Once more with feeling/Custom Hearthstones

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Once more, with feeling!






now THESE hearts you can eat! ;] all the heart ptohos have been beautiful! hope you had a lovely valentine's day, and did not work TOO hard!


My feelings exctaly. I think a Tag cloud is too dynamic to serve as basic navigation which needs to be a little more permanent and let users build up a mental model of the space.But I wonder if there was ways of enhancing a perma-navigatoin with some tagcloud thinking. Could a menu have differing font-sizes based on how often something was being used. Are there other design improvements one can think of that borrow from tag-clouds?





Gemstone of Essence Flows

  • This hearthstone is a brilliant glittering stone that shines when it is attuned to an Essence user. This stone serves as a conscious control over the flows of Essence within an Essence User. Any effects that impact the character's essence use, such as charms that increase the cost of using charms or effects that directly drain essence from the character's pool such as soulsteel, give you a (Willpower+Essence) roll vs. a difficulty of (Enemy's Permanent Essence) to cancel that effect. Whenever an effect would affect your essence pool the gem flickers brightly. As a secondary effect, any item that this item is attached to, so long as the hearthstone is attuned and functioning, is unable to be deattuned from the wielder as long as it is held. Effects that normally deattune a weapon automatically fail. Releasing an attuned item, such as a Daiklave, will cause it to deattune normally.






Autochthon's Watchful Eye

  • This Solar hearthstone has the dubious distinction of being the largest hearthstone in Creation at nearly 10 pounds and is the size of an adult human fist. It does not fit into common hearthstone slots in most equipment due to this limitation, but most artifacts that would potentially benefit from this stone are built to accomidate it stretched between two of their sockets.
  • The stone inspires an Exalted to new levels of skill when crafting artifacts. A Celestial Exalt attuned to this stone adds a number of automatic successes to his craft checks equal to his craft rating. A Terrestrial Exalted adds a number of automatic successes equal to his applicable specialities to a craft check. Even mortals can benefit from this stone gaining 1 automatic success on all craft checks supervised by one of the Chosen.
  • The stone works best if used by someone in charge of a workshop that has been blessed by a priest, the prayer in question is reasonably obscure in the current age and would require a Lore check difficulty 5 to find (difficulty 3 in Yu-Shan). In this circumstance, all recognized workers of a workshop gain these benefits.
  • These stones were extremely common, in the sense that rank 5 Solar hearthstones were common, during the First Age and virtually all Factory Cathedrals incorporated one. In the current age only one such stone is known and it is used in the Shogunate Workshop located in Lookshy. The Realm is unwilling to alter the geomancy of the Blessed Isle to cause one of these stones to form.


























The Stone of Feral Beauty

This rough cut white opal shines with an inner light and adds three dots to wearer's appearance, up to a maximum of 7. In addition nothing of the natural world can make the character look less beautiful. Coated in mud, blood, faeces or any such representation of the natural world will in fact make the character gain an additional point to appearence from the stone. Anything not of the natural world may reduce the characters appearance but that is left up to Storyteller discresion.
