Disg4Ea Character Toxie

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Longtooth Shifter Warden, Lv 1

Theme: Primal Guardian

Str 18 (+4)

Con 12 (+2)

Int 8 (-1)

Dex 12 (+1)

Wis 18 (+4)

Cha 10 (+0)

HP 29 Bloodied 15 Surges 10

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Ref 11 Will 15

Skills: Nature, Athletics, Perception, Dungeoneering

Racial: +2 Endurance, Athletics; Encounter: Longtooth Shifting (Encounter, Minor, Personal, Must be Bloodied. Until end of encounter, +2 Damage. While Bloodied, gain Regen 2)

Class: Wildblood Warden (Use Wis for AC w/ Light Armor, when Second Wind used, Marked enemies get extra -4 to attack other enemies until end of turn.) Font of Life (Make one extra Save at the start of each turn) Nature's Wrath (Once/turn, Mark each adjacent enemy as a Free action until end of next turn.)

Powers: Warden's Fury (At-Will, Weapon, Immediate Interrupt: Marked enemy makes an attack that doesn't include you: +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 Physical, Target grants CA to you and allies until end of next turn.)

Warden's Grasp (At-Will, Immediate Reaction: Marked enemy within Close Burst 5 makes an attack that doesn't include you: Slide enemy 1 square, enemy is slowed and can't shift until end of turn.)

Thorn Strike (At-Will, Weapon, Std Action, Melee 2, 1 creature, +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 Physical, Pull target 1 square)

Weight of Earth (At-Will, Weapon, Std Action, Melee, +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 Physical, Target Slowed until end of next turn.)

Roots of Stone (Encounter, Weapon Std Action, Close Bust 1, Creates a Zone in burst that lasts until end of next turn, Enemies in Burst, +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 Physical, if they leave the Zone, they are knocked Prone)

Mark of Thunder (Encounter, Weapon Std Action, Melee, +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 Thunder. Effect: Mark target until end of your next turn. If they violate the Mark, they take 5 Thunder damage.)

Form of the Willow Sentinel (Daily, Polymorph, Minor action: Assume tree form until end of encounter. Immune to force movement; any ally gains +2 Fort while adjacent. Encounter, Immediate Interrupt, Melee 1, Trigger: Adjacent enemy makes attack against ally. +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 Physical, and target takes -4 to triggering attack. Miss: 1/2 damage and effect.)

Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Greatspear)

Funds: 10 GP Gear: Greatspear, Hide armor, 4 Javelins, Adventurer's Kit