Sorcerous Arts:Characters
This page describes the characters of the College of Sorcerous Arts campaign, including PC descriptions and statistics. For the most part, NPC stats won't be found here. Rather, the info on this page will be what the PCs know or can easily find out about their various associates.
Player Characters
Forthcoming! When PCs are posted, they will use the following template. Be sure to use the line break code, br in angle brackets, or things will look ghastly. Also note the double return between sections.
Character Name
Doloth began his career as a student at the college, coming from a wealth family of some minor nobility. He worked his way through classes and politics successfully, gaining some measure of power and skill. He aided his family as he could.
He is an old man now. He’s spent the last 30 years his life in pursuit of arcane knowledge, all questing for knowledge of other realms. He’s become an expert in politics over the years, and attributes his survival to this. However, this has made him few allies and fewer friends. His obsession with magic came at the cost of any personal life.
He teaches knowledge of the Planes, and researches the summonings and creatures of The Conservatory of Conjury and Invocation.
His one great deed at the age of 30 was the facing of the Demon Arzhaxxus, who had been leading a small army from the Dark Lands. He managed to defeat the monster by using his knowledge and wits, (seducing a succubus!) and gained the Demon’s circlet, which enhanced the power of his voice.
This confrontation drove him to study the Planes. His knowledge of the Planes and the beings that live there and their languages is now considered unparalleled. He is known to be extremely careful and cautious. He was once the Dean of Conjuration, but stepped down some years ago, and now occupies the chair of Extra-planar studies. The Demon Arzhaxxus cannot return to this plane for at lest another 70 years. However, Doloth was a bit too success in his seduction, and has a child by the Demon, which has been raised to act as tool of vengeance upon him. His younger sister heads the family estates now, and gives him added influence in the college in political matters.
Envy: The young and their health Greed: Power Avarice: Life Obsession: Knowledge, immortality Jealousy: Outsiders and their unaging immortal existence Fear: Death
Short Term Goal: To acquire more power, using his relatively recently discovered spells of summoning and binding.
Long term: To become immortal.
Basic Information
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Class and Level: Magician 5
Experience Points: 15000
Ability Scores
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 18
Charisma: 18
Combat Info
Hit Points: 11
Initiative: -3 (Dex)
Armor Class: 7(Dex)
Speed: 30
Fortitude: -2
Reflex: -2
Will: +8
BAB: +2
Melee: -1
Ranged: -1
Weapon: +0, masterwork silver dagger melee or ranged(1d4-3, 19/x2)
Skills, Feats, and Special Abilities
Bluff (4)+14, Concentration (7) +4, Diplomacy (4)+15, Knowledge (Arcana) (8) +12, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (5) +9, Knowledge (The Planes) (8) +12, Sense Motive (4) +10, Spellcraft (8) +14
Languages: Common, Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Sand Speech
Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration), Improved Counterspell, Negotiator
Special Abilities: Familiar: Saero, Tiny Viper. Grants Alertness if within arms reach.
Specialization: Conjuration
Barred Field: Transmutation
Caster Level: 10
Save DC Modifier: +4
Valances: (source of valences)
Spells Known:
Level 0 -- Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation
Level 1 -- Protection from (Alignment), Unseen Servant, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Charm Person, Magic Aura, Magic Missile, Summon Monster I, Shield
Level 2 -- Arcane Lock, Summon Swarm, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Mirror Image, False Life
Level 3 -- Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against (Alignment), Summon Monster III, Nondetection, Arcane Sight, Lightning Bolt
Level 4 -- Dimensional Anchor, Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser, Summon Monster IV, Detect Scrying, Geas, Lesser, Phantasmal Killer
Level 5 -- Dismissal, Planar Binding, Lesser, Summon Monster V, Contact Other Plane, Break Enchantment,
Magic Jar
and so on and so forth
Spells Commonly Prepared (valences used / valences free):
Level 0 -- List of spells
Level 1 -- List of spells
Level 2 -- List of spells
Level 3 -- List of spells
Level 4 -- List of spells
and so on and so forth. If a spell is bound multiple times, put the number of times that you have it prepared in parentheses. If you have bound the spell from a written source, and do not actually know the spell, put an w in parentheses. If a spell is only partially bound, put a p in parentheses. For instance, if you have partially bound Fireball from a text three times, you would list it like so: Fireball (x3, w, p)
IOUN Stones: 6
Cash on hand: 400 gp
Circlet of Persuasion (4,500), Crystal for Magic Jar spell(100)
List the rest of the character's important possessions here, in whatever order. For overt displays of wealth and magic items, please put the value in gold pieces in parentheses after the item.
