Manga Imprint/Mind Queen

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A character in Manga Imprint played by sun_tzu

Mind Queen[edit]

Real name: Hotaru Kana
Age: 15
Mentor: Wonder Woman, the amazon diplomat. Mind Queen is hoping the Themyscrean princess can show her how to change the world responsibly.
Mentor's Enemy: Ares
Motivations: To change the world for the better. Like many people her age, Hotaru has reached the point where she's becoming aware of the injustices in the world, and she hopes to change that.


Hotaru's father was a salaryman, and her mother one of his work colleagues. She herself, until recently, was a reasonably bright but unexceptional high school student from Tokyo.
Over the past year or so, Hotaru has become somewhat invested in social causes (ranging from Amnesty International to the fight against political corruption to poverty in developing countries). While her room still has posters of teen idols and her favorite animes, they've started giving ways to posters of Gandhi and Wonder Woman. Like many teens, she's been planning on saving the world; so far, she's started circulating petitions in school (which has proven harder than she'd expected - self-confidence does not come naturally).
Everything changed recently when Brainiac's exobyte technology infused her with magical energies, leading to her kidnapping by the cybernetic villain (among several others). When the Justice League came to rescue them, some of the abductees helped the heroes fight; Hotaru, for herself, was not certain if she even had powers, much less how to use them. She spent the fight mostly trying to stay safely in range of Wonder Woman and Superman.
After returning to Tokyo, though, she was able to calm down, and engage in some soul-searching. Eventually, she was able to locate the mystical powers infused within her, and tap into them - and found herself transformed into what looked like a magnificent woman in her mid-twenties. As she quickly discovered, this form provided her with immense powers, as well as a charismatic aura that made disagreeing with her rather challenging.
Hotaru's been struggling with the implication of these powers. Between her psychic abilities and supernatural charisma, she could turn bloodthirsty dictators into peace-loving champions of democracy. She could convince billionaires to donate their fortunes to charity. She could make corrupt politicians repent. Heck, she could ask out cute boys without worrying about rejection.
...but that way would lead to supervillainy real quick, wouldn't it? As such, "Mind Queen" quickly concluded that she would need the voice of experience to guide her. If she's gonna save the world, she's gonna do it right.


The exobytes that found Hotaru were charged with magical, mental powers. She can not only sense magic, but also assume a "heroic" form, Captain Marvel-style: By focusing for a moment, she turns into the Mind Queen, who can use her mind for a variety of telepathic and telekinetic abilities (including flight and force-fields). Additionally, this more regal form is gifted with supernatural charisma...which opens a few moral quandaries.


Hotaru is a bit of a budding activist, starting to see injustice and important causes everywhere. She's still in need of finding balance in that respect...and her attempts at getting others interested have shown her that she still needs to build up some confidence when it comes to interpersonal interaction.


In her civilian form, Hotaru is an inconspicuous, short girl. When she focuses for a few seconds, however, she turns into the tall, regal Mind Queen. Her body matures, her hair grows from shoulder-length to reach the middle of her back, her traits become more refined, and her clothes are replaced by a regal white yukata.



Strength: -1
Stamina: 0
Agility: 0
Dexterity: 0
Fighting: 0
Intellect: +3
Awareness: +3
Presence: 0/+15


Dodge: 3 (3pp)
Fortitude: 0
Parry: 0
Toughness: 15
Will: 9/14 (6pp)


Deception: 2
Expertise (Current Events): 2
Expertise (History): 2
Expertise (Popular Culture): 2
Expertise (Politics): 2
Expertise (Science): 2
Insight: 4
Perception: 4
Persuasion: 4
Technology: 1
Treatment: 1
Vehicles: 2


Equipment 1, Improved Initiative 3, Languages 1 (English, in addition to native Japanese)


Senses 1 (Magical Awareness)
Alternate Form: As a move action, can take the form of the Mind Queen, gaining the following advantages:

  • Attractive 2
  • Enhanced Presence 15
  • Enhanced Will Save 5
  • Flight 6
  • Illusion 10 (all senses; Selective, Resistible); Alternate Effects: Communication 5 (telepathy), Mental Blast 10, Mind Control 10, Mind Reading 10, Move Object 9 (Perception, Subtle, Precise, Damaging)
  • Protection 15 (magical force-field)


-Secret Identity. Hotaru is still a high-school student living with her parents, and in the process of working out how to reconcile that with superheroing.
-Relationship: Her parents. She still needs to decide whether to tell them about her secret identity.


smartphone (camera + cell phone + GPS + computer + video camera)

Power points[edit]

Abilities 10, Defense 7, Skills 14, Advantages 4, Powers 117


Hero Points: 0
XP: 5 spent, 0 in reserve