0 Initial 75.0
1 First saw Carl/Auda perform 'magic' -1 74.0
2 First found out 'what was really going on' -1 73.0
3 First time his signature was 'scanned' -1 72.0
4 Saw my 'true name' symbol -1 71.0
5 First encounter with the Fae -1 70.0
6 Drank aqua vitae (m) -0.67 69.3
7 Visible leyline manipulation -1 68.3
8 Encounter with 'The Lady' (M) -4 64.3
9 Flayed bodies at compound / Lady's followers -1.33 63.0
10 Viewing the post-Lady orgy (m) -0.25 62.8
11 Losing six weeks (M) -3 59.8
12 Meeting w/ King of Fate's people -1 58.8
13 Learning/Using telepathy (first time) -1 57.8
14 First encounter with the Dark Pharaoh -1 56.8
15 Snorting the 'bullet' powder -1 55.8
16 Taking the ship to Greece (magic ship) +3 58.8
17 Abandoned by John Elwar -1 57.8
18 Teleporting from Greece to Tibet -1 56.8
19 Teleporting from Tibet to Canada (m) -0.5 56.3
20 Second encounter with the Dark Pharaoh (M) -4 52.3
21 Being given the vision of Pentheus by the Dark Pharaoh -1 51.3
22 Carrying a piece of the Dark Pharaoh around (1st two months) -1 50.3
23 First meeting with Meridon Caine (New York R&R) +2 52.3
24 Buying in' to Pentheus's plan -1 51.3
25 Otherworldly cactus (m) -0.25 51.0
26 Encounter with 'snake-men' (m) -0.25 50.8
27 Allowing Alanna to drink his blood / infuse necrophage -1 49.8
28 First encounter with a Nightsider (m) -0.33 49.4
29 Complicit in a deal with Roderick Usher (m) -0.33 49.1
30 Encounter with the Outsider at the field test -1 48.1
31 Punching Rebecca at the field test (m) -0.33 47.8
32 The Dark Pharaoh's second vision -1 46.8
33 Telepathic communication with the King of Fate (M) -3 43.8
34 Near-death passage across the Atlantic / Memory loss (M) -4 39.8
35 Viewing the 'magic' painting (m) -0.25 39.5
36 Staying at Wisphers +4 43.5
37 Talk with the 'mayor' of Odessa / Talk with Tsarina -1 42.5
38 Attempted suicide (M) -4 38.5
39 Time spent in Russia (M) (major, due to the length of time) -5 33.5
40 Encounter with the Outsider in the Alchemist's basement -1 32.5
41 Giving up a memory to the Alchemist Outsider (M) -3 29.5
42 Summoning the Alchemist Outsider -2 27.5
43 Second encounter with the Alchemist Outsider -1 26.5
44 Third encounter with Prometheus -1 25.5
45 The murder of the man on Skull Island -4 21.5
46 June 30 - July 25 spent at Wisphers Estate +37 58.5
47 Plotting to murder Lawrence Eveling -0.5 58.0