SoF Exalted/Example Characters
This page contains several completed characters to demonstrate the conclusion of the chargen process.
Heroic Mortals
A former royal bodyguard from Tekasso in the Hundred Kingdoms.
CamPL: Heroic Mortal [Refresh: 7; Abilities: 28/4; Advantages: 9/2 Expert and Heroic only]
Character Aspects
- Disgraced Former Royal Bodyguard
- To be free from past mistakes
- Civilised hill tribesman
- Everyone has their place
- Quick-tempered
Physical [Stress:8]
Agility: 3; Endurance: 4; Perception: 3; Strength: 4
Mental [Stress:5]
Craft: 2; Knowledge: 1; Reasoning: 2; Willpower: 3
Social [Stress:4]
Empathy: 2; Deception: 2; Persuasion: 2; Resources: 2
Specialty Aspects
- Stalwart of the Shield Wall (Strength)
- Wanted in Tekasso (Persuasion)
- Trusty Axe (Resources)
- The Guild Got Me Out (Persuasion)
- No Scholar (Knowledge)
Advantages (9 spent)
- Experienced [+2 Ability points; 2AP]
- Fearless [+2 to Willpower against fear; 1AP]
- Hard Style [+2WR unarmed; 1AP]
- Juggernaught [+2AR with Bulky armour; 2AP]
- Soft Style [+1 defense in melee; 1AP]
- Survivalist [+2 to find food/water; 1AP]
- Weapon Specialist: Axes [+1 to hit with axes; 1AP]
Lamellar armour, large shield, battleaxe, shortsword,
The Wren
A young thief working the underworld of Nexus.
CamPL: Heroic Mortal [Refresh: 7; Abilities: 28/4; Advantages: 9/2 Expert and Heroic only]
Character Aspects
- Youthful Master Thief
- Become the most renowned house-breaker in Nexus
- Grew up on the streets
- Everything has a price
- More audacity than sense
Physical [Stress:4]
Agility: 4; Endurance: 2; Perception: 3; Strength: 2
Mental [Stress:5]
Craft: 2; Knowledge: 2; Reasoning: 3; Willpower: 2
Social [Stress:4]
Empathy: 2; Deception: 4; Persuasion: 3; Resources: 1
Specialty Aspects
- Innocent Face (Deception)
- Deadly Rivalry with Silken Red (Persuasion)
- Old Jusei's Lockpicks (Resources)
- Hraltos the Fence (Persuasion)
- "This is my last score, I swear" (Willpower)
Advantages (9 spent)
- Acrobatic [+2 to survive falls and negotiate difficult environments; 1AP]
- Deadly Grace [Use agility in place of Strength in melee; 1AP]
- Experienced [+2 Ability points; 2AP]
- Fleet of Foot [+2 to run; 1AP]
- Hide in Plain Sight [+2 to hide in stationary position; 1AP]
- Locksplitter [+2 to pick locks/crack safes ;1AP]
- Spatial Memory [+2 to recall info about place been before; 1AP]
- Sticky Fingers [+2 to pick pockets/palm unattended items; 1AP]
Self bow, quiver and arrows, numerous knives, thieves tools, Old Jusei's picks, climbing harness and ropes