ALVATIA: Ingsby - Shrine

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The Shrine to Saint Carmund[edit]

The shrine is a slate roofed stone building, 80 feet long by 50 feet wide. The west (gable) end has a bell-cote (a small sort of bell tower), with a single bell rung from within the nave. Two small glazed windows are set high in the west wall, one on each side of the bell-cote; the north and south walls of the nave each have two tall, pointed stained glass windows, illuminating interesting points of Carmundian beliefs. Stone mouldings over the tops of these windows divert rain water away. A thick, dark wooden door opens into the western end of the south wall of the nave, from the cemetary. The chancel extends from the eastern end of the nave, and is 20 feet on a side; a narrow glazed window is set in each of its outside walls.

Within the nave, the dark flagstone floor and dark roof beams contrast strongly with the whitewashed walls and four stained glass windows. This room (57 feet long by 47 feet wide) is nearly filled with two dozen rough benches. In the middle of the west wall, a rope hangs down from the ceiling to within five feet of the floor -- this rings the bell. One each side of the bell rope, a stone bench 12 feet long has been build along the wall; these are used by the lord of the manor and his family. Overhead, a web of tie-beams, king posts, and struts supports the roof; a small amount of carving can be seen on some of the timbers. In the middle of the east wall is a 10 foot wide arched opening, leading to the chancel.

The chancel (18 feet on a side) has three narrow windows, and is naturally a bit dark as a result. The altar, an aumbry (a cabinet set into the wall to hold altar furnishings), a lectern, four short candlesticks, one tall (floor model) candlestick, a chest (for altar cloths), and two small wooden statues of Saint Carmund in niches (one beatific, one aggressively smiting a devilish rat) are in this chamber.

The altar furnishings consist of -TBW-.

The rectory is in a seperate building, next door to the Shrine.



A fleeing felon, Auberon, has taken sanctuary in the Shrine of Saint Carmund in Ingsby. He arrived about three weeks ago, and has hardly stirred from the building since the arrival a few days ago of Gerard, a sergeant of the Sheriff of Vilgarth. Auberon is a free citizen of Shathursford, who has taken to fraud and confidence games. Unfortunately, he recently made a "trick" cattle deal with a peasant in -SOME OTHER VILLAGE- whose lord was willing to push the Sherrif to action. He is not by nature a violent man, but will stoutly resist being taken prisoner (the punishments he receives if captured will be harsh and painful). He has a sword and 35 d, besides normal gear for a traveller alone and on foot, and sleeps in the nave on a bench. He only leaves the building to relieve himself, after carefully looking for apprehenders. He buys food through Father Wallace's servant, Robert.

See the Inn and Plots for more details.


Almost the entire village can be found here for Holy Days, funerals, and other religious events. A few of the more pious villagers --TO BE LISTED LATER--; the priest, Father Wallace; and his servant Robert, are found here from time to time during the day.

No rodents, fer sure ...