FANGS: Simple Combat

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File:FANGS-Basic Fangs Logo (small original).gifWelcome to FANGS, the Fantasy Adventure Networked Gaming System. The goal of this roleplaying system is to offer rules that allow for fun, dramatic play without losing too much realism, simple and yet elegant rules, and balanced for different styles of players who wish to game together.

Simple Combat

The GM can choose to use a simple combat when the situation requires it -- in particular when there are few combatants, when the dramatic pace of the game needs to be picked up, or when players are new to the game.

Combat takes place during combat rounds. Each combat round is approximately 6 seconds, and there are 10 to a minute. Combat tends to be fast and furious.

At the beginning of each round, check to see if anyone has a missle weapon readied from a previous round. This generally means they did not fire in the previous round. Modern and futuristic games, of course, don’t have to worry about reloading and are always ready as long as they have been drawn and have not exhausted their clips/powerpacks/ whatever.

At the beginning of each round the combatants move, starting first with individuals having the highest AG. A character can move ¼ his movement attribute in paces (roughly 1 yard or meter) during a round and still be able to attack, or half his movement in paces and only be able to defend himself. A character can also run his full movement in paces in a round, but is defenseless from any attacks.

After all combatants finish moving, those with missile weapons out but no ready attack -- again, highest AG attacks first. Each target has a chance to dodge if attacked, no matter how many times they are attacked at range.

Next, those with melee or natural weapons attack, highest AG attacking first. Each target has a chance to parry if they are hit.

All attacks are considered to be simultaneous, thus any damage is resolved after all the attacks have been completed. (See Damage Rolls and Combat Resolution.)

Simple Combat Table

Phase Order Notes
Missile AG Order Only READIED missile weapons can be fired.
Move:'''' AG Order Anyone moving more than 1/4 his MV in paces can't attack
    Anyone moving more than 1/2 his MV in paces can't defend
Missile:'''' AG Order Each target that can attack can attack once
    Each target that can defend can dodge once
Melee:'''' AG Order Each target that can attack can attack once
    Each target that can defend can parry once
Damage:'''' Simultaneous Each successful attack results in damage