Tio Essel
A PC for Mass_Effect:_The_Orpheus_Initiative
Tio Essel
Concept: Hardened Salarian Commando
Virtue: Fortitude (Tio has learned to endure some of the worst things this galaxy has seen)
Vice: Wrath (Brought about indecisive action or seeing comrades killed)
Archetype: Soldier
Tio was raised by scientists. Both his parents worked has independent contractors. Much of their work had them dealing with Turians. During this time Tio was inspired by the military might of the Turian soldier and sought out to join the military much to the dissaproval of his parents.
Tio joined the Salarian military and through service distinguished himself as aggressive and courageous in the line of duty. Often risking his own life to save a fellow squad mate. He was soon offered a position in a covert commando squad. He cut his chops alongside his more experienced team. Eventually this led to the planet Virmire and his team helped create a distraction for the now famous human Shepard. Practically his whole team was wiped out. Tio sees this as much a fault of Shepard for not lending assistance when it was called for as it was the enemy forces they faced. The Salarian holds a grudge against Shepard, but especially against the human heirarchy for doing seemingly nothing to punish Shepard for his inaction on Virmire.
Tio has been left quite cold since then. He shows unfailing loyalty and support for his squadmates and has a firm belief and getting the job done. But since then he has been known to be foolhardy and reckless in missions. He offers a heavy punch to rival even highly trained Turian special forces despite his normally frail race.