User:Bill/Rifts Week by Week/Ashara
The Shing, powerful mystic lions of the Thundercloud Galaxy, are prone to bouts of wanderlust that take them to the far corners of the multiverse. It was inevitable that one would eventually find its way to Rifts Earth. Ashara found herself in the New German Republic and decided that protecting the freedom and lives of the German people would be a worthy distraction for a while. Since joining the NGR's special tactical regiments, she has used her powers to beat back the assaults of many alien monsters including gargoyles, brodkill, and worse.
RCC: Shing Lioness Level: 3 (4481) Alignment: Scrupulous Horror/Awe: 12 (+4 roaring) Current Age: 19 (82 max)
Height: 4'1" (at shoulder) Length: 8' Weight: 720lbs HP: 43 SDC: 30 MDC: By magic PPE: 248 ISP: 41
IQ | 13 | ME | 12 | MA | 12 | PS | 32 | PP | 11 | PE | 15 | PB | 13 | SPD | 30 | (22.5 mph) |
Natural Abilities
Leap | 20'x30' standing; 24'x36' with a running start |
Speed Sprint | Run SPD +10 (30mph) for 1d4 minutes; 2x per hour |
Track by Scent | +10; +2 to track people; +4 to follow blood trail |
Sense Supernatural | Senses both good and evil; 600' radius |
Claws | May be used to increase strike damage by +3d6 megadamage |
Robotic Strength | Shing are more powerful than normal creatures but not quite supernatural |
Roar | Can be heard for five miles |
Melee Attacks: 6 Initiative: +3 Strike: +6 Parry: +6 Dodge: +3 Perception:+3
Disarm: +4 Entangle: +4 Pull Punch: +5 Save vs Horror: +4
Restrained Claw | 1d4 (+3d6) MD | Full Claw | 2d4 (+3d6) MD | Power Claw* | 4d4 (+3d6) MD |
Bite | 2d4 MD | Kick | 2d8 (+3d6) MD | Leap Kick* | 4d8 (+3d6) MD |
*Counts as two attacks.
Climbing | +11/+9 | Gymnastics | v+2 | Intelligence | +11 | Track People | +12 |
Detect Ambush | +14 | Herding | +14 | Land Navigation | +15 | Wilderness Survival | +14 |
Detect Concealment | +9 | Holistic Medicine | +10/+8 | Prowl | +11 | Barter (s) | +8 |
Dance | +11 | Hunting | -- | Swimming | +12 | Language: German (s) | +11 |
Dowsing | +8 | Identify Plants & Fruits | +10 | Track Animals | +10/+12 | Literacy: German (s) | +8 |
(s) Secondary Skill
Native language proficiency is +18. The Shing have no written language.
Shing save as major psionics.
Death Trance | Read Dimensional Portal | Sense Evil |
Meditation | See the Invisible | Sense Magic |
Mind Block | Sense Dimensional Anomaly | Sense Time |
Blinding Flash | Cloud of Smoke | Fire Bolt | Giant | Manipulate Objects | See the Invisible | Teleport: Lesser |
Breathe Without Air | Concealment | Globe of Daylight | Metamorphosis: Superior | Sense Evil | Thunderclap | |
Carpet of Adhesion | Death Trance | Invisibility: Simple | Mystic Portal | Sense Magic | Tongues | |
Chameleon | Dessicate the Supernatural | Invisibility: Superior | Negate Magic | Shadowmeld | ||
Charm | Energy Bolt | Lantern of Light | Paralysis: Lesser | Super-Healing | ||
Cleanse | Electric Arc | Levitation | Reduce Self | Superhuman Speed | ||
Cloak of Darkness | Fire Blast | Magic Net | See Aura | Telekinesis |