XCrawl:Sparkle Motion:Samri Gloaming

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A character for Xcrawl: Sparkle Motion, a Dungeons and Dragons game of fame and fortune.


Samri is the daughter of B-list celebrities struggling to get out from under her family's meager shadow. Despite spending more time designing fabulous new adornments for her armor and weapons than training, she nevertheless has made a name for herself on the Xcrawl circuit, where she seems determined to wring every single trace of fame out of the experience.


Role: Defender/Striker

Paladin Virtue: Fabulous

Character tags: Fashion icon, Vapid Z-list celebrity, Narcissist, Closeted Xcrawl nerd

Likes: Attention, sparkle, the new spring line Dislikes: Ugly people, people more famous than her

Combat Block

Eladrin Paladin/Hexblade 5

HP: 47 Bloodied: 23 Healing Surges: 10 Surge Value: 11
AC: 22 Fort: 16 Reflex: 17 Will: 20
Speed: 5 Initiative: +5 Passive Insight: 13 Passive Perception: 13

Ability Scores

Strength 10
Constitution 14
Dexterity 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 8
Charisma 20


Arcana +14, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, History +12
Acrobatics +1, Athletics +0, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, Heal +1, Insight +3, Intimidate +7, Nature +1, Perception +3, Religion +5, Stealth +1, Streetwise +7, Thievery +1


  • FREEBIE: Versatile Expertise
  • Level 1: Hybrid Talent
  • Level 2: Pact Blade Manifestation (White Well)
  • Level 4: Crimson Fire