Explorator Secutor Pattern A. Realtzon
Name: Explorator Secutor Pattern A. Realtzon
Stats: WS: 42 BS: 43 S: 49 T: 47 Ag: 34 Int: 44 Per: 36 WP: 37 Fel: 35
Homeworld: Forge World - 5 WS +5 INT Credo Omnissiah Fit For Purpose: Characteristic of his choice by +3. Stranger to the Cult
Wounds: 12 Fate: 3
Birthright: Scape Grace Sleight of Hand as a trained Basic Skill, plus a bonus of +3 to your choice of Intelligence or Perception. You suffer your choice of 1d5 Corruption Points or 1d5 Insanity Points.
Lure of the Void: Tainted (Mutant: Chosen (200) Hulking Size: Hulking Strength + 10
Trials and Travail: Hand of war Hatred: Chaos Worshipers Pistol weapon training -10 to all Fel tests with Chaos Worshipers
Motivation: Fortune +1 Fate Point
Insanity: 5 Corruption: 0
Career: Explorator
Common Lore (Machine Cult, Tech) (Int), Forbidden Lore (Archeotech, Adeptus Mechanicus) (Int), Literacy (Int),
Logic (Int), Speak Language (Explorator Binary, Low Gothic, Techna-lingua) (Int), Tech-Use (Int), Trade (Technomat) (Int), Sleight of hand (Ag), Awareness (Per)
Size(Hulking) Mechanicus Implants
Melee Weapon Training (Universal) Basic Weapon Training (Universal) Technical Knock Logis Implant Leap Up Mechadentride use Autosangunie
Gear: Servo-skull familiar good-Craftsmanship hellgun good-Craftsmanship power axe Enforcer light carapace multikey void suit (Rock hound) injector sacred unguents micro-bead combi-tool dataslate
200 for chosing mutation 500 for Mechadentride use 100 for toughness advance 1 200 for Autosangune 100 for Awareness 400 for Sound Constitution (2x)
Explorator Secutor Pattern A. Realtzon is of an unorthodox origin, even by the increasingly strange standards of those in the Imperium. He was born in the bowels of one of the many Forge Worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus, though the name of which has been deleted out of his memory as irrelevant information. Despite being born a mutant, his reverence to the Machine God and the spark of genuine intelligence allowed him acceptance into the Adeptus Mechanicus by those of a slightly more radical bent, specifically those of the Mechanicus Secutor, the Siege Enginseers. Into their ranks, the flesh that was became the glory of the Machine.
Those of the Machine are cogs, and a cog is not to question it's place in the Machine, but Pattern A. Realtzon was not fully of the Machine. He still felt emotion, most particularly a hate filled rage against those who defiled technology, often discarding the sacred technology and machine spirit of a rifle or pistol for the more primitive, visceral of an ax, if only to ensure that such heresy against the Machine God is not repeated.
His fanaticism, as well as his mutation, did not win him many allies in the Adeptus Mechanicus and, in a ploy to remove such a vile mark as he out of their sight, he was given the title Explorator and assigned to a ship that served as a perceived dead end. How wrong the techpriests were. How wrong the humans of the Machine were.