Cathak Bain-Sa
- Cathak Bain-Sa
- Caste: Fire
- Concept: Disillusioned Realm Officer
- Tall and slender with dark eyes and hair, forever highlighted by the fire of the dragon within. [1]
- To Perfect the Even Blade
- Barbarians, Linowan, Lookshy
- His Brotherhood, Greyfalls, Cathak Kitono
Waves of shimmering heat that finally explode into a raising phoenix with outspread wings
- Strength 4
- Dexterity 6
- Stamina 3
- Charisma 3
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 4
- Perception 3
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 4
- Athletics 5
- Effortlessly Raising Flame
- Falling Star Maneuver
- Bellows Pumping Stride
- Incense Smoke Ladder
- Dancing Ember Stride
- Dodge
- Threshold Warding Stance
- Hopping Firecracker Evasion
- Melee
- 1st Melee Excellency
- Portentious Comet Deflecting Mode
- Dragon-Graced Weapon
- Ghost-Fire Blade
- Blinding Spark Distraction
- Presence
- Glowing Coal Radiance
- Aura of Invincibility
- Terrifying Fire Dragon Roar
- Socialize 5
- Martial Arts 6 (+2 Slashing Blades)
- 1st Martial Arts Excellency
- Death Between Heartbeats
- Breath and Essence Control
- Close Your Eyes and Look
- Even Blade Form
- Ride 5
- Performance 5 (+2 Ballads)
- Archery 1
- Awareness 5
- Lore 3
- Linguistics 3
- Occult 3
- War 1
Breeding 5
The flame of Hesiesh burns brightly in Bain's blood.
Artifact 4 (The Heart of the Mountain and the Scales of the Dragon)
Forged as a matched pair on Bain-Sa's graduation from finishing school, both Reaper Daiklave and Reinforced Breastplate are based in Red Jade. The blade seems to glow with an inner heat, while the armor is carved with images of Hesiesh, enameled in gold.
Artifact 5 (Silken Armor, Hearthstone Amulet, Jade Perfected Kata Bracers and The Unsurpassed Sanxian)
The armor was dyed black to compliment his breastplate, and the Amulet holds his most powerful Hearthstone. The Bracers were a gift from his Sifu before he left on a Wyld Hunt. He was never seen again. Bain discovered the Sanxian during a trip to the Blessed Isle, and won it from it's owner in a musical duel.
Manse 4
A collection of minor Manses around Greyfalls
Reputation 3
Bain-Sa is a skilled martial artist, and a followed of the Even Blade.
Resources 4
Retainers 5
A collection of bodyguards, servants and some of his favored concubines.
Each Merit
- Enchanting Features – Being very attractive, Bain-Sa has worked hard to master the art of seduction. 4 die bonus for seduction rolls. 4BP.
- Favored Weapon – His Daiklave was made specifically for him, and he's trained with no other weapon for decades. +1 Accuracy and Defense. -1 if he ever uses another weapon. 2BP
- Legendary Breeding – The blessings of the dragon burn more brightly in Bain-Sa then in any other of his house. It strengthens him, but comes with downsides as well. 3BP
Each Flaw
- Code of Honor – "Serve your Lord with Truth and defend his Life and Honor to your Death" 2BP
- Vice (Sex) – The purity of Bain-Sa's breeding comes with the mating urge of old. 3BP.
- Essence: 6
- Personal: 19/19
- Peripheral: 31/31 (49/49)
- Committed to Charms: 0
- Committed to artifacts: 18
- Willpower: 8/8
- Anima status:
- Compassion: 3
- Conviction: 4
- Temperance: 1
- Valor: 4
- (Virtue channels used: None)
Limit Break
Describe your flaw and record here your limit
- Join Battle: 9
- Dodge DV: 8
- Parry DV: 9
- Soak: 18L/12B/18A (Jade Reinforced Breastplate and Silken Armor)
- Move:
- Dash:
- Join Debate: 9
- Dodge MDV: 7
- Parry MDV: 4
Health Levels
- -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
- (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or
Heart of the Mountain (Reaper Daiklave)
Speed 3, Acc 19, Dmg 9L/2, Defense 2, Rate 3, Tags: O
Cathak Bain-Sa is an one hundred and 17 year old Fire Caste Terrestrial. Born in Greyfalls to Cathak Kitono, Bain-Sa was schooled on the Blessed Isle, where he was raised with his peers and taught the social mores of the Realm.
His Second Breath came early, at the age of 9, but the real issue came when he discovered sex, for not only did he hold a highly pure joining of bloodlines, but the libido off the first Terrestrials came with it. It took years of discipline at the dojo he was exiled to before he gained a slight measure of control over his urges, and in that time he became a student of the Even Blade.
He scheduled his training around bouts of rutting, and learned enough to know that there were multiple approaches to the style, and that no one practitioner knew them all. He vowed to not only learn them all, but take his place among the Masters of martial arts and complete the style.
His father was less then pleased, and recalled him to Greyfalls, since as his heir, Bain-Sa was to inherant his place in the House. However, Bain-Sa never was much interested in House politics, and prefered to spend his time honing his art, both with blade and sanxian.
His time in Greyfalls was broken at times for the needs of the Wyld Hunt, but since the disappearance of the Empress, that's ground to a halt.
The past five years have been difficult. A Solar nation in the Scavenger Lands has interferred with the river trade between Greyfalls and the Realm proper. Therefor, Bain-Sa has been dispatched with a message to the leader of the Solar Empire that Greyfalls wishes to join. And to act as hostage towards Greyfalls good behavior.
Cathak Bain-sa is a fairly serious man, which makes his bouts of gregariousness and whoring even more disconcerting then it would be. He lives by his code, and outside of that, tries to enjoy himself as much as possible.
If he isn't practicing his sword work or cutting a swathe through the local men and women, he's easiest to find by the sounds of his sanxian, which is the third love of his life, right behind his sword and sex itself.
Each Member
Each Circlemate
- Earned: #
- Spent: # (make a list of all purchases here)
- Unspent: #