Kulbrast Gash-Skull
Kulbrast's blue feet mark him a member of the Tovtaros, but he can't really remember his father's clan, his mother's clan or where he grew up, if he did. He reckons he must be involved in several blood feuds because he keeps getting told so by local clansmen. He kills those fuckers quick, but they just keep on coming.
Kulbrast has made lots of baby boys. It's Ragnarok, the bull's prick, that makes them strong. Rangard, Boltar and Aski say they are his. Kulbrast reckons he remembers Boltar's mother. Or was it Aski's?
Kulbrast really really hates scorpionfuckers. He got stabbed by one of them in his initiation rites, in the head, leaving a big gash and making his eye swell up nasty. The healer stuck a spirit in there, in his head, to hold it together. It talks to him sometimes, but Kulbrast tells it to shut up. The eye got better on its own. Sorta.
Kulbrast uses an axe and a mace. Shields are for cowards and he makes sure his lads know that. He tells the boys in the gang too, but they don't really listen. He got the mace off a scorpionfucker he killed. Who knows who the scorpionfucker stole it from. It's got flanges on it that are great for crunching through armour and it's got writing on the handle. The axe is just an axe. Or did he have to kill some Pol Joni fucker to get it? Can't remember.
Kulbrast learnt how to use a crossbow when he was young. He likes waxing it, it calms him down. He likes killing things with it too. Fuckers.
Kulbrast kept having dreams about giants. Some fucker in his head kept telling him he had to to go rip a giant's head off or something. So he went up to that table place and got this shaman to teach him how to jump real high. The shaman taught him that 'cause otherwise Kulbrast would have killed the fucker.
Kulbrast killed a dwarf once. Fucker.
Character Details
- Race: Human
- Runes: Air, Eternal Battle, Disorder
- Cults: UROX!
- Rune Level:
- Initiate: UROX!
- Lay Member: UROX!
- Social Condition: UROX!
- Sex: Male
- Previous Experience: UROX!
Str: 14, Con: 15, Siz: 13, Int: 13, Pow: 18, Dex: 10:, Cha: 12.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d4
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +2 HPs
- Experience bonus: +5%
- Encumbrance limit: -- Enc.
- DEF +10'%'
Skill Groups
- Knowledge: +10%
- Evaluate (5%):
- Read/Write Language (10%):-
- First Aid (5)
- Verge Lore int x2
- Hollow Lore int x 3
- Manipulation: +10%
- Climb (15) 50%
- Conceal item (10)
- Dodge (dex x 2%): 20%
- Jump (15%): 50%
- Throw (15%): %
- Ride (5) 90%
- Swim (15)-%
- Set Disarm trap (5) 40%
- Perception: +10%
- Listen (25): 50%
- Sense Chaos (5): 65%
- Spot Hidden items(5): 75%
- Spot Trap (5): 65%
- Track (10) 65%
- Stealth: -5%
- Camouflage (10%): 40%
- Hide (15%): 40%
- Move quietly (15%): 25%
- Pick Pocket (5)-%
- Communication: +--%
- Bargain (10%): %
- Orate (10%): 30%
- Sing (5%): %
- Speak Lang. (Int x 5)-%
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | None | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19-20 |
Left Arm | None | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16-18 |
Right Arm | None | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13-15 |
Chest | none | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 |
Abdomen | none | 0 | 0 | 0 | 09-11 |
Left Leg | None | 0 | 0 | 0 | 05-08 |
Right Leg | None | 0 | 0 | 0 | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: 17 HP
Weapons and Shields
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +10%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +5%
- Unarmed dex+str x 2= 48%
- Strike Ranks: Siz:(2)+Dex:(3)=5
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
Arbalest | 3d6+1 | 1/5 | 10 | 70% | 150 | 3 | |
RH Battle Axe | 1d8+2+1d4 | 8 | 15 | 90% | 25% | - | 2 |
LH Heavy Mace | 1d8+2+1d4 | 8 | 20 | 50% | 30% | - | 2 |
Javelin | 1d10+? | 3 | 10 | 30% | % | 20 | 0 |
Lance | 1d10+1 | 4 | 20 | 40% | 15% | - | 3 |
S shield | - | - | - | % | 25% | - | 0 |
Fist | 1d3 | 9 | arm | % | % | 0 | 0 |
Kick | 1d6 | 9 | leg | % | -- | 0 | 0 |
Head Butt | 1d4 | 9 | head | % | -- | 0 | 0 |
Grapple | Special | 9 | special | % | % | 0 | 0 |
- Power:-
- Current Characteristic POW: 18
- Current Available POW: -
- Current Stored POW: 11 Pow Crystal
- Spirit One Healing spirit
- INT:4
- POW:4
- Where Bound: Head
- Spirit Two
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Spirit Three
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Battle Magic:
- Befuddle (1) / Bladesharp 1 / Bludgeon 1 / Countermagic 2 / Demoralize (1) / Detect enemies (1) / Dispel Magic 1 / Fanaticism 1 / Farsee (1) / Healing 4 / Light (1) / Protection 2 / Speedart (1) / Strength (1)
- Rune Magic:
- List your Rune Magic Spells here.
- Immunity to Scorpion venom
- Healing spirit trapped in head
- Darkness jumping bean spirit.
- Dwarven arbalest, multimissile matrix
- Weapons:
- Other:
- Money:
- Take your R/W skill (Including natural bonus) and redistribute elsewhere. "You read? say what?"
- Choose your weapons:
- Your signature weapon , including bonuses,will be 90% (Not to be increased further) - RH axe
- your other two will be at 20% plus bonuses. Javelin & LH mace
- Money is 700 lunars.
- Armour: leather and cuirboilli cuirass, greaves, vambraces, leather skirt and open helm.
Once that is done.
- Choose your weapons combos.
- Main weapon will be 60% plus bonus (make sure it is different from your 90% weapon above). XBOW
- For the two other weapons, if the same as above +20%, otherwise 30% plus bonus. LH Mace & Sm shield
- Credit:
Strx200L = 2800L for weapons. Dex x100l = 1000L from the thieves guild (remember lock picking and pickpocketing are doubled in price because of cult restrictions) etc. Remember that some spells are reduced in cost via your cult.
- You each speak our own language, Beast speech and trade talk but only fail on a fumble. So no need for skill points.
- You each have the Peaceful cut, but only fail on a fumble. So no need for skill points.
- Crystal, p. 95: 36 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3711582/). POW Stor 2d6+3: 11 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3711583/)
- Matrix: 1d2+2 = 4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3711585/]1d2+2=4) Multimissile 4
- Potions: Cure Disease (Wasting), Cure Disease (Soul Waste)