18thCenturyMage/Arms and Equipment

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Reloading: All firearms of this period were muzzle-loaders which took a considerable amount of time to reload. It takes six turns to reload a sidearm, nine turns to reload a smoothbore longarm and twelve turns to reload a rifled longarm.

Ammunition: Black powder weapons use extremely large calibre round lead bullets. As a general rule, musket balls are the largest and won't fit in a pistol or rifled weapon. Rifled weapons use the same ammunition as travelling pistols.

Weapon traits: The weapons listed below come with a number of traits that are additional to those in the core nWoD system.

Armour Piercing: Weapons with the AP trait are designed to punch through or ignore armour with greater efficiency than normal. Any hit with an AP weapon reduces the damage reduction from the target's armour by an amount equal to the AP trait. AP from different sources stack together.


Hafted: Weapons with a long haft make it easier to parry incoming melee attacks, granting +1 Defense against Brawl or Weaponry attacks when the weapon is wielded in two hands.

Smoothbore: Weapons with the Smoothbore trait do not fire true, all range penalties are increased; to -4 at medium range and -6 at long range.


Type                Damage    Range    Str  Size   Special
Pocket pistol        1L     10/20/40    1    1P    Smoothbore
Travelling pistol    2L     15/30/60    2    1S    9-Again, Smoothbore
Dragoon pistol       2L     15/30/60    2    2J    8-Again, Smoothbore

Adding "scratch rifling" to a pistol makes it more accurate, though is considered ungentlemanly if brought to a duel. Scratch rifling removes the Smoothbore trait, and increases the range by 50%. However, it also increases loading time by two turns.


Type                Damage    Range     Str  Size   Special
Carbine              2L      20/40/80    2    3     8-Again, Smoothbore
Rifled carbine       2L      75/150/300  2    3     9-Again
Musket               3L      30/60/120   3    3     8-Again, Smoothbore
Long rifle           2L     125/250/500  3    3     9-Again
Fowling piece        1L      30/60/120   3    3     Smoothbore
Blunderbuss          4L      10/20/40    3    3     8-Again, Smoothbore

All Longarms require two hands to use accurately. Firing a longarm one-handed incurs a -1 dice penalty.

Propelled Weapons

Type       Damage  Range     Str  Size   Special
Atlatl      4L     Thrownx5   2    3
Blowgun     0L     Special    1    2N    Range is 2x(Size+Stamina+Athletics)
Bolas       0B     Thrown     2    2J    Entangling
Bow†        Str    Special   =Dmg  =Dmg  Range equal to 3x(Strength+Size+Athletics), Strength penalties are doubled
Sling†      2L     Thrownx3   2    1P    Range increases to Thrownx5 if using bullets rather than stones

†Requires two hands.

Thrown Weapons

Type         Damage  Range   Str  Size   Special
Dart          -1L    Aero     1    1P    Does not 10-Again
Hachet        1L     Thrown   2    1S    Can opt to do Bashing instead
Javelin       3L     Aero     2    2N
Knife         1L     Aero     2    1P    Combat knives use Thrown range
Tomahawk      2L     Thrown   2    2J    Can opt to do Bashing instead

Melee Weapons

Type                 Damage  Size   Special
Broadsword            3L      2L 
Baton                 1B      2J
Club                  2B      2J
Cutlass               2L      2J
Fixed bayonet†        3L      1S    1L if used unfixed
Gunstock club         3B/3L   3N    AP1 (Lethal only)
Hachet                1L      1S
Halberd†              4L      4N    Hafted, Minimum Str 3
Knife                 1L      1S
Lance                 5L      4N    9-Again. Assumes used from horseback, functions as a spear if dismounted.
Pickaxe†              4L      4N    AP1, -3 if used to attack in next turn
Quarterstaff†         3B      4B    Hafted
Sabre                 3L      2L    +1 damage if used from height advantage
Smallsword            2L      2L    AP1
Sledgehammer†         5B      4N    
Spear†                3L      4N    Hafted
Sword-cane            2L      2L    Bashing damage while sheathed
Tomahawk              2L      2J    Optional 3B if fitted with a hammer poll; AP1 if fitted with spear-bit
Warclub               3B      2L    
Woodcutter's axe†     3L      3N    9-Again

†Requires two hands; if used one-handed, the Strength requirement increases by one.

Armour and Shields

Armour and shields have fallen out of favour in this period; neither is particularly effective against bullets or cannonballs. However, they do remain in use in certain locales and by certain peoples.


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