Arcadian Homecoming

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being a Lesser Endeavour (worth 2 PF or SP) for Delacroix's Rogue Trader game.
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Objective: Explore the bowels of the ship

  • Theme: Criminal, Exploration

The Arcadia is ancient beyond reckoning, and some of its crew-members descend from human bloodlines as old and storied as that of the Harlocks themselves: there are entire clans of ratings that have served the Harlocks since the Arcadia's commissioning, that have never set foot off the ship. From the vaulted chambers of the upper decks to the cramped corridors downbelow, a civilisation in miniature thrives that has only recently been driven into a frenzy of violence, miraculously quelled by one man's word. But how long will that stability last? Until you know whence came the spark that ignited the blaze, there can be no peace of mind aboard the vessel, and anyone could be a potential mutinous agitator...

Objective: ???

Objective: ???