Sarsariel Bloodthorn

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Several people I've talked with have disliked the idea of vampire being a class. And at first blush, it is counter intuitive. However, after thinking it through, I see the logic. Due to the broad array of powers ascribed to a vampire and the wide range of races that feature vampiric members, it's too complex an idea to be handled as a feat chain. I actually see a lot of potential for using this kind of monster class in conjunction with the hybrid class rules to create some very interesting characters.

The craziest combo I could come up with for this class was to combine it with the Wilden from Player's Handbook 3. The idea of a blood drinking plant fey seemed especially alien to me. As I was writing it, the character seemed particularly potent. It uses Dexterity instead of Strength for its at-will attacks and its d10 slam attack stacks the character's Charisma bonus plus a level based increase for damage. It seems over the top, but she also only has two healing surges and half the hit points of a typical striker. In my opinion at least, the vampire makes lots of trade offs to be an effective striker who runs on the edge of her own death.

I think Sarsariel will be best suited to players who are willing to take big risks and back off when her regeneration kicks in.

<size> <role - ex. arcane leader> <types and keywords - ex. elemental humanoid (aquatic, demon) XP <points> Level <number>
Initiative <bonus> Senses Perception <bonus> <special senses - ex. darkvision>
HP <value> Bloodied <value> AC <value> Fortitude <value> Reflex <value> Will <value>
Resistances <ex. Resist 30 variable (3/encounter)> Saving Throws <bonuses>
Speed <value> <additional forms of movement>
Alignment <alignment> Languages <languages>
Skills <list trained skills and skills the character has a bonus to use>
Str <value> (bonus) Dex <value> (bonus) Wis <value> (bonus) Con <value> (bonus) Int <value> (bonus) Cha <value> (bonus)
Equipment <list>
Feats <list>
Powers <list>