Dungeon World: Planarch Effect

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Planarch Effect is a PbP game run on the RPG.net forums, set in a universe inspired by Spelljammer and the Mass Effect games.

We follow the adventures of the first human Spectre, Morgan the Cruel, and her motley band of associates as they work together to save the universe from horrors beyond the dragon-gates...


In the year 742AE, sorcerers of the Seven Kingdoms discovered the relics of an ancient civilization, hidden beneath the jungles of Bah Rai Soom. These relics would unlock magical secrets that would change humanity forever. The basis of these secrets were a set of spells that controlled the very fabric of the astral dimensions.

They called it the greatest discovery in human history.

The races of the planes call it... the Planarch Effect.

The Ugly Yet Important Table![edit]

Name HP AC Dmg XP Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Notes
Carmine the Cleric 21/21 2 d6 o 12 9 15 13 16 8
Daelwyn the Bard
Devour-your-Face the Thief 18/18 +1 D8 3 15(+1) 16(+2) 12(0) 9(0) 13(+1) 8(-1) Spider Thing From Your Mammal Nightmares
Geth'ra the Fighter 26/26 3 D10+3, 2 piercing 3 15 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (0) 9 (0)
Lex the Paladin
Morgan the Clever 13/13 1 d4 4 12 (0) 13(+1) 9 (0) 16(+2) 8 (-1) 15(+1) Better than you
Wormrot the Druid 19/19 +1 D6 3 12(0) 15(+1) 13(+1) 9(0) 16(+2) 8(-1) Smelly

Player Characters[edit]

Morgan the Cruel, Human Wizard and Spectre Candidate[edit]

played by Civil Savage

Lex Titanius, Urukai Paladin and Spectre[edit]

played by James_Sure_Would

Carmine Carrara, Human Cleric of Savras, God of Magic[edit]

played by andreww

Race: Human (Contact Spirits) Class: Cleric

Appearance: Sharp eyes (pale blue), bald head (heavily tattooed), flowing robes, thin body

Str 12 (-), Dex 9 (-), Con 15 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 16 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)

HP: 21

Alignment: Lawful (endanger yourself following the precepts of your church or god)


Deity: Savras, Human God of Knowledge and Hidden Things. Savras was slain during the Modron March and now his clergy seek out knowledge and secrets throughout the cosmos to bring him back.

Petition: Offering - the Church offers the knowledge it finds in the hope that Savras will find a way to return.

Divine Guidance: Petition in accordance with precepts offers knowledge or boon related to deity's domain

Turn Undead (Wis)

Commune (prepare rotes/spells)

Cast Spell (Wis)

Prepared Spells:

Rotes: Light, Sanctify, Guidance

Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Magic Weapon


Divine Symbol (silver amulet etched with the all seeing eye) Chainmail (1 armour, 1 weight) Shield (+1 armour, 2 weight) Warhammer (close, 1 weight) Adventuring Gear (1 weight) 10 rations (2 weight)

Devour-your-Face, Neogi Thief and Mercenary[edit]

played by Megazver

Daelwyn of Setsir, Eldarin Bard and Spellsinger[edit]

played by Mercurial

Wormrot, Goblin Druid and Escape Slave[edit]

played by Tylorva

Geth'ra, Bariaur Fighter and Former Thrall[edit]

played by Antinomian Tendencies


This Guy's connection to... Morgan the Cruel Lex Titanius Carmine Carrara Devour-your-Face Daelwyn of Setsir Wormrot Geth'ra
Morgan the Cruel Total but completely earned admiration Learn from, don't allow power over me Knows my secret, can I trust her? Specimen: experiment Annoying: ignore Amuses me Find what he's hiding
Lex Titanius
Carmine Carrara Morgan must be watched closely for the hope of humanity's future rests on her feeble shoulders Devour your Face possesses much forbidden knowledge, cultivate him... Geth'ra is an honourable warrior but I worry about the lingering effects of his enslavement
Devour-your-Face There's amoral and there's trying too hard. Morgan needs to loosen up to become a better Spectre. Daelwyn is a 'musician'. Devour needs to introduce it to the music hat. It is very considerate of Wormrot to serve as host to so many other creatures. And it's Devour's egg-laying season, too! Geth'ra is a former slave, apparently. Devour and it will surely get along famously, given their common background.
Daelwyn of Setsir
Wormrot Lex is Urukai, and I'm afraid of them. I won't let him frighten me. Devour reminds me of the insects in the swamp, just much bigger. And talkier. Daelwyn seems to lack purpose. Perhaps I can help him find one. Geth'ra has been a slave too. I'll look after him.
Geth'ra Captain Morgan might be tempted to ensorcell others as I was enslaved by Harapal. I cannot let her become another Harapal. Carmine risks injury in pursuit of knowledge, and I fear that while the spirit is strong, the flesh is weak. Devour is strange, even for one of his / her / its species. Perhaps more time with him / her / it will allow me to understand him / her / it. Wormrot has endured slavery too, and as such is a fellow traveler. I will protect her.

Setting Background[edit]


  • The Age of the Eldarin - Eldarin discover astral travel, using dangerous but powerful sorceries. They encounter the Urukai and the Myrmidons, who steal their secrets and learn to travel the planes themselves.
  • The Sorcerous Wars - Eldarin, Urukai, and Myrmidons battle for supremacy over the cosmos.
  • The Draconic Crusade - The Council races unite against an implacable foe - the Dragons and their slave races. Eventually, the Dragons are all slain and the Spire is taken from them. The secrets of the Dragon-Gate network are unlocked.
  • The Unfurling Horizon - The Council races use the Dragon-Gate network to expand into the galaxy.
  • The Myrmidon Revolution - The High Queens' lock on Myrmidon society is broken, and the Free Republics are established. The Revolution is lead by a former Council Spectre.
  • The Modron March - The Modrons burst onto the scene from an uncontrolled Dragon-Gate, destroying tens of worlds, including Goldheim, home of the Dwergar, who become a client race to the Urukai. They are pushed back behind the Mechanus Veil by the combined efforts of the Council races.
  • The Human-Myrmidon War - The Seven Kingdoms discover astral-jamming sorcery, and use it to expand into the Astral Sea. Their use of such dangerous sorcery attracts demonic attention to several Myrmidon realms, and sparks a brief war between the Seven Kingdoms and the Myrmidon Free Republics, which is settled by the Peace of Tarsus.
  • The Present Era - Human expansion continues at a massive pace into the unclaimed realms of the Astartes Gulf, and they vie for a seat on the High Council.