Non-Player Characters
Information on NPCs can be found below.
College Personalities
All characters who are commonly found at the College of Sorcerous Arts go here, including professors, students, groundskeepers, bound demons, and so forth. All in all, less than a hundred persons live, work, and learn at the college, including about two dozen teachers and researchers, an equal number of servants, and about twice as many pupils. Unless noted otherwise, any wizard in this section who has chosen to specialize in a particular school of magic has given up the ability to use necromancy.
Headmaster Adrian Tolze
Ever since the previous headmaster, Fidelio the Fearless, was devoured by the Water Wyrm of the Raining River three years ago, Adrian Tolze has served as the leader of the College of Sorcerous Arts. One of the most powerful magicians in the land, Headmaster Tolze is not yet fifty. His skill as a diviner is unparalleled, but he is perhaps best known for recovering the Sword of Xaxamodes from the Demon-Lords of the star Phiroth, and using it to slay the Crawling Nautilus in the southern reaches of the Plain of Shells.
Adrian Tolze has, however, displayed very little skill as an administrator. He spends most of his time away from the campus on private business, leaving most of the work to the professors under his nominal leadership.
Chana the Seeress
A recent addition to the College's staff, Chana is an adept of divination and enchantment. She is beautiful, whimsical, and distant; in terms of raw power, she is among the most potent of the institution's acolytes, yet has not deigned to master offensive sorceries. Her age and origin are not certain, but it is widely accepted that her home lies somewhere within the Hundred Principalities. Abundant rumors place her age at either well over a hundred or just shy of twenty three years -- the genie Nandao, her one time consort, is said to know the truth of the matter, but none have called upon his manse in the Plain of Shells in many years.
Vaum the Alchemist
Vaum is a conjurer, alchemist, and astronomer; a doddering old professor who hides his advancing years under simple illusions. His Theory of Sidereal Metallurgy, which holds that metals are created by the interactions between various types of stone and the light of different constellations, is his chief claim to fame. Vaum believes this to be a meagre and boring accomplishment, and has therefore decided to become the supreme ruler of the universe before he dies. His plan is simple: given that Mother Moon is the center of all things, and that his Thousandfold Magnifying Apparatus reveals its surface to be uninhabited, he must merely travel to the celestial body and plant his flag upon its crust.
To this end, Vaum expends his efforts in the pursuit of two main projects. Firstly, he seeks to design a spell to support life in a thin, cold atmosphere, so that he may survive Mother Moon's surface conditions. Secondly, he attempts to persuade Headmaster Tolze to set down his Greater Teleport spell upon a magical scroll, so that he may travel to Mother Moon. Tolze fears that the Alchemist will prefer being supreme ruler of the universe to life as a mere professor. Not wishing to lose Vaum's services, Tolze has thusfar denied the man's request.
Fehin Addabar
The protege of the College's former Master of Enchantment, Orsino of the Emerald Serpent, Fehin Addabar is a quiet and reserved man. Rather than gathering a circle of friends and allies about him, he keeps his own counsel, stewing in a broth of resentment and bitter memory. Chief among the many who have sleighted him is Khalid Sihkari, the new Master of Enchantment: Fehin feels that he was more deserving of the position, that Headmaster Tolze denied him his right by appointing the Adaamite to the coveted position.
Lord Devlin Hetcross
Son of a Local lord, Devlin had developed a level of skill at potion making. He was the darling of the faculty until Kokada Ab Ekavrka arrived. Devlin has grown jealous of Kokada's abilities and feels that Kokada is stealing his position in the College.
Ezzin the Assassin
Ezzin the Assassin has killed many powerful arcanists, but has only recently taken up the art. A foreigner from the Setting Sun Continent, he has applied for tutelage at not only the College of Sorcerous Arts, but also the Tetrahedral Fortress and Conservatory of Conjury and Invocation. None would have him, and he was forced to turn to the solitary maqe Irro, Master of Green Fire, for tutelage. Ezzin has been residing at the College for some weeks as a guest; Irro had charged him with bringing a message to Headmaster Tolze, and the assassin waits patiently for the man to return from whatever foreign business he currently attends to.
Ezzin is arrogant, quick-witted, and charming, but above all else, cruel. He is slick, talented, and affluent, having taken the IOUN Stones of each of his victims as trophies. The faculty fear him or regard him as an enigma, and many of hinted that his departure would be preferred -- but he insists upon an audience with the Headmaster.
(more to follow)