Dimension Zero

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Dimension Zero is the hell-like dimension that the demons plaguing the US are thought to originate from. It is unclear at this point whether it is in fact a singular dimension or if many exist. They have only been glimpsed for brief moments through the fiery apertures through which the demons travel. The other side appears to be similar to the classic depictions of hell, with the few eye witness accounts all describing a barren, molten wasteland, with ash raining down and columns of flames erupting from the ground, seemingly at random.

Demonic attacks of this nature have are thought to have occurred in at least six other countries but none of these incidents are as yet confirmed. For some reason, the US seems to be by far the most frequent target but no reason for this pattern has been determined. A commonly held theory is that the demon might be searching for something but given the random and seemingly unconnected nature of the attacks so far, analysts believe this to be unlikely.
