Erik the Brick
-->Return to Main Site:ACKS Versus Caverns of Thracia [Erik "the Brick"], [Man-at-Arms]
- [Fighter] [2nd], [Neutral]
- [5583] / [8000]
- STR 14 (+1)
- INT 11
- WIS 10
- DEX 10
- CON 12
- CHA 7 (-1)
- HP: 13/13
- AC: 5
- Initiative: +1 (Combat Reflexes)
- Movement:
- Base: 60
- Combat: 20
- Charge:
- Climb:
- Stealth:
- Daily:
- Saving Throws
- Petrification & Paralysis 14
- Poison & Death 13
- Blast & Breath 15
- Staffs & Wands 15
- Spells 16
- Weapons & Attacks
- [Light Crossbow [9+] [1d6+1]
- [2-handed Sword] [8+] [1d10+2]
- [silver dagger] [8+] [1d4+2]
- Languages: Common
- Class Abilities
- +2 to damage
- Proficiencies:
- Combat Reflexes: True warriors never hesitate in combat. The
character gains a +1 bonus on surprise rolls and initiative rolls. This bonus does not apply when casting spells.
- Endurance. Does not need to rest every 6 turns, can force march for one day without penalty.
- Fighting Style (Two-handed weapons): +1 damage
- Weapons
- Weapon 2-handed sword (1 stone)
- Weapon light crossbow (1 stone)
- Weapon silver dagger
- Armor
- Armor: banded (5 stone)
- Shield: none
- Gear: tunic, boots, sword, shield, crossbow, case of 19 quarrels
- Backpack: 5 flasks of military oil (1 stone), 1 pint of holy water, tinderbox
- Mule: 12 torches, 50' rope, 40 add. crossbow bolts, 1 lb. comfrey, 1 lb. woundwort, 3 flasks military oil, 2 weeks iron rations
- Gear
- Coinage
- CP
- SP- 100
- EP
- GP- 40
- PP
- Treasure
- Gems
- Jewelry
- 997 gp in credit
- Magic Items
- Total Stones of Encumbrance 9
- First Level Spells Per Day:
- Repertoire
- Second Level Spells Per Day:
- Repertoire