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Ghenja, the Mask of Benevolence, the Seed of Ambition, the Corrupting Whisper of the Verdant Wilderness

  • Caste: Ophidian Fiend (Infernal)
  • Concept: Spymaster of Malfeas

Motivation and Virtues


Motivation: To spread his information network throughout the nation-state of Paragon
Ghenja's spy network is present throughout the breadth of the South, from Lap to Gem to the farthest reaches of the southern desert. Assisted by demonic servants and numerous cultists, there is little of interest that occurs in the whole of the Direction that Ghenja cannot learn of through the compiled reports.
Except for Paragon. While he has access to what information other nations possess on the city-state of the Perfect, the city itself has so far defied his efforts to infiltrate.


Urge: To enable self-destruction through the fulfillment of desires.
That is, to find a way to grant someone what they most desire, but in a way that leads inevitably to their own self-destruction. While initially he exercised this Urge by granting desires and then taking them away, now he seeks to have the whole process appear to happen entirely at the target's will and through the target's action. A man who desires to marry the beautiful daughter of the local magistrate will find himself in a successful courtship, only to wake up before the wedding with a hangover and learning he had mortally insulted the father of the bride-to-be and had publicly attempted to force himself on her. A woman who desires wealth will perhaps discover a hidden cache of money, but rapidly will become so paranoid about losing it that she kills her family to prevent them from spreading rumors of her new-found wealth and is subsequently tried for murder and executed.


  • Revolutionaries (positive)

Ghenja has a fondness for revolutionaries and mutineers. They combine ambition with desperate determination in a way that draws his attention and favor.

  • The Immaculate Order (negative)
  • Honesty about others (positive)

While it is not difficult to destroy others with deception upon deception, leading them to suicide or worse, it is far more satisfying to enact destruction or fashion suffering through the truth. While a lie can trick one, the truth can bring on insanity and a much more thorough ruin. Framing a virtuous man for a murder can lead them to the gallows, but causing a virtuous man to commit the crime can lead a broken and disillusioned soul to walk to it themselves.

  • Slavery (negative)

There is little less interesting to Ghenja, who likes to foster ambition, then one without any ambition or drive at all - that is, a slave. A system that creates such individuals is one he would seek to destroy, for the removal of ambition and free will is anathema to him. An unbroken slave, however, who has the determination for freedom or revenge, may catch his interest.


While Ghenja has those urges and habits that mark one that is virtuous, the virtues in question are perhaps not as much of Creation would recognize them. He doesn't care; he is virtuous according to his own lights, and that's all that matters to him.

Compassion: 5
(interpretation of compassion)

Conviction: 5
(interpretation of conviction)
Temperance: 5
(interpretation of temperance)
Valor: 5
(interpretation of valor)
Willpower: 10
(interpretation of willpower)


Appearance and Presentation






Anima & Supernatural Displays






Minions and Allies

Conflict Notes

Physical Combat

  • Join Battle:
  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:
  • Soak: L/B/A


  • Move:
  • Dash:


  • Join Debate:
  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:

Health Levels

  • -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


  • Earned: 0
  • Spent: 0
    • (nothing yet)
  • Unspent: 0