Phantomcrossing Picks (Tobyverse)

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"Long time ago, something big crashed in the long ago that you need a whole mess of geologist and more research grants than Harvard can offer in a year if you wanted to find the crater. Even then; it's not there anymore."

The oldman continued to whittle away at a small piece of wood, now faceted and taking abstract shape.

"Was a old ship, drifting dead for time untold away from a war what would shake heaven almighty"

The young woman sat, watching her grandfather continue to whittle away.

"Woke up, and looked upon creation, saw our race when it was young," he turned the carved wood and began digging a depression with the point of the knife, "ship could think, ya'see. Not so hard to imagine looking at that apple box yer pop got you. It liked us; liked what we might be able to do; didn't think us saints, but it hoped we could do great things if we didn't wipe ourselves out...or worse if something else wiped us out,"

He held the piece of wood up into the air and examined his work. It was a rather detailed horses's head. He set back upon it with wind lines meant to form the exterior of the mane.

" help us along, it partnered up with a person and shared with them some of the secrets of the universe as it knew them, and became a tool to do good. It was passed from parent to child, mentor to student, and so on. Now, not everyone used the power wisely, and it sometimes had to find a partner on it's own...but the ship left it's mark on history."

She nodded, she had heard this story many times before, and even seen the ship in action before.

"Ruyi Bang, Excalibur, the Phantom's a's something that needs to be used...especially as the new age is dawning...kid...I'm not gonna be around much longer...and my days as the rider are behind me...if the ship'll have you, I want to leave it to you."

She said nothing, only nodding.

"It will become a tool that suits you, heck if you're of the mind for it, it'll become part of you...but whatever happens...whatever mark is left, you become part of help make the future...just...just try to aim for a good one."

He extends his hand, the knife melting to a silver coating on his hand. She extends her hand, and the silver flows and leaps to her palm, forming a perfect sphere.

It is heavy burden, to try to carry the weight of the world.

The Tobyverse Draft
