The Rook - Cry Havoc/Gabriel Hale

Gabriel Hale
Plays in The Rook - Cry Havoc
At a Glance:
High Concept: The Queen's Pawn
Trouble: On the Center File
Refresh: 1
Great - Investigation
Good - Notice, Will
Fair - Burglary, Deceit, Empathy
Average - Athletics, Contacts, Lore, Stealth
The Power of Deduction (Free)
Hypnotic Suggestion - 2 Refresh
May use Will skill to Create an Advantage on a conscious target, with a mind, in the same zone. The advantage is created as is any other advantage, save that it is tied to the target.
Hypnotic Delusion - 2 Refresh
May use Will skill to make an Attack action as an overt psionic-delusion attack, dealing mental stress and consequences until the victim’s mind is entirely enthralled under the delusion.
[REDACTED]: born to a Professor at London School of Economics and a Nurse in the early to mid 1980's. Has two biological sisters. One older, the other younger. Was not removed from familial care until age eleven, older than is preferred, but the latent emergence of talent made earlier retrieval impossible. Stable, mediocre and standard childhood. Despite suspected challenges at integration and re-training, subject proved very cooperative to new roles and duties. Excellent at deductive reasoning, logic, puzzles, investigations and infiltration. Particularly careful and protocol oriented. Reports are always impeccably well-written. Reliable, if soft-spoken and perhaps too gentle. Recent surveillance indicates agent has taken to intermittently monitoring familial connections despite advisement against such actions. Despite passing evaluations for return to work, suggests emotional turmoil after the events at Imperial College. Careful handling advised. Talent is anti-personnel oriented. Best actions for control include psionic resistors and/or dampeners, multiple agents, and stealth and long range tactics.
First Adventure
Due to misinformation, was sent with only one other asset, [REDACTED] (Aiden Livingston) to deal with a situation that had developed at the Imperial College, working undercover as students for a time length of [REDACTED] months. * Threat level of situation and its projected course of action proved far more extensive as [REDACTED] was the source behind the situation. Event was a play by [REDACTED] in order to [REDACTED]. According to protocols, organization took the measures of [REDACTED]. Agents were advised to abort mission, and terminate specific assets that had become liabilities. Agent Livingston became compromised in the line of duty. Queen's orders were to terminate liabilities at all costs. Agent Hale was able to subdue and neutralize the threats, allegedly with the assistance of Livingston. Livingston lost in procedure. Loss deemed acceptable. Livingston's body not recovered. Presumed dead [REDACTED]. Agent Hale performed well with the exception of * Has recently been cleared for active duty again after psych evaluations. Exercise caution as subject may be emotionally volatile.
*Note: Surveillance reveals that the two agents grew... 'close'. Be advised this is highly against protocol during mission.
Aspect: Dodging the Knight (The incident at the Imperial College was actually at disastrous fumble in an inter-organizational power-play Gabriel doesn't know any of the specifics, but he did step on the toes of some of the very powerful....)
Crossing Paths
Crossing Paths, Revisited