The Creature

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The Creature is the product of the mad botanical genius, Doctor Joseph Dippel. Grown in a special greenhouse in Darmstadt Castle, the Creature is a frightening blend of plant and man. Almost nine feet tall and possessed of inhuman strength and a monstrous resistance to injury, the creature can reach full size from a seedling in a matter of months. Dippel's plan was to grow an army of the things to use as mindless labor and soldiers insensible to pain, but with his castle burned to the ground that plan may be foiled.

If Dippel's notes and our Intrepid Explorers' own tests are to be believed, the thing's bones are made of oak, its flesh is a tubey mushroom, its muscles are the vines of the venus flytrap and, most hideous of all, its nerves are a blend of ergot and the brains of a man! Like the carnivorous plant that forms so much of its substance, the Creature must feed on a special diet of meat to survive, though in far greater abundance than its smaller cousins.

When our Intrepid Explorers last encountered the Creature, it dove out a window in Darmstadt Castle to escape a fire and plunged more than a hundred feet to the rocks below. Surely nothing could survive that fall intact...

Terra Occulta