The Red Walker
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The Red Walker Class: Elf Level: 1 (Veteran/Medium) Experience Points: 0 (+10%) Total Hit Points: 4 Armor Class: 2 Movement: 30'/Round
Attributes: Strength 13 +1 Hit/Dam, Open Doors, Hurled Intelligence 17 R/W Elvish, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll, Eastern (Human), Lizard Man Wisdom 09 Dexterity 13 +1 missiles, -1AC, +1 Init. Constitution 08 -1hp Charisma 11 +1 bonus
Coins: 110 gp -wt 110
Weapons: Sword wt 60 Dagger wt 10.
Armor: Platemail wt 500
Backpack: wt 80 Tinderbox 6 torches 2 waterskins 50'Rope Standard rations
Spellbook: Hold Portal Magic Missile Shield Sleep
Total Encumbrance: 650
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands