Watchmaker Interlude 1

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"Oh, there's the doorbell / Let's see who's out there / Oh, it's a seven / Hello, Seven/ Won't you come in, Seven?/ Make yourself at home" ~They Might Be Giants, Seven.

House of Seven Gables. Seven deadly sins. To sail the seven seas. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

How much is pattern? How much is synchronicity? We don't know. When we're dealing with matters of this nature, paranoia is inevitable.

Theory says that there are Seven Avatars, seven spirits representing the forces of the universe, made manifest on Earth. It's our job to find them, analyze them, and stop them if necessary. We don't know what they're here for, and things of that power level with a secret agenda must be a danger to humanity.

I'm going to start you on the easiest one, the Avatar of Time. Read the histories, assess the evidence, write your findings. Read your Dee, your da Vinci, your Diogenes. Theorize. You have been three years with us so far; four more remain of your education. Yes, do the math. Seven.
