points of damage (Large characters) or 1d3 points of damage (Medium characters), plus Strength modifier.
Special: Ogres and trolls receive this feat as a bonus racial feat. Barbarians also receive this feat, despite the fact that they are not technically Large creatures. The benefits of this feat do not stack with those from the Hand to Hand or Improved Hand to Hand feats.
====Spell Focus==== (General)
Benefit: Choose a school of magic (abjuration, alteration, conjuration, divination, or evocation). All saving throw DCs for spells you cast from the selected school are increased by +2.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new school of magic.
====Steadfast==== (General)
Prerequisites: Con 13
Benefit: You cannot be checked, knocked down, or blown away by any natural wind smaller than a hurricane. Additionally, you gain a +8 bonus to avoid being checked, knocked down, or blown away by a magic wind.
====Steely Gaze==== (General)
Prerequisites: Intimidate 10 ranks, Cha 15, enchanter 15, hexblade 7, paladin 15, rogue 8, shadow knight 11, warrior 12
Benefit: Up to once per round, you may make an Intimidate check as a free action.
====Still Spell==== (Metamagic)
Benefit: A still spell can be cast with no somatic components. A still spell uses up 50% more mana than the spell normally costs.
====Strategic Reflexes==== (General)
Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, Int 15
Benefit: You may add your Intelligence bonus to your other bonuses when determining your initiative.
====Swift==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Run
Benefit: Your base speed is increased by 10 feet.
Special: You may only gain this feat once.
====Talented==== (General)
Benefit: Choose two skills. You gain a +2 bonus when using those skills.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times, but each time it must apply to a different pair of skills.
====Trail of Death==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 17, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Cleaving Charge, Base Attack Bonus +12, base movement 40+ ft.
Benefit: When performing a Great Cleave, you may move up to 15 feet before each extra attack. You may not exceed your base movement during this action, and you cannot have moved more than a 5-ft. step prior to your attack action.
====Unbalancing Blow==== (General)
Prerequisites: Dex 13
Benefit: You may use your Dexterity bonus instead of Strength when attempting a trip action.
====Uncanny Feint==== (General)
Prerequisites: Int 13, Bluff 10 ranks, Expertise, Improved Feint
Benefit: Once per round you can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a free action. It is impossible for others to succeed in a feint attempt against you.
Normal: Feinting in combat is a standard action.
====Undead Bane==== (General)
Prerequisites: Must have single-handedly defeated an undead creature of at least CR 3, Iron Will, Base Attack Bonus +5
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all rolls versus undead creatures. Also, you are able to execute a critical hit against undead creatures a number of times per day equal to 1 per 5 character levels, though at a critical threat range of 20.
Normal: Undead creatures are immune to critical hits.
====Undead Perception==== (General)
Prerequisites: Cleric 4, necromancer 2, paladin 6, or shadow knight 4
Benefit: You have the supernatural ability to sense undead creatures as a free action, as the spell sense the dead, except the range is limited to line of sight.
====Verminmaster==== (General)
Prerequisites: Handle animal 8 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks
Benefit: You can train vermin as if they were beasts. This applies to all Handle Animal and Wild Empathy checks made against vermin.
Normal: It is not possible to train vermin at all.
====Weapon Class Proficiency==== (varies) (General)
Benefit: You make attacks with the chosen weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses a weapon with which he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: Each time you select this feat, it applies to a different weapon category (archery, hand to hand, one-handed blunt, one-handed slashing, piercing, throwing, two-handed blunt, or two-handed slashing).
====Weapon Finesse==== (Combat)
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon class, base attack bonus +1 or higher.
Benefit: You choose a one-handed weapon class (hand-to-hand, one-handed blunt, one-handed slashing, or piercing) in which you are already proficient. When using weapons of this class made with a quick delay or faster (i.e., one with an unmodified delay of 4 or less, such as a dagger or rapier), you may apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. However, since you need to be able to move your second hand to maintain your balance, you apply the armor check penalty of any shield you wear to your attack rolls while using this feat.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon class.
====Weapon Specialization==== (General)
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, plus ranger 8+ (archery weapon only), rogue 10+ (piercing weapon only), or warrior 4+ (any weapons)
Benefit: Select a particular type of weapon, such as a broad sword or a sling, with which you already have the Weapon Focus feat. You get a +2 bonus on all damage rolls with the chosen weapon. Rogues or warriors using this feat with a ranged weapon only receive the bonus if the target is within 30 feet. Rangers may take this feat only with an archery (bow) weapon, but get the damage bonus from this feat against any target within one range increment of the weapon.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a new weapon. A rogue who qualifies for this feat may select any piercing weapon, including archery weapons or throwing weapons with the piercing designation.
====Wicked Strike==== (General)
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack
Benefit: Whenever you threaten a critical hit (you need not confirm for the purposes of this feat), your weapon is considered to be a wounding weapon, causing bleeding damage of 1 point per round. Every successful wound stacks with previous wounds. The bleeding can only be stopped with a successful Heal check (DC 20) or by the application of any healing magic (minor healing, healing, and so on). If the weapon being used already has the wounding characteristic, determine each type of wound check separately. (For example, if you have the Wicked Strike feat and are using a +1 greatsword of wounding (proc) then with each attack, roll for the process effect. If you roll a natural 20 on your attack roll you also cause a wound. It is possible to cause a wound by threatening a critical hit and by executing the process effect in the same round, and each cause another instance of bleeding.)
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