СOПРАСH and Changelings

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There is an aspect in which СOПРАСH is different the almost any other country (or federation of countries) on the globe.

Well, besides being a post-scarcity authoritative federation of republics, rules by post-human superbeing.

СOПРАСH has no Changeling population. At least officially has none.

According to the western media, that is because СOПРАСH have created concentration camps, in which they confine and then kill any Changeling population. Once a person's change is reported (and it will be), authority officials arrive at the scene in hours. The Changeling is subdued and transferred to a camp, where he is held for a matter of days, experimented on and then disposed of. The corpses are then cremated and buried in an unmarked mass grave. There is footage of this provided by various dissidence, and most of the western government condemn this practice.

However, the СOПРАСH authorities present a different picture. Official propaganda states that at this point of the greater project that СOПРАСH is a part of, changelings are simply an unwanted variable. Hence Bialobog has sought to eliminate them.

He does so by returning any manifested changeling citizens to a purely human state via careful molecular manipulation. The procedure is obligatory, though he gives those who don't want to undergo it a deadline by which they must leave СOПРАСH territory. This began twenty years ago, shortly after the establishment of Union.

According to official sources any further manifestation of Changelings are kept at bay by an exotic particle synthesized by Bialobog which, added to the water and soil of the СOПРАСH Republic's territory, permanently prohibits the catalyzation of fey-blood leading up to the change. It is also designed to disperse once it leaves the Union's territory. Hence no changeling has manifested in СOПРАСH territories in twenty years, leading to the lack of a changeling population.


